Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1777: Not One Left

Moreover, Lu Jun believes that as long as Li Feng is willing to stay for a while, he will never leave. This is also Lu Jun's little strategy.

Hearing that Lu Jun wanted to hire him, Li Feng was a little surprised, and said slowly, "Third-level ability user? But I'm only a second-level ability user..."

After finishing speaking, Li Feng subconsciously used his brain power to check his own abilities. When he found that he had really become a third-level ability user, he couldn't help but widen his eyes. He didn't know why this happened, and kept muttering "How is it possible..."

At the same time, Li Feng was even more afraid of Lu Jun in his heart, because even he didn't know that he was a third-order supernatural being, but Lu Jun actually knew, this is really incredible...

"Okay, I'm willing to accept your employment. Whatever you order, I will do it, but if it violates my bottom line, I won't do it, and you can't force me." Li Feng looked at Lu Jun seriously. .

He was not moved by the conditions offered by Lu Jun, but felt that the buildings here and those orcs were too amazing. He wanted to stay and see what was special about Lu Jun.

Hearing Li Feng's conditions, Lu Jun nodded and agreed, because he would only ask Li Feng to help kill monsters, and killing monsters would definitely not violate Li Feng's moral bottom line, so Li Feng's request Not a requirement at all.

Besides, Li Feng wears a member ring, even if they are still a little strange to each other, as long as they continue, Li Feng will become his one day sooner or later.

After dealing with the matter of Goshawk and Li Feng, Lu Jun asked Xiaowan to take these people to stroll around and get familiar with the environment. He then took out the group portal obtained two days ago and built it under the magic tower. stand up……

Looking from a distance, the mental state of the two teams was very good, and they did not see any casualties. It is estimated that they did not encounter too many troubles on the way.

Seeing that Goshawk regained his energy and became ambitious again, Lu Jun nodded and said no more, as long as Goshawk can cheer up, then his rescue is not in vain.

After they were silent for a few seconds, Goshawk suddenly pointed at the surrounding buildings and said to Lu Jun: "Boy Lu, what's going on with these? You built them?"

Hearing Goshawk's words, Lu Jun chuckled and said, "Well, it's just a newly built branch base, the main base is not here."

Hearing that such a "luxury" place was just a sub-base of the Lu army, Goshawk couldn't help showing envy. He didn't expect that the Lu army who had been chased away in Tianhai City was doing so well now.

"Uh, kid Lu, can my people and I stay here for two days? We really have nowhere to go.

" Goshawk scratched his head and said embarrassingly.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly remembered something, and continued to talk to Lu Jun: "But don't worry, I will leave immediately when I find a place where people can live, and as a reward, I will tell you about a nearby food supply depot... ..."

In fact, Goshawk was very helpless when he said these words. If it was before, he had food, guns and people, and he could go wherever he wanted.

But now he has nothing left, and wandering around in the wild is almost like courting death, so he can only send a request to the road army.

Hearing Goshawk's words, Lu Jun directly shook his head and said, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just join us if you have nowhere to go, it's not like we haven't cooperated before."

Hearing what Lu Jun said, Goshawk's eyes turned red all of a sudden, because he didn't expect that Lu Jun would be willing to take him in.

"Lu...Boy Lu...I don't have the power I used to have...Are you really willing to take in my people..." Goshawk asked in disbelief.

Looking at Goshawk's expression, Lu Jun nodded resolutely. He had already thought about it yesterday when he gave Goshawk and others the member rings.

After receiving Lu Jun's confirmation, Goshawk immediately looked back at his confidant and said, "Brothers, did you hear that, we will have a place to live in the future, so we don't need to wander outside!"

Hearing Goshawk's words, the confidantes who had been suppressing their emotions immediately cheered. This is undoubtedly the best news for them who have narrowly escaped death many times.

"But I have to tell you one thing in advance. It is your people. I will group them according to their abilities and integrate them into the resistance army. Is this okay for you?" Lu Jun quietly looked at Cang in front of him. Eagle Road.

Hearing what Lu Jun said, Goshawk didn't even think about it, just nodded and said: "No problem, it should be, since I joined you, then everything has to follow your arrangement, this is the rule, and I will also do it in the future." Follow your orders."

Seeing that Goshawk was very good, Lu Jun didn't say anything more, turned his head and opened his magic eye, and scanned Goshawk's confidantes, wanting to see the strength of these people's abilities.

But in the scan, Lu Jun actually found a third-level supernatural person, who was the young man who was awake at the same time as Goshawk.

Seeing this, Lu Jun immediately pointed to the young man and said to Goshawk, "Is this also yours?"

Hearing Lu Jun's question, Goshawk looked in the direction Lu Jun was pointing at, and when he saw that Lu Jun was pointing at Li Feng, Goshawk shook his head violently and said, "No, this little brother, I also I don’t know him, but he appeared suddenly that night, and got into a ball with the Babu people, and even saved us, he’s very powerful.”

Hearing Lu Jun and Goshawk talking about him, Li Feng immediately looked back at the surrounding buildings, walked up to Lu Jun and said, "Hello, my name is Li Feng, thank you for saving me."

Looking at Li Feng, who was dressed in rags but was very imposing, Lu Jun suddenly had a good impression of this man.

"You also have enmity with people from the Babu people? What's your plan next?" Lu Jun asked Li Feng straight to the point.

"The eight tribes? Are those black-robed people? They killed my boss and destroyed the Tianhai gathering place. I followed them all the way to avenge my boss. As for the next plan, I don't know, because the one called The black-robed man of the Black Bird has been killed by your people, and I have no target." Li Feng smiled wryly, pointed to Xiao Wan beside him and said.

Although he was caught in the poisonous mist of Baqi at the time, he could still see Xiaowan fighting with Baqi, and Xiaowan killing the black bird.

Seeing Li Feng pointing at her, Xiao Wan couldn't help sticking out her little tongue. She didn't think too much about killing Black Bird, and killed Black Bird when she saw that he was alone.

"Then why don't you just stay here and treat me as if I hired you, and the price will be calculated according to the price of a third-level superhuman. If you find a good place in the future and want to leave, I will never stop you." Lu Jun said to Li Feng expressed his thoughts.

As for the reason for hiring, it was because Li Feng was strong enough, and it was not easy for the Lu army to force him to stay, so he could only recruit Li Feng first by hiring.

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