Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1124 I will blow you up without further negotiation!

September 9th, a day that all officers and soldiers of the Japanese 21st Division will never forget!

It was also a day full of blood!

Facing the solid defense line of the Four-line Regiment with heavy machine guns, machine guns, and a large number of mortars, Yin Tangxiuer, who had personally arrived at the trench 600 meters away to command the battle, made the worst plan with tragic grandeur.

If it really doesn't work, he will follow the example of the former military god Nogi Maresuke and use the "pig-rushing tactics".

Who made him too eager to be promoted? He has been personally appointed by Major General Nagano as the front-line commander of the No. 1 position, responsible for commanding the first and second infantry battalions, two tank squadrons, and five artillery squads, and has almost half of the command of the 83rd Infantry Regiment.

But the higher the command power, the greater the responsibility. If the attack fails, he will be the first person responsible on the front line. It is only a small matter that his wish to be promoted to Da Zuo has failed. It would be miserable if he was ordered to apologize by cutting his stomach.

To be honest, the face of the Japanese Zhong Zuo who received this appointment in the early morning was pale.

Yin Tangxiuer was a middle-aged man who was over 40 and had no doubts. He knew the subtext of this appointment too well. Nagano Kameichiro did not intend to give him any retreat, nor did he give the 83rd Infantry Regiment any retreat.

No matter how much they died, they had to go. Even if they had to sacrifice 4,000 lives, they had to go to the No. 1 position.

The artillery regiment of the division had 24 of the 36 75 mountain guns, 4 105 howitzers, and the regiment's 4 mountain guns, 4 mortars, and 9 infantry guns. They had been preparing for artillery fire on the No. 1 position for nearly 2 hours, from about 7 o'clock in the morning to 9 o'clock. The three machine gun bunkers that made the tank guns and infantry guns grit their teeth yesterday but could do nothing about it had already been blown into ruins!

The specific losses of the Chinese were unknown, but the fortifications they built had been completely destroyed!

"Order the 1st Battalion, the 1st and 2nd Squadrons, the 2nd Battalion, the 3rd and 4th Squadrons to prepare, wait for the division's artillery fire to extend, and follow the tank squadron to advance! The rest of the squadrons are responsible for covering and supporting." Yin Tangxiuer, who was lying in the trench, carefully observed the battlefield with a telescope and gave the order in a cold voice.

The overall width of the defense line is only 800 meters, which really does not support the deployment of more troops. The two waves of more than 100 meters apart, totaling 700 troops, are already the limit that the Japanese Army Zhongzuo can deploy. Otherwise, he dared to throw in the remaining 4 squadrons and 700 infantrymen.

1,200 meters away, the commander of the 83rd Infantry Regiment, Kitahara Kurasuke, looked at the infantry mobilization on his front line with a telescope and a serious face. How could he, who is so shrewd, not understand the meaning of the acting division commander?

Fearing that he, the commander of the Left Regiment, would not fight to the death in order to preserve his strength, they specially built a front-line command post at the No. 1 position, bypassing his regiment headquarters, and put the greedy guy Yin Tangxiuer on the fire, resulting in only one option on the front line.

To be honest, despite the fact that the morale of the generals was high again at the high-level military meeting of the infantry battalion commander convened by the division commander last night, because the opponent was only a small infantry regiment with limited manpower, the enemy's morale was high again, but Kitahara Cangsuke, who spoke very little, had a bad premonition.

Nogi Maresuke achieved the name of the military god with the lives and blood of 60,000 imperial troops, but that was also helped by the 203 howitzers, the national treasure shipped from the mainland.

Admittedly, the Chinese army on the defense line at this time could not compare with the Mao bears who had strong fortifications and heavy artillery back then, but what did the 21st Division have? The four 105 howitzers were the only thing they could show off, and the rest were the lives of 30,000 infantrymen.

The worst thing is, an infantry regiment that can destroy the Second Mixed Brigade together with that famous infantry brigade only has mortars and a limited number of mountain guns?

And even those mountain guns that once bombarded the division commander, except for being used in the morning, they disappeared throughout the afternoon. Could it be that they were killed by the Army Air Force?

Kitahara Cangsuke was actually unwilling to build victory on the so-called luck that was illusory. It was more likely that the Chinese had a conspiracy!

Perhaps, Yin Tangxiuer used the surging attack of more than 700 imperial officers and soldiers, and the Chinese could only reveal all their cards!

Looking at the dozen tanks that had begun to roar on the hillside and the dense infantry figures, the Japanese Army's Da Zuo, who pursed his lips tightly, had a grim face.

Most of the 21st Division stared at the No. 1 position in front of Niangzi Pass, expecting and making psychological preparations.

But no one expected that the first to suffer heavy casualties was not the 83rd Infantry Regiment, which was preparing for battle in front of the 2nd Company of the 1st Battalion, but the 62nd Infantry Regiment, which was bypassing the main defense line of Niangzi Pass.

The Sihang Regiment's engineer company carried 1,600 anti-infantry mines before departure. Originally, according to Lei Xiong's request, at least 1,000 anti-infantry mines were to be placed on the main defense line to be defended by the 1st and 2nd Battalions, but the engineer company commander Bai Sheng made a suggestion, and Lei Xiong, who thought about it again and again, nodded in approval.

Bai Sheng believed that the Japanese army would definitely use artillery to concentrate fire on the main defense line and in front of the positions. Placing too many infantry mines would have a high probability of being detonated by artillery fire, causing waste. It would be better to use this anti-infantry mine in areas where the Japanese army would definitely come but would not use a large amount of artillery fire, such as in front of the flank highlands

The topography of the flank highlands is slightly different from the main defense line, with lower mountains and denser vegetation. The success rate of burying mines in such areas is obviously much higher.

So, according to the terrain, the engineering company, with the cooperation of the two infantry platoons of the third battalion, spent a whole day burying more than 1,000 mines in front of the flank high ground, and the farthest one was even 2,000 meters away from the high ground!

From the moment the 62nd Infantry Regiment detoured into the mountain forest, the nightmare began to fall!

"Boom!" From time to time, unlucky children stepped on anti-infantry mines or kicked the hemp ropes of trip-type mines.

"Haha, another unlucky devil's balls were blown off. Let me count how many balls fell in our Taihang Mountains." Boss Cao in the trench on the 1st high ground was a little excited and carved horizontal bars on the trench wall with a bayonet.

Today, Boss Cao is no longer a private in the battalion's kitchen squad, but a real private first class. Among the same batch of recruits, he is a rare bird.

Because now the 4th Regiment will no longer promote military ranks for military merits as before, unless it is special merit or first-class merit, which is basically rewarded in kind. In the battle to destroy the Second Mixed Brigade, less than five recruits were awarded great merit and promoted to higher ranks, and Boss Cao was one of them. The record of killing nearly 40 enemies is far beyond the reach of the recruits, and even many veterans can only give a thumbs up.

In addition, during training, Boss Cao was still constantly breaking his record of grenade throwing distance. The record of throwing grenades without running up in the farthest trench was 80 meters, and it was so accurate that the error did not exceed 2 meters. He was like a human-shaped "small steel cannon". So Boss Cao has been doing well in the 4th squad of the 7th company's sharp knife platoon in the past two or three months. Even several veteran sergeants only called him "Boss Cao" instead of his real name, which is a kind of recognition.

Not everyone has a nickname in the army!

"Uncle, you should take a break! Those anti-infantry mines were buried by the animals in the 1st squad. You know that the wooden squad leader looks like an honest man, but in fact, he is the best in the whole company at stealing. I don't believe that the Japanese will not be killed by the explosion when they come to our position!" Tu Yunsheng, who was holding a cigarette but didn't light it, squinted and mocked.

The corporal more than two months ago is now a sergeant, and the deputy squad leader has become a squad leader, becoming a real commander, even if it is the lowest level.

But even among the arrogant soldiers of the 7th Company, no one questioned Tu Yunsheng's qualifications. This army sergeant from the Sichuan Army has taken one step at a time, and he has been promoted one level in every battle. He has even won a gold and silver medal.

In the words of the company commander Li Jiujin: "According to Xiao Tu's promotion method, I am afraid that if he fights five or six more battles with the Japanese, I will have to give him the position of company commander!"

Of course, Li Jiujin was joking, but the young sergeant's battlefield performance was absolutely excellent and brilliant.

According to Boss Cao's request, after the war, the two promoted entered the same infantry squad. The younger one was the squad leader and the older one was the corporal. Tu Yunsheng was the only one who didn't call Boss Cao by his nickname or name, but only called him uncle.

That was the friendship between the two in that extremely bloody battle, and no one could replace it!

"Squad leader, please stop laughing at me for not knowing how to count. Do you believe that I will pay those college students to take math classes after I go back, and I can teach your child to count with beads in the future!" Boss Cao heard the strong sarcasm in Tu Yunsheng's voice and retorted angrily.

"Haha! Uncle, I believe everything else you say, but I really don't believe you if you say you spend money to learn. Also, you have difficulty even counting from 1 to 100, who gave you the courage to say you want to teach my child to count with beads? I beg you, please let my baby who is still in my future wife's belly go?" Tu Yunsheng laughed.

Several soldiers who closed their eyes and rested heard this and laughed together.

"What are you laughing at? What's so funny? You little bastards, after I finish fighting the Japanese, I will use the money I've saved to open a school and recruit all your kids. I won't teach you anything else, just how to make steamed buns and flower rolls. I'm good at that." Boss Cao looked unconvinced.

"Uncle, you smoke. I'm really scared of you. Why do our brothers work so hard? Isn't it just to give our kids a good future? But your wish is to teach them how to make steamed buns and flower rolls in the future. You can only cook a meal!" Tu Yunsheng was also convinced by his big brother. He quickly handed over the cigarette and threw the cigarette box to another soldier, signaling him to distribute cigarettes to the whole class.

Because, in their small highland, the garrison only had one infantry squad, plus a medical soldier specially assigned to them, a total of 16 people!

Hill 1 is 200 meters above sea level, with Hills 2 and 3 on its left and right sides. The three hills are the defense zone of the entire Sharp Knife Platoon. They are part of the 10 hills defended by the entire 7th Company and are also the most advanced positions in the 7th Company's defense zone.

Since the flank area of ​​the main defense line of Niangzi Pass is extremely large, the 7th Company alone needs to defend 10 hills with a total width of 1,500 meters, and the entire battalion is up to 3,000 meters. It is also necessary to leave reserves and deep positions, so the troops are naturally dispersed.

The reason why the Sharp Knife Platoon can be called the Sharp Knife Platoon is that it is the sequence that can fight the hardest battles, and this difficult task naturally falls on them.

After weighing the pros and cons of the 2nd Lieutenant Platoon Leader of the Sharp Knife Platoon, the task of Hill 1, which is the lowest of the three hills, fell to the 4th Squad.

Although this place seems to be the most dangerous because of its low altitude, because of the low altitude, the light machine guns and mortars deployed on the high ground on both sides can provide fire support to this "depressed" position from a high altitude, and can also fully protect its two wings.

Of course, the most important thing is to have full trust in Tu Yunsheng, the squad leader of Class 4!

In the Sharp Knife Platoon, there is a catchy saying about the squad leaders: the honest squad leader is poisonous, the big squad leader is fierce, the thin squad leader is cruel, and the small squad leader is handsome!

It seems that this catchy saying describes the personal characteristics of the four squad leaders of the Sharp Knife Platoon, but in fact, Tu Yunsheng's handsomeness can be said to be both in appearance and temperament.

In terms of comprehensive strength, Tu Yunsheng is the most balanced among the four squad leaders of the Sharp Knife Platoon!

"Hey! Squad leader, what's the future? Our descendants! I just hope they can have a full meal, not like my poor brother, who fell off the cliff for so long to die in exchange for a bite of food." Boss Cao took a puff of cigarette, and his eyes flashed with deep sadness again.

Whenever he thought of his brother saying "Brother, I'm sorry!" before he died, and the bloody face of the young machine gunner who didn't drink a mouthful of mutton soup until he died, Boss Cao felt like a needle piercing his heart. That was the pain he could never get over in his life.

"Uncle, your vision is low! The commander of the regiment told me about a dream he had. In his dream, he dreamed of our China after the victory of the war! Not only could everyone have enough food and meat every day, but also the city's tall buildings were brightly lit. Our army had the army, navy, and air force, equipped with aircraft carriers, 10,000-ton cruisers, and fighter planes that could disappear in the blink of an eye, especially countless cannons. An infantry battalion was equipped with more than a dozen heavy cannons." Tu Yunsheng looked up at the sky with hope, describing the "dream" that Tang Dao had described to them.

That was really the scene that any Chinese soldier was looking forward to. It was also at that time that the young Sichuan Army soldier who was used to mixing with others gritted his teeth and quit smoking. It was really like a cat's claw in his heart, just smoking a cigarette.

He knew that if he wanted to fight the Japanese devils well, he couldn't do it without a good physique, and opium was really a blood-sucking worm that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, wasting money and hollowing out the body. Fortunately, the commander of the regiment was particularly understanding of the Sichuan army who were used to living like that. As long as there were cigarettes, they would be supplied in large quantities. This was also one of the important reasons why Tu Yunsheng was willing to follow Tang Dao.

The commander who was considerate of the soldiers, if you missed one, you didn't know how long you would have to wait to meet it again. Sichuan people are romantic optimists, but they are also very practical.

"Really? Will our army be so powerful in the future? Also, what are those aircraft carriers and cruisers? How much bigger are they than the Wupeng boats in our hometown?" A corporal veteran from the Songjiang Security Corps came over and asked.

"Bah, what Wupeng boats, how can they be compared! Aircraft carriers are the kind of large ships that can sail on the Yangtze River, and can carry at least 1,800 people. Cruisers! I guess they are transport ships, the kind that can carry hundreds or thousands of sheep." Tu Yunsheng spat at his comrades who had little experience, and began to brag based on his own imagination.

The large ship that Jiang Xinxin had in mind, which could carry hundreds of people, was already the largest ship that the young people in Sichuan had ever seen. The one that could carry a thousand people was even larger than they could imagine. The fact that the cruiser had a sheep in it naturally exposed the purpose of the ship!

"My God, what a big ship that is!" The soldiers all exclaimed.

Everyone overlooked a very important issue. They were all going out to sea to fight. What was the point of having a ship specifically for transporting sheep? Then did they need to build a patrol ship specifically for grass? People eat sheep, and sheep eat grass. This closed loop is complete, isn't it?

The Chinese soldiers who were not well-informed in the trenches were looking forward to a better life in the future because of the description of the sergeant squad leader, but the Japanese troops of the 62nd Infantry Regiment advancing in the mountains were completely in a nightmare.

Faced with this kind of anti-personnel mine hidden under the vegetation, or even buried under the seemingly impossible rock formations, let alone that they didn't bring a few metal detectors at all, even if they did, it would be useless!

The engineering squadron that followed them only carried three metal detectors in total. After the first anti-personnel mine was stepped on and the four legs of two soldiers flew into the sky, all three metal detectors were deployed. The inferior imperial military industry completely made the soldiers of the 62nd Infantry Regiment lose confidence in it.

Not only were there very few mines that could be detected, but even more than a dozen engineers holding metal detectors were killed or injured by the explosion, until all three metal detectors were blown into parts!

Since then, nearly 4,000 officers and soldiers of the 62nd Infantry Regiment have been walking on the edge of a knife. Not only did they advance less than 1,000 meters in 4 hours, but they also paid a heavy price of nearly 10 officers and soldiers killed and more than 160 officers and soldiers injured.

Most of the dead officers and soldiers were hit in the waist and crotch by bullets, and died of unbearable pain from the injuries to vital parts. It was not that the first aid kits were not effective and could not effectively stop the bleeding. The thirty or so soldiers who lost their legs were still lying on stretchers and groaning, which was a clear proof.

Good fellow, they haven't even seen the Chinese yet! More than 600 infantrymen have lost their combat effectiveness.

It takes two soldiers to carry a wounded soldier, right? Abandoning all the wounded soldiers, not to mention that the infantry battalion commanders dare not think so, even the commander of the Great Left Brigade, Yokoyama Ze, who is known for his ferocity, would not do so.

"Keep all the wounded soldiers in the valley, leave an infantry squad and six medical soldiers to take care of them, and wait until we eliminate the Chinese, and then take them back for treatment." After receiving the casualty reports from three infantry battalions due to accidentally stepping on anti-personnel mines, the commander of the Great Left Brigade, Yokoyama Ze, who was in his prime, bit his back teeth and issued a military order.

This is actually equivalent to abandoning more than 160 wounded soldiers. Without surgery and adequate drug treatment, almost no one can see the dawn three days later.

One infantry squad and six medical soldiers are the bottom line that Yokoyama Yong can accept. Otherwise, the terrible consumption of 600 combat power before the battle has started will make the front-line infantry feel strongly frustrated!

He must maintain the current morale. If he wants to restore the high spirits before departure, he can only conquer the Chinese highlands and use the many Chinese corpses to inspire!

But obviously, Yokoyama Ze didn't know that the continuous mountains and rivers and opponents he was going to face were first-class tough in the whole of China!

And the battle on the front battlefield finally broke out at 9:22!







PS: A veteran special forces member who has been in the soldier assault for more than ten years accidentally broke into the soldier assault. He was born with superman syndrome. Facing this world full of regrets, he didn't want to rise or beat anything. He just wanted to make up for all the regrets. "Soldier Assault: Old Special Soldier New Soldier", a new book by my author's friend, is still very well written. Book friends who like this theme can support it!

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