Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1769 A Brief Calm

The most important thing is that the orc warriors have also completed the arrangement of the things that need to be placed on the battlefield, just wait for the Zerg creatures to take the bait...

However, the surprise attack by Lu Jun and others came to an end, because the remaining more than 200,000 Zerg creatures and two super-rank Zerg leaders came up after receiving the request for help, and they all supported the magic tower.

The two Zerg leaders looked at Lu Jun's figure, and were so angry that they wanted to hit someone. They were planning to harass Lu Jun again, but they didn't expect Lu Jun to bring people to fight.

That being the case, the two Zerg commanders did not intend to back down, and were going to fight to the death with the army on their territory.

After all, they have now added hundreds of thousands of troops, and the two of them have recovered from their injuries, and their troops are strong and strong.

The last time it was on the territory of the Route Army, the Route Army relied on a large number of defensive facilities so they couldn't beat them.

This time in their territory, they have the blessing of the magic tower, have all kinds of natural advantages, the right time, place and people are on their side, they don't believe that they can't beat this time.

With this in mind, the two Zerg leaders rushed forward with their subordinates, ignoring their own formation. Anyway, there are a lot of them. Since Lu Jun wants to be reckless, they will accompany Lu Jun to the end!

However, what the two commanders didn't expect was that before their men could rush up, the road army suddenly ordered the orc warriors and the dinosaur corps to retreat, and chose to fall into a confrontation with the Zerg creatures.

Looking at Lu Jun who ran back after killing their companions, the two Zerg leaders gritted their teeth angrily, and instead of stopping their subordinates, they rushed straight towards Lu Jun.

They just want to tell Lu Jun that the person who killed them still wants to run away, this is impossible!

But they had only rushed halfway, and the two Zerg leaders felt something was wrong, because Lu Jun and the others stayed on the opposite side, motionless, neither planning to attack nor fleeing, this was too weird.

Since they had fought with the Lu army, the two Zerg leaders knew that the Lu army was "cunning", so they felt that there must be a fraud, so they ordered their own army to slow down their charge.

Looking at the cautious Zerg army in front of him, Lu Jun couldn't help grinning, thinking to himself that the two Zerg leaders still have a little IQ.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun no longer hesitated, took out something like a remote control from the armed module, and pressed the red button in the middle.

The moment it was pressed, there was a sudden violent explosion on the battlefield in front of it, and low-level bugs were continuously blown up, leaving no bones left.

This is because the road army gave a lot of remote control grenades to the orc warriors in advance.

Let the orc warriors stay on the battlefield while charging, turning the battlefield into a "minefield".

The Zerg creatures who just arrived didn't know this, and they didn't pay attention to the "small iron ball" underground, so they were naturally tricked by Lu Jun and fell into Lu Jun's scheme...

After the adjutant went down, the Apocalypse Knights under the city wall immediately resumed training, because they knew that Zhifu was in a bad mood now, and whoever provoked died.

However, Zhifu obviously didn't pay attention to the people below, his eyes were fixed on the direction where Zhifei's accident happened, and his thoughts drifted away...

And Lu Jun didn't know that they had been targeted by Zhifu. He was leading his men to approach the Zerg territory, and he could already see the magic tower in the distance.

"That's right there! There are Zerg creatures all over the place!" Xiao Wan pointed at the Finger Tower and said.

Hearing this, Lu Jun quickly opened the data eye and scanned the magic tower until a line of data appeared in front of his eyes.

[The name of the magic tower: low-level moving speed magic tower. Function: As long as you successfully occupy this magic tower, you will get the blessing of the magic tower, which can increase the movement speed of all units by 5%. Range of action: within 30 kilometers. If you occupy multiple magic towers, the occupied magic towers will form a connection, and you can also enjoy the effect of this magic tower within the range of other magic towers. 】

Seeing that this is a magic tower related to the speed of movement, Lu Jun also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Because as long as the magic tower has no attack or protection effect, it will not increase the difficulty of their next battle.

Just when the army was thinking about what formation they should use to attack, a strange sound suddenly sounded in the sky.

When Lu Jun looked up, he realized that it was the praying mantis guards who were patrolling by the Zerg, which also meant that they had been discovered.

However, just when these patrolling mantises were going to go back to report the news, the bee stinger pterosaur appeared, continuously spewing out the bee stings that were advancing rapidly, and killed hundreds of patrolling mantises one by one.

Seeing the fighting power of the bee-stinging pterosaur, Lu Jun was very satisfied. Now he finally had air combat power other than the Fengshen pterosaur.

It is a pity that although the bee-stinging pterosaur kills the patrolling mantis very quickly, it is also very stealthy.

However, the Zerg creatures with special means of communication still discovered the arrival of Lu Jun and others, and quickly rushed out from around the magic tower, and the sky was instantly filled with an army of praying mantises.

Seeing this, the Route Army no longer considered such things as formation, and directly ordered to launch a charge.

Because he wants to attack a wave first when the Zerg's defense is weak, which will give him an advantage, and he wants to be a "reckless" today.

And he has some plans to attack the Yin Zerg, and he needs to use the charge as a cover to arrange it.

Hearing the route army's order, everyone responded quickly, and the dinosaur army and the orc army took the lead in charging.

Seeing Lu Jun and others rushing towards them without any explanation, the Zerg were shocked. They really didn't expect that Lu Jun and others would dare to take the initiative to attack them.

It was even more unexpected that Lu Jun and the others would have such a strong desire to attack, they would directly attack without even saying "hello"...

Looking at all kinds of dinosaurs, the Zerg army could only bite the bullet and defend, blocking their fat bodies in front of the magic tower.

But their large army hadn't had time to assemble, and what stood in front of them was only a small group of marching ants, not even 20,000 in number.

Therefore, under the attack of the orc warriors and the dinosaur corps, the 20,000 marching ants couldn't resist even one round, and fell into a defeat all at once, and were killed one by one.

The army of more than 10,000 praying mantises flying above is not much better. They originally wanted to help from below.

But I didn't expect to be stopped by Fengshen pterosaur and Bee sting pterosaur before I could go down.

Although the number of bee-stinging pterosaurs is only over 2,000, Fengshen pterosaurs are S-rank creatures.

Therefore, under the joint attack of the bee-stinging pterosaur and the Fengshen pterosaur, the attack of the army of tens of thousands of praying mantises was quickly disintegrated.

Generally speaking, the Lu army's sneak attack on the Zerg creatures was very successful. In a short period of time, it relied on the charge to eliminate nearly 30,000 Zerg creatures, laying a good foundation for the subsequent battle.

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