Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1166 Still the same boy!

Xiao Chuanzi is no longer a militiaman. Because he accidentally captured a senior officer and made the senior officer sit on the sedan chair, he was "kicked" out of the militia sequence of the 921st Division.

It was a joke to say that he was expelled. He was named by Tang Tuanzuo and became one of the 800 new recruits sent by the 683rd Brigade, becoming a regular soldier of the Four-Line Regiment.

In a few months, although Danzi, a new recruit who participated in two major battles, is still only a corporal, Chuanzi is not an ordinary corporal.

Instead, he has transformed into a rare artilleryman in the Four-Line Regiment, commonly known as a technical branch!

That was mainly from a training observation of the artillery battalion's Pang Hailai recruits. The recruits were all from rural areas and had a strong fear of artillery. The gunners were trained with live ammunition, and they were asked to carry a shell and stand three or four meters away from the mortar. When they heard the sound of the shell being fired and the strong Xiaoyue jumping out, ordinary recruits would have a strong fear in their eyes!

Xiao Chuanzi was one of the few who were not afraid but curious. He was eventually picked by Pang Dahai and stood out in the two-month gunner training. Later, he became a 60 mortar gunner as each infantry platoon added a mortar squad!

Xiao Chuanzi never thought that there would be such a day. It was a luxury to ask for a gun. One day, he would have a gun in his hand, and he was the main gunner!

In the more than one month when he was assigned to the 1st Company of the 1st Battalion, Xiao Chuanzi, who was promoted to a corporal for his meritorious service in the battle to annihilate the mixed brigade, slept with his 60 mortar almost every night. The gun body was polished by him every day. As the brothers in the class joked with him, he would marry this gun as his wife in the future.

Xiao Chuanzi was too lazy to argue with them. His second uncle who served in the 683rd Brigade told him that guns and cannons are not dead things, but they actually have feelings. How you treat it, it will treat you the same way!

The 60-meter-high blast looks like a simple structure, but if you don't understand it well enough, the extremely subtle changes can cause the error of the shells fired to reach several meters or even more than ten meters!

Before the commander of the regiment issued an order to break through the gap and penetrate and divide the enemy, the battalions and companies that had already formed an encirclement of the 39th Infantry Brigade had already carried out small-scale infiltration in advance!

The five people in the artillery group where Chuanzi was located had already followed an infantry squad to form a 20-person infiltration group, crossing the mountains and bypassing the defense line organized by the Japanese army to infiltrate and reconnaissance into the enemy.

The main purpose was to explore the road for the next step of the entire infantry company, and to find out the deployment of the Japanese defense line.

The terrain in the Falululing area was steep, and the Japanese army could only defend on some high ground and important roads. It was impossible to cover all the dense forests and cliffs, which was similar to the Japanese attack on the flank position of Niangziguan.

However, the 3rd Battalion, which was responsible for defense at that time, had a lot of anti-infantry mines. The engineer platoon of the engineer company that followed them laid mines day and night, blowing up the small team that attempted to infiltrate the Japanese army, leaving almost no opportunity for the 82nd Infantry Regiment.

But the 39th Infantry Brigade was an offensive war this time, and it would carry mines, which are equipment used in defensive wars, so there were at least three infantry squads of the 4th Regiment lurking in the Japanese defense circle.

The infantry squad where Xiao Chuanzi was was one of them!

Then, they saw the fierce battle in the sky in the Japanese defense circle!

Nearly a hundred fighter planes were fighting hard above their heads, and 20 Chinese soldiers including Xiao Chuanzi were shocked and excited!

They could not cheer for the air force brothers in the sky like their comrades on the battlefield, so they could only clench their fists silently.

However, the fierce battle in the sky did not make them forget their mission. In order to avoid being accidentally bombed by their own artillery fire, 20 Chinese soldiers hid under a large rock at the bottom of a mountain covered by dense forests. Not only could they avoid the artillery, but they also had a wide field of vision!

Then, the infantry squad leader saw a group of people on a small hill in the distance through the telescope!

The four-fold telescope could not see the faces of the people at all, but the style of their uniforms and helmets allowed the infantry squad leader to judge that they were Japanese.

I think they were also watching the battle in the sky!

"Damn it, aren't you afraid of being attacked by our artillery?" The army sergeant cursed.

Even they themselves were afraid that their own artillery shells were not good, but a group of Japanese stood there and watched the battle in the artillery fire. Don't you think it's annoying?

But the Army Sergeant only cursed. The Fourth Regiment was not so extravagant as to equip each squad leader with a four-fold telescope. The telescope in his hand was lent to him by the platoon leader before he left. The telescope marked a distance of nearly 1,000 meters, and he could only stare blankly.

Moreover, the mission of the team he led was mainly infiltration and reconnaissance, supplemented by killing valuable targets and creating chaos.

"Squad Leader Jiao, can you let me take a look?" Chuanzi on the other side frowned and couldn't help asking.

It's not because the Japanese are bold enough and have no disrespect for the artillery, but as an artilleryman, the gunner Xiao Chuanzi's intuition tells him that this is the best prey!

"Squad Leader Jiao, you see, there are at least seven or eight Japanese soldiers, and it seems that there are soldiers on guard outside. They are definitely big officers! We can secretly shoot him, what if we kill him?" Chuanzi looked at it for two or three minutes, returned the telescope, and suggested.

"This" Faced with the suggestion of the artillery team leader, the Army Sergeant hesitated slightly.

After all, his main task is to scout and bring his brothers back. If his position is exposed, 20 brothers will not be able to see the dawn of victory. How frustrating is that?

In addition, regardless of whether this is a high-ranking officer of the Japanese army, the distance between the two sides is more than one thousand meters, and it is still unclear whether he can shoot accurately.

"Don't worry, squad leader Jiao, I only need one shot for the test, and another six shots. It will kill the dog! And now our artillery fire has been fierce. As long as the speed is fast, the Japanese will not know where these shots are fired from." Chuanzi promised solemnly.

"Are you sure you can shoot accurately?" The eyes of the army sergeant couldn't help shining.

Who doesn't want military merit in the current Four-Line Regiment! There are not only cash rewards but also gold, silver and bronze medals!

His good friend from the same hometown who was the squad leader of the third battalion won a second-class military merit in the last battle. He would hang a gold medal on his chest to show off every time there was a big competition. He said that this guy was dog meat and could not be served at a banquet, but he was really envious in his heart.

After a week of defensive battles, his infantry squad did make some achievements, killing at least 50 Japanese soldiers, but there were also five comrades who died. He and his surviving comrades had already agreed that all the military merits would be given to those who died.

If, as Chuanzi said, they could secretly fire a shot at these bold Japanese devils, they would not have to worry about being exposed. What if?

Moreover, the artillery team carried a total of 12 shells, and shot down 7 shells, leaving 5 shells, which also retained a certain self-defense capability for the infantry squad.

"Okay! Then we'll do as you say, but we agreed to fire 7 rounds! No matter if we hit the target or not, after firing 7 rounds, we'll move to the woods on the right side and no more firing." The Army Sergeant hesitated for a long time and finally made up his mind.

"Okay! Squad Leader Jiao, you and your brothers, watch out, our artillery group is the third in the battalion competition!" Chuanzi grinned. "But Squad Leader Jiao, you need to lend me your telescope first!"

"Here!" The Army Sergeant was very straightforward at this moment, turning his head and ordering the infantry: "Others, be alert to the brothers in the artillery squad!"

Since he had made up his mind, he naturally had to concentrate all resources, which was also the ability taught to him by the battlefield.

And Chuanzi's artillery group's third place was not a false result, but a result of real swords and guns in the live-fire competition. Although it was unexpected that a new gunner who had joined the army for less than five months actually defeated seven or eight old gunners, that was the fact.

Otherwise, it would not be their turn to follow the infantry squad into the mountains for infiltration and reconnaissance this time.

The team that can be selected by the company commanders must be elite soldiers!

Out of caution, Chuanzi, who kept measuring the distance of the brave Japanese soldiers on the hillside with a telescope, adjusted his carefully maintained 60-gun again and again, and fiddled with it for four or five minutes!

He fired the cannon only when the fierce battle in the sky had turned into a chase!

So, the group of brave children who left the cave command post and stood on the hillside to watch the battle were in trouble.

The Japanese who were hit by the artillery and those who watched the artillery were either dead or stunned.

That area, according to common sense, is already the safest position in the entire battlefield. There are three infantry squads occupying the high ground on both sides of the hilltop, firmly controlling that area. Except for artillery shells, Chinese bullets can never threaten that area.

On the periphery of that area, two infantry squadrons deployed a defense line. If the Chinese want to attack there, they need at least an infantry regiment or even an infantry brigade.

However, the Chinese mortars seemed to have clairvoyance. They crossed a distance of at least 800 meters, across a hilltop, and sent a series of shells to a major general who was cursing at the Army Aviation Malu with a red face.

The first shell directly blew away three infantrymen who were still concentrating on guarding the surroundings. The next series of shells blew the major general who had already lay down to avoid it and at least three lieutenant colonels, majors, and captains into a bloody mess.

The series of shells that followed almost washed the brigade headquarters with blood. From the major general brigade commander to the combat staff and communications staff, they were all blown black, as if they were roasted in a furnace.

When the commander of the 77th Infantry Regiment, Colonel Li Dengxing, arrived to guide the operation, Major General Takagi Yoshito, who was hit by a shell fragment in the carotid artery, had already died without leaving a last word. By the way, he also brought a lieutenant colonel, two majors and three captains with him to meet Amaterasu.

This is the rhythm of playing mahjong and still needing someone to watch the game.

Has the Chinese decapitation war become so perfect? ​​Looking at the corpse of the major general who was still gurgling with blood, it was hard for Li Dengxing not to think of the fat lieutenant general of the 21st Division who was also killed by the Chinese artillery.

Although the power of the shells this time was obviously much smaller and the bodies were basically intact, the effect was almost exactly the same. They lost their supreme commander before the ground war began.

This is really too sad.

What's even worse is that because the lieutenant colonel chief of staff is also finished, there are only two colonel-level officers left in the 39th Infantry Brigade, one is the colonel commander of the 77th Infantry Regiment, Koto Yukiichi, and the other is the colonel commander of the 78th Infantry Regiment, Sora Tadaichi.

Because they are in a competitive relationship, the relationship between the two cannot be good. Now the brigade headquarters has been almost wiped out. Who will the thousands of people in the 39th Infantry Brigade listen to?

Not to mention the somewhat confused Koto Yukiichi, even the commander of the 20th Division, Kawagishi Saburo, is also buzzing.

Of course, he could immediately appoint one of the colonel regiment commanders as the acting brigade commander, but would the other colonel regiment commander be willing to obey orders? Would he follow Takagi Yoshito's orders as before?

Even if he thought about it, he knew it was impossible, even if the situation was so critical now!

Really, the Chinese artillery that came out of nowhere was so annoying, it was just like the legendary stabbing a knife into the wound.

After firing 7 shells and watching the bold Japanese devils in the telescope fall to the ground, the 20 Chinese infantrymen ran away quickly.

They didn't know that they had directly massacred the brigade headquarters of the 39th Infantry Brigade.

Until the end of the whole battle, the Army Sergeant and Chuanzi held the gold "First Class War Merit" medal awarded by Tang Tuanzu himself, and both of them opened their mouths in disbelief, and Zhao Daqiang below almost laughed his mouth crooked.

If it wasn't for his 'asshole' squad leader who simply mentioned it when he returned to the position, he wouldn't have known that Takagi Yoshito was killed by his own soldiers.

Fortunately, after the war, some Japanese prisoners confessed that their brigade headquarters was directly hit by artillery shells, and it was a small-caliber mortar, so it was correct.

Because of this achievement, the regiment gave him two first-class combat merits and four third-class combat merits in one breath. Looking at the envious eyes of Qian Dazhu, Wei Donglai, Cai Yongguan, and Li Jiujin, the company commander Zhao Da, who originally had a less rich expression, could only symbolically enrich it.

It's not because of anything else, it's just a show!

Anyway, because of Chuanzi's wave of "I am a god gunner" operations, the moment the air battle was not over, the besieged 39th Infantry Brigade was already leaderless. Even if the commander of the 20th Division finally appointed a new acting brigade commander, the overall tactical execution of the 39th Infantry Brigade also dropped by at least two levels, and it was inevitable that the morale would fall to the bottom.

This opened an excellent start for the subsequent ground annihilation war, and also reduced the casualties of the Sihang Regiment and the 17th Division by at least one third.

If it weren't for this, how could the "first-class combat merit" with only 20 people in the whole regiment be so easy to get?

Of course, the glory of the soldiers had to be after the war. At this time, the most miserable man on the battlefield was Li Dengxingyi. He was forced to climb the position he once wanted to climb the most, but now he just felt that his feet were hot!

Because, from this moment on, the 39th Infantry Brigade will have no assistance. They will have to face the bombardment of Chinese artillery groups and the impact of more than 10,000 infantry.

In fact, the air battle was over after the Chinese fighters killed most of the low-altitude fighters with the cooperation of ground anti-aircraft firepower.

Huang Xinrui's "Tian Ji Horse Racing" tactics were a great success, but the Japanese on the ground and in the air still wanted to struggle.

Seeing the "turkeys" painted with red suns in the sky falling one after another, Li Dengxingyi's face was uglier than his mother's death.

If he had a choice, he even wanted to accompany Mr. Takagi Yoshito to see the scenery in the sky!

The next ground defense, without air support, without artillery support, and besieged by the Chinese who had the advantage of terrain, and the Chinese with fierce firepower, how to fight?

They could only continue to hold on and wait for help. Under the pressure of Okabe Saburo's telegrams one after another hoping that they would hold on to the death, Koto Yukiichi, who originally wanted to sacrifice his soldiers to save the car and withdraw some people to the mountains, made such a choice!

A choice that completely pushed the 39th Infantry Brigade into the abyss!

From this time on, the 20th Division will become an incomplete disabled division, because the most important infantry brigade under its command will be completely wiped out from this planet!

The 4th Regiment and the 17th Division will begin to divide and surround its defense line in 20 minutes, and they have lost their last chance to escape.

This is actually a fluke mentality. Even though they lost a lot of support, the smooth record in the North China battlefield still gave Li Dengxing an illusion, that is, as a Type A division, the combat effectiveness is definitely not comparable to the second-line scum of the 21st Division. If they can't beat them, it's not too much to defend for five or six days!

He obviously didn't know that the reason why the Japanese Type A division was able to fight a Chinese army was because they had air support when they had heavy firepower. If the firepower equipment of both sides was equalized, because of the quality of the soldiers, the Japanese Type A division might win, but it would be very difficult to win!

But if this situation is reversed, China has an advantage in both firepower and quantity, especially the Chinese army such as the Four-line Regiment and the 17th Division, which are also composed of veterans of hundreds of battles, the so-called Type A division is really not good enough.

At this time, the chase in the sky is also coming to an end!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ps: Brothers, it's the last day of the month, hurry up and vote if you have a vote! Also, tomorrow, August 1st, is Army Day. I hope you guys will support military-themed books! We may be in different industries, but whether we are writers or readers, we are all passionate young men! I hope to make our country strong! Our army strong!


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