Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1171 I’m sorry!

"Scorching sun, report the damage to the aircraft, I will arrive at your place soon to accompany you!" Huang Xinrui, who was turning in the sky, was obviously not as optimistic as the group of comrades who had not witnessed the battle, and there was something in his tone. Very dignified.

Tang Dao and the white-haired general picked up the binoculars at the same time and looked into the sky again.

"It's all broken, the cockpit glass is all broken, the tail fin is completely missing, and it's difficult to pull up the nose of the plane. I can only barely control the speed. Now I'm dizzy and can hardly see anything." Chen Ping's weak voice sounded again.

Chen Ping did not report that there was a piece of glass stuck in his chest that was much larger than an adult's hand.

Just as Shen Chonghai thought, at the critical moment, he did not directly collide because he was afraid of causing a two-for-one situation. It would be too much of a loss, so he chose the 'air scalpel' tactic that he had simulated hundreds of times with his friends.

But no matter how good his flying skills were, he could not guarantee that his cockpit would still be one meter away from the Japanese plane at that moment of intersection. In order to increase the success rate, he could only pass under the belly of the Japanese aircraft at high speed at the shortest distance.

Due to the violent collision, the broken glass of the cockpit was like a bullet at high speed, breaking through the thick flight suit and piercing his chest.

He was losing a lot of blood and breathing was becoming difficult. Although he tried to keep his eyes open and pulled down his windshield, he could barely see ahead.

There was silence on the intercom.

It should be said that there was silence in the sky and at the 17th Division headquarters on the ground where they could hear their conversation!

It is not a big deal if all the cockpit glass is broken, but the missing tail fin is an extremely fatal thing for the aircraft.

The heading and pitch of the aircraft depend on the rudder on the tail wing.

"Scorching sun, you can parachute. You are now above our position. Repeat, this is an order. You can parachute." After two or three seconds of silence, Huang Xinrui's voice suddenly raised an octave.

"No, Dongdong Yao, I want to fly the plane back. This is my landline." Chen Ping's pleading voice sounded through the intercom.

"Lie Yang, listen to me. Did I tell you in class that if the tail rudder of the aircraft is missing, it will be difficult for you to control the direction of the aircraft? And now it is difficult to pull up the nose of your aircraft, which means that the wings are also damaged. , insufficient lift, especially at low altitudes, which is more dangerous.

In ten seconds, you will drop from your current height to 400 meters. At that height, you will not even have the chance to skydive.

In the name of the teacher, I promise that when you return to the airport, you will be equipped with the latest aircraft. As you know, the Soviet side promised us that a batch of fighter planes will be delivered in three months! Moreover, these fighters are also equipped with 7mm heavy machine guns, which will be even more powerful! "Huang Xinrui patiently advised his disciples through the wireless communicator.

"Dongdong Yao, I know I will have new planes, but we in China don't have them. Our fighter planes can only be imported. In the two battles of Songhu, Jinling, the Chinese Air Force was wiped out.

If you can leave one more battle behind, you will gain more combat power. I don't want to watch my teachers and comrades fight on the ground. I want to be with you, even if it means death!

My hometown is in Jiangcheng, where my parents, sister, and fiancée are all. I want them to see me fighting for them.

Please, let me try again. "

Chen Ping begged in an extremely weak voice.

There was silence again on the intercom.

In the cockpit, which is beyond the reach of people's eyes, everything is bright and clear under the windshield.

As pilots, they understand everything their comrades say.

Fighter planes are the second life of pilots. Without fighter planes, what will they use to fly in the blue sky and what will they use to defend the blue sky.

In addition to overseas Chinese instructors like Huang Xinrui in their aviation school, there are also foreign instructors who he hired with high salaries from the United States through personal connections. The foreign instructors’ flying skills are nothing to say, but when it comes to fighter planes and pilots, the purpose of choosing them is: pilots are always better than Aircraft are important, and we would rather not have fighter planes to ensure the safety of pilots.

But this is China!

In China, the first choice of almost all pilots is fighter aircraft!

Do pilots not know their own importance? The cost of training a pilot is almost as much as arming an infantry battalion.

Do they not cherish their own lives? Each of them has their own love and someone who loves them. Who can let go easily?

No, neither! But in China, if there are no planes, there really will be no planes anymore.

In China now, all shipping channels have been blocked by the Japanese military fleet, and the only land transportation channel is the far northwest bordering the Mao Xiong Kingdom. The Silk Road once brought prosperity to ancient China, but modern war cannot afford to wait.

China’s blue sky needs to be guarded!

The only option is to risk your life to protect the plane.

Tang Dao didn't speak, he could only look at the sky with a telescope and listen quietly!

The soldiers of this era, whether the army or the air force, are worthy of this tragic but magnificent era.

They are far stronger than he imagined!

China will never forget this era and the people who ignited themselves to illuminate the dark path in this era!

"Scorching Sun, I see you, I see you, your nose is always down, it's too dangerous, you have to lift the plane to 800 meters.

You listen to me, if the lever cannot pull the nose, put the flaps, slow down, and reduce the speed to 260 yards. "Huang Xinrui's voice sounded on the intercom again.

"Okay, I'll try my best!" Chen Ping operated the plane under Huang Xinrui's command with some difficulty.

"Very good, try using flaps instead of tail rudder. Can you control the steering of the aircraft?"

"It should work! Let me try."

"Okay, Lieyang, I'm here, and I will accompany you to fly the plane back. But you promise me that after you hear my order to parachute again, you must obey the order. This is not a teacher's request for students, this is It's the military order from the deputy commander of the Sixth Provisional Aviation Corps!" Huang Xinrui, who had flown to Chen Ping's fighter plane but only thirty meters away, held back the tears in his eyes and gave Chen Ping a thumbs-up gesture from a distance.

"Everyone else, please go to the transfer airport according to the flight chart, cruise at a speed of 280 yards, and pay attention to saving fuel. I will accompany Lieri back to the airport. Let's meet at the airport."

"Scorching sun, let's meet at the airport."

"Dongdong Yao! Please bring Lie Yang back with you."

"I have a teacher to take care of me, so don't worry about it!" Chen Ping smiled hard and made an OK gesture to the teacher who was about 30 meters away and gave him a thumbs up.

No one could see that the blood on his chest was flowing faster and faster under the cold wind at high altitude.

"Dongdongyao, scorching sun, and all the brave pilots of our Chinese Air Force who can hear my voice, I am Zhao Shoushan, commander of the 17th Division. Please accept the 921st Division of the 80th Group Army, the 104th Division of the 22nd Group Army, and All the officers and soldiers of the 17th Division, 12th Division, 101st Division, and the Sixth Regiment of the Second Theater Command give the highest salute," the white-haired general said solemnly as he pressed the intercom switch at Tang Dao's prompt.

"All of you, salute!" Tang Dao's voice also sounded.

With the roar of Tang Dao, all the guards in front of and around the 17th Division headquarters put their guns on their chests, looked up at the sky, and saluted solemnly.

This was the first military salute performed by the officers and soldiers of the Si Xing Regiment during the war, which violated the military orders issued by the regiment headquarters.

But Tang Dao felt that they in the sky had the qualifications.

Each side participated in the battle with dozens of fighter planes. Although there are no specific statistics yet, it is at least a record of annihilating three times as many enemy fighters as its own damaged fighter planes. It is a proud record on any battlefield.

Tang Dao's estimated distance was actually quite different. On the second day after the war, the final tally of this air battle was 48 versus 17. The Chinese shot down and damaged a total of 48 Japanese aircraft, and our own side lost 17!

This cruel big mouth not only slapped a bunch of generals and lieutenant generals of the Japanese North China Front with golden flowers in their eyes, but also completely slapped the 39th Infantry Brigade of the Japanese 20th Division into hell.

Not to mention that the Japanese North China Front Army can organize enough air support to save the 39th Infantry Brigade within a few hours, even in the next two or three months, it cannot even think of dispatching a large fighter formation of more than two squadrons at once!

That would not only be of great help to the Jindong Army, but would also be of unparalleled help to the final defense line of the entire second theater and the entire northern war situation.

"Thank you, General Zhao, and please accept our salute!" Huang Xinrui and several air force pilots were stunned for a moment, and then returned the salute in the cabin.

"Salute to our brave army brothers who participated in the Shanxi East Defense Line!" Chen Ping grinned hard and raised his right hand with difficulty.

The Chinese Army and the Chinese Air Force greet each other on the battlefield!

If it ends like this, it will definitely become a good talk after the battle of Jindong!

But things in the world never go as expected!

Just like people are never perfect.

In everyone's eyes, the tattered Chinese fighter plane that was turning towards the east toward the scorching sun in the sky lost control again. The nose that had just been pulled up climbed less than two hundred meters and entered a dive state again.

Huang Xinrui was suddenly startled. He turned his head and looked at Chen Ping, who was only thirty meters away from him, and saw that his head was gradually hanging down.

"Hot sun, hot sun, call hot sun, planes are diving, pulling up, pulling up."

However, there was no response.

"Scorching sun, scorching sun, the plane is about to lose control. I order you to parachute. Parachute immediately." Huang Xinrui also lowered the nose of the plane and entered the dive state with Chen Ping.

The two planes continued to lower their altitude like sharp arrows.

This heart-wrenching scene made the Chinese soldiers on the ground, who had already entered the front-line trenches and were about to attack the Japanese positions that had been blasted open, seem to have forgotten that they were in a battlefield filled with bullets and bullets. Many of them even looked up at the sky. Their commander also forgot to rebuke because they were watching too.

In fact, even the demoralized Japanese infantrymen were watching.

The Chinese pilot first used unparalleled courage to save his comrades, and then used even greater courage to save his own plane. Putting aside the hatred between the two sides, even the Japanese army admired their courage.

The battlefield was about to be in full swing. Because of the safety of an aircraft, except for the gradually sparse sound of artillery, the entire battlefield actually entered a period of silence. It was a miracle of war.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I'm afraid I can't go back to the airport with you, cough! I'm really sorry, I'll try my best!" Chen Ping raised his drooped head slightly and said with difficulty. "By the way, remember to find Dahai, he will be fine."

"Asshole, I order you to parachute immediately. I will personally come to pick you up with Dahai and the others." The air force major, who was already in his early thirties, couldn't control his tears anymore and flowed down hard.

From a distance of more than thirty meters, he could clearly see Chen Ping spitting out blood-stained flight suit.

It turned out that he was injured, and it was so serious.

He regretted not immediately ordering his brave wingman to parachute. If he had parachuted one minute before, the plane would have been gone, but he might have survived.

But now, can he still have the strength to stand up and climb out of the cockpit carrying a huge load? As an ace pilot, Huang Xinrui knew very well that the chance was less than ten percent.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I lied to you, I have no energy left.

Please tell my parents and sister that I love them, and please tell my fiancée to choose someone else and not to think about me. Fighting for China, Chen Ping died a worthy death and will never regret it in this life! "

On the intercom, Chen Ping's voice became weaker and weaker.

In Chen Ping's field of vision, his head dropped lower and lower.

In the broken cockpit where no one could see, the young pilot's hand gently touched a black and white photo in his breast pocket that had been stained red with blood and his eyes could not be seen clearly. He murmured: "Yuhua, I'm sorry! I I love you, I love you so much! When you smile, your eyes and eyebrows are like the curved moon."

The voice gradually became lower and eventually became inaudible.

The fingers that had completely lost their color stopped on the beautiful and young face in the old black and white photo and never moved again.

The plane that lost all control was like a wild horse, spinning and rushing towards the ground.

"Asshole, I won't tell you, I won't tell them, you tell them yourself! Dance for me, dance for me! You are disobeying the military order, I order, execute the order, execute it , you bastard!" Huang Xinrui's voice was heartbreaking, like a trapped animal.

The originally calm Chinese ace air force pilot was like a child who had lost everything. Tears flowed out and were blown away in the wind!

On the ground, the eyes of the army lieutenant general and army colonel who heard all this clearly were also crystal clear.

As army commanders with far superior minds than ordinary people, the two of them could not hide their sadness. No one thought that this salute was actually a farewell.

Was that young and brave pilot going to leave like this without saying goodbye?

Chen Ping is undoubtedly a very unfamiliar name in Tang Dao's memory, but relying on what he said that his parents, sister, and fiancée are all in Jiangcheng, Tang Dao still finds the shadow of the pilot in time and space in his memory. .

The young man who was supposed to have fought a fierce battle with Japanese planes over Xiakou during the Jiangcheng Defense War, but was shot several times but refused to parachute, used the plane as a spear and himself as ammunition, and slammed into the Japanese plane. Although he was stirred by a small butterfly, The wind and cloud did not go to the battlefield in Jiangcheng but came to North China, but he did not escape his fate after all.

In the past, he buried himself in the blue sky of the motherland. In this era, he almost used the same method to engrave the glory of the Chinese Air Force on the sky of Chinese history, shining brightly.

Shen Chonghai on the ground finally burst into tears!

His brother succeeded, but his brother was also going to die!

As a pilot, he knew all too well what would happen if the plane entered a 'death spiral'. The huge load would not give any pilot a chance to jump out of the cockpit.

Gu Xishui stared at this scene. As strong as he was, he couldn't help but close his eyes!

There was a loud noise of "Boom!"

The corner of the lieutenant's eye trembled fiercely, and a tear slipped quietly from the corner of his eye.

"I will take you to find him and take him home, trust me!" Gu Xishui did not comfort the air force second lieutenant who was in tears beside him, but waved his hand and ordered the entire team to turn around.

The crash site of the Chinese fighter plane is in the opposite direction to the Si Xing Regiment's position!

Anyone who made this decision would be unwise, but Gu Xishui knew that this was the only way to comfort the grieving second lieutenant of the Chinese Air Force.

He had lost his lover and comrade-in-arms because it was too late. This time, he would not let the air force second lieutenant miss the opportunity to bring his brother home.

It is said that the next life is too long, comrades, it is this life, even if it means that this life will be lost!

"Give me a gun!" Shen Chonghai wiped away his tears and finally spoke.

A team of 8 people, on the battlefield, turn!

"General Zhao, please collect Chen Ping's remains for me and find all the brothers I can find in the Sixth Provisional Aviation Brigade. I promised them that I will take them home, I will!" Huang Xinrui's sad voice rang on the intercom.

"I am Tang Dao, the commander of the Four Lines Regiment. On behalf of the 17th Division and the Four Lines Regiment, I promise to the air force brothers that we will find all of them!" Tang Dao's calm and cold voice sounded on the intercom.

China's ace pilot's fighter jet roared past 50 meters above the wreckage of the crashed Chen Ping fighter jet, leaped high into the sky, and flew away like an arrow.

Never looked back.

It's not that he doesn't want to miss his students and comrades-in-arms, but the spirit of his deceased comrades-in-arms in heaven will be angry because of his stupid move. He would rather die to save the fighter plane, and he must not waste more fuel just because he misses him.

Smoothly drive the fighter plane back to the airport and continuously paint red stars on the fuselage, which is the best commemoration of our comrades.

At the same time, the streets of Jiangcheng were a little desolate because of the war.

The two women in blue cheongsam seemed to feel something, and they glanced at the northwest sky in unison.

The string that had been tight in my heart seemed to suddenly loosen!

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

"I order all units of the Four Elements Regiment to kill!" Tang Dao ordered with a face as solid as iron.

"Every unit of the 17th Division, kill!" the white-haired general also ordered decisively.

"You are the commander of thousands of people, don't make a fool of yourself!" Then he raised his head and looked at Tang Dao who was about to leave with a big stride, his brows locked! The white-haired general who had been in the army for a long time felt a strong and cold murderous aura.

"Commander, I remember you said that in this battle, I swear to be shoulder to shoulder with my brothers! If you, the commander, can do it, why can't I, a small commander, do it?" Tang Dao turned his head and grinned slightly.

"You and my army must make sure that all the Japanese invaders of the 39th Infantry Brigade will not see the sun tomorrow, otherwise it will not be worthy of the air force brothers who died in the battle!

They can say sorry to their mothers, but we can't say sorry to them!"

Tang Dao's fighting spirit has reached its peak under the stimulation of the pilot's sacrifice!

The exposed white teeth, under the reflection of the setting sun, seem like a hungry tiger that sees its prey.

I will not stop until I tear it into pieces!

On the battlefield, the sound of killing is deafening!

Under the cover of mortars and light and heavy machine guns, the infantry squads and platoons penetrated the Japanese defense line along the gaps opened by the artillery fire.

Commander Tang personally led a guard platoon to attack the hinterland of the Japanese defense line.

Tang Dao violated the military order that he personally signed and issued that commanders should not lightly go to the front line. He would inevitably face military law after the war, but it didn't matter. He had to deliver the freshest sacrifice to the Chinese Air Force heroes before they left - thousands of Japanese heads!

Finding the Chinese pilots who were still alive on the battlefield was also his promise to the Chinese Air Force commander who flew away with grief!

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