Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 425: This is the boss of the Ax Gang, right?

There is still a lot of space on the cliff behind, and at the end of the cliff is the huge statue of Lady Sun.

At this moment, Mahworker first knelt down to the statue of the Sun Lady, muttering something.

Then, he pulled out two small axes that looked very suitable for throwing from his waist.

There was an unusual light emitting from the two axes, which were obviously magical weapons.

"Come on, in the name of the lady. Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa then .

The body, which was already extremely twisted, became even more ferocious at this moment, and the skin on his body completely turned blood red.

A bloodrager of demonic blood?

Should it be expected?

It seems to be obviously different from the previous night hag. Although this guy is a barbarian, he is very smart.

When he said the beginning, he actually cast a spell on himself, and a daily kitchen knife nightmare mirror image technique appeared directly in front of Lin Yun.

This guy is not of the arcane bloodline, but simply releasing spells in advance.

It is equivalent to the case of sneaking away before firing the gun.

It really is.




No, not just that.

"d20+18+5=29, the spell recognition check is successful."

This guy actually.



The muttering that just knelt in front of the statue of Lady Sun was not a prayer at all.

It's that this guy is secretly casting spells.



Is this guy really a savage?

Acceleration, See Invisibility, Shield, Fly.



Plus that mirror image.

Really, absolutely.

This is too baby.

Because I thought it was a fool before, but I didn't expect it to be a baby, which made Lin Yun slightly stunned.

This gave the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of.

His hands turned into phantoms, and he threw the two throwing axes at Lin Yun.

"Sharp Claw, Dragon Attack."

It can be seen that in the mid-air, phantoms that look like dragon claws appear on the top of the two flying axes, and behind them, it feels like a white dragon is flying over.

This guy can also beautify?

Is it the martial arts mutant profession of the blood rager?

That's right, although it is said to be a throwing weapon, this guy is indeed dual-wielding, and there is a white dragon beside him, so it is not strange to learn the Beaulieu Style.

Fair enough, probably.


"d20+15+5=27, the martial arts knowledge check is successful."

The stance is the fighting dragon posture, and the double-weapon penalty is reduced by 2, which means that the double-weapon penalty is directly reset to zero, and it can start super fast.

No wonder he almost didn't react.

When two weapons are equipped at the same time, the attack deals additional damage of +d6 + the martial arts modifier bonus.

Then the sharp claw is an enhanced martial skill with +2d6 per attack in the state of dual wielding weapons.

A dragon attack is a continuous attack for a full round, and each hit has an additional d6 damage compared to the previous one, with a maximum accumulation of 5d6.

Very good and strong.

In other words, if you throw these two things out, aren't you afraid you won't have weapons?

Because of the effect of Moyu's acceleration, although Lin Yun was stunned for a moment, and this guy also started faster, he was not in a state of being caught off guard.

"Unreal Penumbra." Lin Yun shouted almost instantly.

"d20+18+5=37, the Stealth check was successful."

Almost instantly, Lin Yun appeared on the other side of the cliff, and there was another Lin Yun standing there.

I saw that the two flying axes passed through Lin Yun's false figure at once, and then disappeared.

"Flash back to the belt?" Lin Yun frowned slightly as he looked at the familiar scene.

Sure enough, the flying ax that passed through Lin Yunxuying had reappeared in Mahe Walker's hand.

"Phantom? Not bad." With a ferocious smile, Mahworker said.

Immediately afterwards, he violently swung the throwing ax in his hand again.

However, compared to before, the hitting power was lower. Lin Yun waved the glow in his hand and blocked it again and again.

After the two flying axes hit the glow in Lin Yun's hands, Lin Yun's hands were slightly numb from the shock.

Disappeared in an instant again.

Then the same phantom was thrown towards Lin Yun again.

But this time, Lin Yun still blocked it easily, which made Mahe Walker's expression slightly less beautiful.

Originally thought it was a "one blow" that would kill him, but he didn't expect that after Lin Yun avoided his two strongest attacks with his "magic skills", he blocked all his remaining attacks.

"Huh." One thing to say, this situation is indeed a little dangerous, even Lin Yun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Because when I looked closely, I could see one of the flying axes was covered with lightning and frost at the same time, and there was also a strange enchantment on the other flying axe.

It's just because of the sudden flash, Lin Yun didn't have time to make the test at all.

But no matter what, just looking at the pile of enhanced martial arts, Lin Yun felt that he was not killed in an instant. He could only say that the blood blocked the spleen.

Now it's a perfect Charisma bonus block of +11ac.

And the next one is.


. "Devil form."

Next up is the perfect Charisma bonus of +13ac.

"Sure enough, are you the same as me?" With an extremely ferocious expression, Mahwerk's eyes were full of jealousy and resentment, and then he shouted.

Although it is the same.

But in fact, he could see that Lin Yun was more "perfect" than him.

Considering that this guy is also a dragon, Lin Yun squinted his eyes a little, and Lin Yun said directly, "Mercury wave."

Throwing weapons have a distance. If they exceed the distance, they will suffer debuffs just like Leon's bullets.

Even long throws are just a range penalty of 2.

That is to say, the best throwing effect of a throwing ax within a normal range of 3 meters can only be increased to 6 meters at most.

But when it is 6 meters away or within 9 meters, it will become a penalty of 2 again.

But now, the distance between Lin Yun and Mahe Walker is 9 meters away, that is to say, at least 4 penalties.

However, this range happened to be within Lin Yun's "shooting" range.

With Lin Yun's upgrade, Lin Yun's mercury wave shooting range is .



18 meters shooting distance.




Lin Yun first retracted the glow into the scabbard, and then pulled out the rebel from behind.

"Myth attacks violently, Mercury Wave." A mercury-colored sword glow swung out from the rebellion in Lin Yun's hand, and leaped forward at an astonishing speed.

Almost instantly, he came to Mahe Walker.




"Reverse stabbing." After Mahwerk yelled, he swung the throwing ax in his hand violently, and bombarded the sword light.

"d20+11+2+12+5+2+1=41, the attack check failed."

"Fuck. Rebellious." Lin Yun didn't expect to be unable to stand up.


"41+7=48, hit."

It was only a little short of being able to see the flying ax in mid-air, and it was only a little short of breaking through the sword glow directly and bombarding Lin Yun.

But under the situation that Lin Yun strengthened his rebellion.

The mercury wave turned red, and then slammed over the flying axe.

The throwing ax disappeared into the air in an instant, and returned to Mahwerk's hand.

But it was accompanied by Lin Yun's Mercury Wave.

"d20+11+2+12+5+2+1=46, the trip combat skill check is successful."


The Mercury Wave cut through Mahworker's chest almost instantly, and with a large amount of blood gushing out, Mahwalker was washed down to the ground.

The kitchen knife nightmare, the mirror image technique, no longer exists.

Because Lin Yun wasn't sure what was going on with the so-called "Ms. Sun", and maybe this guy would spy on him somewhere maliciously.

So before that, Lin Yun first asked Sedum to cast him a cover detection spell that could cover up scrying spells.

This is to avoid being viewed from a distance.

In addition to being able to prevent direct scrying, this spell will also be affected within the range of scrying, and then it seems to be shielded.

In addition to this, just to prevent, the other party observed Lin Yun invisibly around.

This is what most demons like to do.

Therefore, Lin Yun asked Xiao Jin to prepare the true seeing technique.

Hence, mirror imagery.


. die.

At this time, Lin Yun's face can be described as full of ferocious and happy expressions.

People who don't know think that Lin Yun hates Mahe Walker so much, cough cough cough.

"Opportunity." Lin Yun looked at the situation in the distance and smiled. "Hundred weapon martial arts, flash strike."

Lin Yun smiled slightly, and then pulled out the glow.

This is the main reason why there is no limit to the range distance of 18 meters, but a distance of about 9 meters.

Through a hundred weapons of martial arts, Lin Yun made a breakthrough~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then at the moment of the breakthrough, at the moment of stepping within 9 meters, Lin Yun also came in front of Mahe Walker.

"d20+11+2+12+5+2+12+4=50, hit."


Taking advantage of this guy falling to the ground, Lin Yun's glow directly slashed at the fallen Mahworker's body, almost cutting off Mahwalker's arm.

And after hitting it, it can be said that it is a thousand miles away in a single hit.



A cloud of purple mist shrouded Lin Yun's side, corroding towards Mahe Walker next to him, and then Lin Yun disappeared, appearing in the midair at a height of about 30 meters.

Spread the wings that came from the succubus on the back, and glide in mid-air.

It is a little pity that the wings endowed by the succubus phase do not have the function of flying, at most they just stay in mid-air like this.

But enough is enough.



. Damn, what kind of power is this and why, Lady Sun. Clenching his fists tightly, with a look of great grief and indignation, Mahworker struggled and got up from the ground. Looking at Lin Yun flying in the sky, he felt more fear.

But that strong unwillingness was driving him.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." It can only be said that fortunately he released the flying technique in advance.

It's just that before he secretly released the flying technique to fly the kite Lin Yun, but now, he even.


Even catching up seems troublesome.

Under the Acceleration Art, his Flying Art reached almost twice the speed, however.



It happened to be within the range that Lin Yun had "determined".

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