Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai were the first to run to Lu Jun's side. Together they hugged Lu Jun up, wiped off the muddy water on Lu Jun's face, and nervously checked Lu Jun's injuries and the reason for his fainting.

When they took off Lu Jun's shirt and saw Lu Jun's slightly rough skin, they were slightly stunned, because Lu Jun didn't have any wounds on his body, and even the injuries he received before had recovered.

Seeing this miraculous scene, Ruan Xue and Lin Xiaobai checked again, for fear that there was something missing. When they were sure that Lu Jun was fine and just fainted, they smiled wryly, thinking about Lu Jun what a monster...

However, they soon stopped worrying about this matter. After all, Lu Jun is a man who can turn into a giant dinosaur. It seems that it is not uncommon to recover some wounds.

The butcher and the rebels on the side didn't know the situation of Lu Jun, so they nervously asked Lin Xiaobai and Ruan Xue, "How is Boss Lu's injury?"

Hearing the questions from the butcher and everyone, Ruan Xue shook her head and said, "His body is fine and his breathing is normal. He just passed out. This happened to him a few times before. Don't worry, he will wake up on his own."

Hearing Ruan Xue's answer, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and couldn't help cheering. At this moment, both humans and orcs were like old friends for many years, punching each other, hugging each other, and enjoying the joy of victory.

Although many of their companions died and were injured, they won. Together, they defended against the attack of tens of thousands of infected bodies and infected beasts. They are the winners!

And the most important thing is that the road army is still alive, their backbone, their soul is still alive, after experiencing this kind of disaster, the road army will inevitably lead them to go further, these are the reasons for their happiness.

Lin Xiaobai on the side looked at the cheering crowd and couldn't help but smile, but when she saw the pile of virus antibodies and medical kits on the ground, she instantly understood Lu Jun's intentions, and immediately expressed gratitude to the cheering crowd. Everyone shouted, "Everyone pay attention, people who are bitten by infected bodies or infected animals come to me immediately to inject antibodies, and those with other wounds also come to get medical kits to bandage the wounds immediately!"

Hearing Lin Xiaobai's shout, the cheering crowd stopped immediately. They were so focused on celebrating just now that they forgot that they had wounds on their bodies...

The butcher also reacted immediately after listening to Lin Xiaobai's words, followed by Lin Xiaobai's humanity to the rebels and the Blackstone Consortium, "All men immediately take off their clothes and check each other's wounds, even if it is a small wound, don't worry about it." Omission, everyone who is at risk of infection has to come..."

"We're here, come out." The leader of the six black-robed men said to the surrounding air in a hoarse voice.

"The hunting mission is completed by killing the A-rank corpse controller. The reward is Dragon Coin*500, Dragon Title*1000, and A-rank Dragonrider Supply Box*1."

Hearing the sound of the corpse controller's death, Lu Jun didn't feel happy, but continued to use his strongest dragon skill in the form of Tyrannosaurus, and the fire of purifying the world attacked the fleeing C-level infected beast.

When Lu Jun used this dragon skill, the sky that was originally covered with dark clouds suddenly turned red, as if something was condensing, and the air was filled with a thick layer of white mist, which was caused by the mist produced by the rapid evaporation of rainwater by high temperature .

Mu Mu, Butcher and others stared blankly at the extremely oppressive sky without even blinking their eyes. At this moment, they felt that they were very small, and they were nothing in front of this world.

The Bloodthirsty King Bat flew down directly from the midair with Lin Xiaobai, and trembled uncontrollably, because the sky is too scary now, and the bloodthirsty King Bat couldn't bear the violent aura even for a second. .

Two seconds later, the sky was so red that even the people below could feel the high temperature and violent fire element contained in the air.

Just when everyone was wondering what would happen, suddenly dozens of big fireballs cut through the white mist and attacked the fleeing C-level infected beast.

However, this is not over yet. When the hundreds of big fireballs flew halfway, hundreds of even bigger fireballs appeared in the sky.

Followed closely behind those dozens of big fireballs, and attacked all C-level infected beasts.

The infected beasts couldn't understand what was happening in the sky, they only knew how to run in the same direction as they were desperately coming and going, but how could they run past the flying fireball with their short legs alone.

I only heard the explosion sound of "Boom boom boom boom boom boom...", one after another big fireballs hit the ground continuously, and the infected beasts were killed or melted by the fireballs before they could react. Leaving behind white corpse crystals...

Eight seconds later, all the fireballs hit the ground, burning the surrounding open space and woods into a mess, and even burned the corpses of the infected beasts and infected bodies before, and an even more unpleasant stench filled the air. mist in the air.

However, the good news is that those C-rank infected beasts that were planning to escape were all dead, and none of them survived, which also means that the tyrannosaur-shaped Lu army killed nearly 20,000 C-rank infected beasts with just one blow...

"Ding, the legendary real-time mission, kill the corpse controller, complete the defense of Westwind Fortress, reward..."

Hearing the sound of the legendary real-time task completion, Lu Jun breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but before he heard what the reward was, it was time for his tyrannosaur form, and his huge dinosaur body was like a molecular disassembly Disappeared and reconstituted his original body.

After recovering his original body, Lu Jun only felt a strong drowsiness. Lu Jun knew that this was the sequelae of using the Tyrannosaurus real body. He was about to fall into a coma, and he was still in a coma for eight hours.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun had no time to say anything to the rebels, and immediately took out a large number of D-level and C-level virus antibodies and a large number of medical kits from the armed modules and placed them on the ground.

Because he knew that many people from the Rebel Army and the Blackstone Consortium had been scratched and were in urgent need of these things to save their lives. Without these antibodies and drugs, they would be dead.

As for why Lu Jun even rescued people from the Blackstone Consortium, it was because these people were brought by the Ruan sisters to help him, and they could be regarded as working for him.

Moreover, the situation was so critical just now that no one from the Blackstone consortium ran away, which proved their loyalty and courage, so the army also regarded them as their own, and naturally they would not treat them badly.

After finishing all this, Lu Jun couldn't hold on any longer, fell headfirst on the muddy ground, and lost consciousness...

People from the rebel army, people from the Blackstone Consortium and those orc warriors saw that Lu Jun had returned to his original state and fainted. They immediately surrounded Lu Jun from a sluggish state, and kept calling Lu Jun anxiously. name.

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