Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1787 The New Controller's Counterattack

Fortunately, Goshawk's confidants have been paying attention to Goshawk. The moment they saw Goshawk appear abnormal, they reacted, using their own abilities to protect Goshawk, and pulled Goshawk back to them around.

But when Goshawk fell, all the advantages in front of them disappeared, and in a blink of an eye they fell into the siege of fallen warriors, so they could only hold on.

"Don't kill that white-haired man, I want him to watch all his subordinates die in front of him!" Blackbird pointed at the goshawk and said viciously.

He was so annoyed that he was being chased everywhere just now, so he decided to torture Goshawk first, after all, killing people is much more interesting than simply killing people.

Hearing the words of the black bird, the people in black robes around them smiled cruelly, and they all used their abilities to attack Goshawk's henchmen, and laughed loudly from time to time.

Seeing his confidantes fall in front of him one after another, Goshawk felt extremely painful in his heart, and really wanted to use his body of steel to regain his combat power.

But the Man of Steel was really exhausting, and with his current state, it was impossible to use it a second time, so Goshawk could only pound the ground with his fists fiercely, venting his inner pain.

But just when the blackbird thought they had controlled the situation and the chance of victory was in their hands, a sudden change happened. There was a sudden strong fluctuation in the air, and then several fallen warriors who were using their abilities were separated from their bodies. , collapsed to the ground.

The dead fallen warrior's head was very flat, and it looked like he was beheaded instantly by the sharpest guillotine, which was very scary.

But all of this happened so fast that Blackbird and the others didn't even see how these fallen warriors died.

"Who! Who! Come out!" The black-robed man who can use the electric shock ability shouted to the surroundings, and kept looking around.

He knew that this kind of attack would not have come from Goshawk and the others, otherwise Goshawk and the others would not have used it now, so there must be other people around.

However, before the man in black could find his attacker, there was another crackling sound in the air, and then the man in black's head flew high, spurting out a large amount of blood, with broken black The robe fell to the ground...

Seeing that his capable subordinate was actually killed, Black Bird was taken aback, and immediately used his ability, Feast Crows, to let the flying black crows find the enemies hidden around.

With the help of the black crow, the black bird really saw a sneaky figure hiding behind a big rock.

"Come out, I saw you." The black bird condensed into a black crow,

Said towards the position of the big rock.

Hearing what Blackbird said, the figure hiding behind the stone slowly came out of the darkness.

But the moment he saw the figure, Hei Niao couldn't help but take two steps back, because this figure was none other than Li Feng who had fought against him in Tianhai City!

Because he learned from Lu Jun that before a critical moment, you must never let others know your ability, so that others will not be able to target you.

Seeing Goshawk's sudden increase in size, the morale of Goshawk's subordinates increased greatly, and they also activated their own abilities one after another, leaning close to Goshawk, and fighting against the fallen warriors.

There are forty-three of them in total, fourteen of them have comprehended supernatural powers, and the physical fitness of the other twenty-nine has also been greatly improved, and they are only one step away from becoming supernatural beings.

Therefore, even if their number is relatively small, they can temporarily resist the attack of the fallen warriors, and they will not be defeated instantly.

Seeing that Goshawk's remaining men were able to fight back and forth with them, Black Bird was shocked in his heart, couldn't help but took two steps back, and summoned three black crows to attack Goshawk again .

Because he knew that the goshawk was the backbone of these people, as long as the goshawk was brought down, these people would not be able to make trouble.

The man in black with the electric shock ability also condensed several electric balls, and also attacked Goshawk's position, intending to cooperate with the black bird to kill Goshawk first.

But the strange thing is, Goshawk looked at the black crow and the electric ball flying towards him, and didn't intend to dodge, but let the black crow and the electric ball hit his chest.

Just when Blackbird thought that the goshawk would fall down, something even more surprising happened. Instead of falling down, the goshawk continued to attack the fallen warrior vigorously.

This is because Goshawk's Man of Steel is immune to Corruption and Electricity, so neither attack has any effect on him.

Seeing that Goshawk was so capable of fighting, Blackbird immediately said to the fallen warriors around him: "Quick! Focus on killing him!"

Hearing the blackbird's order, the stunned fallen warriors gradually came to their senses, and began to throw their abilities to the goshawk's position.

But the next moment Goshawk made a move that surprised Blackbird even more. Goshawk directly used the super defensive power of the Man of Steel to resist all the supernatural abilities flying towards him.

Immediately afterwards, the goshawk stepped forward with its legs that were shining coldly, and rushed straight to the position of the black bird.

Although the body has turned into steel, Goshawk's mind is very flexible. He also knows the principle of capturing the thief first, as long as he can kill the black bird, maybe they can end the battle early.

Seeing the frightening goshawk, the black bird took two steps back again, fully activated its abilities, gathered more than twenty black crows and attacked the goshawk.

Immediately afterwards, the black bird didn't even look at the crows, and ran back, because he knew that the crows couldn't hurt the goshawk, and it was just an instinctive reaction for him to throw these crows.

And Black Bird's choice is undoubtedly correct, Black Crow really can't hurt Goshawk, if he didn't run fast, he would probably be lying on the ground at this time...

In this way, in the following time, Blackbird and Goshawk fell into a chasing battle.

It's just that the black bird has no ability to resist in this chasing battle, so it can only run forward without looking back.

Goshawk couldn't catch up with Blackbird, so he wasn't in a hurry, and started to clean up the annoying fallen warriors around him.

As long as there are fallen fighters who dare to stand in front of him and receive a punch from him, they will instantly fall to the ground and die. This is the power of Goshawk's Iron Fist.

As Goshawk drove the black bird around, Goshawk's confidants also launched a counterattack in the encirclement, and suddenly gained a considerable advantage.

But it's a pity that this advantage didn't last long, after all, Goshawk's ability has a time limit, once the time limit expires, Goshawk's steel body disappears, and he becomes an ordinary person.

And since this was Goshawk's first time using the ability, and he was not used to it, he suffered a backlash the moment the ability disappeared, becoming dizzy and unable to even stand firmly.

Seeing Goshawk's appearance, Hei Niao, who had been chased for a few minutes, knew his chance had come, and backhanded five black crows, blocking Goshawk's position, intending to take the opportunity to kill Goshawk.

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