Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1134 The earth shakes!

Turning his head, he glanced at the two sergeants and two corporals surrounding him. The army sergeant with tears on his face smiled bitterly, "Brothers, I only ask you one question, are you still afraid?"

"Squad leader, the Japanese artillery is just so-so. Brothers, we never show off. We are not afraid of him." The soldier nicknamed Maer answered with a firm face.

"Squad leader, the battle has come to this point, what is there to be afraid of? At most, I will go with my brothers. It's just right to have a companion on the road." The sergeant called Tao brother by Maer also shook his head.

Boss Cao, who looked at the army sergeant with a worried face, did not speak, but opened his arms and hugged the shoulders of several soldiers in front of him fiercely.

Very hard, very warm!

He is a new recruit, but also the oldest new recruit. The soldiers here are only in their early 20s, just like his younger brother.

In the past, when he guessed the young sergeant's intention, he would definitely feel distressed. These young people who were younger than his brother had to face death.

But at this moment, his heart was actually very calm.

Because if they really had to die, he, as the elder brother, would lead the way for them in front. They would not be afraid, and he would feel at ease.

As for how his family would live in the future, Boss Cao really didn't think about it at this time.

That was also because the generous pension system of the Four-Line Regiment gave him enough sense of security.

The last corporal was the precision shooter in the class, a taciturn 24-year-old veteran. He never said much, and it was the same now. He just silently clenched the rifle in his hand and answered with action.

"See, Brother Peng, although my brothers are a little less, there is not a coward. You should take those bastards in your guard squad and get out of here. This is my 4th squad's position. It was before, it is now, and it will be in the future!" Tu Yunsheng suddenly looked at his elder brother very seriously, and roared in a low voice but very firmly.

"Brother" The guard squad leader, who was called a jerk by the entire guard squad, couldn't help choking up.

He felt a faint sense of familiarity with this scene.

When the company commander Li Jiujin was chasing the devils madly on the way back from the night attack on the Japanese artillery position, he planned to do this. Fortunately, he was not surrounded in the end, otherwise there would be no 7th company now.

But now, there will be no such miracle. There must be people left on the position, otherwise when the Japanese army attacks, the soldiers who avoid the artillery fire will not be able to rush to the position so quickly. Even if there is only one person alive on the position, he can use the gun in his hand to block the Japanese infantry for dozens of seconds, buying time for the subsequent reinforcements.

The red signal flares fired from the main position have already meant that the command has made a judgment that the Japanese army will use artillery groups or heavy artillery bombardment, and the anti-artillery holes that can only defend against 75 mountain artillery at most have basically lost their defensive function.

To put it bluntly, the death rate of those left on the position is far more than 70%.

The reason why the main position notified to leave half an infantry squad was probably based on this probability. As long as two people can survive after the bombardment, they can become the last force to stop the Japanese army from rushing up.

After a long year of fighting, there are not many old comrades who can still talk and pat each other on the shoulder. Now, are we going to lose another one?

This kind of heartache is really hard to understand for those who have not experienced it personally.

"Since you still call me brother, Brother Peng should take the bastards of the guard squad and get out. I have been displeased with your guard squad for a long time. Why do you have more people in your guard squad and more submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles?

Haha! But after this battle, no one will dare to say that my Sharp Knife Platoon 4th Squad is not as good as your guard squad!" Tu Yunsheng's facial muscles twitched, and his smile was almost ferocious. He stood up with all his strength and looked at the four soldiers around him.

"My 4th squad brothers have left their lives here, and we brothers will stay here with them. We won't go anywhere. What do you think? Is this true?"

"The squad leader is right. With our 4th squad here, the bastards in the guard squad still want to eat meat and drink soup? Let them all go away! Haha." The senior soldier laughed.

"That's right. When I think of the arrogant attitude of Lao Liu after he was selected for the guard squad, I want to beat him up. He even greeted me at that time, but I was too lazy to pay attention to him. When I think of this guy kneeling in front of my grave to burn paper and cry, I feel so happy." Corporal Tao also replied with a smile.

The guard troops, whether in the infantry company, infantry battalion or the entire four-line regiment, are known as the elite among the elite.

Those who can be selected into the 7th Company Guard Squad are naturally the best of the best. Ten people were selected from the Sharp Knife Platoon. Even the Guard Squad Leader was the former Squad Leader of the 4th Squad of the Sharp Knife Platoon. It is normal for him to show off when he sees his old comrades.

In the military, who doesn't want to be competitive? During daily training, each platoon and squad is proud to defeat the Guard Squad, but how can the Guard Squad, which is composed of elite veterans, give this opportunity to ordinary infantry squads?

But now, being able to win this mission and make the old comrades who entered the Guard Squad cry, is it also a win?

Of course, it doesn't need to be said explicitly. Only the parties present can understand the comradeship.

There are only 5 people left in the 4th Squad, but there are still 12 people in the Guard Squad. Tu Yunsheng wants to use the smallest price to exchange for the smallest casualties on the high ground. He wants to keep some vitality for the Guard Squad and even the entire 7th Company.

It is still unknown how many days the battle will last.

"Brother!" Zhou Dapeng finally shed the tears that he had been holding back for a long time.

"Hurry up, the Japs' cannons are coming soon! I don't want us to die in vain. Remember to tell the company commander after the war to apply for first-class military merit for some of our brothers. That thing is made of gold and is enough to support my father at home. It’s been years since my mother.” Tu Yunsheng’s face became completely relaxed. After saying a few words, he ignored Zhou Dapeng and turned to the soldiers around him:

"We've all found a place to hide. Remember, don't put too much faith in the bombholes. Even if they can defend against mountain cannons, they can't defend against 105 howitzers. If possible, finding a big crater might be better than that!

Also, keep the grenades and bullets with me. Once the Japanese rush up, they won't leave you that much time. "

"Yes!" The four soldiers nodded fiercely.

Seeing that the matter had come to this, Zhou Dapeng knew that with the personality of his old comrade, it was impossible to change his mind. Forced competition for the task would only lead to the death of both infantry squads on the battlefield. He blew the iron whistle hanging under his neck: "The security squad, fire team, and medical soldiers all evacuate first with me!"

The military order of the Fourth Army Regiment was strict, and more than a dozen soldiers immediately obeyed the order and left quickly behind Zhou Dapeng. The youngest health soldier hesitated to look back, but was grabbed by Zhou Dapeng and forcibly pulled away.

Tears streamed down, but I could never look back.

Seeing their comrades leaving, the four soldiers were about to turn around and find a suitable hiding place when Tu Yunsheng suddenly shouted again: "Wait!"

He hugged the superior soldier and horse tightly and said, "If you can survive, remember to go to my uncle's house to ask for your hand in marriage. My medals and yours will be enough as a betrothal gift!"

Then he hugged Corporal Tao Brother tightly and said, "A Tao, I will let you be the squad leader in the next life, and I will be your soldier!"

He hugged the Corporal Sharpshooter tightly and said, "If there is an afterlife, I will definitely sing the song "My China" with you. Your brother's words are really too little!"

Finally, he hugged Boss Cao and said, "Uncle, I'm sorry for my sister-in-law and a few children. Xiaotu can't help them!"

Although the young sergeant suddenly felt a little mother-in-law, the four soldiers all smiled in unison.

Smiling and waving to each other, shouldering their guns, they dispersed in the trenches!

The Japanese artillery shells are coming soon. Staying together will only increase the chance of being taken advantage of. Five people, five places, even if there is only a 20% survival rate, one person will survive.

As long as there is one person and a gun, the Japanese army can not rush up so unscrupulously. The reinforcements that have hidden in the mountains and forests hundreds of meters away will have the opportunity to rush to the high ground again.

The young sergeant did not move. He just stayed in the trench. He took out his cigarette, lit a fire with a piece of wood that was lit above the trench, sat down and leaned against the trench wall, and took a deep breath.

Although he had just reminded his soldiers not to be too superstitious about artillery holes, he assigned two superior soldiers to the only two artillery holes on the position.

The reason is simple. No matter how trustworthy they are, they are the two safest positions on the battlefield. As long as the 105 howitzer does not explode directly above the anti-gun hole, the hole will not collapse and people will not die.

All five of them knew this, but of the two upper-class soldiers, one was the youngest Ma'er, the other was the oldest Boss Cao, one had a beautiful girl waiting for him, and the other had several dolls waiting for him at home.

They all had the consciousness that they must die, but they also had reasons why they could not die. Leaving the last glimmer of life to them was the last time the army sergeant used his authority, and both corporals chose to obey without hesitation.

Who made them sergeants?

In addition to comradeship, this is also a very important point.

The Si Xing Regiment has always been grassroots officers who take the lead in going to the most dangerous places. The idea that the higher the military rank, the greater the responsibility.

"Hugh~~~~" A sharp howl sounded tragically in the air.

That was not the roar of a 75MM caliber artillery shell. It was just as predicted by Li Jiujin, who ordered the red flare to be fired. It was a 105mm howitzer!

Tang Dao, who was standing on the top of a hill near the main position, looked grim as he listened to the howl of the artillery shells that pierced the sky!

The destructive power of the 105 howitzer on the position is so strong that there are basically no fortifications that can withstand it, whether it is the main position or the flanking high ground.

His soldiers can only fight with flesh and blood!

But he has no choice at the moment. After being attacked by the mountain artillery battery with 12 Bofors Mountain guns, the frightened Japanese 105 howitzer position must have retreated backwards, but no matter how they retreat, the range of up to 10,500 meters is enough Cover the entire Niangziguan position within its range.

If you want to kill them, you can't just rely on artillery, you can only dispatch ground troops.

But according to the report sent back by the scouts yesterday, the Japanese commander would not give him such a chance at all. On several hills around his artillery position, there were signs of a large number of Japanese infantry activities and digging fortifications.

It is very possible that there is a trap there, waiting for the Four Lines Regiment to send out a small group of elite troops to attack, and then surround it with troops.

Is the Japanese army's strong attack from two positions true or false?

True, it means that if it is really captured, it will come true; false, it means using artillery groups and heavy artillery to force the Chinese side to fight them with flesh and blood, and even have to make a desperate move to send ground troops away from the defense line to fight against them. It carried out a sneak attack, and then used concealed heavy troops and tanks to eliminate it in one fell swoop.

Tang Dao was even sure that the Japanese army must have armored troops hidden near its artillery group. The attacking army with only light firepower would be helpless against this steel behemoth.

But have you been watching this 105 howitzer tear apart the flesh and blood of your subordinates in an almost invincible way?

Tang Dao, who stood as straight as a javelin, suddenly clenched his hands!

Now that the Japanese think they have entered their fighting rhythm, what if it goes as they wish?

The battlefield is not what they think it can be.

Not to mention they were a second-line division, Tang Dao had even defeated the 6th and 5th divisions!

"Order, the reconnaissance company expands the reconnaissance scope to the outskirts of Jingxing Pass. I want to know the situation of the Japanese army's baggage transport team; order, all remaining personnel of the cavalry battalion, guard company and reconnaissance company are on standby!" Tang Dao turned his head and looked into the distance, his voice cold and cold. firm.






When the first grenade exploded on Highland 1, sending up dust and gunpowder smoke all over the sky, Tu Yunsheng leaned against the trench alone, enjoying the aftertaste of the tobacco, and gently closed his eyes.

His face was unusually calm.

He didn't hide, nor did he want to.

Machine gunner Lao Zhou was the first to leave, followed by Er Mazi, Smoking Gun, and the old ghost. Familiar figures passed through his mind like a revolving lantern.

Until this moment, the young man who should only be spending his youth wantonly on the university campus in the future seems to have understood life. Some people and things in this world are really more important than death.

Those brothers who lived together day and night were killed or injured one by one under his orders!

Even if they are lucky enough to survive, their limbs will be mutilated. Some have no legs, some have no arms. They can no longer run and jump on the training ground, and can only sit there quietly, which is no different from death.

Those people were gone, and his heart almost felt numb with pain!

Revenge is not unimportant, but it has already been avenged!

According to his battle record book, the entire class shot and killed at least 130 Japs, a ratio of almost one to ten, not counting the reward of two oceans per Japs head. This battle loss ratio was definitely higher than the average level of the entire regiment.

Now, he just wants to accompany his brothers quietly and tell them, don't be afraid, the squad leader is here to accompany you. If he can't let you survive, then the squad leader will come to accompany you.

Brothers, I am here with you.

Unexpectedly, before the expected death came, his whole body suddenly started to move.

However, it is passive.

The armed belt behind his back was grabbed tightly, and his whole body was dragged desperately. The wounds from the shrapnel on his back rubbed on the ground, making Tu Yunsheng gasp in pain.

This extremely good one has just started firing! The Japs are coming? Tu Yunsheng suddenly opened his eyes and waved the gun in his arms.

Only then did he realize that the person dragging him was actually Boss Cao, who was known throughout the company as a man of extraordinary strength.

"You idiot, Old Cao, what are you doing! If you want to die, don't drag me with you!" Tu Yunsheng rarely got angry at Boss Cao.

"Hey, squad leader, I suddenly remembered that you promised to give me red envelopes for several dolls! Now I haven't seen any of the red envelopes, so you can't die first!" Boss Cao grinned, revealing a mouthful of rhubarb. tooth.

The hand holding Tu Yunsheng tightly did not loosen at all, and he dragged his squad leader to run away without delay!

Boss Cao's huge force that can throw a grenade nearly a hundred meters away, especially when he is fully activated at this moment, is definitely not something that ordinary people can resist, unless he is killed with one shot.

"Damn it, when did I say this?" As if being shackled by fate, Tu Yunsheng was forced to use his legs to move his body continuously, otherwise the wound would keep rubbing on the ground. Even if he was not killed by the cannonball, he would still be in pain. .

"That's when you tricked me into joining the infantry squad! You are the squad leader, so you don't want to default on your debt!" Boss Cao looked sincere.

It was as if that had really happened. If the howitzer shells hadn't exploded one after another at this moment, seeing the old man pulling so hard, Tu Yunsheng would have almost believed it.

"If you pull out the hole in my artillery defense, then we are two people with the same fate. The Japanese will kill us both with just one shell. You are so good at not saving me, but harming me." Tu Yunsheng's face was filled with bitterness. color.

"Then let's die together! Good brothers, we live and die together, right?" Boss Cao, who dragged his squad leader almost 20 meters, exerted force, and the two of them rolled into the bomb-proof cave belonging to him.

"You, old Cao, are like an immortal, you are an idiot," Tu Yunsheng yelled.


An artillery shell exploded fifteen meters away. The violent air waves and the influx of dust reluctantly blocked the young sergeant who was hiding in the artillery hole.

The Japanese heavy artillery test-firing is over and the artillery is firing at full strength!

In an instant, the ground shook!







ps: The day after tomorrow, on Friday, Fengyue will drive to the southeast, first to Jinling, and then to Hangzhou, Suzhou, Shanghai and other places. It is estimated that there will be no updates on Friday, so I will ask for leave in advance. Although in the future I will be out of town for ten days, but as long as I have time, Fengyue will code and keep updating!

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