Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1133 Medicine for heartache!

In the bombardment battle, the artillery of the Fourth Regiment took advantage of the long range of the Bofors mountain gun, but on the ground battlefield, they could only rely on hard fighting.

The Japanese artillery battalion that bombarded the 7th company highland was quiet, but under the strict order of Yokoyama Ze, the 4 mountain guns, 2 90 mortars and 8 mountain guns belonging to the 62nd Infantry Regiment did not stop.

At least half of them fell on the 209.1 highland.

It can be said that this highland attack and defense battle has tested more than just the courage of the soldiers on both sides.

It is more about the tolerance of the commanders of both sides and the tolerance of casualties. Whoever can't bear it will be the loser.

Although the 34 soldiers of two infantry squads and a heavy machine gun group are fighting under artillery fire, they are still in the trenches after all. As long as the shells are not very close, they can at least drill into the trenches and avoid the terrible air wave attack.

Of course, if the shell exploded in the trench, then you can only consider yourself unlucky. A mountain artillery shell can kill everyone in a trench that is more than ten meters long. There is no chance of survival.

In this defensive battle that can be called cruel, in 30 minutes, the two infantry squads suffered 11 casualties, of which 3 were killed on the spot because a mountain artillery shell fell into the trench, and 4 were injured. The two seriously injured were carried down the mountain by the stretcher team for treatment.

Only a small half of the casualties were caused by bullets.

But the Japanese army 100 meters before the position had no trenches. They not only had to endure the continuous fire suppression of two light machine guns, one heavy machine gun, submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles on the position, but also had to endure the shells of their own people that fell on their position from time to time.

Without trenches, it means that there is no way to avoid the murderous aura caused by the explosion of the 6.5 kg projectile of the Type 41 mountain artillery.

In 30 minutes, at least 60 or 70 Japanese soldiers were blown away by the blast of their own artillery shells, and the number even caught up with the number of Japanese soldiers killed by the two infantry squads of the Fourth Regiment who fired nearly 10,000 rounds of bullets on the battlefield.

If they were injured by bullets, they still had a chance to fight against the infection caused by bacteria and see if they could escape the sickle wielded by the god of death.

But if they were injured by the blast of artillery shells, they lost even this chance. The violent blast was enough to shatter the internal organs of the human body. Even if it was taken 80 years later, that injury would make experts scratch their heads, let alone this era.

Li Jiujin, the commander of the 7th Company, had brought his last mobile infantry squad to the high ground of his own sharp knife platoon.

The second lieutenant of the sharp knife platoon looked at the 209.1 high ground 300 meters away, which was shrouded in smoke and still screaming with killing. He had wanted to persuade his company commander several times to send reinforcements from behind the mountain to increase the firepower of the high ground and defeat this stubborn Japanese army in one fell swoop.

However, they were all blocked by Li Jiujin's cold face and staring at the battlefield.

The defensive battle on Hill 209.1 was fierce, but the number of casualties of 11 was still within the acceptable range for the infantry company commander.

The Japanese army had almost put their cards on the table. The position of the 7th Company was their breakthrough point, and the hill of 209.1 was the focus of the focus, and finally formed a situation of breaking through the surface with a point!

For this reason, the Japanese army frantically invested more than 1,500 infantrymen in the 10 hills defended by the 7th Company, and one-third of them were in front of Hill 209.1.

Leng Feng had called Li Jiujin twice to ask him if he needed reinforcements. If necessary, 80 people from the battalion guard platoon would be ordered to join the 7th Company in the battle.

At the same time, Leng Feng would ask for help from the regiment headquarters, even if only 100 reinforcements were sent to their third battalion.

But Li Jiujin weighed it again and again and rejected the battalion commander's kindness.

He knew very well that the total strength of the Japanese army was as high as 19,000. The first and second battalions in the main position were facing two infantry regiments and three tank squadrons, and they had to face the bombardment of mountain artillery and howitzers at any time. The pressure would be even greater than that of the third battalion.

The commander of the regiment had the guard company and the cavalry battalion as the last mobile force of the regiment. All the troops would not exceed 550 people. They were to be the strongest and last troops to fill in when a certain line of defense was breached.

At this time, it was only the third day after the war, and the commander of the regiment had to use the last force in his hands. What should he do next?

So now the 7th Company can only hold on by itself until it can't hold on anymore.

Although Li Jiujin is still slippery and slippery now, as he has been with Tang Dao for a long time, his state of mind has been completely different from a year ago.

He is no longer just a soldier, a squad leader who only manages about 10 people, but a mid-level commander who commands more than 300 soldiers. In ordinary troops, he is at least a battalion commander.

As early as 20 minutes ago, he was thinking, what would Tang Tuanzuo do if he was here?

Based on his understanding of Tang Dao, Tang Dao would not easily send reinforcements when the position was still under his control and the firepower was not significantly weakened.

It's not that he didn't care about his soldiers.

But he must not easily let his soldiers' precious lives become the sacrifices of the crazy Japanese invaders.

The Japanese artillery fire of 105 howitzers nearly 4,000 meters behind the position reminded Li Jiujin all the time that the Japanese commander who was facing him was not a normal person at all. He didn't care about the lives of his own soldiers and used infantry-artillery coordinated tactics as close as 100 meters. It can't be ruled out that he was so crazy that he ignored the lives of the Japanese infantry and ordered the 105 howitzers to fire at the top of the mountain.

At that time, it would not be two infantry squads and one heavy firepower group with more than 30 people being crippled, it might be the death anniversary of an entire infantry platoon!

Tang Dao is gradually growing into a qualified regimental commander. Old brothers like Li Jiujin who have followed him in the bloody battlefield for a year are not just promoted in rank, they are also growing up, learning to stand from the perspective of a larger battlefield to arrange tactics more reasonably.

Including accepting sacrifices, including learning to use fewer casualties in exchange for more power!

If you are reluctant to sacrifice, the price is more sacrifices!

Just like the night attack on the Japanese artillery position in Guangde Laoshu Mountain, Li Jiujin also had the awareness of staying with an infantry platoon to block and cover more brothers to survive!

Tang Dao's sonorous words at the meeting of officers above the company level: "For victory, no one can not sacrifice, from the commander to the soldiers! For victory, all of our Chinese army is always ready to burn themselves. Without this awareness, we can't win!" It has always shocked and influenced all the officers and soldiers of the Four Lines Regiment.

Li Jiujin's persistence is correct.

Never underestimate the madness of the Japanese or how much they fear death. In the eyes of the Japanese upper class aristocrats, the so-called elite Japanese troops in front of the position are just a group of mountain people and fishermen. They don't care much about the number of casualties.

Just like Yokoyama Ze, who is now looking at the battlefield coldly with a telescope, at this moment, there is no casualty in his heart, only how to conquer the current position.

However, under such a tough offensive, the muzzle bullets on the Chinese position are still shining, stinging his eyes, and sweeping down one after another Japanese infantry who are trying to advance.

Yokoyama Ze's eyes behind the telescope became colder and colder, and finally said: "Send the order to the front, everyone retreat 150 meters! Get rid of the wounded, and do not carry the remains of the dead warriors to evacuate."

With the long sound of the hand-cranked alarm, the khaki Japanese army retreated like a tide!

"The damn devils finally retreated!" The second lieutenant platoon leader breathed a sigh of relief.

On the 209.1 high ground was his precious infantry squad that had just been commended by the regiment commander. Sergeant Tu Yunsheng and grenadier Lao Cao were two of the thirty officers and soldiers who were personally invited by Tang Tuanzuo for their outstanding performance in the previous battle in southeastern Shanxi. If they died on the battlefield, the loss would be huge.

"Want to run? You want to run after killing my people? That's not easy?" A trace of ferocity flashed across Li Jiujin's face.

"Order the three 60-caliber mortars of the firepower squad, 60 rounds of artillery shells to prepare! Also, help me connect to the battalion headquarters and request fire support from the three howitzers of the battalion artillery company. I don't need much, just 30 rounds of artillery shells. Give me artillery shells to bombard the area 180 meters in front of the high ground. I want him to be unable to retreat or advance. Doesn't the sharp knife platoon have a Maxim heavy machine gun firepower group? Shoot from the flank!"


This is the situation now. The Japanese want to retreat, but the Chinese won't let them!

The smoke and dust that continued to rise in the area about 200 meters in front of the position formed a barrage. Anyone who tried to get into this barrage would be torn into pieces by the shrapnel of the mortar shells.

The three double-barreled guns equipped by the third battalion were called howitzers by the officers and soldiers because their 80mm barrels could be used as mortars at high angles and as howitzers at low angles. The power of their 80MM caliber shells was even greater than that of 82MM mortars, so they became the most popular infantry support artillery in the entire infantry battalion.

The Japanese army that was retreating from the area 100 meters in front of the position was directly blocked by this terrifying barrage. The bullets that kept flying from the mountain and the flanks suppressed the nearly 100 Japanese soldiers on the hillside and could not move, and they could only passively take the beating!

If this situation continues, it won’t take too long before these 100 Japanese soldiers are basically destined to report to Amaterasu.

If this is the case, the attack led by Yokoyama Ze in the morning will not only be fruitless, but also the loss will be as high as 200 people. Together with the losses last night and yesterday, the Japanese losses on the small 209.1 high ground will reach more than 500.

The casualties are almost catching up with the main position.

But compared with Yokoyama Ze, who is the last one, Yin Tangxiuer Zhongzuo, who has become the second to last, can ask without blushing: "There are at least hundreds of Chinese on my main position, how about you, Zejun?"

When the troops on the 209.1 high ground were at their peak, there were only 34 people. After more than 40 minutes of fierce fighting, the number of troops was reduced from 11 to 23, which is similar to half of the Japanese infantry squad!

This battle loss ratio is simply unbearable to watch!

Unfortunately, the battle is not over. In the cold words of Yokoyama Ze Dazuo who was standing behind the bunker: 'In a race, the faster one does not necessarily win, and in a fight, the weaker one does not necessarily lose. The one who laughs last is the real winner! ’

After saying this, Yokoyama Ze raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist. What surged into his eyes was not frustration, but a more terrible cruelty, which made the staff officer beside him sweat coldly.

Facing the Chinese soldiers on the top of the mountain firing relentlessly, they wantonly shot and killed nearly a hundred Japanese soldiers who were blocked by the mortar barrage and could not retreat. The mountain artillery and infantry artillery of the Japanese army, which had been firing from time to time, suddenly became much sparser, and no shells fell for dozens of seconds!

"Something's wrong!" Li Jiujin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Order that all platoons of mortars attack the Japanese troops on the highlands at all costs. All platoons on the highlands of our company, except for one infantry squad left behind, will withdraw to the anti-gun holes as quickly as possible." Li Jiu Jin gave the order decisively.

"Also, use a red flare to remind Highland 209.1, and use a flag to inform them that only half of the infantry squad can be left at most. The rest should evacuate the high ground first. If the Japanese use heavy artillery to bombard my Seventh Company position, they will bear the brunt! "

"Squad leader Tu, you take the brothers from squad 4 and evacuate immediately." Guard squad leader Zhou Dapeng, whose face was darkened by gunpowder smoke, hurried over, patted Tu Yunsheng's shoulder while the hygienist wrapped up the wound on his back, and shouted.

"Evacuate? Where to retreat?" Tu Yunsheng turned his head and glanced at his old comrades, and replied somewhat bleakly.

How could the young sergeant not be bleak?

His Squadron 4 had only one person killed and three wounded in yesterday's extremely fierce battle, but in this early morning battle that lasted less than an hour, they were almost wiped out.

The shell that landed in the trench took away the lives of three soldiers from his 4th squad and the lives of two others were unknown. One had his arms cut off by shrapnel, and the other was swept up by the air wave and Gao kept vomiting blood. I don't know how long they can hold on.

There was also a soldier whose helmet was shot by the Japanese during a crazy exchange of fire. The recruit, who had experienced such a terrifying battlefield for the first time, was too nervous and did not untie the helmet's rope as he asked, but tied it firmly around his chin. .

Although the 6.5 mm 38 rifle bullet was deflected and did not penetrate the helmet due to the rounded corners, the huge impact of the bullet is not something that the most fragile neck bone of the human body can withstand if it is caught off guard.

The soldier whose head was twisted at a weird angle barely uttered a word and just fell in the trench. When he was found and rescued, he had stopped breathing due to the broken neck bone and obstructed breathing.

Originally, there were 12 infantry squad members with him, but at this time, only 6 were still able to fight, including the medical soldiers who came to support them from the platoon headquarters.

In other words, of the original 15 people in Squad 4, 4 were killed and 6 were seriously injured, leaving only 5 people alive.

Is his Class 4 still there?

"Aww, Brother Peng, Class 4 is gone, and all my brothers are gone!" The Army sergeant, who had always been calm and tenacious, actually cried like a child.

Big tears flowed down his face, which was already in his early 20s, but was tanned by long-term training, and now he looked even more dirty, like a little old man.

"Yunsheng, Class 4 is still here. You are still there. Look at Lao Cao and Ma'er, they are still alive and kicking!" The guard squad leader comforted his comrades who were half a year younger than him, but there were tears in his eyes. , the voice couldn't help but be choked.

The 7th Company has only been established for half a year, but the original group of old brothers in the 7th Company only had a hundred people in total. They have already established an extremely deep comradeship in countless battles, and Zhou Dapeng also became the infantry company after the Battle of Southeast Shanxi. Only when the number of soldiers expanded was he transferred from the sharp knife platoon to the company headquarters as the guard squad leader. He was the squad leader of the 4th squad before. Most of the brothers who were killed or seriously injured in the 4th squad were comrades who trained and slept with him...

However, after just one battle, it was gone.

Moreover, there were only 12 people in his 18-person guard squad, with 2 dead and 4 seriously injured.

It can be said that for him, the guard squad leader, he suffered a double injury. If he didn't burst into tears on the spot, he had to stay with Li Jijin for two months and learn to be patient.

For a young man like him, the blow was extremely heavy!

However, no matter how heavy it is, the growth rings that time has given him are youth, but he is also a veteran and grassroots commander with 4 years of military service and experienced several wars. He must accept it and continue to command the soldiers to fight.

This battle is still early!

The dead have completed their mission, but the living must continue to fight!

"Class 4 is still here, still here, but they can never go home again." Tu Yunsheng burst into tears, one after another on his face filled with black smoke.

"Yunsheng, you and your brothers have done a good enough job. Take your brothers and retreat first! I will take five brothers to stay at the position! I guarantee you that the people are here!" Zhou Dapeng suppressed the pain in his heart and comforted him again. .

Although a red signal flare was fired on the main high ground on one side to show that the situation was urgent, and it was uncertain when the Japanese army would cover the high ground with artillery fire, but in the face of the sad little brother, could he bear to be more harsh?

He thought that when he made this promise and received military orders, he would convince the sergeant squad leader in front of him.

However, after all, he still didn't understand his little brother well enough.

Or maybe he underestimated this young man who was so shy when they first met and handed over the hookah to show his goodwill.

The young sergeant's heart is both tough and fragile!

When his heart is broken like porcelain by the Japanese army, he will also do crazy things.

This aspect is actually very similar to Tang Tuanzuo!

When your heart begins to bleed and hurt so much that you can't breathe, then watch your enemies bleed with your own eyes and smear their blood on your chest.

That's a rare elixir for heartache!






PS: I went out yesterday, and there was no update on the new book. I was really tired from working as a driver and vomited blood for a day, and I couldn’t write at night. Please continue to support Fengyue’s new science fiction book "I Can Burial All Things". It has 1.1 million words, in case anyone still doesn’t know. , shout again!

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