Just when Lu Jun nodded and fell into thinking, the third-rank old man who recovered from his injuries suddenly interjected: "We are full of monsters in the Black Cliff Domain, and the survivors have to fight against monsters every day, so the supernatural beings we produced There will be a lot.”

"And we have gathered all the powerful people. It is normal to have so many supernatural beings. This is why we were able to quickly occupy the two cities of Qingfengyu."

Hearing the words of the third-rank old man, Lu Jun showed an expression of sudden realization. Indeed, in the most vicious areas, human potential can be stimulated more, and abilities can be awakened more easily.

It seems that compared to the Black Cliff Region, the humans in their Qingfeng Region are still too "happy"...

"By the way, there is one thing I have to tell you, that is, Zhifei also has a big brother named Zhihuo, a third-level superhuman who is stationed in Wolf Smoke City, and his strength is a level stronger than Zhifei's. capable."

"And the father of these two people is called Zhiba, a fourth-level supernatural being. He is the lord of Black Rock City. He leads the Apocalypse Knights. He has a hidden thorn army under him. It is said that it is composed entirely of third-level supernatural powers."

"If they receive the news that Zhifei is dead, they will take revenge at all costs, because their family is very harmonious."

"As for why Zhifei came here to serve as the vanguard, it was Zhifei's own request. He wanted to train himself to grow quickly."

"Originally Zhihuo wanted to send 20,000 people to protect Zhifei, but Zhifei strongly demanded that 8,000 people be enough, so Zhihuo didn't insist."

"Originally, Zhifei's operation was quite smooth. He led the vanguard army all the way here, and established a stronghold, planning to capture some orcs and return to Wolf Smoke City, but just happened to meet you, so there is no further..." Tier 3 From the perspective of a third party, the old man said some information that Xiao Wan could not obtain with memory fragments.

"Fourth-level abilities?! Apocalypse Knights actually have fourth-level abilities?!" Lu Jun was obviously surprised by Zhiba's strength.

"Yes, I have seen Zhiba's fourth ability, which can summon a fire phoenix. The specific function is unknown, but it is indeed a genuine fourth ability."

"And Zhihuo's strength is very close to the fourth level. It is estimated that the breakthrough will be completed within ten days. This is what I heard from Zhifei himself." The third-level old man replied.

Hearing this, Lu Jun sighed deeply, thinking that Zhiba and Zhihuo must have had an adventure, otherwise even a genius would not be able to grow so fast.

This also means that they have caused big trouble again, which is equivalent to being enemies in all directions, and the road ahead is full of dangers.


This does not mean that Lu Jun is afraid anymore. Although he is not a fourth-order supernatural being now, none of the fourth-order supernatural beings may be able to block the means he possesses.

If the two meet, it is still unknown who will win the deer...

After Lu Jun finished talking with Xiaowan, the massacre on the battlefield was coming to an end.

Without Zhifei's command, the remaining 2,000 soldiers could not gather together to fight, and were killed one by one by the orcs and dinosaurs within a few minutes.

In general, the Lu army and others won a complete victory in this battle, without letting go of a single enemy, and their own casualties were not many.

Except for the third-rank old man who was still alive, all the vanguard members of the Apocalypse Knights, including Zhifei, were dead.

The only regret is that despite the great victory, Lu Jun and others did not gain much.

Because there is no reward for killing the human army, and the equipment of the Apocalypse Knights is made of stone, which is of no help to him.

What can make Lu Jun a little relieved is that this battle allowed him to pick up a lot of supernatural light balls, and also obtained a lot of information about the Apocalypse Knights and the Black Cliff Domain.

This is also the time that the Army has obtained the most information from the outside world since the end of the world...

Just as Lu Jun was thinking about this, the Wolf Cavalry Centurion who had been fighting with Lu Jun for many days suddenly ran up.

"My lord, the battlefield is already under our control, and we found our orc companions imprisoned in the nearby buildings. Thank you very much for everything you have done for our orcs!" Wolf cavalry centurion half-kneeled Said in front of Lu Jun.

Hearing what the wolf cavalry centurion said, Lu Jun scratched his head in embarrassment, because he had just received so much new news that he forgot that they were here to save the orcs...

"Get up, this is my job, just like you don't care if something happens to me, and I don't care if something happens to you." Lu Jun said with a dry laugh.

"Ding, the real-time mission, complete the rescue of the captured orcs, reward strategy points*200, research points*100, super-level supply box*3, animal bone battle ax design drawing*1, animal bone battle spear design drawing*1 , animal bone saddle design *1."

Hearing that the rewards for this real-time mission were surprisingly generous, Lu Jun couldn't help grinning, and at the same time looked at the three designs he had just obtained.

[Beast bone battle ax design drawing: To be able to mass produce animal tooth battle axes in the forge, you need to invest in basic materials animal bones and steel. In addition, the more rare materials you add, the better the attributes of the animal bone battle axes. 】

[Beast Bone Spear Design: To be able to mass-produce animal tooth spears in the forge, you need to invest in basic materials such as animal bones, steel, and wood. In addition, the more rare materials you add, the better the attributes of the animal bone spears. 】

"How many people did they come from the Black Cliff Domain? Where are most of them stationed? Is there anything particularly important?" Lu Jun asked the questions he was most concerned about, and they were questions that even the third-tier old man didn't know. .

Hearing this, Xiaowan quickly began to organize Zhifei's memory fragments in her mind and organize her words.

"They came to Qingfengyu five days ago, and they send 15,000 fighters here every day. So far, more than 70,000 ordinary people and more than 500 people with supernatural powers have arrived here."

"Zhifei and these people on the field are just the vanguard of the Apocalypse Knights. They are responsible for exploring the way and obtaining information. Their large troops are stationed in the Wolf Smoke City, which is 300 kilometers away, and they have sufficient troops."

"The more important thing is that they discovered an unknown relic on the way from Wolf Smoke City to here, and they are notifying the people of the Apocalypse Knights to occupy it, and there is nothing else." Xiaowan told all she knew.

"Five hundred supernatural beings? Where did they come from? Our resistance army has only about a hundred so far. How could there be so many of them? Do you know where the ruins are?" Lu Jun asked two more questions.

"There are indeed more than five hundred, and this number is increasing every day. I don't know where it came from. It didn't say in the memory fragments."

"As for the specific location of the ruins, I can take you there, but I can't tell where, because I don't know where there are any iconic buildings..." Xiaowan replied.

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