Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1977 Breath of the Plague

After nearly 5,000 dinosaurs joined the battlefield, the situation of the battle changed instantly. Not only was the front line of the army stabilized, but it was also able to stabilize the Zerg temporarily.

Although the number of Zerg creatures is relatively large, the entire battlefield is so big that it can only accommodate more than 20,000 Zerg creatures attacking together at once, which prevents them from taking advantage of their numbers.

Seeing that the ground battlefield was no longer a problem, the Lu army immediately transferred the fire guards and the energy bombs of the artillery to the sky battlefield where the pressure was relatively high, helping Ruan Bing and Xiaowan to hold the line of defense.

Originally, it was difficult for the Mantis army to fly down to attack, but now with the support of anti-aircraft weapons, the situation of the Mantis army is even worse, and the number of casualties has doubled in an instant.

This situation lasted for more than 20 seconds. When the time was up, the effect of the Zerg Horn disappeared, and the Zerg creatures lost their attack speed and movement speed bonus, which made their front army almost face defeat.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jun rode an ostrich-like dragon, ready to charge with a group of dinosaurs.

As long as the dinosaur corps can charge, no matter how many Zerg creatures there are, they will only be beaten. He can already see the hope of victory.

But before Lu Jun had time to issue an order, he suddenly saw the Zerg creature in front of him give way to a wide road, as if he wanted something from behind to come over.

Just when the Lu army was puzzled, the dinosaurs on the battlefield let out an uneasy roar, as if they were warning.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun saw a creature about the size of a halberd Dou Huang appearing in the formation of Zerg creatures, with a body length of more than ten meters.

It's just that this creature has the characteristics of an army ant, not a roundworm, and this creature is covered with spikes all over its body, making it look very threatening.

Seeing this, Lu Jun immediately opened the Eye of Data, and scanned the newly emerged creature until a line of information appeared in front of his eyes.

[Spiked Ant Emperor, whose strength is evaluated as super-level, the leader of the army ants, the surface of his body is covered with spikes that can be regenerated infinitely, and he is good at using these spikes to attack. 】

Seeing that this was another super-order creature, Lu Jun couldn't help but tremble a bit, because with the Blade Mantis Emperor in mid-air, they had to face two super-order creatures at the same time.

If they added the halberd emperor that they killed, it would be equivalent to encountering three super creatures in one day. This kind of fighting intensity was unimaginable to the Lu army before.

"Quick! All retreat! Shrink the formation! This is also a super-order creature!" Lu Jun loudly issued an early warning, and shared the data of the Spiky Ant Emperor with everyone around him.

Hearing the route army's order, the orc warriors and dinosaur corps in front did not hesitate at all, and immediately retreated nearly 50 meters and returned to the defense line.

Because they can also feel the strong coercion of the spiked ant emperor, this level of super creatures cannot be blocked by them.

While the road army shrunk their formation, the marching ants in front also boosted their morale. After all, their leader came out, which gave them the confidence to kill the road army and others in one fell swoop.

The Blade Mantis Emperor above saw its companion appear, and he was also relieved.

Originally, the spiked ant emperor was going to attack other gathering places, but it didn't expect the situation here to be so difficult, so it had to call the spiked ant emperor to come along with it.

Seeing that his own ground troops were on the ground, they couldn't do anything to Lu Jun and the others. The eyes of the Blade Mantis Emperor revealed disbelief. You must know that their total number is hundreds of thousands. soaring

However, the Blade Mantis Emperor is a creature that has seen the "world" after all, it quickly regained its composure, and then it began to make a unique cry, as if it was using some kind of ability.

This cry lasted about 20 seconds. The moment the Blade Mantis Emperor finished his call, the army of praying mantises in the sky and the army of marching ants on the ground suddenly felt as if they had been spayed with chicken blood, their eyes became red, and they moved much faster. .

In fact, the ability of the Blade Mantis Emperor to cry is called the Zerg Horn.

The effect is to increase the movement speed and attack speed of all Zerg creatures within the range.

With the blessing of the Zerg Horn, the combat effectiveness of the army of marching ants and praying mantises has been greatly improved, and the original disadvantage has been reversed at once.

Seeing the frenzied Zerg army in front of them was about to break through their positions, Lu Jun was thinking like thunder, thinking about their next countermeasures.

Immediately afterwards, the Lu army continuously mobilized the positions of the dinosaur corps and the orc warriors, trying to block the Zerg creatures first and delay the time.

But there are only so many of them overall, no matter how they are mobilized, there will be loopholes in the defense line, and they are about to fall.

Just when the road army was about to send rebels to fill the gap in the defense line, there was a sudden sound of running behind them, and it seemed that many creatures were approaching quickly.

Seeing this, Lu Jun couldn't help frowning, wondering if there were Zerg creatures walking around behind them?

If this is the case, then they will be flanked by front and back, and basically they will not be able to defend here.

However, the concerns of the Lu army did not become a reality, because the ones who came were not Zerg creatures or other enemies, but the second dinosaur corps supported from the Healing Magic Tower.

This dinosaur corps has a total of 600 C-rank Velociraptors, 600 C-rank Ankylosaurus, 800 C-rank Triceratops, 1,000 B-rank Pachycephalosaurus, 900 B-rank Utahraptor, and 800 B-rank Utahraptors. Hundreds of Class B Monolophosaurus.

In fact, these dinosaurs rushed over after receiving the help message from the army, and they should have arrived earlier.

It's just that when they were on the way, they encountered a wave of scattered infected bodies, and they couldn't bypass them. They had to deal with the infected bodies before coming back, so it took a little time.

Although this dinosaur corps didn't have time to eat a lot of crystals, resulting in a low level, but their number and types were of great help to the road army at this time.

The moment the second dinosaur corps arrived, they charged directly, covering the gap in the defense line.

First of all, 600 C-rank Ankylosaurus and 800 C-rank Triceratops plus 1,000 B-rank Pachycephalosaurus form the vanguard army.

They used their extremely fast charging speed and body tonnage to collide with the giant-jawed army ants and the fire poisonous army ants at the front, and immediately dispersed the attack formation formed by these two kinds of army ants.

Then, 900 B-rank Utahraptors with relatively strong individual combat capabilities and 800 B-rank Monolophosaurus formed an encircling formation, and began to encircle and kill those armored army ants with strong strength and few numbers.

In the end, six hundred C-rank Velociraptors entered the battlefield, harvesting wounded or unsuspecting enemies.

As for the Flying Feather Army Ants, they have already taken off into the air at this time, and these dinosaurs can't touch them, so the dinosaurs simply don't care.

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