Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1170 Slash in the air!

Yes, Chinese soldiers have never lacked the courage to sacrifice.

Whether on the ground or in the sky.

Iwamoto Tetsuzo, who had been shot into a sieve by Huang Xinrui's crazy fire, still stared at the target a hundred meters away with a fierce look, preparing for the final collision, did not achieve his dream.

A fighter plane suddenly rushed out from the side at the moment when Iwamoto Tetsuzo and Huang Xinrui's planes were less than a hundred meters apart. The engine of the plane roared like a scrap, bursting out at a higher speed than the two planes, like a sharp arrow, rushing under Iwamoto Tetsuzo's plane.

The speed was so fast that the Chinese and Japanese soldiers on the ground who had been keeping their eyes open could hardly see clearly that the fighter plane had already fled a hundred meters away, while Iwamoto Tetsuzo's plane was fiercely tilted, and Huang Xinrui's fighter plane rushed past the side of the Japanese plane. The distance between the two planes would never exceed three meters. From a distance, it looked like a collision.

"Hu~~~" The soldiers on the ground couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Really, it was so exciting, just like a bullet grazing his temples on the battlefield.

In the cockpit, the forehead of the ace pilot who had returned to China to fight for a year was also covered with big beads of sweat. Only 3 seconds left, he and the fighter plane under him said goodbye to this world.

It was indeed the most shocking moment that the Air Force Major had encountered since participating in the dozens of air battles, nothing else!

However, Huang Xinrui didn't care about celebrating his survival, his heart was hanging high!

What happened to the idiot Chen Ping? Although the time was very short, Huang Xinrui didn't see clearly who ruined the Japanese pilot's last desperate struggle, but Huang Xinrui knew that except for Chen Ping's wingman, there would be no other fighter planes on this battlefield.

There were almost no other fighters in this airspace. The Japanese planes were either destroyed or fled. Before he started the decisive battle with the Japanese ace fighters, 30 Chinese fighters with yellow fuel warning lights were ordered to leave the battlefield quickly. The remaining fighters that were still clearing the field were also at least 2,500 meters high.

Glancing at the rearview mirror installed in front of the cockpit, the Japanese plane that failed to succeed had basically lost control, like a drunk bird, twisting and turning in the air. Huang Xinrui did not take a second look, but his heart tightened.

From the moment the Japanese plane was swept by the onboard machine gun, it was destined to die, but it should not be in the state it should be at this time.

Because, although the 62mm machine gun bullets are fierce, due to the caliber, the damage to the body is not as great as imagined. The fighter plane that lost the pilot's control will either completely lose control and crash into the ground because of the pilot's last action, or it can still glide forward for a while with enough lift provided by the intact wings, and it should not be like now, unable to maintain the normal gliding state.

This is the phenomenon after the Japanese plane body suffered serious damage!

This means

This means that Chen Ping used an unconventional way to destroy the Japanese plane, not just interference. With years of experience, Huang Xinrui had a bad premonition in his heart!

If that's the case, the body of the I-153 is stronger than the 96 Land Attack, but the force is mutual.

Huang Xinrui stepped on the tail rudder and lowered the flaps to draw an arc to the left at the fastest speed, while trying to look back. He wanted to know the current situation of Chen Ping, the bastard boy.

In a hurry, he didn't even call through the radio intercom.

However, the plane was a hundred meters away in an instant, and in a few seconds, it was nearly a thousand meters away. How could he see the true state of Chen Ping's plane?

But the biplane still flying in the air finally made Huang Xinrui feel relieved. As long as it could still fly, no matter what the fighter plane was like, at least Chen Ping's life was saved! At worst, he could parachute, right?

The ace pilot in the air had a limited field of view, but tens of thousands of Chinese and Japanese soldiers on the ground saw it clearly!

The three high-speed fighter planes were like three lightning bolts staggered in the air at that moment!

Then, the Japanese plane could not even maintain the normal gliding state, and it struggled to fly forward for hundreds of meters, and then began to fall rapidly, and finally crashed into the ground like a bird with broken wings!

And looking at the appearance of the Chinese fighter plane that could still fly forward in the air, people with quick minds finally understood why the Japanese plane, which was determined to die with the Chinese fighter plane, did not succeed.

The Chinese fighter plane lost its tail wing!

His tail wing should have been knocked off when it passed over the belly of the Japanese plane!

At such a high speed, the tail wing that stood up high to keep the plane balanced was like an extremely sharp scalpel, which actually cut open the belly of the Japanese plane and deviated the course of the Japanese plane, allowing the 4-star Chinese fighter to escape the final charge of the 4-star Japanese planes to die together.

"Fuck! Your brother is so stubborn, and this is possible? It's amazing!" Gu Xishui, who had just given the order, was stunned and patted Shen Chonghai's shoulder, who was still like a wooden sculpture.

This should be one of the rare emotional expressions of Gu Xishui since his younger sister died.

"Yes! Brother, don't cry, our planes are fine, just the damn Japanese are finished." A sergeant also advised Shen Chonghai.

"You don't know!" Shen Chonghai shook his head, his voice still full of bitterness.

In Shen Chonghai's senses, a loud "Boom!" came. It was not that three fighter planes or two of them collided, but a large-caliber artillery shell landed less than 700 meters away from them. Inexplicably It gave him a psychological hint.

At that moment, he mistakenly thought that his best friend in the aviation school would use his fighter plane to hit the Japanese plane to save his instructor!

But that is absolutely stupid. At a distance of 100 meters, the fighter plane flying at high speed will arrive in just one second. The debris from the collision of the two planes and the air wave generated by the fuel explosion will hit the ground like a large artillery shell. The Chinese fighter planes that came over were blown into pieces!

No way to live!

Chen Ping is an extremely smart person. Shen Chonghai knew that he would not be so stupid, but he still did it. That only meant that he wanted to use that kind of tactics.

The two of them had simulated it hundreds of times in the dormitory and classroom but never had a real flight record!

"Sky Scalpel!"

That was the name given to the tactics that two fledgling young pilots passionately spent a month simulating!

"When there are no bullets, our fighter plane can also become a knife! A knife that can cut the Japanese devils bloody!" Two of the best pilot students from the Chinese aviation school shook hands and smiled.

In Shen Chonghai's mind, he kept thinking about his good friend's solemn oath!

But that has never been through actual combat!

Shen Chonghai understands better that even if it is simulated hundreds of times, it can only be successful once!

But Chen Ping, who was on the battlefield for the first time, was forced to put it into practice! Use the dreams of passionate young people to fly, and use your beloved fighter planes to perform surgery on enemy planes!

Get that one in 10,000 chance of success!

And, one in 100,000 chance of survival!

Now it seems that Chen Ping succeeded!

His courage and flying skills silenced thousands of Japanese soldiers.

Right under their noses, no, to be exact, looking up at the sky, a Chinese pilot, with courage and determination that was not inferior to the so-called Bushido, with near-perfect flying skills, used his tail as a sword, ruthlessly flew Slicing the opponent with a knife, cutting off the opponent's vitality, and also cutting into pieces the last ambition of the Japanese ace pilot!

The leader of Japan's North China Front Army Provisional Army Aviation Regiment, in this extremely rare melee of hundreds of fighter planes, achieved nothing!

Moreover, it has achieved the prestige of the Chinese Air Force's "hand-to-hand combat"!

At the same time, the Japanese army, whose morale had just risen sharply, could not help but feel chills all over.

If the Chinese can have such courage and determination on any battlefield, can they really hold on and wait for reinforcements to arrive? Or, can they really win this national war with China?

"Good boy! On behalf of the 17th Division and the Four Lines Regiment, I want to ask for credit from the war zone, no, from the Military and Political Department!" The white-haired general's eyes flashed and he shouted excitedly.

"Pass my order to the entire regiment for a general attack, five minutes in advance, so that all departments can prepare!" Tang Dao took out his pocket watch, with a solemn expression on his face.

As a talented ultra-long-range sniper, Tang Dao's eyesight is far beyond that of ordinary people. In the field of view of the telescope, it is clearly visible that the Chinese fighter jet has lost the glass cover of the cockpit!

Obviously, after carrying out that scalpel-like precise volley a few seconds ago, the Chinese fighter plane was also seriously damaged.

But that's not the most fatal thing. After flying hundreds of meters, the nose of the Chinese fighter jet turned down. That was because it had entered a state that could not be recovered after losing its tail.

The damage of the fighter plane is inevitable, and the pilot must and can only parachute to survive!

Implementing the general attack five minutes in advance gave the Japanese troops on the ground who were eager for revenge little chance to shoot in the air. This was the only thing Tang Dao could do for this brave, imaginative and talented Chinese pilot.

"Yes, yes, send an order to the whole division to advance the general attack by five minutes!" The white-haired general suddenly woke up from his excitement and immediately issued a military order.

He must be allowed to survive. This is a tribute from all Chinese soldiers on the ground to the brave genius in the air!

"Baga, order all the firepower of the heavy machine gun squadron to shoot in the air and shoot down the damn Chinese." As the acting brigade commander of the 39th Infantry Brigade, Li Dengxing woke up from the shock with red eyes. Staring at the Chinese fighter plane that was no longer high in the sky and shaking its wings, he ordered with gritted teeth.

As the current top commander of the 39th Infantry Brigade, he knows very well that it was precisely because of the emergence of this aircraft that the morale that had just risen was wiped out, especially when he saw his own aircraft trying to fight to the death. When the fighter plane fell from the sky miserably, the morale of the soldiers on the battlefield was simply faster than the imperial eagle falling to the ground.

Only by defeating him might the sluggish morale be saved. Otherwise, let alone five days as Chief of Staff Saburo Okamoto said, he wouldn't even have the confidence to survive tonight.

The increasingly fierce artillery fire from the Chinese has almost announced that they cannot wait for the sun to rise tomorrow and will launch a general offensive.

"Your Majesty Colonel, the enemy plane is at least 2,000 meters away!" The squadron leader of the heavy machine gun squadron looked as ugly as if he had eaten a piece of jellyfish after receiving the unreliable order from his superior officer.

The crotch should be full of melancholy.

The tragedy of the Imperial Japanese Army was that it was not equipped with anti-aircraft anti-aircraft guns. Use the Type 92 heavy machine gun with an anti-air range of only 800 meters to hit an aircraft 2,000 meters away. It's broad daylight, Colonel, please wake up.

This duster is not that duster, and it is not enough to prepare some paper together.

"Assholes, we have to fight even if we can't hit them. The shame created by those bastards of the Army Aviation should be avenged by our glorious Imperial Infantry." Li Dengxing, a major general, was obviously a little angry at this moment.

The concentrated fire position composed of 8 heavy machine guns fired at the sky in vain. If there were high-speed cameras, you would find that the bullets drew a beautiful arc and fell into the mountains!

The 92-type heavy machine gun, whose effective range of flat shooting is only 1,500 meters, wants to hit an aircraft at least 700 meters high at 2,000 meters away. As the Japanese army captain wanted to say, Colonel, please put on your pants!

When the Four-Line Regiment saw that the Japanese dared to shoot at their damaged aircraft, they thought, damn it, I was worried that I couldn't find your heavy machine gun position! This guy dared to show up on his own initiative, I will beat the shit out of you!

Following the order from the closest battalion commander, Guo Shouzhi, the 3 howitzers, 4 82mm mortars, and 9 60mm mortars of the 2nd Battalion turned their guns and fired wildly at the bold Japanese heavy machine gun positions more than 1,000 meters away.

However, one minute later, the 3 150mm heavy mortars of the artillery battalion also joined the ranks of beating the bold ones.

That was a good guy. In 90 seconds of bombardment, more than a dozen guns fired nearly 200 shells.

The Japanese army captain who shouted in his heart, "Sir Daisaku, please accept your stupid military order!" was completely silent!

Because the crazy artillery fire of the Four-line Regiment had already torn him and the 6 heavy machine gun teams into pieces in the 60th second!

At the same time, Lei Xiong, who saw the battle in the sky in the mountains and forests, was also making the final mobilization, pointing to Chen Ping's fighter plane in the sky without a tail: "Brothers, is our Chinese Air Force good?"

"Yes." The roar from the mountains and forests shook the sky.

"Well, I order you to throw away all the weight except guns and ammunition, and prepare for the final battle against the Japanese invaders in Taihang Mountain!

Tell me, can we win this battle in one go?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! We can!"

The three-day dry food and clean water and other supplies originally prepared for the front-line officers and soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment were all thrown into the trenches by the officers and soldiers, and they tried their best to bring ammunition!

Achieve success in one battle! Just like breaking all his own ships in the last battle, Lei Xiong gave up all supplies, leaving no retreat for the first battalion, and not giving the 39th Infantry Brigade in the encirclement a chance to breathe.

Before arriving at Falu Ridge, Tang Dao had already conveyed his combat intentions to the chief officers of the regiment!

This battle is not about the small victory of Niangzi Pass and Falu Ridge, but to point the spearhead directly to Shimen where the main force is no longer there!

The sooner the battle of Falu Ridge ends, the less time the Japanese North China Front Army will have to react, and the richer the spoils of conquering Shimen will be!

In the Four-Line Regiment, Lei Xiong is the best among all the battalion and company commanders in terms of bravery and decisiveness, even Tang Dao is not as good as him.

Tang Dao's original plan was to eliminate all the Japanese invaders in the encirclement before sunset tomorrow.

But with the high morale brought by the Chinese Air Force, Lei Xiong is determined to win tonight!

. . . . . . . . . . .

In the sky, the Chinese fighter plane whose life and death is unknown is affecting the hearts of all Chinese soldiers. Everyone hopes that the brave pilot is safe and sound.

"Dayu, order the communication class to turn on the American wireless intercom, and the communication channel is the first 8 numbers on the third line of the sixth page of the confidential communication manual!" Tang Dao suddenly said.

"Yes!" Xia Dayu accepted the order.

When Laura said goodbye to him in Pingbei City, Laura gave Tang Dao the latest land warfare communication equipment developed by the United States. The communication distance is 10 kilometers. There are only two of them, one is placed in the regiment headquarters, and the other is with him. This equipment is five years ahead of the entire Asian battlefield. Tang Dao hardly uses these two wireless intercoms unless it is an important moment!

But now, it's time to use it!

The safety of the pilot is more important to Tang Dao than keeping the secret of this advanced equipment! As long as he is given 3 months, this equipment can be equipped to the company and battalion level at least in the four-line regiment.

The white-haired general is accustomed to Tang Dao's endless new gadgets. It doesn't seem to be too abrupt for a magical boy who can get a fully equipped German-equipped division from the German company to take out a stand-alone wireless intercom that only fighters have!

The principle of the radio intercom used by the fighter is actually the same as this land-based type. The communication channel theater command has secretly passed it to him at noon today.

"Lieri, Lieri, how are you? Please reply if you get it."

Not long after, the sizzling sound in the microphone of the land warfare communication gradually disappeared, and an air force pilot shouted desperately.

"Dongdongyao, what's going on, Lieri was hit?"

"Lieri, Lieri, Dongdongyao is calling you!"

There was silence in the intercom at first, and then several anxious inquiries were heard.

Several fighter planes roared down from the sky.

No one wants to lose a comrade at the moment of the final victory, especially for the Chinese Air Force, which has only three digits in the entire army!

After a long time, Chen Ping's somewhat weak voice sounded in the intercom: "Dongdongyao, I'm still alive, the plane is still there."

"God bless you, you're still alive, bastard, what I said was just a story, you dare to do it for real, my instructor who shot down 20 enemy planes thinks that is a tactic that only a fool can think of." Huang Xinrui let out a sigh of relief and cursed in the intercom.

"Oh! Lieyang, you can do it. When you go back, teach me tactics that even the most idiotic people think are stupid!"

"Haha! Lieyang, you boy can beat that guy from Dahai once. When you go back, let that unlucky guy treat us to a drink!"

"Lie Ri, didn't you say that the girl I took last time was pretty good? Go back and introduce her to you!"

Hearing Chen Ping's voice, the pilots' cheers rang through the radio.

On the battlefield, not only the victory of the battle can make them cheer, but the safety of their comrades is the most worthy of celebration.

"Wild boar, get out of here, I have a fiancée." Chen Ping's voice was weak, but it was a very arrogant retort.

Loud laughter came from the communicators in the sky and the earth at the same time.

"It's great to be young!" the white-haired general smiled.

Living is the greatest reward after victory, for everyone!

However, none of them could see that Chen Ping would spit out a mouthful of blood every time he answered.

The corners of his mouth and chest were already bright red.


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