You mean they set us up from the start? Knowing that we like to kill mutated infected bodies, deliberately use black thorn infected bodies and lickers to lure us into the bait? The clever Xiaowan understood immediately, but she frowned immediately, "But why did they do this?" So many mutated infected bodies have died, and the loss to them is also great. "

"Let me tell you this, from our perspective, a lot of mutated infected bodies have been killed, but in the hearts of the corpse controllers, they don't think so."

"Because there are so many of them and the base is large, the death of tens of thousands of them is just like playing games, and it doesn't matter at all."

"But we are different. We only have so many dinosaurs. If they die, they cannot be produced in a short time. Once there are too many dead dinosaurs, we will have no soldiers to use and no defense."

"So the idea of ​​these corpse controllers is to consume our vital strength, exchange the lives of mutant infected bodies for the lives of dinosaurs, and prepare for the attack on West Wind Fortress." Lu Jun frowned and analyzed the thoughts and plans of the corpse controllers with Xiao Wan. .

"Hiss..." Xiao Wan gasped, showing an expression of sudden realization, and at the same time felt a burst of fear.

You must know that their purpose of coming here is to consume the vitality of the infected body and prepare for the defense of West Wind Fortress.

Unexpectedly, the purpose of the corpse controller is the same as theirs, but the ultimate goal is to attack West Wind Fortress.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, the IQ of the corpse controller is no different from that of a human being, even much higher than that of a normal human being.



"We'll be there in a minute."


The team leaders of several kinds of dinosaurs also quickly answered the road army.

At this time, Xiaowan just finished deploying the dinosaurs who were about to break out, and all the surrounded dinosaurs started to head southwest.

Those injured dinosaurs who couldn't move, Xiaowan, didn't stay either, and asked the flying mutant beasts she controlled to take these dinosaurs away.

Even the relatively large Utahraptor can catch and fly with the joint efforts of several flying mutant beasts.

It's a pity that there are still too few flying mutants controlled by Xiaowan, otherwise it is estimated that all the dinosaurs can be taken out of the encirclement.


Even if they could just take away the wounded, Xiaowan was very satisfied, otherwise their losses might be even heavier.

The dinosaurs that broke out continued to be led by Ankylosaurus and reared, Utahraptor protected the flanks, and Flame Velociraptor stayed in the middle to ensure output.

This is the best breakout formation, because the elite infected can't beat the Ankylosaurus and Utahraptor, and naturally it can't threaten the middlemost Flame Velociraptor.

Looking at the results obtained by her own side, Xiaowan was very happy, and was preparing to let the dinosaurs kill to the left to expand the results of the battle.

But at this moment, Lu Jun's voice suddenly came from the single-person channel of the short-distance communicator: "Xiao Wan, retreat quickly! You are about to be surrounded!"

Hearing this, Xiao Wan couldn't help widening her eyes, waved her four wings, flew up a few meters, and looked around the situation on the battlefield.

She was startled by this sight, because from a high place, she could clearly see that they were surrounded by elite infected bodies. There were thirty to forty thousand of them, and she didn't know when they came here.

The Elite Infected are occasionally mixed with the Double Hammer Infected, and even the Tyrant Infected, and the encirclement has formed.

This made Xiao Wan pat her forehead suddenly, and secretly scolded herself for being careless.

Because she had been concentrating on directing and killing the lickers just now, and didn't notice the movement of other infected bodies.

And the corpse controller just took advantage of this, allowing the elite infected body and other mutated infected bodies to quietly surround them.

One is that in order to kill the lickers, Xiaowan and the dinosaurs did not hesitate to go deep into the infected population, allowing them to gain a geographical advantage.

The second is that the number of elite infected bodies is relatively large in the entire infected body group, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of ordinary infected bodies, which is very suitable for besieging and killing powerful enemies.

In normal times, Xiaowan might order to break through immediately, after all, the slower you walk, the more trouble you will have.

But now she doesn't dare to do this, because they are too deep, resulting in infected bodies in all directions, and there are hundreds of thousands of infected bodies on each side.

It would be fine if it was a common infected body, but there were tens of thousands of mutated infected bodies mixed in between the normal infected bodies, which made her unable to act rashly.

Seeing that there was really no way to get out, Xiao Wan immediately made a decision and pressed the short-distance communicator: "Brother Lu Jun, we may need support. The enemy's encirclement has been formed, and it is difficult for the dinosaurs to break out..."

From Xiaowan's voice, it could be heard that she blamed herself, and seemed to feel sorry for Lu Jun.

After all, this was a mistake she made carelessly. If the dinosaurs suffered heavy losses because of this, then she would be a sinner...

"It's okay, you hold on first, I'll be right over." Lu Jun replied in the short-distance communicator.

Due to the need to take into account the entire battlefield, the position of the Lu army is still relatively far from Xiaowan.

The reason why Xiaowan was surrounded just now was because he accidentally discovered that some mutated infected bodies did not advance but retreated, as if they were going to do something behind, so he only noticed.

After flying hundreds of meters, the Lu army finally arrived at Xiaowan's battlefield and came to Xiaowan's side.

At this time, the encirclement circle of infected bodies has also formed, trapping more than 10,000 dinosaurs in the middle.

In order to defend, Xiao Wan let the Ankylosaurus stand in the front, and the Utahraptor stood by, creating output opportunities for the Flame Velociraptor.

This defensive formation is quite correct, it can firmly block the infected bodies outside, and they will not be able to get through for a while.

But this is only for a while, because as time goes by, the armored dragon's defense will be slowly worn away, and its physical strength will also decline.

As long as the Ankylosaurus falls, the Utahraptor alone cannot protect the Flame Velociraptor.

Waiting for the core output of the Flaming Raptor to be killed, the remaining Utahraptor probably won't be able to struggle for long.

After sweeping the entire battlefield, the army quickly found that the situation was very unfavorable to them, and these dinosaurs were likely to be planted here.

But he didn't panic, but sneered: "These corpse controllers set up a good game. I didn't expect these ghosts to be so shady."

"What?" Xiao Wan next to her couldn't understand Lu Jun's words.

"Have you seen those elite infected bodies? There are so many of them coming out all at once. They must have been prepared in advance. Maybe they have been hidden in ordinary infected bodies all the time, because they look alike."

"And the blackthorn infected body and lickers that we just killed are just some bait, the bait that the corpse controller wants to surround us."

"As long as we have the intention to kill these blackthorn infected bodies and lickers, we will be surrounded, and it's nothing to do with your carelessness." Lu Jun explained to Xiaowan a little bit.

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