Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1119: What a great “Seven Wounds Fist”!

Captain Zuo Zuomu was not the highest commander of the 48 fighter planes on this expedition!

It was not because of his lack of ability, but because his rank was too low to be a commander of an aviation brigade.

Therefore, Captain Zuo Zuomu directly commanded a squadron!

However, before the expedition, Takuma Kuantaishao, who served as the highest commander in the air, specifically found Zuo Zuomu and asked him for advice.

There was no way. Since the last Southeast Shanxi Campaign fleet was ambushed by Chinese ground firepower, the Japanese North China Front Air Corps had realized that whether they were willing or unwilling to admit it, it was a fact that the Chinese had certain air defense capabilities.

The sky was no longer just a playground where the imperial fighters could run recklessly. Danger would come at any time.

And a pilot who had fought no less than ten times and had countless teammates killed in battle, but he could still return intact, even if he was shrouded in the so-called "lonely star" halo, still had enough life-saving experience.

"In the battlefields I have experienced, the enemy has machine guns and anti-aircraft machine guns, and there are a lot of them, with an attack radius of no less than three kilometers!" Zuo Zuomu told his superior cautiously and frankly after thinking.

"If you want to reduce losses, my personal suggestion is that after arriving at the war zone, all fighters can drop bombs at an altitude of 2,000 meters. Unless it is absolutely necessary, they must not drop below 1,500 meters."

If it were someone else, especially after having a huge number of 48 fighters, they would definitely sneer at Zuo Zuomu's cowardly suggestion!

But this Takuma Kuan Taishao Zuo Ben is an extremely cautious person, and he likes to study battle examples. The battle examples with slightly larger losses on the battlefield in North China this year are the focus of his study.

"Not maintaining a sufficient altitude is the main reason for the heavy losses of the fighter fleet!" The conclusion he came to was in perfect agreement with Zuo Zuomu's suggestion.

So, after 20 minutes, the Chinese and Japanese infantrymen at Niangzi Pass saw a wonder that they would never forget.

The Japanese aircraft group consisting of 48 Japanese fighter planes was not so overwhelming, but the sound of the aircraft engines resounding through the sky and the ground was enough to shock everyone's heart.

Even Tang Dao, who was mentally prepared, did not expect that the Japanese North China Front Army would be so generous and send so many fighter planes to attack at once.

Tang Dao, with a stern face, was even ready to face major sacrifices at that time!

Unlike the navy, especially in the Chinese battlefield, the Japanese army was not equipped with many professional bombers. The so-called air support was actually more of a Type 96 fighter carrying aerial bombs directly, and then shooting at the ground with machine guns after dropping bombs.

To be honest, compared with the upcoming European battlefield where both sides of the war will easily invest hundreds of bombers and drop tens of tons of bombs on the opponent's head, the Japanese tactical support is just a child's play.

However, although the Type 96 fighter has a general bomb load, one fighter can carry at least nearly 800 pounds of bombs. 48 fighters, that is nearly 40,000 pounds of bombs.

Once these things are thrown accurately on the head, the casualties will be heavy!

But what surprised the cheering Japanese and silent Chinese on the ground was that the Japanese aircraft in the sky had no intention of diving and dropping bombs even though they were about to reach the Niangzi Pass area.

"Baga! What is the air force doing?" Yin Tangxiuer, holding a telescope, watched the leading Japanese planes about to pass through the main battlefield but did not lower their altitude at all, and could not help but complain angrily.

"Fuck! What are these dogs playing again?" Cheng Tieshou, who was already sitting in the seat of a Su Luotong twin-mounted anti-aircraft gun, also gritted his teeth and cursed.

The Japanese aircraft in the sky almost maintained an altitude of 2,500 meters. Not to mention that the 24 12.7mm anti-aircraft machine guns could not reach them, even the 20mm anti-aircraft gun in his hand could hardly touch the little butts of the Japanese aircraft.

But the battle-hardened anti-aircraft company commander remained calm enough. He continued to stare at the small black dot that was about to pass overhead with a telescope, and ordered: "Order the entire company, no attack without my signal! In addition, except for the main and deputy shooters to hold their positions, all other personnel should retreat to the fortifications! I think the Japanese are well prepared this time!"

It seemed that Takuma Kuantaishaozuo in the sky sensed the doubts of his colleagues and opponents on the ground, and picked up the radio and ordered: "Everyone, drop bombs freely! Also, please note that no one should lower the altitude at will! After dropping bombs, you can return! Understand?"

"Hi!" The Japanese pilots' orders sounded in the radio communicator.

Zuo Zuomu felt relieved. If nothing unexpected happened, the situation where he would lose teammates every time he went into battle would be completely changed today.

At an altitude of 2,500 meters, although the accuracy of bombing has become a joke for a non-professional bomber fighter, it can guarantee safety, unless the opponent is equipped with the 88mm German anti-aircraft guns that were used in the southeast battlefield. If they really have them, they can only say that they are unlucky.

So, as the Japanese aircraft fleet passed by at high speed, bombs of all sizes were dropped from the air.

In an instant, the ground shook!

The mountains around the main position of Niangzi Pass, under the bombardment of aerial bombs, rose into clouds of gunpowder!

The Japanese infantrymen did not cheer at this time, and all of them fell into the trenches with cold sweat! Including Yin Tangxiuer who was still complaining about the pig teammates of the aviation team.

The reason is very simple, the accuracy of bombing at an altitude of 2,500 meters is really too poor!

Although the Japanese aircraft group also took the problem of ground forces into consideration, the bombs were specifically dropped into the mountains, so most of the bombs did not fall on the positions built according to the mountain terrain, but fell on the hills and valleys within the defense line.

However, there is no guarantee that there will be a slip of the hand!

A 250-pound bomb was dropped right at the foot of the mountain, only 300 meters away from the Japanese trench!

The power of this large bomb is really not small. Even at a distance of hundreds of meters, the shrapnel and the blown-up stones hit the 89 tanks that were roaring and showing off their power in front of the trenches, not to mention the terrible air waves that swept everything even overturned a small bean!

The Japanese infantry cheered for the group of "big idiots" in the sky, aren't they stupid?

This is a posture to flatten both the enemy and us!

On the ground, I don’t know how many Japanese infantrymen used words to have sex with the female relatives of the Japanese pilots in the sky.

On the other side of the Four-Line Regiment, except for the three infantry battalions hiding in the trenches, the rest of the units, such as the medical company, artillery battalion, and baggage battalion, were either hiding in the mountains covered by dense forests or covered by camouflage nets. From the high altitude, it was almost impossible to distinguish them.

The bombing formation composed of 48 Japanese planes was actually an indiscriminate bombing, relying on luck and probability.

To use the words of Takuma Kuan Taisuo: As long as we drop enough bombs, we can kill some Chinese anyway, so how can it not be support for the infantry?

This logic is very valid!

In fact, if the units of the Four-Line Regiment were not fully prepared, at least there were trenches to hide, and the battlefield was also widely distributed, the medical company alone was divided into several places, otherwise, if the 40,000-pound bombs were dropped on them, hundreds of casualties would be light.

But even so, there were more than 40 casualties reported after the war!

The killing range of that 500-pound bomb was too large. Although one bomb did not hit the trench of the baggage battalion directly, it exploded on the edge of the forest where 200 pack horses were hidden.

The huge air wave directly swept away and killed more than a dozen pack horses at the edge, and also frightened the remaining pack horses!

Hundreds of pack horses rushed out of the woods and ran wildly on the mountain road. In order to stop these precious pack horses, the baggage soldiers who were reluctant to shoot and kill the frightened horses paid the price of five deaths and thirteen serious injuries.

Among them, three disabled veterans who served as squad leaders were directly trampled to death by frightened horses.

Tang Dao was furious when he received the casualty report. At the battlefield summary meeting in the evening, he angrily rebuked Zhuang Shisan, the battalion commander of the baggage battalion, and the company commander of the baggage company.

That was the first time that Zhuang Shisan was criticized by Tang Dao without giving him face since he became the chief officer of the Fourth Camp.

"I've told you guys a long time ago that no matter what equipment is important, it's not as important as people! If we lose the packhorse, we can buy another one, but if the person is gone, he will never come back. If we want to see them again, we can only touch his tombstone in the Martyrs' Cemetery!

Yes, facing the Japanese invaders' relentless pressure, the entire regiment of our Four-Line Regiment can sacrifice without hesitation, from me and all of you present here to the cattle and horses of our regiment, no one and nothing can be sacrificed, but this does not mean that we can sacrifice in vain. Especially when we sacrifice like this!

My brothers, one life, parents have to raise it for 18 years! You who are battalion commanders and company commanders, go back and think about it carefully!

After the war, those who have thought it through can talk about their ideas at the regiment meeting. If you still can't think it through, go to the company for a month and get along well with your soldiers. Don't be an official for so long that you forget how you lived before." Tang Dao was so angry that even Tan Tai Mingyue didn't dare to stop him.

Only those who were closest to Tang Dao knew where his anger came from. The three disabled veterans who were trampled to death by the frightened horses were all soldiers who followed him out of the siege from the Sihang Warehouse. They did not die on the battlefield against Japan, but chose to use their flesh and blood to stop the frightened horses because they were reluctant to kill them.

They were loyal and dedicated, but as their superior, Tang Dao could hardly accept that they died in this way!

Even if time went back, these soldiers would still make the same choice.

Because they were used to being poor.

No bullets, no food or drink, that was their daily life.

And that was more than 100 pack horses! In normal times, it would cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars to buy them. In this wartime, it was even more important. Their baggage platoon was responsible for transporting ammunition and supplies to several highlands, all of which required the help of pack horses.

The 48 Japanese aircraft formations stayed in the sky and bombed Xiajiba, causing 18 deaths and 25 injuries to the Sihang Regiment.

But at the same time, the 21st Division also suffered 12 casualties.

9 people were injured by rocks flying into the trenches from bombs that were too close, and three unlucky people were injured by the overturned small tank, which was damaged and withdrew from the battle.

When they left, they were holding their heads high, and when they returned, they were pushed back by more than 20 Japanese infantrymen. Don't mention how unlucky they were.

But if you think that the typical seven-wound punch of the Japanese aircraft formation that hurts others and themselves ends here, you are wrong. They didn't even let themselves go.

In fact, Captain Zuo Zuomu's "unlucky star" trait is simply too strong.

The bombing order of the Japanese aircraft formation was like this, two squadrons in a group, taking turns to bomb! One wave bombed over, and then the fighter formation circled back from the other side of the battlefield. Through the telescope, if there was no smoke covering the area, the second wave of two squadrons would drop bombs and bomb again.

That is the so-called striving for full coverage without revealing blind spots!

Since the Japanese aircraft were all at high altitude, all air defense positions basically huddled without receiving Cheng Tieshou's order to fire.

Beyond the range of anti-aircraft machine guns and 20mm anti-aircraft guns, firing not only lost its meaning, but also exposed its strength. Temporary forbearance was to beat the opponent more fiercely and violently in the future. Cheng Tieshou's calm handling was actually correct, and was recognized by Tang Dao after the war.

However, there were still mistakes in a hurry!

A 30-pound bomb exploded in an area less than 50 meters away from a 20mm machine gun. A shrapnel hit the main shooter's leg. Under the pain reaction, the main shooter suddenly stepped on the launch pedal.

The machine gun position was already ready, with the bullet plate inserted and the safety already opened. "Dong Dong Dong!" A series of four shells were fired into the air.

Because the main combat responsibility of the air defense company is air defense, all 20mm anti-aircraft guns are equipped with shrapnel shells!

Four shells broke through the sky and were detonated at an altitude of about 2,300 meters!

It happened that a Japanese plane had just dropped a 500-pound bomb under its belly, and the entire body of the plane lightened and jumped up at least 30 meters. The distance between the four groups of smoke and the Japanese plane was no more than 100 meters.

Although the pilot who controlled this Japanese plane was not a rookie and had at least carried out several air support missions, he was transferred from another aviation brigade. Captain Zuo Zuomu's reputation as a "star of misfortune" has always made him fearful.

In the future, it will be said that he grew up listening to the legend of Captain Zuo Zuomu.

To put it bluntly, he had been worried since he got on the fighter plane and followed Captain Zuo Zuomu to the battle. He finally relaxed a little, but the Chinese anti-aircraft shells came. Who wouldn't be panicked?

He stepped on the accelerator and the fighter plane shot out like an arrow!

Don't get me wrong, although the Japanese aircraft formation is not small, the distance between each aircraft is more than hundreds of meters, and there will never be a mid-air collision due to one acceleration!

But this distance does not mean that all fighter planes are on the same horizontal plane. Maintaining an altitude of 2,500 meters is just a standard altitude, with a fluctuation of 2-300 meters. It is normal for the height difference between each fighter formation to be one or two hundred meters.

The nervous Japanese pilot with sweat on his forehead instinctively pulled the bomb gate, and his psychological reaction was to quickly finish bombing and leave the battlefield.

But he forgot that there was a fighter formation below him looking for an area to bomb!

So, the two bombs mounted on the wings of the Type 96 fighter were dropped as the wings shook, and one of the 30-pound bombs swayed and hit a Japanese plane 200 meters below.

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the Japanese plane exploded into a fireball!

The violent explosion almost swept in two Japanese planes 200 meters away from the Japanese plane.

"Haha! I hit it! I hit it!" The sergeant with blood on his legs almost jumped up in excitement.

The soldiers of the machine gun squad who looked up at the sky were stunned!

The four groups of gunpowder in the sky clearly proved that their squad leader fired blanks, but the fact was that a Japanese plane hundreds of meters away from the gunpowder exploded in the air.

Could it be that it was a barrage of damage?

If so, were the Japanese planes too easy to hit?

If they had not maintained sufficient rationality, the fact that the wreckage of the plane was still falling from the sky would have stimulated this anti-aircraft artillery squad to immediately hold the machine gun and start firing into the sky.

This victory was somewhat incredible, but according to statistics after the war, except for this anti-aircraft gun that lost four shells, the rest of the gun positions did not fire a single shell, and the victory could only be recorded in the name of this anti-aircraft artillery squad.

The so-called "frightened bird" refers to this kind of thing!

As for the Japanese air formation, except for the initiator, no one expected that there would be such a strange incident where their own fighter planes accidentally bombed their own people. After thinking about it for a long time, they could only blame it on the Chinese ground anti-aircraft firepower.

As for why the fighter plane was blown up so much, it can be explained by being hit by the fuel tank or the bomb under the wing!

Moreover, after returning to the base, facing the accusation of the 21st Division that the fleet did not play a corresponding tactical support role at all, the then highest commander of the fighter formation, Takuma Kuan Taishao Zuo, firmly refuted the fact that one of his fighter planes was destroyed!

Therefore, both China and Japan tacitly attributed the credit for the destruction of the fighter plane to the sergeant squad leader who fired four shells by mistake.

It's a pie in the sky! I'm afraid no one expected that it was literally true!

Zuo Zuomu... I'm really poisonous!

How about next time, 3,000 meters?

But no matter how angry the Japanese infantrymen accused, for the Japanese Army Aviation, they at least went to 48 and returned to 47, and successfully dropped bombs, which was much better than the previous few attacks where they lost soldiers and planes.

The Japanese infantrymen, who were sprayed with dust by their own aerial bombs, had to continue to attack the Chinese positions with their heads held high!

In order to reassure the infantrymen, the Japanese artillery strengthened another round of 20-minute artillery coverage!

The mountains were still filled with gunpowder smoke. Black smoke was billowing out from behind the tanks at the foot of the mountain, and teams of Japanese troops were following closely behind them.

This time, due to the participation of Type 89 tanks and Type 94 armored vehicles, Yin Tangxiuerzhongzuo deployed two and a half squadrons, eight teams, and 420 infantrymen, plus an infantry artillery team borrowed from the regiment headquarters, with 4 infantry guns and 12 heavy machine guns!

This is just the second company. On the first company, hundreds of Japanese infantrymen also started the attack with more than a dozen tanks!

On the first day of the battle of Niangziguan, the largest-scale attack of the Japanese army began.

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