But they didn't panic too much, because they should have died a long time ago, and they have earned money by living for so many days.

"Boss Goshawk, let's take a step first, and we will continue to be your subordinates when Brother Qi is summoned below!" Goshawk's confidantes helped each other to stand up, grinning at Goshawk.

From the tone of their voices, it was impossible to tell that what they were about to face was death, perhaps they had already regarded death as home.

Hearing the words of his subordinates, looking at the familiar faces, Goshawk's heart was pierced, and he cursed in his heart that he was a waste, his strength was insufficient, and he could only watch his subordinates get killed...

Seeing Goshawk's subordinates stand up and look directly at him after being so seriously injured, Baqi was even more angry, and immediately used the snake hand to attack Goshawk's subordinates, preparing to kill them all kill.

But at this moment, there was a sudden burst of crisp gunshots in midair, and a series of bullets streaked across the dark night sky, directly interrupting the snake hand flying out of Baqi.

Immediately afterwards, another series of bullets hit Yaqi's position, forcing Yaqi to take several steps back.

Seeing that his snake hand was interrupted by an inexplicable attack again, Baqi couldn't help but cursed: "Cao! Who is it! Get out! I'm going to eat you alive!"

The moment Yaqi finished cursing, Black Bird immediately unscrewed a lighting stick and threw it directly into the air, wanting to know who the attacker was just now.

With the help of the light provided by the lighting stick, a little girl with blood-red four wings appeared in the air. The girl was holding a submachine gun that they had never seen before. From this, it can be seen that the person who attacked Baqi just now must be this name. The little girl who suddenly appeared.

While Baqi was observing the little girl, the little girl also saw the scene below clearly with the help of the light.

When she saw the goshawk lying on the ground, the little girl couldn't help but said from more than 20 meters away: "Hey, Uncle Goshawk, why are you here?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Goshawk, who was about to pass out due to excessive blood loss, suddenly regained his spirits, and couldn't help raising his head to look at the little girl's position.

After seeing the little girl's face clearly, Goshawk couldn't help showing a smile on his bleeding face, waved his hands excitedly and said, "Haha, Xiao Wan, you're still alive! Where's Boy Lu?"

But the moment he finished saying this sentence, Goshawk remembered that the current situation was very dangerous, and his eyes immediately dimmed. He struggled to sit up and continued to Xiaowan: "Xiaowan, don't come here! They are not good people! You Get out of here!"

Seeing that the little girl and Goshawk knew each other,

They also started talking, not paying attention to them at all, and the anger on Baqi's face became heavier.

"Heh, since we know each other, don't leave, let's come down and be with them together." Baqi said to himself, and then he pointed to Xiaowan's position and said humanely to the black robes behind, "Shoot her down!"

After finishing speaking, Baqi condensed the snake hand again, extended more than 20 people, and attacked Xiaowan's position.

The black-robed man who had been staying behind without making a move heard Baqi's order, and also used his brainpower one after another, preparing to gather supernatural powers and attack Xiaowan.

But before they had time to throw out the ability, they suddenly felt a pain in the eardrums and numbness in the scalp. Brainpower forcibly resists this attack

Fortunately, the attack came and went quickly, and it only lasted about ten seconds before disappearing.

When the men in black robes resisted the attack and raised their heads to look for Xiao Wan's figure, they suddenly saw a huge four-winged "bat" appearing in midair, staying beside Xiao Wan.

Seeing this, Baqi knew that the attack just now was probably made by this "bat", so he gave up attacking Xiaowan, and immediately used the snake hand to attack the position of the "bat".

In the end, maybe it felt that it had enough swings, or maybe it had no strength, so Goshawk threw Baqi far away, causing Baqi to fall hard to the ground.

After doing this, Goshawk no longer had the strength to continue fighting, and slowly collapsed to the ground, returning to its original appearance.

Baqi was similar, he was thrown to pieces by the goshawk, and he turned back into a human form after rolling on the ground for a few seconds.

However, Baqi did not lose his fighting power because of this, and he quickly stood up again, as if nothing happened.

But Goshawk and Li Feng couldn't do it, one of them was poisoned, the other was seriously overdrawn, and they no longer had any fighting power.

Although Li Feng and Goshawk succeeded in defeating Baqi, a third-order supernatural being, back to his original form, which was already powerful enough, but judging from the results, only Baqi was the real winner.

However, Baqi is obviously very dissatisfied with this result. After all, as a third-level supernatural being, he can't even beat the first-level and second-level supernatural powers, which is very disgraceful.

"I'll make you bigger...I'll make you resist...you continue to resist..." Baqi slammed on Goshawk's head and cursed, venting his unhappiness.

Unable to resist, Goshawk could only protect the vitals of its head with its hands, and endured Baqi's fierce trampling in a muffled voice.

Goshawk's remaining confidants saw their boss being beaten, and wanted to rush forward to help, but those fallen warriors who didn't die were standing in front of them.

So before they could take a few steps, they were severely beaten by the fallen warriors, causing them to fall to the ground and watch Goshawk from a distance.

The black bird next to him watched all this cheerfully, because seeing the enemy being humiliated made him feel very happy.

In this way, Baqi kept kicking the goshawk fiercely, hitting the goshawk until its nose was blue and its face was swollen, and it didn't stop.

During this period, Goshawk was also very kind. No matter how Baqi beat him, he never snorted, let alone begged for mercy from Baqi.

Probably because he was tired from playing, or because he felt that it was meaningless, Baqi slowly stopped his foot movements, used his first ability, snake hand, and walked towards Li Feng and Goshawk's subordinates with a cold snort .

Since Goshawk is so kind, Baqi doesn't plan to attack Goshawk. He plans to kill Goshawk's subordinates with his own hands and make Goshawk suffer.

And Goshawk also knew Baqi's thoughts, he stopped protecting his head with his hands, and directly hugged Baqi's thigh, not letting Baqi leave.

Seeing that the goshawk was still bothering him at such a time, Baqi was almost pissed off. He lowered his head and grabbed the goshawk by the hair and beat him violently, until he couldn't even lift his hand before letting go.

"Keep your eyes open! Take a good look at how your subordinates died! This is the price of fighting against the Babu people!" Baqi patted Goshawk's right cheek and said, after taking the photo, Baqi stepped on it. Walking forward with Goshawk's finger.

Goshawk's confidants lying on the ground saw that their boss had collapsed, Li Feng had also collapsed, and Baqi was still walking towards them, so they knew that their own death was approaching.

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