Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1045 Kamikaze Special Forces!

The appearance of a steel bunker on the last carriage is not as exaggerated as it is!

Although it is also a steel plate fortification, it is considered a semi-open fortification because there is no top, but the entire exposed weapon can scare the bejesus out of all Japanese.

Because, it turned out to be a 20mm machine gun.

No wonder the battle hadn't even started yet. The two sides were shooting at each other for a while, and the carriage was about to fall apart as if it had been hit by a cannonball. I'm sorry, the recoil of the machine gun inside was too great, and the Chinese wanted to destroy the carriage. If it gets scattered, just put the machine gun on the ground.

The Japanese are also elites who have been on the battlefield for a long time, and they immediately figured out the cause and effect.

Unfortunately, this was of no help to the fierce attack they were about to encounter. The Chinese gunner, who was blocked by the steel plate, had already stepped on the pedal and fired at the target that the observer had already selected.

That was one of the four grenade launchers that had been completely exposed.

The Japanese grenadier actually chose a good location. It was behind a big rock facing the mountain road and more than 350 meters away from the mountain road. If he was attacked, not to mention the machine gun rifle would be useless to him. Even the grenade grenade would probably be very powerful. Hard to hurt him.

Unless there is a marksman who can throw grenades to an area with an accuracy of 5 meters, but is that really possible?

Just like the Chinese did not believe that Japanese grenadiers would throw grenades hundreds of meters away into the exaggerated steel bunkers they built.

But what about direct-fire artillery? Especially a machine gun that can penetrate 10 mm steel plates at a distance of 500 meters?

No one could tell the cautious Japanese grenade hand how to respond.

After all, practice is the only criterion of truth!

Heizi showed everyone at the scene the brutality of a machine gun hitting the target with 20 shells in an area of ​​​​5 square meters.

The deputy commander of the reconnaissance company used his terrifying arm strength to prove that any skill is futile in the face of huge power. The 20mm machine gun can also be used as a sniper rifle.

The stone, which is less than half a meter thick, blocked the first shot and even the first ten shots. However, the Taihang Mountain rocks are mainly quartz sandstone, followed by limestone. The hardness of both rocks is sufficient, but they lack some toughness. It is often said to be relatively brittle. If it is continuously hammered, it may crack.

That's almost 100%!

As a result, the stone bunker that held all the hopes of the Japanese grenade launchers shattered into pieces as if being hit by stone chips from a stone drill!

A handful of red blooms on the hillside, like a blood-red epiphyllum in full bloom.

There was no scream, but five or six consecutive rounds of artillery shells after crushing the entire boulder directly tore the grenade launcher hiding behind into countless pieces.

Only after the war can we have a chance to take stock.

"Damn it!" Fujiwara Senzuo's cold face showed anger again.

This group of Chinese people even carried heavy weapons like machine guns. If he hadn't been 100% sure, he would have been sure that this was an encounter after the Chinese saw through it. A dozen Chinese people were killed in the mountains and forests behind. His corpse and the corpses of more than a dozen Chinese mountain people passing by since then are the best proof. He will definitely think that this is a trap that the Chinese have set long ago, waiting for him to escape.

"Hit the fire, kill that machine gun first!" Fujiwara Senzuo gave the order again.

Several sparks suddenly flashed out from the steel plates on both sides of the machine gun and the steel plate shield on the front. The Japanese's marksmanship was also impressive. Without the commander's orders, at least five riflemen quietly aimed their guns. I just emptied a 20-round bullet.

Fortunately, during the design, Tang Dao took into consideration that if the enemy was encountered while marching, the machine gun would be too close to the enemy and it would be easy for the opponent's sharpshooters to find a gap and hit it.

Therefore, the machine gun shield was increased by 20 centimeters, which just blocks the gunner's face. The gap between the two sides and the steel plate is only 2 centimeters at most. Although this sacrifices the machine gun gunner's field of vision and the machine gun's firing range, as long as it can Just protect the gunner and keep suppressing the enemy's most threatening grenadier.

The lost field of vision will be provided by Xia Dayu, a good observer, through the observation hole to continuously provide the gunner with the direction and distance.

"What a fool, you dare to attack me without even looking at what I'm wearing!" Heizi sneered when he felt the movement coming from the steel plate.

Kuroko has never been so confident.

In order to protect him better, Tang Tuanzuo actually resorted to the tactics of ancient heavy cavalry.

A thin steel mask is attached to the lower edge of the special steel helmet, which protects the entire face and neck except for the eyes.

Although it can't block 62mm bullets, it can still block the fragments of a grenade that explodes 2 meters away.

He was even wearing a bulletproof vest with small steel plates inserted in the front and back. The thickness of the steel plates reached 5 mm. According to Tang Tuanzuo, unless he was particularly unlucky and Japanese bullets found the gaps in the steel plates, just using a rifle would be enough. You can't kill him.

The only drawback is that this bulletproof vest is too heavy. The whole thing weighs 60 pounds. If it were replaced by someone else, it would be difficult to even lift it up and put it on, let alone wearing it for combat.

Fortunately, Heizi is tall and strong, and his tendons are enough for him to easily lift this body armor and equip himself at any time. In addition, this mission does not require him to control the MG34 machine gun, he only needs to sit on the fortification that hangs the sky. You only need to control the machine gun here, and there are people to assist you in loading the bullet plate and observing the target.

That's right,' it was the Sihang Regiment Anti-aircraft Company that suffered heavy casualties in several consecutive air operations due to the ricochet of heavy machine gun bullets caused by machine gun shooters and Japanese planes. At Tang Dao's suggestion, the newly established Ordnance Department took the lead in designing this primary heavy-duty "bulletproof vest".

However, due to problems such as steel plate material and design process, coupled with the haste of Tang Dao's requirements, there were a lot of shortcomings such as bulkiness and insufficient bulletproof performance, and the possibility of the first generation of heavy-duty bulletproof vests being put into actual combat was actually not great.

But it was still brought by Tang Dao who was going to perform the mission this time, and equipped to Heizi.

Because Tang Dao knew that he might encounter a very strong opponent this time, it was always good to be prepared.

Yes, although Tang Dao was not a clairvoyant, he had smelled a familiar smell since he heard that when the 80th Army and the 16th Division of the Japanese Army were fighting, a brigade-level field hospital in the rear was attacked by the Japanese Army, and the guard troops died nearly 2 infantry platoons in the battle, and the medical staff and the wounded suffered heavy casualties.

The Japanese special forces team actually appeared in advance.

In the past, it would have taken a year.

Because the 80th Army continued to expand its guerrilla zone, the vast rural areas of North China were full of dangers except for the heavily garrisoned cities, and it was unrealistic for the Japanese army to continuously organize large numbers of troops to go into the mountains to "suppress bandits".

Under desperation, they even organized elite troops to disguise as the 80th Army to infiltrate the guerrilla zone, infiltrate, destroy and even attack the command agency.

Don't say, this set really caught the 80th Army off guard in the early stage. Even the sacrifice of the famous general of the 80th Army was due to these special forces.

But now, perhaps inspired by the frequent dispatch of elite teams by the Four Lines to conduct reconnaissance and attacks on the enemy's rear, the special forces came in advance.

Moreover, after Tang Dao asked the command center in detail, he was surprised to find that the Japanese had a strong learning ability.

They didn't just pick out the elites in the army to rush into battle. They even had special skills such as camouflage, lurking, and deception, and they were fully equipped with the prototype of special forces.

For example, in the battle when they were attacked at night, the brigade's field hospital had an infantry company to defend it. Although most of the soldiers were recruited last year, the brigade had been fighting in northwest Shanxi for more than half a year and participated in the battle of Pingxingguan. It was a powerful brigade with combat effectiveness no less than that of the 683rd Brigade, and its combat effectiveness was evident.

But the Japanese troops were all wearing the gray uniforms of the 80th Army Group, and the weapons they used were mostly Hanyang-made and Mauser pistols and submachine guns. They spoke fluent Chinese and reported the correct organization of friendly forces, which led to the company commander completely relaxing his vigilance. As a result, when he approached and asked again, the Japanese army took the lead in attacking, and the veteran who did not die in the Wanli Great Transfer died in the first wave of attacks by the Japanese army.

This also caused the company's morale to be in chaos, and even a small number of Japanese troops took advantage of the chaos to rush into the defense zone and wreak havoc. In the end, although they continued to organize troops to attack the Japanese, serious consequences were inevitable, and more than 80 people died in this battle.

When the nearby troops heard the gunshots and came to support, the Japanese troops, whose number would never exceed one infantry platoon, had all evacuated, leaving only seven bodies without any proof of their identities.

In that battle, the casualties were more than 20 to 1, especially with a large number of medical staff.

His own mistakes were one aspect, but it also indirectly showed the strong combat effectiveness of the Japanese troops.

The hot-tempered deputy commander of the 80th Army Group who received the news threw his hat at the time, pointed at the brigade commander with a face full of shame and cursed for a full ten minutes. It was only after two colleagues of the same level persuaded him for a long time that he gradually calmed down.

But that was not the end. The brigade commander became the only brigade commander who was not commended and had to write a self-criticism after the war because of the mistakes in this battle.

Many generals, including Brigade Commander Cheng, felt sorry for him, thinking that the punishment was too much.

Perhaps, they didn't know how much the upright deputy commander feared and how angry he was about the small group of Japanese troops that sneaked into the rear to cause sabotage.

In the past, in the battle of Guanjiazhai that was about to take place soon, he was willing to kill 500 enemies even if he lost 2,000 of his own.

Bloody lessons always lead to reflection, especially this kind of early reflection. Although Tang Dao mentioned the need for anti-infiltration at the staff meeting, it was never as profound as the painful realization after the knife fell on himself.

Tang Dao believed that after this battle alone, the smart elders of the 80th Army, which was about to carry out large-scale guerrilla warfare, would come up with a way to deal with the Japanese special forces, and Tang Dao didn't need to say much nonsense.

Of course, this battle reminded Tang Dao that sooner or later he would have to fight against the newly formed Japanese special forces on the battlefield.

Even, perhaps there was no need to wait for sooner or later, and they would definitely meet in the near future.

Because he had in his hand the one thing that the Japanese wanted most to take or destroy - Yamamoto.

This was not intuition, but a rigorous logical inference.

Tang Dao made the right judgment.

A few days ago, Shanshan Yuan, who was devastated by the top-secret intelligence, regained his composure and found Okabe Saburo, who had not yet resigned. At Okabe Saburo's suggestion, a secret order flew to the southeastern front of Shanxi.

The captain of the "Kamikaze Special Forces" in the Japanese North China Front Army, Fujiwara Sen's Zhongza, who was given the last hope by Shanshan Yuan, accepted this mission.

The arrogant Fujiwara Sen'o lost all his elites in the battle of Zhengcheng, and he was also seriously injured and lost his family heirloom sword. If it weren't for the intelligence department of the front army trying its best to cover his escape for the sake of his family's prestige, he would probably die in China like his unlucky brother.

If it were someone else, he would come so arrogantly, but leave so embarrassedly, and he might fall into a state of decadence because of extreme "social death".

But Fujiwara Sen'o is not an ordinary person. He is not only proud, but also has an extreme pursuit of martial arts. How could he easily let his emotions fall into the abyss because of a little setback?

He actually regarded this as a hurdle in his martial arts practice. Overcoming it might be a qualitative transformation. Fujiwara Sen'o, who recovered from his serious injuries in just 10 days, actually went directly to the indoor shroud, hoping to join the army and hone himself on the battlefield.

Of course, only in this way can he have the opportunity to fight the opponent who tied with him.

Through the battle with Tang Dao, he knew that Tang Dao was a layman in martial arts practice, but Tang Dao's life-and-death moves were not inferior to or even stronger than those of a well-trained martial arts master like him in actual combat.

How could Fujiwara Sen'o be willing to accept this? It also made him have a little interest in the battlefield where life and death were at stake. Perhaps, in such a place full of killing, his martial arts practice would also be improved.

The then commander of the North China Front Army of Japan had not been completely exhausted at that time, so he naturally had a great interest in holding the thigh of the Fujiwara family. Not only did he satisfy the wish of the eldest son of the Fujiwara family to join the army, but he also used the privilege of the commander of the North China Front Army to give him a rank of middle left in the army.

This not only expressed his importance to the Fujiwara family, but also indirectly raised the level of Fujiwara Sen'o's proposal to establish a small number of elite troops in the army. However, the establishment of 200 people was almost at the level of an infantry battalion, which was completely unprecedented in the history of the Japanese army.

Once successful, it fully demonstrated his foresight in the war.

It can only be said that Huji Shouyi is really an old fox. If Tang Dao and the two commanders Wu and Zhang had not tricked him in Taierzhuang and forced him to leave in disgrace, the difficulty of the battlefield in North China might have risen to a higher level.

Although Shanshan Yuan is a higher official than Huji Shouyi and has a stronger influence in the Japanese military, in terms of command and combat capabilities, Tang Dao thinks that he is still inferior to Huji Shouyi.

Just like the Southeast Shanxi Campaign, Shanshan Yuan, who just arrived at the North China battlefield, launched it too eagerly. If he had been given another month or two to observe the battlefield, he would probably find that it might be much easier to attack another line of defense on the east side of Linfen than Southeast Shanxi, even though the Chinese army deployed more troops on that line of defense.

However, there are more factions.

The result of not being able to unite all forces is naturally to be defeated one by one!

Unfortunately, Shanshan Yuan overestimated himself and underestimated the 80th Army, the most important force in the Taihang Mountains.

Therefore, the situation has led to the situation that the chance to restore the honor of the Imperial Army has to be placed on the "Kamikaze Special Attack Force" that was formed by Fujiwara Sen's Chuza just three months ago.

Why is it called Kamikaze? It comes from the inspiration of General Huji Shouyi, who hopes that this infantry, the first elite unit of the Imperial Army, can sneak into the enemy's rear silently like a gust of wind, and reap the enemy's lives wantonly like the Kamikaze that destroyed the Mongolian fleet that once invaded the Empire.

Undoubtedly, General Huji Shouyi's wish is extremely beautiful.

If this person knew that in a certain time and space, his Imperial Navy had also formed such a fighter unit called "Kamikaze Special Attack Force", and its combat method was nothing more than suicide attack, this unlucky child would probably put his proud code name back into his mind.

Fujiwara Sen's needless to say, the nearly 200 elites drawn from various divisions, none of them were elite soldiers, and there were more than a dozen of them with noble status. It was because of the ominous name he gave that he was screwed. His spine must have been broken.

Fortunately, he has stepped down now, and all the bad luck attributes have been thrown to his successor Shanshan Yuan.

In other words, Fujiwara Sen'o Chuzue, who used seven lives to sneak attack a field hospital of the Chinese army and won a great victory and became famous in one battle, was finally pitted by the unlucky name given by a retired general.

Do you really think that all these preparations of Tang Tuanzuo are just for a rainy day?

No, he was prepared to kill him long ago.

From the moment he sent a message to the Second War Zone Command that he would pass through the 104th Division's defense zone, Tang Dao knew that it would be better to trust a pig to climb a tree if he wanted to rely on those guys to keep the secrets from being known by the senior Japanese spies.

To be more precise, that message was just a bait thrown by Tang Dao, waiting for the arrival of the Japanese special forces.

Then, they really came, on this ambush terrain that did not seem particularly suitable.

Because the more appropriate it is, the more likely it is to arouse people's vigilance. Fujiwara Sen's understanding of psychological logic is obvious.

After all, the code name was a bit unlucky. The prey is actually the hunter, so what's the point of playing with psychology?

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