Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1135 For the sake of my brothers, I will stop pretending and come clean!

Li Jiujin's prediction was absolutely correct!

The focus of the Japanese heavy artillery attack was exactly Hill 1.

After the Japanese artillery test firing, Hill 1 was no longer bombarded one by one, but a whole area.

Hill 1 had a total area of ​​less than 5,000 square meters. Just one shell fell on it, and nearly one-tenth of the area was covered by shells, not to mention that a round of salvos was 4 shells.

Looking here from the tunnel hundreds of meters away, you can't see the original appearance of Hill 1 at all, only smoke, dust and flames.

And the people in it can't actually see what the area they are in looks like.

It was a sea of ​​fire everywhere, with broken stones and wood flying everywhere in the artillery fire, and the terrible air wave rolled up everything on the surface and smashed it down fiercely!

The army sergeant who was cursing just now was too busy to curse now. He was shaking like sitting in the anti-gun hole of a boat in the rough sea. The only thing he could do now was to cover his ears with his hands, curl up on the ground and support himself with his elbows to prevent his chest and abdomen from touching the ground.

Otherwise, even if the two of them were lucky enough not to be hit by the shells in the bunker, they would be injured by the violent shock caused by the grenade explosion and die quietly.

Boss Cao also copied the gourd. This was not trained in the training ground, but one of the life-saving skills taught by veterans to recruits. It was earned by veterans with their lives. If the movements were not standard, they would not be scolded by veterans. If they did not cherish their own lives, who could they blame?

The postures of the two people were correct, but as for whether they could survive, it could only depend on God.

However, it was not just the Chinese soldiers on the high ground who suffered in this shelling.

The dozens of Japanese soldiers who were just ordered by Li Jiujin to block the retreat route with mortar barrages were miserable!

They were too close to the high ground. When the first grenade streaked across the sky and exploded on the hillside, the Chinese artillery and machine guns stopped, leaving them a way to escape.

But, was there enough time?

In modern times, all artillery has a reasonable error value, which is about 2% to 3% of the range. That is to say, if the range is 10,000 meters, the shell will fall about 200 meters away from the target, which is reasonable.

Artillery is not a sniper rifle. It is unscientific to expect that a shell shot from 10 kilometers away can still hit the forehead?

But this is the error value given by major arms dealers in the West with precision machinery, and Japan's Seiko at that time was a level lower than the Western world that entered the industrial revolution early.

Therefore, the range of mountain artillery has an error value of nearly 150 meters, not to mention the 105 howitzer with a range of nearly twice that, which can almost reach 300 meters or even farther.

Dozens of Japanese soldiers were running very fast, carrying all kinds of guns and crawling like a group of frightened chicks!

Even though they were more than 400 meters away from the top of the mountain, the scorching air waves generated by the explosion of the shells two or three hundred meters away seemed to still burn their butts.

"Baga, stop, find shelter first!" A Japanese lieutenant roared, stopping the stupidity of his men.

Indeed, the stones on the hillside can block the Chinese bullets and even the shrapnel of the mortar, but in front of the 18-kilogram projectile, it is a vain!

But the key is that after squeezing out the potential under the crisis, everyone actually came together. With the current density of personnel, as long as one shell falls, it will be a situation where hundreds of people fly together, and almost no one can survive.

It’s better to take a gamble and find shelters to hide temporarily, betting that the level of the division artillery is not that bad, and betting that their luck is good enough.

The Japanese Army lieutenant's point of view is actually not wrong. After all, it is more than 400 meters away from the top of the mountain, right?

But human nature has always been complex and changeable, especially when you can feel the ground shaking wildly and the air waves are so hot that they burn your buttocks. Almost no one obeys the military order and continues to rush down in a swarm.

Bet on it! I want to take my fate into my own hands! This should be the inner monologue of most Japanese infantrymen.

Brainwashed by the so-called Bushido spirit, the infantrymen of the so-called Imperial Japanese Army, who have always shouted "board" and launched a brave charge against the enemy, have exhausted all their courage in the hail of bullets from Chinese soldiers. In front of their own artillery shells, they are just like a group of frightened mice. The speed of their escape can completely break the record of the Japanese army in history.

Looking at the battlefield completely covered by gunpowder with a telescope, the expression on Yokoyama Ze Da Zuo's face is unclear. No one knows whether he is glad that the fleeing soldiers escaped quickly enough or is extremely angry because of the frightened appearance of the fleeing soldiers.

Then, there was a kind of pretentious style that was not showing emotions, which broke the defense because of a shell with a slightly larger error value.

As if it had eyes, a grenade cut through the sky and hit the bottom of the hillside!

The group of "ground rats" who were still scurrying around frantically were directly swept into the sky by the air wave!

In the field of view of the Japanese Army's left telescope with a stiff face, the dynamic picture lacked many elements!

According to statistics from the 62nd Infantry Regiment after the war, as many as 42 imperial infantrymen were accidentally injured by the error of the howitzer!

The power of the 105 howitzer is so terrifying!

And the Japanese artillery fire was still raging, one minute, two minutes, five minutes

Not to mention the 1st high ground that was the focus of the artillery fire, even the high ground hundreds of meters away where Li Jiujin was located was trembling.

Sitting in the tunnel behind the high ground, Li Jiujin lowered his eyebrows, pulled out the three-edged military bayonet and placed it on his legs, wiping it over and over again with his towel. No one knew what he was thinking, and no one dared to ask.

The second lieutenant platoon leader of the sharp knife platoon sat at the entrance of the tunnel, looking at the small high ground trembling in the firelight hundreds of meters away with red eyes.

His 4th squad was there!

In addition to the 6 wounded soldiers sent back to the rear medical team for rescue, there were only those 5 people left.

As for the situation of the 6 wounded soldiers, the medical soldiers he sent to ask had brought back bad news. Two of them had died because of excessive blood loss without even having surgery. The other two who had their limbs cut off by shrapnel were too seriously injured. Although they were bandaged in time, it was still unclear whether they could survive tonight.


Then his 4th squad could basically announce the dissolution of the organization.

In fact, the entrance of the tunnel is very dangerous. If a shell explodes nearby, shrapnel and air waves can cause casualties in this area.

But no one dared to pull this lieutenant platoon leader, Tong Kong, who was already red, just wanted to be closer to his brothers.

But everyone still underestimated Nagano Kameichiro's determination!

10 minutes later, the air defense alarm sounded at the main position of Niangzi Pass.

"Woo! Woo!" The long sound resounded throughout the mountains.

Amid the rumbling sound of artillery from afar, the roar of the Japanese aircraft engines in the sky gradually reached Tang Dao's ears.

The Japanese army actually dispatched a group of bombers, and the timing was so good, which meant that the tactical plan had been formulated long ago!

"Very good! For such a small high ground of ours, the mountain artillery is not enough, and the howitzer is on top. Now you actually want to use heavy bombs!" Tang Dao, who looked up at the sky, reflected the light of the autumn sun in his eyes, which was very bright, but there was no warmth.

"Do you really want to see my trump card? Then I'll show you!" Tang Dao muttered to himself.

The body was like a frozen statue, but a metallic voice came out: "Order the air defense company positions, no need to hold back, if the Japanese aircraft group dares to enter the 2000-meter airspace, all anti-aircraft guns will open fire at full force, 1600 meters, anti-aircraft machine guns will open fire! 1200 meters, all MG34 heavy machine guns on the position, 7mm heavy machine guns will be replaced with anti-aircraft machine gun mounts, open fire!"

Cheng Tieshou's heart trembled fiercely when he received Tang Dao's order. The commander of the regiment was really angry! Not only did he require the air defense company's 24 20mm machine guns and 48 7mm machine guns to open fire, but also the 27 MG34 heavy machine guns carried by the three infantry battalions had to open fire. This was to weave a bomb net over Niangzi Pass!

Nagano Kameichiro gave the greatest support to his 62nd Infantry Regiment. Not only did he use 4 105 howitzers, but he also personally called the Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Okabe Saburo who commanded the Jindong War, requesting 12 fighter planes to drop bombs!

This was because Tang Dao underestimated him, but then Tang Dao made its strongest counterattack. All the anti-aircraft machine guns, heavy machine guns, and machine guns of the Four-Line Regiment that could fire at the air opened fire at full force.

Both China and Japan almost brought out their most powerful firepower, and all this was because of a small hill with an altitude of only 200 meters, a radius of only 5,000 meters, and a defense force of only two infantry squads at its peak!

The Japanese aircraft formation came with a mission this time, but it does not mean that they will enter the low-altitude dive bombing.

All this is because their opponent is the Four-Line Regiment, and the commander is Captain Zuo Zuomu!

The Japanese aircraft formation did not enter the airspace from north to south, but made a big detour and entered from the direction of Yuancheng, that is, from west to east. The purpose of this is self-evident, to avoid the main battlefield of Niangzi Pass.

Anyone with a little military common sense will put the main air defense force on the main battlefield, after all, the flank is only an auxiliary force.

Moreover, the 12 Japanese planes were divided into three waves of 4 planes entering the 2000-meter airspace. Until the first wave of Japanese planes entered the 1500-meter bombing area, the other two waves of 8 Japanese planes were still in the airspace of about 2000 meters.

But this is enough!

Commander Tang said, fire with all your strength! No matter how many planes there are, just do it first.

This time, the air defense company did not have the task of destroying many enemies, and did not need any tactics of showing weakness to the enemy. They just had to stop the Japanese planes from dropping heavy bombs on their own positions.

If you have the ability, just drop bombs in the rain of bombs, or just throw away the bombs and get out, or be hit and exploded in the air with the bombs.

At 1,000 meters on the flank high ground, there are as many as 4 anti-aircraft positions, which are composed of 8 20mm anti-aircraft guns and 16 7mm heavy machine guns. The firepower of these 4 anti-aircraft positions is already equal to the anti-aircraft firepower of the entire regiment of the Fourth Line Regiment in the past, not to mention the MG34 heavy machine guns and 7mm heavy machine guns set up on several high grounds of the Third Battalion for supplement.

"Fire!" With an order.

In the sky of the flank high ground, clearly visible red bullet whips swung!

The 4 Japanese planes that bore the brunt were like frightened little rabbits. They immediately threw away the bombs under their bellies, turned right and turned the fuselage to the side, and fled out of the battlefield.

However, it was useless. With the current propeller aircraft's maximum speed of no more than 360 kilometers, it would take Amaterasu to escape from such a powerful anti-aircraft firepower unless it really appeared.

The smoke formed by the "explosive bombs" is like mushrooms that suddenly grow in the air, but the fragments that cannot be seen by the naked eye can extend the destructive power to more than 20 meters away.

The two Japanese planes were the first to fail, with thick black smoke coming out of the tail of the planes. The speed of the Japanese planes dropped below 300 kilometers and they were finally bitten by the 7mm machine guns that could shoot up to 1,800 meters. The thick machine gun bullets were not the 92mm bullets of Maxim. The initial velocity of up to 900 meters per second and the thick warhead could even penetrate the 7mm steel plate. It only took more than a dozen rounds for the fuselage to be hit with large holes visible to the naked eye.

The two Japanese planes made strange noises, and in the painful and frightened eyes of the Japanese soldiers on the ground, they crashed into the mountain and exploded with two bright flames.

The other two planes were not much better. They were hit by the fragments of the machine guns while climbing to escape, dragging two smoke belts and fleeing to the south in a very embarrassed manner.

This scene was even seen by the officers and soldiers of the 921st Division, the 104th Division, the 18th Division, and the 21st Division of China and Japan who were still fighting.

That is, the two Japanese pilots who had fled for dozens of kilometers finally woke up. There was still a war zone over there, so they quickly turned to continue fleeing in the direction of HD Xingtai. Otherwise, the Chinese army on the ground would not mind beating the drowned dog.

Although the 921st Division did not have a 7mm heavy machine gun, the 683rd Brigade secretly hid six Oerlikon 20mm machine guns that Tang Dao gave him. It was difficult to hit the Japanese planes at an altitude of 2,000 meters, but it was not too easy to hit the Japanese planes that could only fly at an altitude of 1,000 meters at a speed of no more than 260 kilometers per hour because of engine damage and power weakness.

The two Type 96 fighters with a full fuel range of only 600 kilometers seemed to have avoided the ground firepower of the Chinese soldiers, but they wasted nearly 100 kilometers of flight range in vain, which was a big problem.

HD and Xingtai were still in their hands, but there was no airport. The nearest airport was in Baoding, 200 kilometers away.

The plane could still fly, but the fuel was not enough.

What? Forced landing?

In the wheat field or on the road?

There are plenty of wheat fields on the North China Plain, but there are too few roads, especially standard roads that can be used for fighter planes with a speed of more than 200 kilometers to make forced landings.

Barrenness is the weakness of China's inability to win this war, but it has also become the despair of Japanese pilots at this time.

The two Japanese planes without fuel had to choose to make forced landings in the fields. The two Japanese planes without bombs and fuel did not explode, but it did not mean that the Japanese pilots could save their lives.

Two unlucky children, one was drowned because the nose of the plane plunged into the pond, and the other was a plane that was gliding at high speed and encountered a field ridge. The whole body jumped high and then competed with the earth to see who was more stubborn.

The head of the plane was not as hard as the earth, and the pilot's head was obviously worse. The flight cap that could only be used for warmth could not provide any protection. The whole head seemed to be clamped by the six door panels and the body. It was so flat that the Japanese military police who came to collect the bodies could not find a suitable container to load it.

But the loss of 4 Japanese planes and the death of 4 Japanese pilots were by no means the last loss of the Japanese North China Front Temporary Air Corps this time.

Captain Zuo Zuomu's reaction was very fast. When the sky was full of "small mushrooms", he had already issued an order, and the aircraft group immediately dropped heavy bombs and left the low altitude.

He escaped from the anti-aircraft firepower of the Four-Line Regiment countless times, and knew that the highest firing height of the Four-Line Regiment's anti-aircraft firepower was only a little over 2,000 meters. With the current altitude of their eight fighters, as long as they could quickly pull up, there would be no problem.

This was a misjudgment caused by habit. It was only a little over 2,000 meters before, because the firing height of the Oerlikon single-barrel machine gun was that high, but the Four-Line Regiment was currently equipped with 20mm Suroton twin-mounted machine guns. Although the firing height of the 7mm heavy machine guns of the American cowboys was 1,800 meters, it did not mean that the metal bullets would fall down at 1,800 meters.

What was even more fatal was that Captain Zuo Zuomu's name of "the star of misfortune" resounded throughout the temporary aviation regiment. Seeing that Xia Jiba dropped bombs and pulled up, regardless of whether the bombs were dropped on the Chinese or his own people, there were still "upright" Japanese pilots who expressed disdain.

In particular, it was visible to the naked eye that there were still many Chinese people active on the high ground below. How could the great imperial army pilots be so cowardly?

There were still two Japanese planes that did not rise but descended. Not only did they break through the clouds and descend to an altitude of 1,300 meters, they even pulled the trigger of the machine gun, and a series of whips swept across the tops of several hills in the third battalion, creating clouds of smoke.

A heavy bomb fell in an area less than 30 meters below a high ground, and the ground shook for a while.

This was really a good guy. The four anti-aircraft positions that were just chasing and killing with all their strength, as well as the 7mm heavy machine guns and MG34 machine guns belonging to the third battalion, all aimed their eyes at these two heroic Japanese planes!

"These two idiots!" Zuo Zuomu glanced at his two companions who were fighting bravely, and ordered decisively: "All the bombs have been dropped, the mission is over, let's go!"

"But, Captain Zuo Zuomu, Jingxiajun and others..." The voice from the radio was hesitant to speak.

"My mission is to bring disaster to the Chinese and bring the outstanding young men home. Jingxiajun and others, let them be loyal to the empire!" Zuo Zuomu's slightly vicissitudes of life sounded in the radio.

"Bring the outstanding young men home!" It also became a popular phrase of the temporary aviation regiment in the future.

But everyone knows that the most gorgeous coat used to escape, the best, has actually been left on the battlefield!

The two Japanese planes were blown up by 8 machine guns and more than 20 heavy machine guns of various types in the second minute after the six Japanese fighter planes left quickly, becoming a gorgeous firework that stung Yokoyama Ze Da Zuotong's hole.

But the ground-to-air battle could not determine the outcome of the battle on the ground. At most, it sprinkled some pepper on the bloody wounds of the Japanese.

After the air battle and the bombardment, the battle for the high ground reached the final decisive moment.

The Japanese army's alarm and the iron whistle of the Four-Line Regiment sounded almost at the same time.

Nearly 200 Japanese soldiers, 40 from the 7th Company, almost all rushed to the battlefield still shrouded in gunpowder smoke from 500 meters away!

Except for the second lieutenant platoon leader of the 7th Company's sharp knife platoon and Zhou Dapeng, whose heart was filled with sadness, no one thought that anyone could survive on that position.

But the miracle appeared so tragically.

In the gunpowder, a figure whose whole body was charred by the explosion moved!





PS: Brothers, I'll take a day off tomorrow! I'll drive to Jiangnan tomorrow. The whole journey is 800 kilometers, which takes 10 hours. Are there any brothers from Jiangnan? Let's have a meal together!

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