After finishing speaking, the army let Triceratops rush out first, followed by Abelisaurus, and finally Ankylosaurus. He wanted these dinosaurs to go out to distract the attention of the city defense army.

When the people on the field heard Lu Jun's instructions, they also nodded one after another, preparing for the next breakout.

Although Shaqiri and a group of researchers were confused by Lu Jun's words, they still chose to believe Lu Jun unconditionally. After all, they had no other way to go.

Seeing that the dinosaurs had all gone out and everyone around them was getting ready, Lu Jun no longer hesitated, and rushed outside holding the Situ 8000, and everyone followed closely behind him. The target was Lu Jun Where the portal is placed.

The people of the City Guard looked at the smoke that suddenly rose around the scientific research institute, wondering what happened inside, but before they could figure it out, they saw dinosaurs rushing towards them.

"Not good! They want to run! Fire! Be sure to block them!" A captain of the city guard raised his walkie-talkie and shouted. He could roughly guess what Lu Jun and the others wanted to do.

The city guards who had just finished solving the avatar of Abelisaurus heard their captain's order, and pointed their guns at the thick smoke, almost blocking any possible position of the road army and others.

Hearing the sound of gunshots in the distance and feeling the oncoming bullets, Lu Jun didn't panic, and immediately mobilized his brain power to prop up a huge particle shield to protect him and the people behind him, and then with the help of The cover of smoke continued to rush towards the destination.

While the city guards were attacking, the dinosaurs sent by the road army were not idle. They rushed to the place where the city defense army had the most troops, constantly overturning the city defense army's vehicles, and covered the road even at the risk of injury. Army and others retreat...

But just after the 20,000 city guards surrounded the scientific research institute, they encountered a big trouble, that is, they found that the scientific research institute was surrounded by landmines.

Although they were numerous and armed with firearms, the induction mines in the ground still made them suffer a lot.

Anyway, the current situation is that no matter which angle they advance from, they will encounter landmines and be blown up "on their backs."

Even though they paid great attention, the casualties were still very high. The enemies in the scientific research institute hadn't seen them yet, and hundreds of people were injured on their own side, and their morale was very low...

Fortunately, the city guards brought three tanks. When they found that ordinary vehicles could not pass through the minefield, they immediately let the tanks clear the way, trying to use the tanks to destroy the minefields.

And this method is also very effective. As the tank advances, the induction mines are constantly detonated, but the power of their explosions cannot shake the armor of the tank, causing the tank to "crush" a safe passage from the minefield.

Just when the city guards were going to continue to use this method to expand the passage, the three tanks suddenly stopped advancing.

This is because although the armor of tanks can withstand induction mines, their tracks do not have such defense. After being "baptized" by many mines, these tracks finally broke due to overwhelm.

Seeing this, the people of the city guards were very troubled. It was too late to repair the tracks or re-mobilize the tanks, so the 20,000 of them could only walk in a long line through the narrow passage.

Ake and the girl in red, who were guarding the entrance of the wall of the scientific research institute, saw that the city guards were about to come in, so they immediately hid behind the Ankylosaurus and kept firing, trying to delay the advance speed of the city guards in this way.

But when they opened fire, their positions were also exposed. The fierce firepower of the city guards suppressed them all at once.

Seeing this, Ake and the girl in red had no choice but to take the dinosaurs back to the cave entrance of the scientific research institute, preparing to rely on the buildings to hold on. At the same time, they kept praying that the Lu army would come out quickly, otherwise they would not be able to hold on... …

At this time, Lu Jun had just come out of the underground facilities of the scientific research institute, and he didn't know the specific situation on Ake's side, but he could probably guess that the city guards had come when he heard the gunshots from outside.

"Boss Lu, I just took a look. The outside has been completely surrounded by the city guards. Ake and others are resisting with all their strength." Da Xiong reported as soon as he saw the Lu army coming out.

Hearing Daxiong's words, Lu Jun nodded silently, letting Abeliron walk in the front, then waved his hand, motioning for everyone to follow, ready to support Ake and the girl in red.

The dozen or so scientific researchers walking at the back looked at the huge Abelisaurus in front of them, and were almost too frightened to walk. They hadn't seen this creature up close.

But Shaqili felt very strange seeing Lu Jun walking in this direction, because there was no exit from the scientific research institute, so he immediately mustered up the courage to remind Lu Jun: "Are we going wrong? I know the scientific research institute Internal route, do you want me to lead the way?"

Hearing what Shaqili volunteered, Lu Jun directly shook his head and said, "The other exits of the scientific research institute are all blocked by alloy doors, and only one damaged wall allows us to go out."

After speaking, Lu Jun stopped explaining and walked forward without looking back, while Mu Mu, Shaqiri and others followed closely behind him.

After two minutes of rapid progress, Lu Jun and his party finally came to the place where Ake and the girl in red were.

The first thing that catches the eye is the dark figures outside the scientific research institute, the fierce firepower of the city guards, and the rockets with trailing flames that are about to collapse the surrounding walls.

Although Ake and the girl in red are struggling to resist and use their own strength to hold on to the defense line at the entrance of the cave, they are only two after all, and they cannot support each other.

Under the fierce offensive, a group of city guards would rush into the scientific research institute from time to time. Fortunately, there were many dinosaurs left by the army in the scientific research institute, otherwise the defense line at the entrance of the cave would have fallen long ago...

Seeing this, Lu Jun immediately asked Ake and the girl in red to retreat, and then asked Abeliron to use its clone ability, and let Abeliron's clone go out to attract the attention of the city guards.

After all the firepower of the city guards was attracted by the "fake" dinosaurs, the Route Army immediately took out a large number of smoke grenades and threw them outside.

Although Mu Mu and others didn't know what the road army's next plan was, they also helped throw smoke grenades until the outside was completely covered by white smoke.

"Okay, you guys will follow me and rush out later, I will protect you with supernatural powers, no matter what happens, don't fall behind, or I won't be able to save you." Lu Jun said to everyone on the field with a serious face.

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