Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1932 Four Reorganizations

Hearing Lu Jun say his "overlord" clause, Shaqili nodded immediately. He didn't think there was a problem with Lu Jun's words, but felt that Lu Jun was very open-minded.

Because working for the Silent Crusade not only lacks freedom, but also lacks dignity. Although working for the Route Army also lacks freedom, at least there is some dignity. If they choose one of the two, they will definitely choose the second.

"We all agree, and we can accept everything you said." Shaqiri nodded heavily and said to Lu Jun, and the researchers behind him also nodded ecstatically.

Seeing this, Lu Jun couldn't say anything more, he just raised his hand and said, "Okay, let's go after getting ready, the Silent Crusaders are probably already surrounded, and we don't have much time. "

Hearing what Lu Jun said, Shaqili suddenly heard something, and said with a tangled expression: "I would like to ask, although the people in the scientific research institute have been dealt with by you, how should we get out?"

"Such a big thing happened here, the people of the Silent Crusaders must know about it, they will never let it go, let alone let us go out from the inner city..."

Hearing what Shaqili said, the dozen or so researchers who were alive also showed curious expressions, because they really wanted to know how the Lu army escaped here.

But Lu Jun didn't intend to just tell his method like this, but sold a trick and said: "Come with me first, you will know later."

After speaking, Lu Jun waved to Mu Mu and others, signaling that they were going to leave here.

Seeing what Lu Jun said, Shaqiri and a group of researchers couldn't ask any more questions, and they all followed Lu Jun and walked outside in an orderly manner...

During the time when the army was busy, the Silent Crusaders did not waste their time in vain. After advancing at full speed, they had already reached the periphery of the scientific research institute.

Due to the highest level of alarm received, there are now a total of 20,000 city guards outside the scientific research institute, and there are about 20 first-level supernatural beings, which is almost one-fifth of the strength of the Silent Crusade...

After being secretly excited for a while, Lu Jun calmed down a little, and put away all these crystals, including the miscellaneous things in the warehouse.

Anyway, his armed module space is large enough, as long as it is useful, he "will not refuse", until the entire underground warehouse is emptied.

Seeing that the originally full warehouse has now become empty, Lu Jun nodded in satisfaction, looked around again, and then slowly walked outside. Since his purpose of this trip has been achieved, he should also leave here up.

After walking out of the warehouse gate, Lu Jun found that the gunfire outside had stopped, and it seemed that the middle-aged man had already dealt with the matter.

And the young deputy was still waiting for him at the door. During this period, the young deputy listened to Lu Jun very much, did not make any abnormal actions, and did not sneak a glance into the warehouse, which made Lu Jun find no reason to kill the young deputy.

"Okay, I will take away the contents inside, thank you for your guidance, I will not kill you, but this kind of thing happened here, I don't know if the silent crusader will kill you, you can do it yourself .” Lu Jun patted the young deputy on the shoulder and said.

Hearing that Lu Jun said he would not kill him, the young deputy finally let go of his dangling heart. As for the explanation from the Silent Crusaders, the young deputy no longer has brain cells to think so much, so he can only take one step at a time...

But the young deputy couldn't figure out what Lu Jun meant when he said "I'll take the contents away", because he didn't see what Lu Jun was holding in his hand at all.

Thinking of this, the curious young deputy took a look at the warehouse behind him, and with the help of bright lights, he could see the scene in the warehouse clearly.

When the young deputy saw that there was not even a hair left in the warehouse that was originally full, his legs suddenly softened, and he stared at Lu Jun with wide eyes, his eyes full of disbelief.

Lu Jun also saw the young deputy's reaction, but he didn't intend to explain anything to the young deputy.

Instead, he walked directly past the young deputy and came to the place where Mu Mu and others were.

The middle-aged man had indeed finished his affairs, and now there were only seven researchers in blue overalls and five researchers in white overalls "shivering."

As for the other researchers, they had already turned into corpses lying on the ground, and the flowing blood had stained the ground of the underground facility red, which looked particularly glaring, causing a little more blood to be stained on the Lu Jun's shoes every time he took a step.

When the middle-aged man saw Lu Jun approaching, he immediately walked up to Lu Jun with his rifle and said, "Thank you for everything you have done. My name is Shaqiri and I am 30 years old. In the future, I will I will work hard for you, and I hope you will remember your promise."

After finishing speaking, Shaqiri lowered his head and half knelt on the ground, expressing his loyalty to the army in this way.

Seeing this, Lu Jun nodded silently, and helped Shaqiri up on the ground with one hand, but what he thought in his heart was that this Shaqiri was too old... Thirty years old is actually the same as fifty years old Like middle-aged people...

Shaqiri didn't know what Lu Jun was thinking, he stood up and pointed to the dozen or so surviving researchers and said: "These people are my assistants and friends here, they are not members of the Silent Crusade, they are all They were forcibly captured here by the Silent Crusaders, and they are willing to work or fight for you, as long as they have something to eat, I wonder if you can take them in..."

When it came to the end, Shaqiri's voice became smaller and smaller, because he also felt that he was going to bring too many people, and he was very embarrassed.

Although Lu Jun said that he was allowed to take some people away, Lu Jun never said that he was allowed to take so many, so Shaqili was still very nervous...

When Lu Jun heard that Shaqiri said that so many people wanted to go together, he refused in his heart at first, but when he thought of the value that Shaqiri could bring to him, he was slowly relieved.

"Well, for your sake, I can take them in, but these are only temporary. If they can't show their value, then they have to leave. My team does not recruit idlers, understand?" Lu Jun Pointing to the dozen researchers in front of him.

After finishing speaking, Lu Jun thought of something again, and immediately added: "And you will not be free for a period of time after joining us, because you haven't gained my trust, you have to go through a period of assessment, this is not for You, but my team is like this, can you accept it?"

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