Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1046 Hit the Nemesis!

However, at this time, Tang Dao didn't know that the person lying on the opposite side was his old rival Fujiwara Zhanxiong.

And Fujiwara Zhanxiong, who was annoyed by the machine gun, didn't know that Tang Dao, the old man, was hiding in the carriage on the opposite side.

If both sides knew that they were being targeted by each other, Tang Dao would definitely take out a loud speaker and laugh loudly at the unlucky child who was calculated, and Fujiwara Zhanxiong would never feel lucky to finally meet the guy who stole his ancestral sword.

All this stems from the fact that the Chinese side has an extra 20mm machine gun, which basically determines the outcome of the battlefield.

As long as you are still in the category of human creatures and have not ascended to heaven and become an immortal, the so-called martial arts is nothing but delusion.

The machine gun that emptied a bullet plate and smashed the stone and the grenade launcher behind it was silent for only 10 seconds, and then roared again after replacing another bullet plate.

The target was still not the seven or eight light infantry in the trench, but the grenade launcher found by Xia Dayu.

The last grenadier soldier who was killed at least had a big rock to hide under, and he survived more than a dozen shells from a 20mm machine gun before he was finished. Compared with his companions, this person's hiding place is like a naked body and a chain mail.

Perhaps because it was drizzling, this person didn't want to catch a cold, so he didn't choose any rocks as a shelter, but chose to hide under a big tree, with a bush in front of him as a cover.

The extreme expansion of confidence made him feel that hiding from the rain was more important than hiding from bullets.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with his choice. If he encountered ordinary Chinese troops, with his location at least 380 meters away from the mountain road, plus the fierceness of his companions in front, it would be almost impossible for anyone to cause harm to him. Even if he encountered a light machine gun with a long enough range, the century-old tree as thick as two adult waists could form a barrier for him personally.

What bullet can penetrate a tree with a diameter of half a meter?

But what about the cigar-sized shells of the 20mm machine gun?

"11 o'clock direction, 388 meters away..." Xia Dayu quickly retracted the telescope from the observation hole while reporting quickly.

Heizi, who kept shaking the handle to adjust the muzzle of the machine gun according to the data reported by the little bald head, cracked his mouth: "Come, watch me shoot him ten more times!"

"Captain Hei, this time we only brought 160 rounds of shells, please use them sparingly." The ammunition hand who pushed the bullet plate hard on the side reminded hurriedly.

"What are you panicking about? Once we kill the Japanese grenade launcher, the Japanese will have no heavy weapons that can threaten us. We don't need to do anything again, the regiment commander and his men can crush them." Heizi answered with a relaxed look.

This fire support hand, who was famous in the Four-line Regiment as the 'walking arsenal', had operated machine guns and various light and heavy machine guns. MG34 was his favorite, but perhaps only he knew better at this time. If he was given a machine gun that could destroy anything he saw, what would MG34 be?

The feeling of holding the handle of the machine gun and having the life and death of all enemies in your hands is really great.

He certainly didn't know that when he saw Heizi wearing a heavy bulletproof vest and a steel mask full of steel plates, Tang Dao felt that the MG34 was still a lot worse in the hands of this Shandong man, and the best match for him was still the six-barreled Gatling.

Of course, although the Oerlikon 20mm single-barrel machine gun he was controlling now had a low firing rate, in terms of single-shot power, at least in this era, no machine gun could match it.

Heizi was very aware of his own strength. The first seven shells of the machine gun all missed, either hitting the soil in front of the Japanese grenade launcher's hiding place or flying past the big tree. The branches that were constantly broken by the shells along the way showed the huge kinetic energy of the shells.

The Japanese grenade launcher curled up behind the big tree, his face pale.

He regretted it now. Not only did he regret coming to this battlefield, but he also regretted why he was so stupid as to fire two grenades before the Chinese machine gun was exposed.

Now it's all right! Being "noticed" by the machine gun, no matter how much Fujiwara Sen's appreciation of him, he has no sense of security.

Even at the moment when he saw the muzzle of the Chinese machine gun pointing at him, this veteran grenade thrower who had served in the army for 9 years and had a record of accurately firing a grenade into a window of no more than one square meter from 500 meters away and killing four Chinese defenders, and who was very famous in the First Army, felt a little resentful towards Fujiwara Sen's.

He was originally happy to be a grenade thrower instructor in the brigade of the First Army. Even if he was born in a humble family, he could be promoted to an officer as long as he endured another year. As a result, he had to play this dangerous game with the old man, the god of death, who not only wanted to get in, but also wanted to get in. Isn't it all the trickery of Fujiwara Sen's guy!

As a veteran, after firing a grenade, a bullet landed not far from his side. He knew there was a sharpshooter on the opposite side, but he was not panicking. He had already chosen a thick tree trunk that was enough to shelter him.

The big tree that could shelter him from rain and bullets was once his ideal place, but the veteran never expected that the Chinese would bring a machine gun.

What's more terrible is that he didn't dare to leave easily. His intuition told him that in a corner he didn't know, there were at least two Chinese sharpshooters staring at him, waiting for him to leave the bunker.

He had hoped that his awesome colleagues could kill the Chinese machine gunners. Apart from Mr. Fujiwara Sen'o, who was said to be able to defeat a hundred people, there was a strong man among his colleagues who had shot and killed fifteen Chinese light and heavy machine gunners at a distance of 400 meters with a Type 38 rifle without a scope, and a great man who had assassinated thirteen Chinese infantrymen in hand-to-hand combat without even breaking his skin.

But unfortunately, his awesome companions seemed to have cheated in their past achievements. Not to mention shooting and killing the opponent, those who could shoot a few bullets in the gaps of being suppressed by the crazy Chinese machine guns were considered excellent students.

Then, he waited for the machine gun to point the muzzle at his direction.


There was nothing else except despair.

It's not that he didn't try, but just as he stretched out part of his torso and tried to crawl away, a bullet came at him, only 20 centimeters away at most. His intuition after years of battlefield experience told him that if he didn't shrink back, the second bullet would definitely hit him.

His intuition was right.

The one targeting him was "No-Brain"!

If the distance was not a little far, and there were bushes and drizzling rain in front, resulting in poor vision, with "No-Brain"'s shooting skills, he would not have needed to fire a second shot.

The slightly complicated battlefield environment saved this veteran Japanese grenade thrower, but at the same time pushed him into a darker abyss.

Unable to escape, he could only rely on luck and a machine gun targeting him.

The veteran soldier had no intention of using the grenade thrower in his hand to compete with the opponent's machine gun.

Those who think that way are definitely dead.

Why could he fire a grenade into a window less than one square meter from 500 meters away? That was because his side had an absolute advantage and the Chinese side had no possibility of posing any threat to him. He could observe, calculate and adjust very calmly.

In this situation where he could die at any time, he was able to perform at 70% of his usual level, which was already an extraordinary performance. The other side also had a steel bunker as a shelter. At this time, did he still have the fighting spirit of "you give me a shot and I give you a grenade"?

He couldn't run, and he didn't dare to fight, so he had to hide for the time being.

His companion's experience had made him lose most of his luck. His current hope was not whether this big tree could block the opponent's shells, but that the opponent could not hit him accurately.

'A speck of dust from the times, falling on a person's head, is a mountain! ' This is what a future Chinese writer wrote in his article.

It is also suitable to put it here. It doesn't matter to the Chinese side that nine out of ten shells fired at this area miss the target. It just consumes one-tenth of the ammunition reserves carried. But as long as one hits, it will be the end of the Japanese grenade launcher.

Look, the eighth shell came just like that, hitting the area 80 cm from the ground on the tree trunk.

A hole as big as an adult's fist appeared on the tree trunk instantly. That is only visible to people. Inside the tree trunk that is invisible to the human eye, after entering the trunk halfway, the thick bullet deformed after continuous obstruction, but it can still run wildly inside the tree trunk, but it can no longer remain straight. It 'blasted' a passage inside the tree trunk diagonally and then disappeared.

From the back of the tree trunk, the bullet blasted a hole at least the size of a bowl.

The Japanese grenade launcher curled up under the tree trunk burst into a scream!

It was not the bullet that hit him, but a small number of wooden thorns blasted by the bullet pierced his body.

But this is not the end. With the machine gun that found the crosshairs firing again, several large holes appeared on the tree trunk.

The closest distance to the Japanese grenade launcher was only 20 centimeters. Obviously, the exploded wood thorns fell on this unlucky child. In less than 20 seconds, the Japanese veteran was already bleeding.

But compared with the painful wood thorns that broke through the skin, the more terrible thing was the psychological pressure.

It seemed that the next moment, the thick shell that could penetrate the tree would fall on him and hit him to pieces.

Finally, the Japanese veteran couldn't bear it anymore. He gritted his teeth and threw away the backpack and the grenade launcher in his hand. After trying to reduce the weight on his body, he desperately rolled to the side and then rushed forward.

There was a bush there. As long as he could hide in it, unless the Chinese sharpshooter had a perspective eye and could find him in the dense bushes, his chance of escape was as high as 50%.

This was his last choice to risk his life. If the machine gun was not too fierce, he would never do so.

But what the veteran grenade launcher didn't expect was that at the moment when he threw himself forward, he felt a sharp pain in his thigh, which made him move forward much less forcefully than he thought.

He was horrified. In the process of hiding from the machine gun, the wood thorns from the bullets not only pierced his back, but also pierced his thigh muscles.

It would be fine if it was normal. He could just take a rest for a while, but at this time, he might be stared at by a Chinese sharpshooter, which would really be fatal.

The veteran's judgment was never wrong.

At the moment when the Japanese soldier was afraid, a bullet broke through the air and hit his exposed ribs. The 7.92mm bullet easily tore through the muscles and went straight into his internal organs.

The Japanese veteran rolled painfully in the bushes under him until Kuroko's machine guns continuously covered the area. After a burst of gunpowder, everything returned to calm.

At this point, not counting other things, the 25-man elite special forces under Fujiwara Sen's command, after the death of two of the most important firepower supporters, are really about to become pure light infantry.

Of course, this is just a microcosm of the battlefield at this moment.

In fact, not only is Kuroko's machine gun in great power, but the MG34 machine gun that spews out at least 800 rounds of bullets in a minute has suppressed a group of light infantry in the trenches with almost no decent counterattack.

On the other hand, with the machine gun and MG34 machine gun, the soldiers of the reconnaissance company who rely on rocks and carriages as cover are like fish in water.

The old Hanyang-made rifles that were originally used for show have long been thrown aside, and more than 12 Czech semi-automatic rifles were taken out of the carriage where Tang Dao was and distributed to Shen Laoliu.

Although the carriage where Tang Dao was located was not as exaggerated as the two fire points behind, with steel plate bunkers, there was a 70-centimeter-high steel plate on the carriage board, and three shooting holes were specially set up, enough for three soldiers to shoot on it. The steel plate on the other side could be pulled open and extended to both sides to form a six-meter-long bunker.

Behind this carriage alone, six or seven soldiers could be hidden and have a shooting range.

The continuous and accurate single-shot shooting of the semi-automatic rifle made the elite Japanese troops distributed on the hillside feel cold.

In order to disguise well, they gave up the Type 38 rifle, the main equipment of the Imperial Army, when they formed the special forces team, and turned to use the MP28 submachine gun captured from the Chinese. After two months of familiarity, they completely fell in love with this automatic firearm with a short range but extremely fierce firepower.

Within a distance of 150 meters, they rarely used continuous firearms and even had the illusion that they could crush all enemies whose troops were only a single digit less than theirs.

But unexpectedly, the Chinese once again came ahead of them, using semi-automatic rifles instead of submachine guns. The firepower was not as fierce as that of submachine guns, but the accuracy was completely instant.

Because the four submachine guns in the trenches were suppressed, the eight shooters equipped with Zhongzheng rifles hiding in the woods could only rely on their own shooting skills to shoot against the Chinese.

If it comes to pure shooting, to be honest, this group of elite shooters selected by several divisions of the Japanese North China Front Army is no weaker than the special forces of the reconnaissance company of the Four-Line Regiment.

In terms of combat experience and psychological state, the elite Japanese army, which has been tempered for less than a year on the battlefield in North China, is also a headache.

But the life is the life, in order to successfully sneak into the territory controlled by the Chinese army, the rifles equipped by this group of Japanese troops are all Zhongzheng rifles.

In fact, the Zhongzheng rifle is already the best rifle that the Chinese army can equip. The gun body is short and easier to carry, but the bayonet has been lengthened, so it is not particularly disadvantageous in hand-to-hand combat. Moreover, the 7.92mm caliber bullet is more powerful than the Japanese 6.5mm bullet. To some extent, it is a single-shot rifle that is ahead of the Type 38 rifle.

However, the Zhongzheng rifle still has a lot of shortcomings. Due to its structure, the bolt of the Zhongzheng rifle is more difficult to pull. In addition, after continuous shooting, the gun box and the bolt expand due to heat and stick together, making it even more difficult to pull the bolt.

The special forces led by Tang Dao are equipped with the Czech ZH-29 semi-automatic rifle. This rifle, which was once imported in large quantities by the Northeast Army, is not because of its handsome appearance, but because of its real materials. The ten-round magazine can provide continuous firepower. In terms of accuracy, range, and mechanical durability, it is better than China's local imitation rifles with the support of the world-leading Western mechanical industry.

To put it bluntly, when the strength of both sides is similar, they have to compete with each other in terms of equipment!

At least at this time, even if the Chinese special forces are lightly armed, they can crush the Japanese army.

Often, when the Japanese infantry fires one shot, this side can respond with five shots.

What's more, the Chinese side has a super shooter who is ahead of everyone present.

Tang Dao hasn't made a move for a long time, but once he holds the Mosin-Ganna sniper rifle in his hand, it is almost like the god of death raising his sickle in the eyes of the special forces.

In the two minutes of the two-way exchange of fire, Tang Dao fired a total of five shots, and four Japanese soldiers were killed, including a grenade launcher who had just fired two grenades and three infantrymen using rifles, accounting for half of the number of Japanese killed.

The other two Japanese soldiers who died in the battle were the credit of Lu Zhongda.

This famous grenade thrower in the reconnaissance company was like a poisonous snake. He could have thrown grenades to deter the trench area, but he refused to fire until he determined the activity pattern of the Japanese troops hiding in the trench through observation. Then he fired four grenades in a row.

Two grenades exploded at the edge of the trench, but two fell into the trench, with a hit rate of 50%.

Don't think that this 50% hit rate is too low. You know, it's a trench less than 1.5 meters wide. The difficulty is no less than Tang Tuanzuo shooting a Japanese soldier hiding behind a big tree with only one foot exposed at a distance of 400 meters.

Less than 15 meters away from Fujiwara Sen's super master who can kill at least 20 Chinese special forces by himself in close combat, he can only watch his two subordinates being blown up by grenades.

Within just three minutes of the start of the battle, several of our own men were killed, while the Chinese had not suffered any casualties up to this point. This meant that the Japanese army, which occupied the advantageous terrain, was actually at a disadvantage from the very beginning of the battle. No, to be more precise, it was completely suppressed!

At that moment, even a man as strong-willed as Fujiwara Sen'o could not help but feel a strong sense of defeat. He did not expect that even though he had accepted the development of the times and used hot weapons, he was still beaten into this state by his old opponent.

Could it be that the Tang Dao and the Four Lines Regiment under his command were his destined nemesis?

But what made this martial arts master even more anxious was that the battlefield did not leave much time for him to be frustrated.

After the Chinese completely gained the initiative, the light firepower on the front of the battlefield began to weaken.

That means.....

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