Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1165 You are enjoying the scenery on the mountain!

"There is an enemy at six o'clock, disengage!" Iwamoto Tetsuzo loudly reminded his colleagues.

The Japanese planes in the Japanese formation pulled the rudders to disengage from the formation!

The eight Chinese fighter planes had rushed to a position only one thousand meters away from the Japanese formation, and the machine guns on the nose of the planes fired fiercely.

But this time, the Japanese formation, which had been vigilant for a long time, was not caught off guard and beaten one-sidedly like the previous two times. They basically escaped the attack with superb driving skills.

Only one plane was unlucky and did not escape the fierce rain of bullets. The fragile belly was swept, and the cabin with basically no protection was penetrated from bottom to top. The terrible machine gun bullets directly penetrated the Japanese pilot, and the fat buttocks muscles were almost blown to pieces. The crazy rolling metal bullets even made his abdominal cavity a mess.

The Japanese plane that lost control turned over and disappeared from the sight of the eight Chinese fighter planes that were rushing over.

Of course, for the bitter Japanese ace pilot, the rush of 8 Chinese fighters from below was not the loss of just one fighter, but the battle formation that had just been arranged was messed up again.

The Japanese planes that lost the cover of their companions could only fight on their own, facing the Chinese fighters that rushed over at basically the same altitude and strafe the rush.

Whether in terms of the number of fighters, formation or fighter performance, the 20 Japanese planes at an altitude of 3,000 meters were at a comprehensive disadvantage!

The probability of winning was already very small, but for Iwamoto Tetsuzo, whose eyes were red, it didn't matter.

After dodging the crazy rain of bullets from the planes below, he rushed towards the Chinese aircraft group head-on. At least at this moment he finally had the opportunity to pull the trigger and fire his first bullet.

The skills of the Japanese ace pilot are indeed not to be underestimated. Although he is like a gambler who is about to lose everything at the gambling table, with bloodshot eyes and a mentality close to the critical point of collapse, he can still lock a Chinese fighter plane firmly in the mechanical sight in the high-speed hedge and make a series of accurate shots.

The 7mm bullets swept the wings and fuselage of the biplane and even the cockpit one after another, and sparks flew all over the plane.

If nothing unexpected happens, this will be the first trophy of this Japanese ace pilot who was famous in the past time and space on this battlefield.

But the fact almost made Iwamoto Tetsuzo stunned.

The Chinese plane he hit did not have fire or smoke, but was still firing fiercely. The four machine guns burst into brilliant and even dazzling flames, forcing him to lower the nose after firing two more rounds of bullets and pass under the Chinese aircraft group.

Although he had a determination to die, he was still timid at the moment when death was approaching.

While shooting at the opponent, the Type 96 land attack fighter under his seat was also shaking slightly, which was also a sign of being hit by bullets. However, he was a little luckier. The metal bullet stream sprayed by the enemy fighter did not sweep the cabin nor hit the wings and engines.

Why can the Chinese plane be so lively after being hit? Iwamoto Tetsuzo's head was full of question marks.

You know, he is already driving the most advanced fighter in Japan. Could it be that the fighter purchased by the Chinese has been so advanced that it can completely beat the most advanced aircraft of the Empire?

This result is difficult for the Japanese ace pilots who have been hit hard to accept.

The Chinese Air Force has proved their bravery with the death of hundreds of lives over Songhu, which is indeed admirable.

But this does not mean that Chinese planes are also powerful. The various data of the biplane Hawk fighters imported by China in large quantities from the American cowboys are just a small scum in the eyes of Japanese pilots.

But now, although Iwamoto Tetsuzo is reluctant to admit it, the biplane fighter in front of him, which should be from the northern bear, has surpassed the Empire Type 96 land attack aircraft in terms of maneuverability and sturdiness.

Iwamoto Tetsuzo's mind is clear enough. Whether it is a high-precision aircraft cannon or a low-end pistol and rifle, the weapons made by the Russian bear must have one characteristic--sturdy and durable!

Although the protection of the pilots by the I-153 is not as abnormal as the American Thunderbolt aircraft in the middle of World War II, it directly uses a "big bathtub" made of 15mm steel plates to half-wrap the pilots. It would rather sacrifice mobility to enhance survivability, but an 8mm steel plate is also installed behind the pilot's seat, and a 10mm thick steel plate is used as armor guard in front.

A 7mm machine gun bullet may be able to penetrate it within a distance of 200 meters, but it is impossible to do so at a distance of 400 meters! Unless it can accurately hit the pilot's head and chest.

This is not because the Russian bear values ​​pilots, but because the Russian bear is reluctant to let the fighter plane crash easily. The idea that saving people can have a greater probability of saving the fighter plane saved this Chinese pilot who was already sweating.

If not, this formation mainly composed of rookie pilots has lost more than 10 aircraft so far, perhaps it has to be doubled.

Huang Xinrui, who had rushed into the sky, led the fighter plane to turn again at the edge of the battlefield and joined the 18 fighter planes that had just rushed over. Except for one fighter plane with white smoke coming out of its tail, the rest of the fighter planes still had combat power.

The radio ordered the damaged fighter plane to fall to the end, and one fighter plane moved back to protect it. The remaining 24 fighter planes once again formed a double-plane formation to fight against the Japanese formation that also drew an arc in the air and turned its nose.

But at this time, it was 24 to 17, and the situation had already completely reversed!

It was just that the Japanese planes were still courageous, as could be seen from the formation they continued to enter the battlefield.

In the sky, the engines of fighter planes on both sides roared again, which was a precursor to the continued acceleration of the fighter planes.

This is like the ancient cavalry confrontation, both sides charged with spears, and under the protection of a complete formation, even if you stabbed one of them to death, you would definitely be stabbed to death by his companions next to you, that is almost a law.

But what if there is no formation, and it is a group of scattered cavalry? The result is that everyone will face the attack of more than a few guns alone.

In this environment, almost no one can survive, even if your individual combat power is as brave as the King of Chu, a team of more than a hundred cavalry can trample you into meat paste.

On the battlefield, individual strength is always small, and you have to rely on teamwork to survive on the cruel battlefield.

The same is true for the air battlefield.

"Chinese Air Force, good job!" The white-haired general looked up at the sky, looking at the picture of two teams of fighter planes fighting again in the blue sky, and sighed from the bottom of his heart!

"If it weren't for you, Commander Liu, and the Air Force brothers, China would probably be fighting the Battle of Guangzhou now!" Tang Dao stared at the sky with a deep look on his face.

If you haven't experienced this era in person, you will never know how difficult this era is.

'You will never know how shallow you are from books, and you must practice it to know it! ', only Tang Dao, who has come to this era, knows that the gap between the Chinese and Japanese armies at this time is much greater than what he knows from historical materials.

If the bloody battle on the ice field more than ten years later was the peace that Chinese soldiers exchanged for with their sacrifices, then this long-lasting war of national defense was completely exchanged for human lives, both soldiers and civilians.

There are 40 million casualties recorded on paper alone, and there are many unknown ones? In the future, that is the number of residents in a province with a large population.

Just like the battle of Jindong this time, although the 921st and 104th divisions have not yet counted the final casualties, the 17th division has suffered a huge casualties of 4,000, and the casualty rate has reached 35%!

Tang Dao estimated that after the war, of the 50,000 Chinese troops who went out on this expedition, no more than 40,000 would be able to walk out of this battlefield standing!

At this time, seeing those proud sons of heaven in the air also go to death so proudly and calmly, as a former future man, Tang Dao naturally couldn't help but feel emotional!

"I love what you said. Before I, Zhao, swore to go to war, my biggest dream was to kill more devils than the number of personnel in my 17th Division, even if I died, I would have no regrets!" The white-haired general smiled when he heard Tang Dao praise him so much. "However, Commander Tang, while you praise others, don't forget yourself. One day, you will become a general of my Chinese army. By then, your nephew will have to rely on you to take care of him in the army."

"I dare not, Commander Zhao is too serious. You are an elder, and I am on equal terms with him!" Tang Dao was startled and waved his hands repeatedly.

Master Zhao is now 42 years old, only five years younger than Tang Dao's parents at home, and his son is only two years younger than Tang Dao. How can Tang Dao take advantage of him easily?

"Hehe, then we will each be friends. I have a crush on you, brother, and you can't run away." Master Zhao is also a person with an easy-going personality. Seeing Tang Dao say this, he chuckled and replied.

The two Chinese ground commanders were in a pleasant mood, but the fierce battle in the sky continued, and the artillery fire on the ground was getting more and more fierce.

After the two sides confronted each other and shot down five enemy planes again at the cost of two planes, there was only one squadron of Japanese planes left in the sky.

The victory was also completely decided in the low altitude. With the assistance of the ground air defense force, the Chinese fighter planes completely defeated the Japanese aircraft formation at the cost of 2 for 7. The few remaining Japanese planes had no intention of pulling up at all. They stepped on the engine throttle to the bottom and fled out of the battlefield at high speed.

Four two-plane formations were separated to chase the Japanese planes, and all the remaining fighters raised their heads and headed for the 3,000-meter altitude where the battle was more intense.

Seeing that they were getting fewer and fewer, while the number of Chinese fighters was increasing, the remaining 12 Japanese planes could not hold on any longer, and the formation began to disintegrate.

The Japanese radio station that the Chinese Air Force could not hear was filled with all kinds of roars, some suggested evacuation, and some stubbornly wanted to defend the glory of the Army Aviation, which made the highest commander of the Japanese fighter formation who was still fighting hard in the air buzz, and for a while he could not make the most sensible judgment.

In fact, if the Japanese planes evacuated decisively at this time, at least more than 20 of the 74 fighters could be retained. Although the air battle was destined to be lost, with the current record of 14 to 40, especially when China still had fierce ground air defense participating in the battle, the face of the Japanese North China Front Army Temporary Army Aviation Corps would not be rubbed on the ground.

But the threshold of Japanese self-esteem is indeed too high. This long-standing pride makes it difficult for Iwamoto Tetsuzo to accept the outcome of a great defeat.

With the army's morale dispersed, the order to evacuate is still delayed.

So, as time goes by, a more cruel failure is waiting for them ahead.

It is indeed difficult to admit failure, but those who do not know how to admit failure will be further away from success!

With the Japanese pilots thinking differently, but unable to leave, the possibility of starting a group is gone.

The growing Chinese fighter formations each drew a beautiful arc in the sky. Huang Xinrui keenly saw that the Japanese fighter pilots' morale had been dispersed, and decisively ordered them to disperse, forming two planes as a formation, and began to chase the remaining Japanese planes in the sky.

In the sky, the most brutal pursuit began.

The Japanese planes were also tenacious enough. Even though their morale was low, they did not withdraw from the battlefield and flee far away without receiving the order to retreat. Instead, they fought back and fought with the chasing Chinese fighters.

From this point of view alone, the Japanese Army Air Force pilots did not lose their pride. They also had the unique tenacity of soldiers.

They were extremely difficult opponents.

The Japanese Army Air Force pilots in the sky had already played such a poor record and were still holding on, but their friends on the ground who were looking forward to their help broke down in tears first.

Not only did the "turkeys" in the sky fall one by one, but most of them were the Imperial Air Force with the Rising Sun Flag on their tails, which made them feel extremely humiliated.

What's more terrible is that the Chinese fully adhered to the tactical concept of "taking advantage of his illness to kill him", and a more fierce bombardment began.

The artillery fire was fiercer than the previous two hours, especially the 105mm howitzer that they were once proud of, which threw 20-kilogram shells at them without paying.

Did the Chinese rob the arsenal of the 21st Division?

Don't tell me, people who are angry often have a clear mind. If Tang Tuanzuo hadn't led his men to raid the baggage squadron of the 6th Division, there wouldn't have been so many large-caliber shells thrown at the unlucky guys of the 39th Infantry Brigade.

Why did the baggage squadron of the 6th Division immediately become scared and move away from the trucks when they saw that the Chinese side was not stingy with mortars and large-caliber heavy machine guns sweeping towards the convoy?

That's because they knew too well that the trucks were full of 20-kilogram shells for the 105mm howitzers. Once detonated, the Chinese would not need to waste ammunition and could directly blow them to ashes.

Even among the Chinese army that was ready to die, Huang Jiguang and Dong Cunrui were also counted, right? There is a saying: Everyone has to die since ancient times, but when the end comes, everyone has to be cowardly!

5 trucks and 10 horse carriages carried up to 800 105 howitzer shells, enough for 3 105 howitzers to output at full power for 3 days!

Even if the rocks as big as the eight-immortal table and the underground bunkers dug eight feet into the ground, they can only be reduced to ashes under the power of such shells, not to mention the temporary trenches dug by the Japanese infantry, which were no more than 1 meter.

Even if they were not killed by the shells, the flying stones could smash the Japanese infantry lying in the trenches and shouting "Mom!" to death!

Taihang Mountain, a stone mountain, is simply tailor-made for artillery. Previously, Chinese soldiers suffered heavy losses in the Japanese artillery fire, and now they are back intact.

But do you think this is the end?

The Japanese troops in the inner circle suffered more than the outer Japanese troops, although they suffered less bombardment.

But as the saying goes, what is more painful than the body is from the spiritual level!

The spiritual system of the inner Japanese troops collapsed after experiencing a burst of gunpowder on that hillside.

That burst of gunpowder was not caused by an airplane crash or a heavy artillery bombardment, but by the 60-mm mortar equipped by the Chinese army, with a range of only 1,500 meters!

There is a Chinese poem: You are watching the scenery on the mountain, and the people under the mountain are watching you!

When men and women are together, this is romance!

And when men look at men on the battlefield, what they are greedy for is really just the body! Never mixed with anything else.

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