Seeing that Lu Jun rescued Ruan Bing in the blink of an eye, the rebel army ignored the surrounding environment and burst into cheers.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the rebel army retreated while fighting, preparing to meet the road army, as did the dinosaur and orc warriors.

And the Blade Mantis Emperor, who was attacking the Fengshen pterosaur above, saw that the mortal Ruan Bing had been rescued by the Lu army, and his scalp was numb with anger.

Immediately, dozens of wind blades were thrown, the Fengshen pterosaur was thrown away, and flew to the position of the army. It must kill these two people who always sabotage its plans today.

Lu Jun didn't know that Emperor Daofeng Mantis had his eyes on him, and he was still flying in the direction of the rebels dragging his seriously injured body.

Three seconds later, Lu Jun arrived at the members of the rebel army and handed the unconscious Ruan Bing into Ruan Xue's hands.

Then Lu Jun immediately flew up again, because he had already seen the figure of Dao Feng Tang Huang, and he had to lead Dao Feng Tang Huang away from here, otherwise his people would have to finish.

Seeing that the Lu army was fleeing, the Blade Mantis Emperor had no time to pay attention to the rebels and others below, and followed the Lu army directly, with a firm idea of ​​killing the Lu army.

In the next tens of seconds, Lu Jun and Dao Feng Mang Huang fell into a chase.

Although the army will always use some very strange objects and grenades to interfere with the flight of the Blade Mantis Emperor and affect the speed of the Blade Mantis Emperor.

But Lu Jun was seriously injured after all, and every time he waved his wings, he would involve pain in his predecessor.

So under the violent flight, the Lu army soon couldn't stand it anymore, and the speed gradually slowed down.

But now Lu Jun is not afraid of being overtaken by the Blade Mantis Emperor, because at this time he is above the marching ant army, and there are no subordinates around him.

Seeing that Lu Jun seemed to have given up struggling and flew to a place full of marching ants, the Blade Mantis Emperor swung its sharp claws without hesitation, creating dozens of wind blades, blocking all positions of Lu Jun , ready to kill Lu Jun with one blow.

Looking at the wind blade flying towards him in front of him, and the blade mantis emperor who was so close to him, Lu Jun was not afraid or struggling, but smiled cruelly, and directly opened the Tyrannosaurus real body.

The moment the tyrannosaurus real body was used, Lu Jun's original body disappeared, as if melting into the air.

Dao Feng Tang Huang, who originally thought that Lu Jun would die, saw that Lu Jun was gone, recalling the weird smile Lu Jun showed before he disappeared, he couldn't help feeling a little ominous.

But before the Blade Mantis Emperor figured out what happened, it felt the air around it condense, and a breath stronger than itself spread around.

Feeling the inexplicably powerful coercion, the Blade Mantis Emperor did not dare to be careless, and immediately climbed up to a safe position in midair...

But all of this seems to be over today. When he thought that Ruan Bing was about to die in front of him, but he had no ability to save Ruan Bing, Lu Jun's eyes turned red, and his heart seemed to stop. can not breath.

"Ah!!!" Lu Jun raised his head and roared suddenly, his voice was piercing, and blood flowed from the corner of Lu Jun's mouth again.

Hearing the roar of the road army, the rebels who were fighting ahead immediately turned their heads and looked at the road army's position.

When they saw Ruan Bing falling from the sky, they were stunned, because they didn't expect such an ending. Read the book

Ruan Xue called out "Sister!" with a pale face, and then ran towards Ruan Bing.

Even though the distance is so far, it is impossible for her to run there in a short time, but this is just her subconscious reaction.

Just when everyone thought that Ruan Bing would fall to the ground and die in the next moment, a sudden change happened, and Lu Jun, who raised his head and roared, suddenly grew a pair of dragon wings on his back.

This pair of dragon wings has weird patterns on them, about two meters long, and is taller than Lu Jun. If you look closely, you can find that these pairs of dragon wings are very similar to the wings of Fengshen pterosaurs, but much smaller.

As for why this happened, it was because at the critical moment, Lu Jun's anger stimulated his potential, allowing him to reach 29% of his body development value to break through to 30% in an instant.

And Lu Jun has a body-specific ability called dragon transformation. When his threshold is broken through, one more part of his body can be converted into the flesh of a dinosaur.

This time, Lu Jun just transformed into the wings of Fengshen pterosaur, so he could suddenly grow dragon wings.

Looking at his dragon wings and feeling the tearing sensation from his back muscles, Lu Jun couldn't help gritting his teeth.

But he didn't have time to think too much, he immediately had a thought, swung his wings violently, climbed up in an instant, and flew towards the direction where Ruan Bing fell.

Since this was Lu Jun's first flight, he was not used to it, and every time he swung his wings, it was very difficult, and he flew swaying, like a toddler.

But Lu Jun didn't think about it, he only had one thought in his mind, that is to fly to Ruan Bing's side as fast as possible, and he must save Ruan Bing.

With this kind of obsession, Lu Jun's flying skills improved rapidly, and he mastered the essence in a blink of an eye. While waving his wings continuously, his whole body was like a gust of wind, sweeping toward Ruan Bing.

At the critical moment, when Ruan Bing was less than ten meters away from the ground, Lu Jun finally rushed to Ruan Bing's side, caught Ruan Bing, and hugged the unconscious Ruan Bing into his arms.

However, Ruan Bing fell from a height of nearly 200 meters. With the huge gravity and speed, Ruan Bing slammed into Lu Jun like a heavy hammer.

The moment he received Ruan Bing, Lu Jun heard a "click" from his ribs and arms, as if a fracture had occurred.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Jun felt a pain in his chest, and it was difficult to breathe. His body was also brought by Ruan Bing and fell to the ground, falling heavily into the mud.

In this situation, you can guess that Lu Jun has been injured without looking at it, and it is a serious injury that is life-threatening.

You must know that Lu Jun is now a third-order body domain superpower, and his physical strength is more than five times stronger than before.

But even this kind of physical strength will cause serious injuries, which shows how terrifying the impact force of Ruan Bing's fall from a high altitude is...

However, fortunately, the road army's dragon wings created a lot of buffers and slowed down a lot, so that the two people who fell into the ground did not suffer secondary injuries.

After shaking his drowsy head for a while, Lu Jun endured the pain from all over his body and checked Ruan Bing's injuries.

After finding that Ruan Bing was fine, Lu Jun struggled to get up, waved the dragon wings that were about to tear again, and flew in the direction of the rebels.

Because there are two Gale Mantises coming up above, he doesn't have the ability to fight against Gale Mantis now, so he has to quickly send Ruan Bing to a safe place.

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