Righteous Angry Hunting Demon

Chapter 426: behind the scenes

What made Lin Yun raise his eyebrows slightly was that Mahe Walker just flew up a little distance, then arched his body, and said, "Gu Longya."

Charge throw?

The flying ax turned into a dragon's tooth and flew towards Lin Yun.

Lin Yun subconsciously said, "Yinyaohui."

Prepare to chop the flying ax back.

"d20+11+2+12+5+2+1=48, the attack roll counter is successful."

A silver light erupted from Rebellious's body, and there was a violent impact on the flying axe, and it was sent flying back.

You can see that Jianmang has been flying 10 meters away.

It's a pity that if Mahe Walker is near here, this guy can be easily cut.

Unfortunately, it cannot.

The chopped flying ax rolled in mid-air, almost falling below the cliff.

But in the end, the magical flashback belt made the golden light flash, and then it returned to Mahe Walker's hands all at once.

"Face me, coward." Looking at Lin Yun who was in mid-air but didn't have the slightest intention to approach, Mahworker crossed two throwing axes.

Let it make a sound of metal collision in midair.

It just doesn't have any effect. Is Lin Yun someone who can be ridiculed so easily?

There is a high probability that the opponent will have another counterattack martial skill.

Therefore, when Lin Yun teleported, he appeared behind this guy, and the purple mist spread out to corrode Mahe Walker in front of him.


"Turrent Strike." The rebellion in Lin Yun's hand turned into a series of phantoms, and he stabbed at Mahe Walker opposite him.

"Flash back." Mahworker felt the corrosive power brought by the power of the abyss on his body, gritted his teeth, and then flew down, trying to hide with his stunts.




"d20+11+2+12+5+2+1=47, the attack roll counter is successful."


"d20+11+2+12+5+2+1=42, hit."


"d20+11+2+12+5+2+1=38, hit."


The outcome was decided, and the three consecutive stabs directly pierced several holes in Mahwerk's body. The pitiful and pathetic mirror image on his body flickered for a moment, and then disappeared.

This means that he has passed out.

Only at this moment, suddenly, Mahe Walker's figure flashed with purple light.

Immediately afterwards, he disappeared in front of Lin Yun.

"d20+16+5=35, the Perception check was successful."

Lin Yun quickly scanned his surroundings.

Compared with Lin Yun and Mahe Walker's fighting methods that are close to bells and whistles.

On the other side, the battle between Little Aiwu and the young Bailong seemed simple and rough.

It's basically just biting and attacking each other.

Carnival Dragon is slightly better, barely able to cast spells.

Although the main spells are close to those of the bard, there are few spell slots, and there are only a few known spells.

But at least it is better than Bailong.

Because even an adult white dragon can only know one-level spells.

It's not without reason that it's called a beast.

But no matter what, Xiao Aiwu's spells didn't have a very good attack effect, so it became a hand-to-hand fight between the two sides.

The two sides first flew up, and then breathed out dragon's breath at each other to show friendship, and then it was pure hand-to-hand combat.

However, normal juvenile dragons only have three melee fighting methods: biting, clawing, and wing-slapping.

It takes an adult dragon to develop more tail-flicking attacks.

However, the Carnival Dragon, the little Aiwu now has the attack method of flicking its tail, and it has a big tail like a whip.

It is really used like a main weapon, and it can even be tripped by the way.

Although it is a pity that flying in mid-air is not so effective for tripping.

But it was enough, Xiao Aiwu could be said to have perfectly suppressed the opponent's young white dragon.

It should even be said that although Little Aiwu has some icy **** on his body, the young Bailong is already bruised and limping even while flying.

Of course, those are not the key points, the keen Lin Yun almost instantly locked his eyes on the statue of Lady Sun on the cliff below.

Because at this moment, Mahwerk's "corpse" was right in front of the statue.

Then, from the withered statue of Lady Sun, an unusually narrow and trembling shadow was separated, floating on the ground. A pair of slender hands, or perhaps claws, reached out and touched Mahwerk's bowed head with a gentle, almost gentle gesture.

Then a flash of light flashed past.

"d20+16+5=29, the spell recognition check is successful."

This is the breath of life with 5 rings, which can revive a corpse in less than 6 seconds after death.

There is no need for the high resurrection price and cost like the resurrection of the dead.

Immediately, Lin Yun heard a beautiful, ethereal, otherworldly voice directly in his mind: "You mortals, why do you like breaking other people's toys so much?"

"So you are that Sun Lady?" Lin Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at the so-called Sun Lady in front of him.

At this moment, Lin Yun couldn't even tell what kind of race she was.

With her slender body and two pairs of dragonfly-like wings, she looks like a spirit, wearing a long skirt, but with the head of an insect on her head.

It made Lin Yun feel like a fly demon, which is a kind of demon.

It's just that most of the fly demons look like real fly people, not like they are now, which makes Lin Yun feel a unique beauty.

Lin Yun was a little suspicious, whether it was the other party's charm bursting, or his xp had some strange changes due to the way of the devil.

"That's what they call me here," replied the worm-like shadow, "but you may call me by another name, Jerebeth."

After the resurrection, Mahwerk's shoulders continued to spasm. He struggled in vain, trying to get up and protect the insect-like shadow behind him.



. Like a dog.

"What did you do to these people?" Lin Yun frowned slightly, and then said.

"I just put some in their heads.



Just an idea. "Jeribeth's voice was high-pitched and rough, like an insect with buzzing wings, echoing in Lin Yun's mind endlessly.

"It's simple with elegance. I let everyone in Dongyang Village see demons as humans, elves, and dwarves, and then treat real mortals as demons." He even let out a burst of proud laughter , Jerebeth flapped her wings, waving the thing that looked like a claw, and stroked Mahwok.

"They live in a world where good and evil are reversed. The wounds of the world are full of brave crusaders, and Juanze City has just recently been captured by a group of terrifying monsters from the abyss. If your family likes The troublemaker Queen Gauffre is here, and people will take her for Descari's cub and try to kill her when they meet," said Jerebeth with deep malice.

"Why do other demons come here? Daren Zand is also here?" Lin Yun thought of Daren Zand before.

"Ah, Daren Zand, I'm going to make trouble for him in the future, and I can't find a place like my little Wintersun Village in the whole world. I don't allow other demons in my domain Kill people indiscriminately. Instead, they can come here to play. They can get rid of the appearance of demons and pretend to be mortals. Not even Lady Nautikura of the Midnight Islands has ever provided such special entertainment." Jerebeth laughed Then, he waved his paw and pointed at Lin Yun.

"You should have noticed, all of this is very familiar.



" Lin Yun frowned slightly.

"Because the succubus in your house is also playing a game of pretending to be a human, and, from a certain point of view, isn't it the same for you now? In the eyes of Dongyang Village, you are a normal person. The best proof." Jerebeth said with a smile.

"Imagine." There was a hint of a smile in her ethereal voice, "It won't be long before Dongyang Village may be the only place where you will be regarded as an ordinary person."

"No, after that, I probably have blocked the wound of the world." Lin Yun smiled, because either he died~www.wuxiaspot.com~ or the wound of the world was blocked Block up.

Then he has completed the module.

At that time, he will probably return to the so-called p space.

Then conservatively estimate that Dante was already a level 10 + level 20 professional at that time.

Then, even if he goes to other mod worlds at that time, it is basically certain that he will have to change a card, not as Dante, but as another character.

In short, these are not things that Lin Yun needs to consider.

"Oh, really? Are you really optimistic, or do you not understand enough about the evil in the hearts of you mortals? I have one more important thing to tell you, just listen. Don't break me This place and its interesting people have become dear to me. So has Mahwerk, who loves me so passionately, so blindly.



The creature's voice became a little sad. "No matter how long you search in the abyss, some things will never be found." "

Hearing these words, Lin Yun looked at Mahworker with a subtle expression.

Although it was said before that Mahwerk looked like an ultimate licking dog.

But looking at it now, it seems that Mahe Walker has really entered into Jerry Beisi's heart. Is this a person who is in love with someone or Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

"Chief Mahvork, you are guilty of betraying your own clan. You are guilty of letting your sworn enemy into your homeland, and trampling the memories and laws of Sakorik. Your verdict is a burden of truth. See you' deep Love' things." At this time, the barbarians who followed Lin Yun and the others shouted loudly.

Here, apart from Gesmeha, he is probably the only one who has this qualification.

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