Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1125 Empty City Strategy?

Yin Tangxiuer was well prepared for this attack!

Two hours of crazy preparations for the bombardment were not enough. Agent red gas was used at 8:50!

The entire No. 1 position is filled with yellow-green gas. The weird color makes people feel creepy just looking at it, let alone surviving in it.

"Yusi! In another 20 minutes, when the Chinese people are almost poisoned, we will order the assault troops to attack!" Yin Tangxiuer looked at the mountaintop shrouded in gunpowder smoke and poisonous gas through the telescope, and smiled for the first time on his face.

With the dual blessing of artillery fire and poison gas, no one can survive in this environment. The Japanese Army's idea of ​​​​center left is actually very logical.

However, the Japanese Army's center-left group may not have expected that the Four Lines Regiment he faced had transformed again a month ago. The Four Lines Regiment, equipped by a German weapon division, had improved in terms of equipment and combat power compared to the Battle of Southeast Shanxi in June. At least 20%.

Gas masks are standard equipment for every soldier!

After seeing the Japanese throwing poison gas, Wei Donglai ordered everyone to put on gas masks and retreat to the anti-slope trench.

This also means that when the 700 Japanese troops began to attack under the cover of 6 89 tanks and 10 94 armored vehicles, there was no one in the frontline trenches, not even observation posts.

When entering a distance of 400 meters, because they were afraid of the Sulotong 20mm machine gun on position 1, the six 89 tanks stopped and turned the turret slightly to find the target. The ten Type 94 tanks moved forward another 50 meters. Unable to leave, the 700 Japanese troops divided into two waves and began to bend down and enter the position.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, the khaki military uniforms are densely packed, like a swarm of locusts rushing towards the top of the mountain.

The Japanese attack went surprisingly smoothly!

Nearly 350 people from the first wave of two Japanese infantry squadrons have arrived at an area less than 150 meters away from the front-line trenches. They are basically lying on the ground.

As a result, let alone the firepower of heavy machine guns and light machine guns, there was not even a rifle fire on the Chinese position.

To put it bluntly, it's quiet.

Are the Chinese being killed by imperial artillery and poison gas?

If you say that there were heavy casualties, hundreds of Japanese soldiers will believe it. But if you say that there is not a single person left, then even if they were killed, they would not believe it.

This Baga is really unscientific!

At least, Captain Matsui Takumi, who was in charge of the first wave, didn't believe it.

The Chinese must have some conspiracy!

But in other words, this is a conspiracy! Because even if you know that the Chinese are playing dirty tricks, what can you do?

Why, are you all just lying in front of the Chinese trenches and waiting? The reason is that no shot was fired?

Facing the questioning looks from his subordinates, Captain Matsui gritted his molars and ordered: "Continue to crawl forward, wait until you enter the 100-meter area, and charge with all your strength!"

These 50 meters are actually what scares the Japanese infantry the most. According to common sense, suppressive firepower usually appears at this time. After entering the charging distance of 100 meters, the infantry only needs 10 seconds to enter 30 meters to throw grenades. Then It will be difficult for the defenders to defend themselves.

However, the entire position was still quiet, as if the defenders were all dead!

The 16 Japanese tanks 400 meters away were also a little dumbfounded. What is this situation? The shells are all loaded, let me play with this!

There's no target at all, so I can't just hit it blindly!

As a result, the most bizarre scene occurred on the Niangziguan battlefield.

The Japanese troops on positions 2, 3, and 4 next door invested less than 800 troops in total, but they fought fiercely. The Chinese machine guns, machine guns, and mortars, and the Japanese grenade launchers, infantry cannons, and heavy machine guns over there. You come and go, as if today is the decisive battle, either you die or I die.

But the main battlefield of Position 1, where 700 infantrymen, a dozen tanks, 16 heavy machine guns, and 9 infantry cannons were deployed at once, was as quiet as an autumn afternoon.

However, the Japanese troops were not fooled by this tranquility. They even crawled to a distance of 80 meters from the Chinese front-line trenches.

As long as you give them 10 seconds, no, 8 seconds, they can rush to the 30-meter distance where they can throw grenades.

Even Takumi Matsui, who had a stern face 120 meters away, breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what tricks the Chinese played, at least they could conquer this trench.


As the siren sounded, the Japanese troops in front of the position stood up straight and began to charge with all their strength!

In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are false!

At least, that's what the Japanese infantry who have entered the stage of full charge thought.

Set the clock back five minutes!

"Company commander, let our platoon enter the position! If we go slower, the Japanese will charge." A platoon leader asked anxiously.

"Why are you so anxious? The frontline trench is just a small ditch. If the Japanese want it, give it to them!" Wei Donglai, who was crawling behind a lookout post, did not take his eyes off the telescope.

"Company commander, what do you mean?" The second lieutenant platoon leader's expression changed, as if he had thought of something.

"Hey! I just got a call from the regiment headquarters. I will be in command of the artillery battalion this morning!" Wei Donglai looked at the large number of Japanese troops who gradually began to speed up, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "How about a company commanding a battalion? I can brag about this for several years!"

"Haha, next time we meet, Deputy Battalion Commander Pang Dahai will ask the company commander to treat him to a nice drink!" When the second lieutenant platoon leader heard that the artillery battalion finally stopped hiding, his face gushed. excited.

I had heard that the new Bofors mountain guns of the artillery battalion were powerful, but he had never seen how powerful they were.

"As long as we can kill the Japanese devils, let alone invite Deputy Battalion Commander Pang for a drink, we can even invite him for ten drinks!" Wei Donglai grinned. "Go and inform the brothers, get the 60 guns in each row ready, and we will join the fun of the artillery battalion, and the rest of you hide for me."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The front-line trench was filled with smoke.

At least two hundred melon grenades were thrown into the trenches, and the Japanese soldiers holding long guns rushed into the front-line trenches bravely with their eyes wide open!

There was no one in sight!

The Chinese staged an empty city plan for them!

But what can I say! At least there is a trench, even if it is a little shallow.

Yes, this front-line trench located 200 meters below the top of the mountain is only 70 centimeters deep at the deepest point and only 50 centimeters shallow at the shallowest point, which is just enough for an adult to squat or lie down!

Moreover, after two hours of 75 mountain guns and 105 howitzers, the collapsed area exceeded a quarter, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it has basically lost the function of the trench.

In particular, if the Japanese infantrymen were to shoot at the Chinese in the trenches above, they would feel bitter when looking at the trenches with high front and low back.

The trenches dug by the Chinese were really too damaged. The main protection was aimed at the bottom of the mountain. You can't say that there was no protection at all for the threats from the mountain, but there were really not many!

Then, with Wei Donglai's order "shoot!", machine guns, rifles, and submachine guns from the second-line trenches poured down.

The dense bullets made the Japanese hiding in the trenches dare not even raise their heads!

That's right! The 16 Japanese tanks finally found the target, and the 57mm tank guns and 7mm heavy machine guns fired together to provide fire support for the infantry.

Seeing that the battle had finally begun, the Japanese army, which was 200 meters behind the first wave, began to speed up their pace. As long as the tanks and the heavy machine gun positions in the rear could effectively suppress the Chinese firepower, their four infantry squadrons could tear the Chinese apart without guns or bayonets!

Because the three solid machine gun bunkers exposed yesterday had been completely destroyed by Japanese artillery fire, the two 7mm machine guns and the 20mm Suroton machine gun did not fire, and the Japanese tanks fired even more recklessly.

Six 57mm guns and 20 7mm heavy machine guns plus the grenade launchers set up by the Japanese infantry 300 meters away made the 800-meter defense line dusty, and the infantry almost dared not even raise their heads!

"Youxi! Today is the time to defeat the enemy, and the first credit belongs to my squadron! Order! Keep moving forward!" Matsui Takumi, who was in the trench, saw the fighter plane and ordered the signalman to ring the alarm, urging the infantry in the trench to keep moving forward.

"Company commander, the Japanese are approaching us by 120 meters!" The sweat on the forehead of the second lieutenant platoon leader holding the telephone receiver could not help rolling down.

At such a close distance, he could almost see the eyebrows and eyes of the Japanese infantry under the Japanese helmets without a telescope.

"Wait ten more seconds!" Wei Donglai was like a precision machine, staring at the Japanese soldiers in the front position without looking back.

Ten seconds was very short, but in the second lieutenant's heart, it seemed as long as a century.

Because at least half of the Japanese soldiers who advanced within 100 meters had straightened up and were ready to charge.

"Artillery battalion, open fire! The barrage will advance from 70 meters in front of my position to the front-line trench area. The front-line trench area will be concentrated for ten minutes!" Wei Donglai, who put down the telescope, finally gave the order.

"My company requests" The second lieutenant was relieved and quickly repeated Wei Donglai's order in the microphone.

"Wei Donglai, this kid is ruthless!" Pang Dahai, who was guarding the telephone, took a deep breath. "The barrage is only 70 meters away from the second-line trench. The damned ones also think highly of my brothers in the heavy mortar company."

This tactic of using heavy mortars to support the position was not something Wei Donglai came up with on a whim, but was practiced by both the infantry and artillery in previous training.

But in the live-fire exercise, even if the infantry were hiding in the tunnel, in order to prevent accidental injuries, the artillery company's artillery range was strictly limited to 100 meters, and it was pushed to only 70 meters away from its own trenches.

To be honest, the commanders of both infantry and artillery were hanging their hearts.

But if not, how could they circle this wave of infantry with a relatively large force at once?

Wei Donglai originally waited for two infantry squadrons to enter the first-line trenches before requesting the artillery battalion to open fire, but the second wave of Japanese troops ran away.

It may be more appropriate to use the Tang sword to evaluate Wei Donglai: "Wei Donglai looks like a pure scholar, but in fact, he is a deadly scholar!"

When he gets ruthless, he doesn't even let himself go!

Perhaps, all his weakness was blown away by the Japanese artillery fire on the nameless high ground of Mouse Mountain!

"Xiu Er~~~" The sharp whistle cut through the sky.

Captain Matsui Takumi, who had just left the trench less than 20 meters away, looked up at the sky, and his face turned pale instantly!

He could tell that this was not the sound that an 82mm mortar could make!

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the ball of fire that soared 150 meters away from him proved his professional ability.

That was a 150mm caliber heavy mortar, and the heavy mortar company of the Fourth Regiment Artillery Battalion had 12 guns!

The destructive power of the 19-kilogram projectile with a killing radius of 15 meters was no less than that of the 105 howitzer.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In the horrified eyes of the Japanese Army Captain, balls of fire fell on the battlefield one after another.

"Avoid the artillery!" The Japanese army captain roared heartbreakingly, and then rolled and crawled towards the simple trench behind him that he had originally despised.

At this moment, he finally understood why the Chinese abandoned the first-line trenches. It was because they had artillery, heavy artillery!

The first-line trenches abandoned by them could not meet the standard of avoiding such terrible heavy artillery at all. It was the sweet bait that the Chinese specially used to lure them forward!

Although the Japanese army captain knew very well that once the simple trench fell into such a level of artillery shells, it would be a deadly massacre.

But apart from the trench that was no more than half a meter deep, where could he and the imperial infantry hide? Just lie on the ground, behind the rocks?

Don't be funny, under the air wave of such heavy artillery explosion, not to mention being hit by the huge escaped energy, the stones that were blown away could take your life.

The khaki figures that were constantly swept away by the air wave were the result of not hiding in the trenches in time.

Accompanied by huge fireballs exploding on the mountain.

The Japanese soldiers on the hillside, whether in front or behind, rushed madly into the first-line trenches, which was their only shelter to survive.

The Japanese soldiers in hell were fighting for their lives, but no Chinese soldiers in the second-line trenches dared to watch this spectacular scene.

In fact, the explosion point of the shells was too close to them, so close that it seemed to fall on their heads. People staying in the 2-meter-deep trenches were like being in a turbulent sea. Dust and mud kept falling on their helmets and bodies. Wearing earplugs could not stop the continuous thunder from entering the cochlea. The stimulation to the eardrum forced the officers and soldiers of the second company to open their mouths as wide as possible to relieve it, even if they had to eat a mouthful of dust!

This was nearly 100 meters away from the artillery fire area. It is conceivable what the Japanese infantrymen in it felt like.

The Japanese soldiers at the foot of the hill had the opportunity to see the full view of this spectacular scene, just as the Japanese military reporter recorded in his diary: "It was a scene more terrifying than the concentrated firepower of the Imperial artillery. Each shell would rise up a dazzling fireball, especially when dozens of shells exploded at the same time, as if the entire hillside was covered by the fierce flames from hell, which hurt my eyes and my heart even more at a distance of 600 meters!

Because there were more than 700 Imperial infantrymen there, could they escape from this premeditated fierce artillery attack by the Chinese? May Amaterasu bless them!"

This war diary of the Japanese military reporter was not allowed to be published until after the war, and the Japanese people only then learned that in that mountain in North China, there had actually been such a battle in which the Chinese ambushed the infantry with absolutely heavy firepower!

It was a complete crushing, and no one could resist!

Because the 150 heavy mortars of the Four-line Regiment were hidden in the deep mountains and forests. Not to mention that the Japanese artillery could not find the target to suppress them, even the Japanese reconnaissance planes that had been circling in the sky for a long time could not find their location.

None of the Japanese reconnaissance planes dared to enter the airspace below 2,000 meters. Looking down from an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, even with the blessing of a four-fold telescope, they could only see a bird?

It was not the Four-line Regiment Air Defense Company that was so powerful, but the shadow of the tree. The Four-line Regiment's strong air defense capability was already well-known in the Japanese North China Front Army.

Since it was confirmed that the enemy facing the 21st Division was the Four-line Regiment, the Japanese North China Front Army Aviation Corps broke out in cold sweats from top to bottom, and Captain Zuo Zuomu couldn't help but light three incense sticks in the room to thank the Jade Emperor, the Supreme God of China!

Since escaping the disaster for the first time, the frightened Captain Zuo Zuomu had already thrown away the amulets he had prayed for at home, and began to worship the gods of China. Amaterasu and other gods could only be left alone for the time being.

Then, the effect of "I would rather die than die" was extremely significant, which made Captain Zuo Zuomu more convinced that his choice was right. Look, didn't he escape from the "claws" of the Four-Line Regiment again this time?

The Japanese North China Front Army Aviation, which had fought against the Four-Line Regiment several times in a row and was defeated, initially regarded the Four-Line Regiment as its old enemy, but when the Southeast Shanxi Campaign, more than ten fighter planes were lost in one battle, the old enemy completely became the nightmare of the Japanese Army Aviation pilots!

They expanded the size of the fleet again and again, but the Four-Line Regiment seemed to be born to defeat them, and the ground-to-air firepower was constantly increasing. Not to mention the increasing number of anti-aircraft machine guns, the level of the shooters was also constantly improving.

Anyone who understands knows that those are all the experience points that the lives of Japanese Army Aviation pilots have given them!

Therefore, the heavy mortar company's 12 150mm heavy mortars kept roaring, and the Japanese army could only watch, helpless, and more helpless.

"Baga! Order the front line to retreat immediately, retreat immediately!" Yin Tangxiuer issued the military order with a sullen face, and he didn't even look at the front again, and evacuated the front-line trenches with his escort team.

Without waiting for the post-war report, the Japanese Army Zhongzuo knew that in the bombardment of such large-caliber heavy artillery, no more than half of the four infantry squadrons he attacked would survive!

The brutal Chinese had been patient until this time to move out their heavy artillery at the bottom of the box, and it was definitely not just to scare people.

Yin Tangxiuer's command and combat level was average, but he still had basic judgment, and fortunately he ran fast.

For this bombardment, the heavy mortar company prepared 90 rounds of artillery shells for each artillery squad in advance, more than ten tons of ammunition, and two baggage platoons dedicated to it took two hours to move!

It took the Japanese army 20 minutes to fire 600 shells before the second line of defense, and the remaining 400 shells began to extend the artillery fire, plowing the entire hillside from top to bottom, and also blew up the trench dug by the Japanese army 600 meters away.

As a result, more than 60 Japanese soldiers who were still in this trench were killed or injured!

But even more miserable than them were the unlucky guys who were abused for 20 minutes!





PS: I forgot to mention that I didn’t update yesterday because I stayed up late to watch the Champions League in the early morning yesterday. As a result, Fengyue overestimated her body. I slept until 1 pm yesterday and was ready to get up to write, but then I found that I was in a daze. No matter how I smoked and drank tea, I couldn’t get into the writing state. In the end, I even forgot to ask for leave! This is really old!

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