Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1920 still unable to move an inch

And the girl in red was also taken aback by Robber Scorpion who suddenly died in front of her. She hadn't noticed anyone approaching around her. If Robber Scorpion swung the knife out, she would definitely die...

When the girl in red curiously lifted off the gas mask of Pirate Scorpion and found that the face inside was engraved with the logo of the supernatural beings of the Scorpion Group, she showed a more excited expression, and her sense of admiration for Lu Jun grew stronger in her heart.

Lu Jun didn't care what the girl in red was thinking. After killing Robber Scorpion, he turned around and walked towards Fire Scorpion. Now there was only Fire Scorpion left on this floor, so Lu Jun had to deal with it quickly.

The moment Huo Xie released the control, he happened to see Robber Xie stabbed to death by Lu Jun. This scene deeply stimulated him. After all, he and Robber Xie had been friends for many years, and now he just wanted to avenge Robber Xion.

But before the fire scorpion rushed over, Lu Jun raised his hand and went back in time again, controlling the fire scorpion that had just resumed action again, and this time the road army output more brainpower, and the control time would be longer.

The next thing was simple, the army didn't give the fire scorpion another chance to resume action, and directly took out the Situ 8000, fired seven shots at the fire scorpion, and emptied one bullet in the magazine.

When the last bullet was fired, the flame armor of the fire scorpion just shattered, revealing his original body.

Seeing this, Lu Jun walked up to Huo Scorpion, and slowly lifted off Huo Scorpion's gas mask with his dragon claws, exposing Huo Scorpion's entire face to the poisonous gas.

Since the body of the fire scorpion was controlled, he couldn't hold his breath, so he could only continue to breathe the poisonous mist in the air. Even though he knew that he would die, he still breathed automatically until his entire face turned purple. Take back control of your body.

However, it was useless for the fire scorpion to resume action at this time. After struggling for two seconds, he clutched his neck in pain and collapsed in the poisonous gas. He never imagined that the poisonous gas originally used to poison the Lu army had poisoned himself to death. ...

Seeing the scene of the tragic death of the fire scorpion, Lu Jun didn't feel any fluctuations in his heart. He bent down slowly, picked up the supernatural light ball floating out of the heads of the fire scorpion and the robber scorpion, put them into the supernatural power module and began to detect them.

"Detection completed, ability name: Flame Armor, ability category: body domain ability, ability effect: make your appearance covered with a layer of armor burning with flames, the armor has super defensive power, any enemy close to the armor They will all be attacked by blazing fire, and the defense and attack power of the armor will increase as the body development value of the ability owner increases."

"The detection is complete, the name of the ability: hunting rhythm, ability category, brain power, ability effect: make yourself enter the stealth state for a short time, during the stealth period, the sound you make will be reduced, and your movement speed will be increased by 20%. If you suffer an attack or send out an attack during this period, you will exit the stealth state, and the duration of the stealth state and the increased movement speed will increase with the increase in the development value of the brain domain of the ability owner."

After reading the introduction of these two supernatural light spheres, Lu Jun nodded with satisfaction. He never thought that the people of the Scorpion Group would have such powerful abilities. It seems that he was right to stay and fight against the people of the Scorpion Group today. This ability is definitely a surprise for him...

Just when Lu Jun was about to exit the system with satisfaction, he suddenly remembered that the ability of the red scorpion had not been tested, so he put the ability light ball obtained by the red scorpion yesterday into the ability module.

Seeing Lu Jun disappear in front of his eyes, feeling his immobile body, and hearing the screams from his subordinates behind him, Fire Scorpion naturally knew that he was under arrest and that Lu Jun was attacking his subordinates.

At this time, he was very anxious, but he couldn't do anything, he could only desperately want to get rid of the control and think about the way to defeat the Lu army in his mind.

This is also the most difficult battle that Fire Scorpion has experienced since he became a supernatural being. He originally thought it would be easy to capture the Lu army.

But I didn't expect Lu Jun to be so difficult to deal with. Not only did he kill all the men he brought over, but he also gained the upper hand in the battle.

If he had known this would happen earlier, he should have been more cautious, Fire Scorpion thought to himself.

But now it's too late to regret,

Fire Scorpion only hopes that the duration of being controlled will not be too long.

I also pray that Pirate Scorpion can discover the situation here and respond in time, otherwise, after his ability ends, this place will not be able to hold on...

Perhaps it was the fire scorpion's prayers that worked, or maybe the elite members of the scorpion group screamed too loudly.

The bandit scorpion, who was hiding in the distance and watching, found out that the situation was wrong, and directly held his weapon, activated the ability to make himself invisible, and moved towards the position of the road army.

When Pirate Scorpion stepped into the battlefield and saw the elite members of the Scorpion Group being slaughtered by the army and the incomplete corpses all over the ground, he immediately felt chills, because their losses were too great, far exceeding his expected.

However, Pirate Scorpion was not so scared that he slipped away, nor did he take advantage of the situation to attack Lu Jun. Instead, relying on his ability to be invisible, he held a dagger and quietly touched Ruan Bing's position, planning to deal with Lu Jun's companions first, and then team up with Fire Scorpion to deal with it road army.

As for why Robber Scorpion doesn't directly attack with a gun, it's because he is used to using a dagger, which is more suitable for his ability to play a sneak attack, and the bullets are easily blocked by the particle shield of the army, Robber Scorpion doesn't want to take risks...

Ruan Bing, Thin Monkey and the girl in red who were attacking the fire scorpion did not know that the danger was approaching them.

They wanted to weaken the fire scorpion's defense when the fire scorpion was under control, and relieve the pressure on the road army, so they didn't pay much attention to the situation in the poisonous gas, and naturally it was impossible to find the stealth scorpion.

Under normal circumstances, Robber Scorpion's plan is perfect, because no one would have thought that human beings could be invisible, so naturally they would not take precautions.

But it just so happens that Lu Jun has the talent of magic eye, and the passive effect of this talent is to permanently have the ability of true sight.

So the moment Robber Scorpion approached Ruan Bing and the others, Lu Jun discovered this situation, and attacked Robber Scorpion's position as quickly as possible.

But Duan Xie didn't know that he had been discovered, he was still standing on tiptoes and approaching Ruan Bing, in order to succeed in one blow, otherwise he would reveal his position, and all his men died in vain, Dui Xie didn't want to see to this result.

Just when Bandit Scorpion approached the girl in red who was closest to him, and grinned to swing the knife, he suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and then his body exited the invisible state, and his hands and feet gradually lost consciousness.

Not knowing what happened, Bandit Scorpion turned his head and took a hard look, only to find that Lu Jun wearing a gas mask was standing behind him at some point, with the dragon's claws on his neck.

Seeing this, Robber Scorpion spat out a large mouthful of blood unwillingly, filling the breathing ports of his gas mask, and then slowly collapsed and lost his breath. He didn't know how Lu Jun found him until he died of……

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