Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1118 The Japanese are holding back their big move!

There is no doubt that in the minds of Japanese military reporters, moving forward is definitely not the present.

Don't look at the Japanese army's aggressive deployment of more than 380 offensive troops in two waves.

But it was actually just a tentative attack.

Before the Chinese heavy firepower points are found and destroyed, blindly sending heavy troops to attack will only lead to death.

Not to mention that center left Yoon Tang Soo-ul, who had spent more than 18 years in the army, would not do this, even a trainee second lieutenant who had just entered the army would not do this.

The Japanese infantry only rushed as far as 200 meters away from the first trench on the mountainside. When the two heavy machine guns of the 1st Battalion and 2nd Company had to fire to suppress them, they stopped moving forward and found bunkers on the spot to hide.

Then, nearly 6 grenades frantically poured grenades towards the two heavy machine gun fire points.

There are a total of 12 grenades in the two Japanese infantry squadrons, and they basically stay in the area 350 meters away from the front-line trenches. That is the limit range of the rifle. Unless you have an extremely powerful marksman, safety should be worry-free!

Although there is a threat from mortars, the mortars cannot be like having eyes. The accuracy error exceeds 10 meters. They are found to be targeted by mortars. The grenade is also light. One grenade can and two grenade hands. Run extremely fast.

Therefore, after discovering two heavy firepower points, how could the Japanese grenadiers not be overjoyed? If you catch him, he will be beaten hard!

According to their past experience, not to mention several grenades against one heavy firepower point, even one grenade against one, five grenades in a row are enough to defeat him.

But this time the Japanese hit the wall. Not only did the two heavy firepower points continue to fire, suppressing the Japanese troops on the front line so hard that they couldn't even lift their heads. What's even more terrible is that after a moment of silence, the Chinese also used 'Grenade' counterattacked.

But the power is much greater than that of a 50mm grenade.

That is the French Brand 60 mortar. The range of more than 1500 meters is not included. The projectile weighing 1.33 kilograms is far more than the Japanese 50mm grenade. It is a typical one-to-two!

Moreover, this small-caliber mortar, which was placed in the infantry platoon specifically to support the front-line infantry, was not placed behind the mountain. The artillery observers and mortars were in the trenches, always looking for valuable targets.

The Japanese heavy machine guns are all 800 meters away, and in order to prevent being bombarded by mortars, each fire group is far apart, and they are covered by simple fortifications and trees and shrubs. If you want to hit them, you can only use artillery groups to cover them. That's not what company and platoon support artillery does.

60 mortars, which hit grenades and light machine guns that followed the Japanese infantry.

The Japanese army's grenades exploded recklessly, but their targets were clearly exposed. The nine 60-mm mortars placed by the second company on the second line of defense were already "hungry and thirsty"!

The Japanese grenadiers were like poking a hornet's nest this time. Nine 60-gun guns opened fire here three minutes later!

Each cannon fires five rounds in a rapid fire. The game is not to see who is accurate enough. The main point is a probability. If one cannon can't kill you, then use more cannons!

The six groups of Japanese grenadiers did not have time to appreciate their results. The second company's overwhelming shelling from small artillery directly stunned the Japanese infantry.

After the smoke, there was minced meat everywhere!

When did the Chinese light firepower become so strong?

Japan's "Asahi Shimbun" military reporter...

Also move forward to DER! The Chinese German weapon divisions are so terrifying, with so many mortars deployed in the frontline trenches.

If the Japanese grenadier's crazy throwing of dozens of grenades led to the retaliation of dozens of artillery shells, which was a kind of "seven-wounding punch" that "injured both others and himself", then it would be better to think about it, and at least it can be redeemed. ?

But the two MG34s were still spitting out tongues of fire "joyfully" in the smoke, which made the Japanese infantry very depressed.

Damn it, these idiots on our side are just like setting off fireworks during the New Year, making people listen a little loudly! But the price is too high, risking your life.

The two heavy machine guns are hidden in machine gun bunkers that are half a meter thick and supported by steel plates. Not to mention 50mm small-caliber grenades, even the 70mm infantry cannon can withstand a wave as long as it is not hit from the front!

However, it is not that easy for the Japanese 70mm infantry artillery to hit a machine gun bunker with a surface area of ​​only a few square meters from 1,500 meters away!

Just like now, at least two infantry guns began to bombard the position from the forest. However, swept by the stormy waves, the two machine gun bunkers discovered by the Japanese army were like extremely stubborn rocks, unmoving.

"Baga!" Yin Tangxiuer, who was holding a telescope in the distance, was so angry that he kept spitting out fragrance, but he was helpless.

This kind of bunker, unless the infantry artillery is brought within 1,000 meters and fired violently, the Japanese army's existing fortress-breaking equipment is completely powerless.

This also means that the first wave of probing attacks found the heavy firepower points of the Chinese defenders, but they were in vain because the infantry brigade-level firearms could not attack them.

Moreover, the Japanese infantrymen on the front line had an intuition that even though the Chinese infantrymen huddled in the trenches fired very little, as long as they advanced another 50 meters, bullets would rain down like rain.

Their intuition was quite accurate. The hundreds of infantrymen in the first trench were the first and second platoons of the second company. However, they were equipped with nearly 20 semi-automatic rifles, 8 submachine guns, and 8 Czech light machine guns. They broke out in an instant. The continuous firepower they unleashed far exceeded that of the three leading Japanese infantry squads.

With their firepower of more than 100 bolt-fire rifles, it would take less than ten seconds, without the participation of heavy machine guns, just these two infantry platoons could shoot them all to the ground!

With the light firepower currently equipped by the Four-line Regiment, a 70-man infantry platoon with three infantry squads and one fire support squad dared to fight against a Japanese infantry squadron.

Wei Donglai also requested that as long as the Japanese infantry had not entered the 150-meter cordon, the front-line infantry did not need to suppress them with large-scale shooting. Once they entered 150 meters, they would not have to leave.

The surging firepower output may not be enough to shoot all the Japanese soldiers crawling on the ground, but it can completely suppress them in place.

In this attack, each of the 60 mortars carried nearly 120 shells, which was enough to support the artillerymen to kill them one by one by calling them by shells.

But not suppressing with large-scale shooting does not mean that the infantry will not participate in the counterattack. The precision shooters of each infantry squad hid in the hidden points of each trench and sneakily launched cold gun attacks on the Japanese troops who entered within a straight-line distance of 250 meters.

There were six precision shooters. Although they did not reach the ability of the legendary sniper who "killed one enemy with one bullet", the precision shooters who had experienced the battlefield and were fed with thousands of bullets on the training ground were definitely not just "old birds".

The Japanese troops of the second-line division witnessed the horror of the elite soldiers of the "Chinese German-equipped Division"!

According to the oral account of a Japanese corporal who survived the infantry battalion after the war, Kurahashi Yuuki: When I stepped into the battlefield, I was nearly 260 meters away from the enemy trench. I felt the temperature of Ryosuke's blood, and I had a hunch that the Chinese on the opposite side were definitely not the soft eggs that those veterans said would "collapse at the first blow".

Kurahashi Yuuki did not describe in detail how his fellow countrymen died in the battle, not because the scene was too tragic and he could not bear to look back!

On the contrary, compared with the tragic events that followed, the corporal who was shot in the mouth and nose and twisted on the ground for three minutes before dying was considered to have died in a more decent manner.

At least, he left a complete body!

Although Cangqiao, who used a first aid kit to stop the bleeding of his fellow villager, was splashed with blood, he also indirectly escaped a dead end by staying 260 meters away and having a stone as a cover!

It was just a round of tentative attack, and the 4th Infantry Squadron, which was the spearhead, lost 20 people on the spot and injured 18 people.

Among them, 8 people were killed by the small-caliber mortar shells poured by the Chinese defenders, but as many as 12 people died from cold guns and machine guns!

This was the result of the entire squadron crawling forward immediately after the first soldier was shot. If they were to charge upward with their waists bent like in training...

The frightened Japanese corporal simply couldn't imagine that kind of ending!

After only holding on for less than 20 minutes, the "Asahi Shimbun" military reporter, who was already filled with desolation, saw his own brave infantrymen dragging corpses and wounded soldiers in a miserable defeat!

Dragging corpses is understandable, but why do they have to drag wounded soldiers?

The Chinese cold gunmen are really too hateful. They have been shooting in the dark like poisonous snakes, and their range is as high as 300 meters.

It is already very dangerous to be exposed on the battlefield. If you have to carry and lift the wounded, it is simply giving them heads!

There is no way, Captain Hanyu Kinkuma of the 4th Infantry Squadron at the time could only order that no matter dead or alive, they should be dragged away from the 300-meter danger zone.

Now it's good. The seriously injured soldiers who were originally shot and wounded and could survive as long as they were properly treated, after being dragged for nearly 100 meters, rolled their eyes on the spot and couldn't control their bowels and urination, accounting for 70%!

In other words, the number of casualties will basically increase by 30%, reaching 30!

A 192-man infantry squadron was almost half-crippled by a tentative attack!

Not to mention the instantly depressed morale, there was even a 37-year-old soldier who had just joined the army for less than two years and had never experienced a battlefield and cried on the spot!

This was almost a phenomenon that had never happened in the Imperial Japanese Army!

Yin Tangxiuer Zhongzuo was so angry that his face turned purple. If he had not taken into account that Captain Hanyu Kinkuma also had a relative serving as a Zhongzuo-level officer in the army, he would have probably drawn his command knife and chopped him on the spot, but a dozen slaps on the face were inevitable.

Fortunately, the subsequent tentative attack by the second infantry battalion next door also hit the iron wall.

In fact, the number of casualties of more than 45 was higher than that of the first infantry battalion, which indirectly calmed Yin Tangxiuer Zhongzuo's anger.

The second to last sounds very annoying, but as long as there is a last to last, the second to last has an inexplicable sense of peace.

That was also the defense area of ​​the first battalion. The company responsible for the main defense was Zhao Daqiang's first company. Compared with Wei Donglai's forbearance, Zhao Daqiang was not polite to the Japanese army. No matter what kind of probing or not, when the Japanese army entered the 200-meter area, he ordered the front-line trenches to open fire at full force!

Long guns and short guns killed indiscriminately, mixed with the free hunting of accurate shooters, and the Japanese soldiers on the position were stunned and driven away in just ten minutes.

Of course, this also caused the number of wounded in the first company to be several times more than that in the second company, and most of them were shrapnel wounds!

The Japanese army's grenades and infantry guns were not vegetarians. After a round of counterattack, at least seven or eight soldiers in the first company were hit by shrapnel.

But basically none of them were fatal. Four people were sent to the back of the mountain, and four lightly wounded soldiers were bandaged and continued to stay in the trenches. Even though shooting was restricted, it was still possible to help deliver bullets and grenades to comrades.

Lei Xiong received reports on the wounded in each company, and did not question or praise the different fighting methods of the two infantry company commanders. Everyone has different personalities, and naturally different fighting methods.

All the advantages and disadvantages must be summarized after the entire war. The number of casualties, the number of enemies killed, and the consumption of ammunition are all important considerations.

After being hit hard by the two infantry companies, the Japanese army temporarily stopped fighting!

However, for the commanders of both China and Japan, they all knew that this was just the last calm before the storm.

The Japanese army did not fully show their trump cards, and the Chinese side did not reveal their trump cards!

Until three o'clock in the afternoon, accompanied by a huge roar, the battlefield resounded.

One of the trump cards of the newly formed 21st Division, the tank brigade, made its debut!

It was a huge steel behemoth convoy consisting of three tank squadrons and a total of 45 tanks.

On the battlefield in North China, once this steel behemoth was used, the Japanese army was almost invincible.

In addition to the small number of 37mm anti-tank guns equipped by the Chinese side, which were sufficient threats to the Japanese Type 89 main battle tanks, the 12-ton steel behemoth with a 17mm thick forged nickel-chromium armor steel on the front was not afraid of any Chinese firearms.

On the battlefield of the Battle of Xuzhou, the Chinese side, which used superior forces to destroy two Japanese brigades in Taierzhuang, once seized a Type 89 tank and published photos of the tank in newspapers.

The Type 89 tank in the photo was scarred, with hundreds of bullet holes visible to the naked eye, which fully demonstrated the bravery of the Chinese soldiers who fought against it, but more of them were helpless.

The Chinese army's Type 24 heavy machine guns and Maxim heavy machine guns had certain armor-piercing capabilities, but when facing this level of steel behemoths, even if they approached 100 meters, leaving bullet holes several millimeters deep was already the limit.

When up to 12 Type 89 tanks were lined up in front of the infantry line, the engines with black smoke burst out with a huge roar, the momentum was really scary.

The Japanese infantrymen's previously lost morale was instantly replenished, including Corporal Cangqiao Youxing, who was dragging the bodies of his fellow countrymen back, and waved his arms and shouted loudly with his colleagues in the trenches.

With such a steel behemoth as a shield, they did not believe that the Chinese could still be as tenacious as before, even if the machine guns with an exaggerated firing rate, even if they had grenade launchers and mountain artillery fire, they could not blow up the solid fortress.

The Type 89 tank is not only tough and durable, but also has a 57mm short-barreled gun with 100 rounds of ammunition, which can reach a distance of 500 meters, enough for them to accurately blow up any semi-permanent fortifications that are not made of reinforced concrete.

In addition to the 12 Type 89 tanks, there are also 33 Type 94 armored vehicles, which are light tanks nicknamed "Little Beans" by Chinese soldiers.

Although the Type 94 armored vehicle was somewhat disliked by the Japanese army themselves, with only 10mm frontal armor that could not completely guarantee safety against the close-range swarming of heavy machine guns equipped by the Chinese army, it was still a tank after all, wasn't it?

It could provide cover for the infantry, and there were two 7.7mm heavy machine guns to provide fire support. If the Chinese light machine guns and infantry dared to show their heads, the flexible little bean could also be killed with heavy machine guns.

To put it bluntly, although the tanks were scum, if they were to deal with the Chinese army with even worse equipment, the Type 94 little bean could still be considered a small killer!

The entire battlefield was filled with the roar of Japanese tanks and the deafening cheers of "Long Live" from the Japanese infantry!

But the Japanese army did not make any moves!

"Order, except for the anti-aircraft company, all regiments should leave a small number of observation posts on the front-line positions, and all others should immediately enter the hidden tunnels. The Japanese planes are coming." In the distance, the Tang Dao who was still on the cliff patiently observing the Japanese army looked cold.

Based on the Japanese army's previous eagerness to attack, Tang Dao judged that the previous use of mountain artillery to bombard the hill must have completely angered the Japanese army. Although the results of the battle were unknown, it must have caused casualties to the Japanese army.

However, the Japanese army only suffered a minor setback, and after its tank brigade arrived and brazenly drove dozens of tanks to the front line for demonstration, it did not immediately launch an attack. This contradictory performance of being anxious at the beginning and slow at the end can only have one possibility.

They are still waiting, waiting for stronger support!

Tang Dao's judgment is correct!

A hundred kilometers away, on the 3,500-meter cloud layer, a group of small black dots are moving at high speed. If it weren't for the low roar, people on the ground would hardly notice that there are such a group of aircraft waving the sickle of the god of death flying over their heads.

This time, it is not the 12 or 24 Japanese planes that the Four-Line Regiment had experienced before, but as many as 48!

In order to cooperate with General Sugimoto's plan to destroy China's army in eastern Shanxi, the Japanese North China Front Army Provisional Air Corps, which had just received the notice less than two days ago, assembled nearly 100 fighter planes from its 7 air squadrons and 4 independent squadrons to participate in the battle.

At noon, the Japanese North China Front Army General Staff received a request from Major General Nagano Kameichiro, the acting commander of the newly formed 21st Division, who had already started fighting fiercely with the Chinese army at the Niangziguan defense line, and immediately issued a military order to the Provisional Air Corps on standby.

The news of Lieutenant General Washizu Matsudaira's death in battle was not actually announced. Only the commander General Sugimoto and Chief of Staff Okabe Saburo knew about it in the entire North China Front Army.

To be honest, the moment the two senior Japanese generals who led the war received the "death report" telegram from the 21st Division, they all felt dizzy and almost died of anger from the dead ghost who was "not good at anything and always cried poor".

You are a lieutenant general in charge of 20,000 troops, and you go to the front line to mess around! This is great! Not only did you become a roasted pig, but the face of the Imperial Japanese Army was also lost.

In the future, when fighting with the Navy, they only need to say "We didn't lose a lieutenant general in the Navy", which is enough to break the defense of the entire army, okay?

If possible, Shanshan Yuan and Okabe Saburo really want to kick the pigs of the 21st Division into the sea.

Unfortunately, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. How can these idiots not be unable to kill the Chinese even if the lieutenant general of the division commander dies? Then we can only increase the support!

The weak will always get more help, this sentence is really true.

Therefore, under the silent instruction of Okabe Saburo, Lieutenant General Tokugawa Yoshimizu of the Provisional Air Corps dispatched 48 fighter planes in one go, a total of four squadrons, to bomb Niangzi Pass!

Zuo Zuomu, the star of misfortune, is out again!

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