Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1164: Without madness, there is no life!

I am afraid that even a proud man like Iwamoto Tetsuzo would not have thought that one day he would be so embarrassed.

To be honest, he admired the courage of the Chinese Air Force to fight against nearly 2,000 fighter planes of the Imperial Navy and Army with 300 planes in the sky above Songhu, but 4 of these brave Chinese military planes still became his trophies, and became the four unique gold stars on the tail of his military plane.

They were not the opponents he wanted, because their strength was too weak.

But this time, in the sky, in the sky where the Imperial Eagle was unmatched, he was ambushed by Chinese planes, and twice in a row.

It was a shame!

But this shame, the Japanese ace pilot could only swallow it for the time being.

In the first round of ambush, the Imperial fighter formation had more than 7 casualties, and the most fatal thing was that the entire formation was broken up. From 800 meters to 2,000 meters in the low altitude, there were fighter planes chasing each other with engines roaring everywhere.

The specific losses could not be seen with the naked eye, but at an altitude of 2,000 to 3,000 meters, Iwamoto Tetsuzo could clearly see that, except for the 16 fighters that had just turned a big corner and entered the battlefield, the previous battle in this airspace was already very tragic.

There were no more than 10 fighters belonging to the empire. Except for two that ran out of the battlefield with thick smoke and did not look back, the other four were missing. The result was known without asking.

Even the two that ran into the battlefield, looking at the thick black smoke, Iwamoto Tetsuzo knew that even if there was no Chinese pursuit, if they could fly back to the airport more than 200 kilometers away, they would be the illegitimate children of Amaterasu.

Iwamoto Tetsuzo led 15 fighters to run forward for at least four or five kilometers, and then turned a big corner to enter the battlefield from east to west. At least 3 minutes had passed.

For the dogfight, let alone 3 minutes, 30 seconds would have been unknown how many bullets were fired and how many people's fates were completely changed.

At an altitude of about 3,000 meters, the Chinese military aircraft were 12 to 16, and the number of aircraft was completely at a disadvantage. The 12 pilots were all students who had just stepped out of the aviation school, commonly known as rookies.

But they had the advantage of aircraft performance. The 96 fighter with only a 600-horsepower engine was inferior to the I-153 in terms of firepower, maneuverability, and body sturdiness.

The Japanese fighter planes, known for their thin skin, looked extremely fragile in front of the crazy whip of the four SHCAS machine guns of the I-153, like butter encountering a sharp knife.

Perhaps one of them was hit by the fuel tank on the wing. The consequence of the sudden explosion of the wing was that the plane that was fleeing frantically was like a bird with broken wings. It turned around in the air for a few circles and fell vertically like a burning fireball. No pilot jumped out until it fell hundreds of meters.

It is estimated that either it was pressed tightly on the seat by the crazy airflow, or it had lost all consciousness in the crazy rotation.

Another one was even more ruthless, and was hit by a 30-pound bomb mounted on the wing.

The Japanese pilot was probably not particularly experienced. In panic, he followed the order to throw away several heavy bombs mounted on the plane, but ignored the two small 30-pound bombs on the wing.

As a result, the bombs that were hit exploded on the spot. The 30-pound bombs could almost blow up a tank, not to mention a small gray plane. The entire fighter plane disintegrated in the air on the spot, and scattered into several burning fireballs and fell to the ground.

Two more planes were even more unlucky. In the hasty process of pulling up, the two planes slightly touched each other in the air.

Then, one fighter plane lost its tail and spiraled down, and the other fighter plane was like a fish with its belly cut open by a sharp kitchen knife, including the cockpit and the pilot. It roared forward for more than 2,000 meters before crashing into the mountain.

But the air advantage before Iwamoto Tetsuzo arrived at the battlefield was not on the Chinese side!

Because, 12 Chinese "rookies" became 6!

In just three minutes, 16 Japanese planes at an altitude of about 3,000 meters shot down 6 Chinese fighters at the cost of losing 4 and damaging 2!

There were no injuries, because the damaged Chinese fighters did not choose to leave the battlefield until the fighters were completely out of control.

Only two pilots successfully parachuted! But that still could not guarantee whether they would survive.

The Chinese soldiers on the ground could clearly see that a pilot was hanging on the slowly descending parachute, motionless, like a puppet out of control!

When the search and rescue team organized by the Four-Line Group found him on a hillside half an hour later, he had already died.

No, to be more precise, he might have died the moment he left his beloved fighter.

The chest of the young man, who was no more than 23 years old, was hit like a hornet's nest. He should not have jumped out on his own, but was thrown out after the fighter with the cockpit smashed by the 7mm machine gun bullets of the Japanese planes completely lost control.

However, God's late luck could not save this young Chinese pilot. He and his beloved fighter plane died together in the gorgeous clouds of Taihang Mountain.

The Chinese infantrymen crawling in various bunkers on the battlefield, planning to attack after the artillery fire ended, looked at the tragic scene in front of them with tears in their eyes, but for the Chinese "rookies" who were still fighting at an altitude of 3,000 meters, they were already very satisfied with this record.

At least, they fought against the majority with the few, the new against the old, and still fought a tie! They did not give the enemy a few heads in vain, nor did they allow the enemy planes to further increase their numerical advantage.

They must hold on until the low altitude to decide the winner!

The two aviation captains swooping down from the sky looked at the scene in front of them, how could they not feel heartbroken?

Because that was what they and their classmates were like more than a year ago, and now, they have become them too!

Nothing more than a fight to the death!

"Kill!" The hoarse voice of the leading air force captain sounded in the public channel.

"Kill!" The young pilots responded loudly with tears in their eyes.

With their fingers on the firing handle of the machine gun, they seemed to turn all their sorrow into lightning and strike at the Japanese aircraft.

Although the Chinese soldiers on the ground could not hear their roars, they could feel the fearlessness of the Chinese Air Force through the resolute dive of 12 fighter planes, which was like a sword of revenge slashing at the enemy.

Two more of Iwamoto Tetsuzo's 16 fighter planes were lost!

But as the Japanese aircraft formations dispersed and pulled up and turned, the formations of both sides staggered and passed each other, and the height advantage no longer existed. Both sides reorganized their formations, just like the cavalry in the Middle Ages, circling in the air waiting for the next round of fighting.

But the Chinese Air Force won back another city!

At 3,000 meters in the air, the Japanese aircraft lost a total of 9 fighters, 2 were damaged and fled, and there were 21 fighters left, while the two Chinese air teams had 24 fighters, and there were 18 left!

As the fighters at an altitude of 3,000 meters reported the number, Iwamoto Tetsuzo's face turned blood red!

The fighters that followed him to the sky before were as high as 32 fighters! That was two and a half aviation squadrons, but in just a few minutes, the two aviation squadrons could not get together.

The squadron leader of the temporary 9th squadron was finished in the first round of fierce fighting, and the one that crashed into the mountain belonged to him.

Now, he, the captain of the Army Aviation, is the highest commander of the 21 fighters at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

The heavy losses were not the most painful thing for the Japanese ace pilot. The most painful thing was that he had not received a record of destroying a Chinese plane. In fact, in order to escape the offensive of the enemy plane, he had not even fired a single shot.

"Baga, for the honor of the Imperial Army, warriors, please sacrifice your lives!" Iwamoto Tetsuzo, who had regrouped all the remaining fighters and drew an arc on the battlefield to prepare to enter the battlefield again, looked at the small black dot approaching from a distance and issued a desperate order.

It was not that Iwamoto Tetsuzo was so brave, how much he wanted to sacrifice himself for the empire, and how much he wanted to play mahjong with Amaterasu, but that he could not escape.

Yes, if he escaped, the news that the unprecedented large formation of 74 fighters on the North China battlefield was defeated by the weak Chinese Air Force would firmly nail the temporary aviation corps and even the North China Front Army to the pillar of shame.

By then, not only will the highest commander of this fleet commit suicide by disembowelment to apologize to His Majesty the Emperor, but he, the so-called ace pilot, will also fall from the clouds to dust. In the future, let alone completely suppressing the legendary Sasaki, even if he wants to catch up with him, he will be mercilessly mocked by everyone, which is absolutely unacceptable to Iwamoto Tetsuzo.

Dying in the sky is his best choice.

If he can shoot down a few Chinese planes in the next battle, his reputation as an ace pilot will never fall!

The proud Japanese Army Aviation ace pilot regards honor far more than life!

Without the order of his commander, the rest of the Japanese pilots dare not escape even if they want to, and they will be subject to military discipline if they escape, so they can only bite the bullet and enter the battlefield again.

Moreover, for Iwamoto Tetsuzo, there are more than 20 fighters fighting with the Chinese in the low altitude. Even if they can't win, they can entangle the Chinese. As long as their 21 fighters can kill or repel the opponent, they have a chance to win this battle.

Even if the Chinese used despicable air raids, even if they were equipped with excellent fighter planes from the bears!

Perhaps Iwamoto Tetsuzo did not realize that at this time, he had completely lost the pride of the imperial eagle, but put his opponent on the same level or even at a higher level, and even won this air battle, there was only a certain chance.

This is what the Japanese call aloofness. After being stabbed by a big stick, aloofness becomes a mature woman!

If he knew that the Chinese participating in this air battle were only a dozen real pilots with a group of "rookie" pilots who had just stepped out of school, he might have jumped out of the cockpit directly without even opening a parachute.

This wave of humiliation by the Chinese is really enough!

The Japanese, who have only learned the superficial knowledge of Chinese culture but never the essence, cannot understand the classic saying of the instructor: It is always people, not equipment, that determine the victory of a war!

The real reason why the Chinese army was able to tie with the coalition forces of dozens of countries on the ice field in the north was nothing but sacrifice!

In the sky at that time, not to mention the novice pilots who had only flown for 300 hours, even the aviation school students who had not even flown for 100 hours were already sitting in the cabin holding the rudder, fighting with the veteran American pilots who had participated in World War II in the air!

The courage to sacrifice is enough to change the world!

And this is exactly what the Chinese youth in this sky are not lacking!

Iwamoto Tetsuzo, who had been scared, adjusted the angle to meet the nearly ten Chinese fighter planes that were about to fly over, while twisting his head to observe the surroundings.

There were a total of 18 Chinese planes, but there were definitely no more than ten in front of him. Where were the other half? Where would they rush from? What if they came from the six o'clock direction?

What is the six o'clock direction? It is to draw a circle from top to bottom in the sky, with the east at 9 o'clock, the west at 3 o'clock, the top at 12 o'clock, and the bottom at 6 o'clock.

If the enemy plane attacks from the 6 o'clock direction, their machine guns will threaten the most vulnerable belly of the plane, which is really fatal.

But, it is really what you fear.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

One minute ago!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A strange sound that overwhelmed the roar of the aircraft engine resounded throughout the battlefield.

The air defense company of the Fourth Regiment has joined the battle!

"Fight, fight for me!" Cheng Tieshou, who had already sat on the seat of the Su Luotong twin-mounted machine gun, was like an angry bull. He threw off his helmet and opened fire first in the fifth minute after the air battle started.

Previously, the air defense company could not fire because there were chasing fighters everywhere in the low sky, and the closest distance was even less than 200 meters. The machine guns and heavy machine guns were very likely to accidentally hit their own fighters.

The officers and soldiers of the air defense company could only watch their own fighter planes being damaged and shot down in the exchange of fire, and then one after another fell in front of their eyes.

For the people being protected, the pain in their hearts was no less than that of the Chinese Air Force pilots in the sky.

Finally, at the moment when the Chinese fighter planes and the Japanese planes pulled away and planned to fight each other again, Cheng Tieshou found a fighter plane.

No more than five seconds apart, 24 machine guns and 48 anti-aircraft machine guns fired at the 15 Japanese plane formations that were gradually accelerating at an altitude of 1,300 meters.

The Japanese planes in a formation of three planes were in chaos in an instant. They might not have dreamed that there was such a strong anti-aircraft firepower on the ground, even if they had done all kinds of psychological preparation before coming.

But obviously, the 24 anti-aircraft guns and 48 7mm heavy machine guns still far exceeded their expectations, not to mention that they were in a state of confusion at this time when they were hit by Chinese fighter planes.

The altitude below 1500 meters is not only the range of 20mm anti-aircraft guns, but also the range of 7mm heavy machine guns. Dozens of metal bullets ejected from the 9 air defense positions distributed on the battlefield, carrying the anger of the air defense company officers and soldiers, hit at least six Japanese planes that were caught off guard in less than 30 seconds!

The 96 fighter planes without belly armor could not stop the two kinds of almost violent metal warheads of the air defense company, and even the Maxim machine gun bullets could easily penetrate the fragile wings and belly.

In the air defense state, the machine guns are equipped with shrapnel shells, while the Browning 7mm heavy machine guns are equipped with armor-piercing incendiary shells.

The incendiary shells with tracer effects form a trajectory visible to the naked eye in the air. If they do not hit, they can quickly give friendly forces time to correct the trajectory.

After all, anti-aircraft machine guns do not fire individually, but in groups of 3!

In the past, the air defense company would be cautious in using tracer bullets, which are double-edged swords that can easily expose their positions, but now, the air force has been fighting like this, and the ground will not care so much.

Come on! Air force brothers, you are not the only ones fighting alone in this air battle. If you really have to die, let's die together!

At that time, we can go to the King of Hell to talk about how we each fought the daily planes!

The Chinese air defense company, which was fully output without any defense, was stimulated by the fall of the air force fighter planes!

It was really painful for a wave of Japanese planes that were injured!

Four Japanese pilots died on the spot in the fragments stirred up by the crazy shells and bullets below, and the out-of-control fighter planes once again acted as cruise missiles.

There was also a 96 fighter plane with a visible hole in the wing skin, and a 96 fighter plane had its tail rudder smashed. Under the pilots' best efforts to control, the two fighter planes were like drunkards, dancing crookedly in the air. When they would fall down depended on the mood of Amaterasu.

Not to mention participating in the battle, as the altitude continued to decrease, the Chinese soldiers on the ground might be able to knock them down with a stone.

Huang Xinrui's mind was so sharp that after concentrating all his energy to shoot down two enemy planes himself, he still controlled the situation through the radio station.

The top air squadron desperately entangled 14 Japanese planes, preventing them from rushing into the low altitude to support the battlefield below, and the 24 fighter planes at an altitude of 3,000 meters had already lost a quarter of their losses, and they were already in danger of facing Japanese planes that outnumbered them.

But the two air squadrons he led also lost 4 planes, leaving 18 planes that could fight, while the Japanese still had 15 planes, and resolving the battle was not something that could be completed within ten minutes.

Even if he could eventually lead the team to kill or drive away the Japanese planes at low altitude, it would be a blessing to have one third of the 18 fighters at an altitude of 3,000 meters.

Even though he had already prepared for sacrifice, Huang Xinrui was also furious when he saw that group of outstanding young people went to the grave just after stepping out of the school gate!

As a result, great joy came to him.

The ground air defense was powerful! The Japanese planes that had just left the distance and were still trying to maneuver and trembled were beaten to the point that they could not take care of themselves.

So, make a prompt decision!

"First Air Force, follow me! The Second Air Force will continue to stay at low altitude and fight with Japanese planes! Pay attention to personal safety!" Huang Xinrui decisively raised the nose of the plane, together with his own 4-star fighter, a total of 8 planes, and pulled up at high speed.

So, just a few thousand meters away from the Chinese fighter group that was also fearlessly rushing over, when it was about to enter combat status, Iwamoto Tetsuzo, who had been alert to the six o'clock direction under the belly of the plane, was about to cry.

The damn Chinese are coming.

Coming from the damn six o'clock position.

"Each formation, fight!" Iwamoto Tetsuzo roared with a livid face.

The eight fighter planes led by Huang Xinrui, in a two-plane formation, flew up from a low altitude of about 1,500 meters at a speed of 40 meters per second.

From the ground, it looked like eight sharp arrows piercing the heart of the Japanese formation.


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