Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1729 Ferocious Offensive

And at this time, the voice of the guardian of the magic tower sounded again: "Okay, lucky humans, the magic tower has been occupied by you, unless someone else clears the magic tower again, otherwise the magic tower will always be under your control, you You and your people can also enjoy the healing power of the magic tower at all times, I hope you can protect the magic tower."

Hearing that the guardian of the magic tower was still there, Lu Jun couldn't help but said: "How many abilities does the magic tower have in total? At what level can I fully activate these abilities? Where are the other magic towers? The challenges of each magic tower Are all the levels the same? Is there a guardian of the magic tower?"

Hearing a series of questions from Lu Jun, the guardian of the magic tower paused before answering: "This is the primary healing magic tower. The most basic ability is healing, and the extra ability is me."

"If you can reach the super level, I can appear within the control range of the magic tower to help you fight, but now you only have level A and cannot meet the conditions, so I can only be locked in the twentieth floor of the magic tower to guard Magic Tower……"

"As for other magic towers, I don't know. I haven't left this magic tower yet, but the challenge levels of other magic towers will definitely be different. The higher the level of the magic tower, the more difficult the challenge, and the magic tower guardian will also stronger."

Hearing that the guardian of the magic tower can still come out to help him fight, Lu Jun couldn't help but swallow his saliva, because this is a super-order creature, an existence that he can't touch yet.

It's a pity that he can't let the guardian of the magic tower come out until he is super-level, which makes him a little unacceptable. After all, his overall strength is only A-level now, and there is still a long way to go before super-level.

"Um... What's the matter with the levels in there? Why are they so similar to the real scene? Can these levels be challenged again?" Lu Jun was a little unwilling to give up. He really wanted to get more benefits from the magic tower.

"Those levels are the virtual battlefields set by the magic tower, which fit the real scene very well. They can be challenged again, and they will be refreshed every time they enter." The guardian of the magic tower responded honestly to the road army.

Although it would suffer a great deal of damage, as long as Lu Jun and Ruan Bing could be prevented from occupying the Healing Demon Tower, it would be worth it.

The dinosaur transformed by Lu Jun also sensed the strangeness of the tower guardian. His dragon eyes instantly turned blood red, and he found the core of the explosion on the chest of the tower guardian that was counting down.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu army aimed at the chest of the guardian of the magic tower and smashed all the outer stone armor of the guardian of the magic tower.

Then Lu Jun used the dragon claws to pull out the explosive core of the guardian of the magic tower alive, and threw it in the air.

Finally, he pointed the dragon tail at the core of the explosion and swept it hard, hitting the core of the explosion hundreds of meters into the air.

This set of actions Lu Jun completed in one go,

It was done almost in an instant. From this, it can be seen that Lu Jun has a very high degree of control over the real body of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

When the explosion core flew to the highest point, the countdown had just ended, and only a "Boom!!!" was heard, and the core of the guardian of the magic tower exploded in the air.

This explosion covered an area close to 50 meters in the air, creating an extremely violent shock wave, like a gorgeous "firework", even Ruan Bing, who was hundreds of meters away, could feel it.

In general, fortunately, Lu Jun's reaction was fast enough to find the core of the explosion in time. Otherwise, if the core exploded at close range, he would be injured even if his body was strong enough.

After the core of the explosion was also destroyed by the Lu army, the guardian of the magic tower had no means of resistance, and could only lie on the ground and be beaten mercilessly by the Lu army.

A few seconds later, guessing that the duration of the tyrannosaur's real body was about to expire, Lu Jun immediately inserted the dragon claws deeply into the body of the guardian of the magic tower, using the dragon skill of primitive power.

When the raw power erupted from the dragon's claws, the only remaining body of the tower guardian exploded quickly, and stone fragments were scattered everywhere.

With the death of the guardian of the magic tower, the duration of the road army's tyrannosaurus avatar ended, and the endless desert became quiet.

Since it was in the magic tower, Lu Jun didn't faint because of the end of the real body of the Tyrannosaurus rex, and he quickly returned to Ruan Bing's side.

"Is it dead?" Ruan Bing looked at the debris in the distance and whispered, all of which made her feel a little unbelievable.

"I don't know either... But this thing is broken into pieces like this, there's nothing I can do if I don't die..." Lu Jun pointed to the broken stones on the ground and said helplessly.

However, the moment Lu Jun finished speaking, the scenery in front of them suddenly changed, and they returned to the magic tower on the 20th floor in a blink of an eye.

It's just that the 20-story magic tower is very different from the magic tower below. It's actually bright here, and you can see every corner of it clearly.

However, even if it can be seen clearly, the inside of the magic tower is empty, except for a stone pillar more than one meter high in the middle. I don't know what it is for.

Just when the road army was puzzled, the voice of the guardian of the magic tower suddenly came from above the magic tower: "Congratulations, challenger, all the 20th floors of the primary healing magic tower have been opened, and you have the qualifications to occupy the magic tower, please Go to the center of the magic tower to confirm your identity."

Hearing the voice of the guardian of the magic tower, both Lu Jun and Ruan Bing were taken aback. They didn't relax until they heard the guardian of the magic tower say that they had the qualifications to occupy the tower.

"Let's go." Lu Jun pointed to the stone pillar in the middle of the magic tower and said to Ruan Bing.

After speaking, Lu Jun walked slowly towards the stone pillar, while Ruan Bing followed Lu Jun excitedly.

When Lu Jun and Ruan Bing came to the side of the stone pillar, the old stone pillar suddenly became brand new and shone brightly.

Feeling that the top of the stone pillar fit well with the shape of his hand, Lu Jun couldn't help but put his right hand on it.

The moment Lu Jun put his hand up, he only felt a pain in his finger, as if being pricked by a needle, and then the voice of the guardian of the magic tower sounded above the stone pillar.

"During the identity scan, the target race: human, the target strength: A-level, the strength is not up to the standard, temporarily unable to obtain the authority of the magic tower, but based on the target, the twentieth floor of the magic tower has been cleared, and some permissions have been opened for the target. The target human and any Creatures bonded to him will receive the healing effect of the magic tower."

Hearing that his strength was not up to the standard, Lu Jun couldn't help but smiled wryly. Indeed, he usually relied on dinosaurs to fight, and when he encountered a stronger enemy, he would activate the real body of the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Without these two things, he can only deal with A-level enemies at most, and his strength is indeed relatively weak.

From this point of view, Ruan Bing should be allowed to touch the stone pillar just now. Ruan Bing is a fourth-level supernatural being, and his strength must exceed A-level. Maybe he can open all the authority of the magic tower.

Just as Lu Jun was thinking about this, Shizhu suddenly returned to his original appearance, which seemed to be the completion of the identity check.

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