So our next goal is to occupy a large number of magic towers, and to find the energy that can make the magic towers run. In any case, we must find and occupy nine magic towers within three months! "

Hearing that Lu Jun's "appetite" is so big that it will take nine magic towers in three months, everyone around them gasped.

Because they all know that the effect of the magic tower is very "abnormal", and it will naturally attract other creatures to compete, which means that they have to work hard for the past three months...

But Lu Jun didn't care what the people below were thinking, he directly said: "Order! From now on, your troops will be divided into four groups, with the magic tower as the center, expand to a range of 30 kilometers around, and search for other monsters. Information about the tower..."

"Your specific route is that the rebels go to the east, the orc warriors go to the west, Mu Mu takes the dinosaurs to the south, and Xiaowan takes the earth-digging sandworms to the north..."

"If you encounter enemies on the way, hit them if you can beat them. Don't be afraid of getting hurt. I will open the magic tower to treat you 24 hours a day."

"If you can't fight, you should hide first, lock the enemy's position, send someone back to inform me, and I will lead the team to support you..."

After finishing speaking, Lu Jun turned his head to look at Ruan Bing and said: "There are no masters in the orc warriors, and they may not be able to deal with stronger enemies, so I trouble you to lead the team, and I will be better if you go with me." rest assured."

Seeing what Lu Jun said, Ruan Bing nodded immediately, and said softly: "You don't have to be so polite to me, just give the order, I will take care of them for you..."

Hearing the conversation between Lu Jun and Ruan Bing, Lin Xiaobai couldn't help but interjected: "Brother, won't you go with us? Or do you have other business?"

Hearing Lin Xiaobai's question, Lu Jun simply looked at the people below and explained: "Because I just occupied this magic tower, there are still many uncertain factors, so I have to stay and defend for the time being..."

"And I notified the slave workers to come and build the building of Westwind Fortress. Those things have to be done by me, so I won't go with you, waiting for your good news."

Seeing what Lu Jun said, everyone nodded and began to disperse, making the last supply and preparing for departure.

Lu Jun also took advantage of the time to deploy dozens of Beitian pterosaurs to the four teams in the southeast, northwest...

Although these small pterosaurs have little combat effectiveness, they can provide vision, be responsible for investigation, and give back information. They are indispensable in large-scale battles, especially in the last days where communications are extremely scarce.

As time passed, the crowd soon got ready,

They set off in a mighty way, and each team carried nearly three days' worth of supplies...

Although it would not take that much time to explore 30 kilometers, long-term experience told them that in the last days, anything can happen, and adequate preparations are necessary...

So Lu Jun entered the magic tower again, consulted the guardian of the magic tower where to put the magic tower stone, and put the magic tower stone he just obtained in his hand...

The moment Lu Jun put in the magic tower stone, the magic tower immediately emitted a dazzling light, as if it had been activated.

Then Lu Jun received a system prompt: "The primary healing magic tower has been activated. The occupant can open or close the magic tower at any time. Opening the magic tower requires energy."

Hearing that the power to open and close the magic tower is in his hands, Lu Jun is even more satisfied with this.

As for the guardian of the magic tower, it may be something like the guardian of the magic tower, but the strength of the guardian of the magic tower is much weaker than that of the guardian of the magic tower.

The Lu army simply released all four magic tower guards, allowing them to move freely.

The melee magic tower guards hold long swords and shields, and the long-range magic tower guards hold crossbow arrows. They are very similar to ancient warriors, except that their bodies are made of sand...

Thinking of the need for a large number of troops to protect the surroundings of the magic tower, the army spent 100,000 dragon coins to start producing the second dragon nest, and planned to build the second dragon nest around the magic tower.

At the same time, the Army also ordered a wolf cavalry soldier to go back and inform the supervisor, who asked the supervisor to send some slave labor to build buildings here.

It is not far from Westwind Fortress, and it is also a strategic location around the magic tower. It would be good to expand the buildings of Westwind Fortress here.

While the Lu army was busy with these things, the rebel army and others were almost finishing clearing the battlefield.

As for why it was cleaned up so quickly, it was because the army's dinosaurs devoured most of the crawling monster's corpses.

Because they were hatched by the dragon's nest, they needed to eat and replenish energy, and the corpses of other creatures were their best choice.

Looking at the dinosaurs that were still devouring, Lu Jun shook his head helplessly. He couldn't understand why the dinosaurs had such a big appetite...

"Boss Lu, some corpses are scattered widely, do we need to dig out the spars inside the corpses one by one?" Anan raised his hand aside and asked.

Hearing Anan's words, Lu Jun immediately shook his head and said, "No, let the slave labor do the work. You have a new task, and tell me about your casualties by the way."

Hearing Lu Jun's question, Anan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and immediately said: "Our rebel army seriously injured two people, lightly injured fourteen people, wolf cavalry lightly injured fifty-seven people, and seriously injured eleven people. Sixty-eight hunters were slightly injured, sixteen were seriously injured, one hundred and two frost wolves were seriously injured, and countless were slightly injured. The casualties of the dinosaurs cannot be counted, but no corpses have been found for the time being, so there should be no serious problems."

Hearing Anan's report, Lu Jun nodded silently, only injured but not dead, then he can still accept it.

But it was quite troublesome for so many people to be injured, so with a thought, Lu Jun directly opened the healing magic tower behind him.

When the Healing Demon Tower received the Lu Jun's order, it immediately began to operate, sending out streams of dark green gas.

Moreover, the gas seemed to have eyes, wrapping around the injured person one after another.

With more and more gas, the injured people around seemed to be immersed in a green ocean, and the wounds were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This situation lasted for about thirty minutes, during which the injured rebels recovered one after another, even the orc warriors and dinosaurs were no exception.

When all the green gas dissipated, there was no one injured around, and everyone was full of energy and in good spirits.

Seeing that the effect of the Healing Demon Tower was so good, Lu Jun felt confident, and immediately gathered everyone around him, and then said: "You have all seen the effect of the Healing Demon Tower, and this is an elementary Healing Demon Tower. tower."

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