Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1176 I can’t scare you to death!

At 4 pm on September 16, Okabe Saburo left Baoding and returned to Pingbei City!

It was not because the battle in eastern Shanxi had completely gone wrong, and he, the frontline commander, no longer needed to stay in Baoding City, but because nearly 30,000 Chinese troops had already arrived at Shimen City, which was only 150 kilometers away from Baoding City and could be reached in just two days.

In the battle in eastern Shanxi, the Japanese North China Front Army had lost a division commander-level lieutenant general and a brigade commander-level major general. If another lieutenant general of the front army chief of staff was lost, it would be like tearing off the only remaining loincloth of the North China Front Army.

Shimen had only 3,500 defenders, of which 2,200 were baggage soldiers, engineers and medical soldiers, and the regular infantry had only one fully-organized infantry battalion.

To be precise, there was also a North China Security Army infantry brigade of 4,500 people, but both China and Japan tacitly ignored this infantry brigade, which was usually only responsible for maintaining public order.

The so-called North China Security Army is the predecessor of the future "Imperial Army". It was an army under the puppet government established in December last year. It was not until the establishment of the Wang Puppet Government two years later that it was fully reorganized and called the Imperial Army.

At this time, the North China Security Army was not as large as it would be two years later. It only had three infantry brigades and two independent regiments.

In order to prevent this group of prisoners and a large number of landlords and businessmen who defected to the army from turning against them, an infantry company was often equipped with only three light machine guns, and a battalion was equipped with three heavy machine guns. It's better not to mention it!

The Chinese army, which had no intention of covering up its whereabouts, only relied on the Japanese pilots who dispatched five reconnaissance planes in one afternoon to visually estimate that it was as high as three infantry divisions!

Not to mention that the two infantry regiments gathered by the North China Front Command would take a few days to arrive at Shimen. Even if they came, what could they do? The 18th Division and part of the 20th Division, which were still in the HD direction, had not yet gotten rid of the two Chinese infantry divisions' entanglement. Even if they returned to Shimen, they would probably not be able to eat shit until they were hot.

The Chinese had already sent a small force to destroy the railway from Shimen to HD, and even if there were trains, no one dared to take the train to the battlefield. Today was different from the past. Don't be sent to the sky by explosives while running.

In addition to these, the Japanese army originally had another part of the troops available, that is, the remnants of the 21st Division that retreated into the mountains and wanted to retreat to Shimen!

As a result, Nagano Kameichiro, who hid in the mountains, refused to turn on the machine, and thousands of people seemed to have disappeared, and did not appear on the North China Plain at all.

Good guy, this is clearly a complete lie. No matter how the outside fights, I will stay in the mountains. When there is no food, I will come out again.

This is indeed the case, but the "turtle" in the name of Major General Nagano Kameichiro is indeed not from Bai Qi. The 21st Division did not show up until the sixth day after the entire Jindong Battle and even the Shimen Battle!

"In the mountains, the field radio station cannot receive and send signals! And the Chinese guides are very bad, causing the army to get lost in the mountains. It took a lot of hard work to find the right way out of the mountains!" Nagano Kameichiro, who walked out of the mountains, faced the questioning of the front army headquarters and gave such a reason that made it difficult to convict him even though people knew he was lying.

In the end, Nagano Kameichiro was removed from all his posts and sent back to his country just because of his poor command before the war.

As for the military court, the Japanese Army Major General stayed in the quiet courtyard of Shanshanyuan for a full hour, and then, there was no more.

If the responsibility for the defeat needs to be borne, then the damn lieutenant general division commander and the general who planned all this are bigger than him. The major general who has completely given up is seeing that he is either going to the military court or being asked to commit caesarean section. If he doesn't tear his face now, he will still have it for the New Year!

Don't think that all Japanese people are stupid. When the superior gives an order, they will cut their stomachs open with a knife!

Either they have no background and don't want to take the blame for their superiors or ask for help, or their brains are really not very good. But Nagano Kameichiro has people behind him. If you don't let me live, then I won't let you feel comfortable. If I can't kill you, I can drag you into the water and disgust you for years.

Compromise, find a point that both sides can accept, is the only thing that Shanshan Yuan, who has lost face, can do.

As for the dead ghosts of the 39th Infantry Brigade, I can only say that the dead are gone!

Despicable? Haha! I can only say that despicable is the pass of despicable people!

Even the largest newspaper in Japan, the Asahi Shimbun, only said that the Chinese army attacked Shimen and caused certain losses, and did not mention the casualties of the Battle of Jindong.

Even though the Chinese side had already been promoting the great victory of the Battle of Jindong, and even displayed the body of Takagi Yoshito who was killed and the general's sword identified by Japanese prisoners of war, the Asahi Shimbun seemed to have heard nothing.

There was no way, the involvement was too big. Shanshan Yuan was the commander of the North China Front Army appointed by His Majesty the Emperor. He went to wipe the ass of the unlucky child, Indoor Shroud. Who knew that his ass-wiping paper turned out to be sandpaper, and he wiped the ass of the empire so hard that the hemorrhoids almost fell off. He was really a good brother to His Majesty the Emperor!

Without further ado, let's talk about Shimen.

The Chinese army was very fast. It took only 6 hours to march more than 40 kilometers and arrived at the city of Shimen. Since the news was learned at noon, everyone knew that Shimen could no longer be defended.

But in despair, Saburo Okabe still wanted to try harder. There were at least 3,500 people there, and there were also tens of thousands of Chinese as shields. Maybe they could hold out for three to five days, and the reinforcements gathered by the front army would arrive.

But when the Japanese reconnaissance plane reported at 2 pm that the number of Chinese troops had exceeded 2 infantry divisions, Saburo Okabe's fantasy was completely shattered. However, it was impossible to order the defenders of Shimen to evacuate at this time.

The vanguard of the Chinese army had already arrived in the suburbs of Shimen. If the defenders wanted to escape, they would die faster if they were dragged in the wilderness.

Only part of them could be evacuated first, leaving the Japanese army in Shimen with less than 2 hours!

The first to be allowed to evacuate were the medical staff and wounded soldiers of the field hospital. A special train parked on the platform was their final means of transport to escape from the battlefield where they were doomed.

The Japanese army showed enough courage at this time, silently watching the medical staff throw the wounded soldiers on stretchers into the sealed carriages, and still trying to maintain the messy platform order, and did not riot because they could not evacuate.

In fact, the scene was very tragic. Don’t look at the fact that this special train finally successfully carried 500 medical staff and nearly 3,000 wounded soldiers away from Shimen, which was about to be conquered.

But you have to know that as the logistics and baggage base of the Jindong front, Shimen accepted all the wounded soldiers of the 21st Division and the 39th Infantry Brigade, with a total of more than 5,000!

But a train can’t carry so many people at all. Even if the stretchers are thrown away, the wounded are squeezed together like cargo. The medical staff even hang outside the train like Ah San, and there are still a large number of wounded soldiers who can’t be put in.

The Japanese must make a choice. Just like the great retreat of the Chinese army in the Songhu battlefield, if they want more people to survive, they can only leave those with a smaller chance of survival.

More than 1,800 seriously wounded soldiers were abandoned on the platform or in the fields around the special train. The abandoned wounded either begged their colleagues to take them away, or cried out injustice with their only remaining strength, and their screams resounded through the wilderness!

And more of them were numb, watching themselves being abandoned, watching the train spewing black smoke and rolling heavy axles, driving away!

This is the fate of the little people. No matter in that era, no matter whether you are strong or weak, once the crisis comes, you will find that your fate has never been in your own hands!

All your efforts are just what you think!

In fact, they have nothing to be unwilling about. It's just that the sadness that the Chinese army has played out has been repeated on them once.

And this is only a few thousand people. A few years later, hundreds of thousands of Kwantung troops were captured and transported to the Siberian ice sheet, and 200,000 people were trapped in the Australian jungle and could not get out. That was a cool word.

The way of heaven really has reincarnation, this is just a small preview!

But this is just the prelude to this tragedy!

"Baga! These cowards, the city hasn't fallen yet, and they are crying like this to disrupt our army's morale!" A Japanese lieutenant standing in the duty room on the side of the platform was stimulated by the deafening crying and shouting, and his face turned pale. "Go and make them shut up!"

"Sir Kawata, what if they don't listen?" A captain asked tremblingly.

Now the highest commander of the entire Shimen is the captain of the infantry battalion of the 40th Infantry Brigade. He can dominate the life and death of the people in the city, at least before the Chinese capture the city.

"Don't listen? Bastard, is the gun in your hand a rolling pin? How did you make the Chinese shut up at that time? How do you make them shut up now!" Kawata Katori looked at the Japanese captain with an extremely ferocious look.

"Do you think we have the manpower or time to take care of them now? Or do you think the Chinese who entered the city will waste food because of them?

Give them guns, warriors of the empire, even if they die, they should not die cowardly! If you lose the strength to pull the trigger, then help them"

Just 10 minutes after the train evacuating the wounded left, gunshots were heard on the platform!

Soon, everything fell silent, as silent as death!

The corpses of wounded soldiers were scattered all over the ground, which shocked the Chinese army that entered Shimen. Tan Tai Mingyue disclosed this incident in the newspaper of the Second War Zone and condemned the brutal nature of the Japanese invaders.

But the Japanese North China Front Army refused to admit it, even though the wounded were basically killed by Japanese bullets, they all bit back, thinking that the Chinese army killed them.

On the Chinese side, Kobayashi Koichi, who had become a second lieutenant of the Allied Forces, stood up to testify that before the Chinese army entered the city, the wounded who had no time to evacuate had died, and their bodies were stiff with corpse spots.

The two sides argued back and forth for several months, until the Japanese infantry who survived the Shimen Battle after the war revealed the truth.

The whole of Japan was silent!

Just as the soldier said, in fact, from that moment on, he knew that this so-called imperial war was going to be lost.

Because he knew that in the eyes of his superiors, all his value was only when he was fighting with his opponents. Once he lost the strength to hold a gun, he would be regarded as a grass and abandoned like a worn-out shoe!

In that poor family on the island, even if he didn't catch a single fish when he went out to sea, his wife would wipe the sweat off his forehead and get him dry clothes. His value was not only because he was useful, but also because of love!

But what is the underlying logic of the war launched by the empire? This fisherman, who had never been to school, began to think about all this at that moment, and it also made him want to escape from this battlefield and return to the main island alive.

So, when the battle began, the Japanese infantryman who had already started thinking quietly left the battlefield and became one of the few survivors in this battle.

But this train, the only one that could escape, stimulated not only the Japanese soldiers at the bottom, but also another group of people.

In a small courtyard in Shimen City!

A man with a face full of flesh was standing at the window and staring at the sky in front of him in a daze.

"Brigade commander, the brothers at the station just ran over to report that the Japanese ran away. What should we do?" A man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks wearing a lieutenant colonel uniform behind him asked.

"What should we do? Cold!" The man turned his head, his eyes full of ferocity.

"Damn, the Japanese are not good people. They sent a telegram at three o'clock to tell me to defend Shimen to the death. Reinforcements will arrive in two days, and they will start to evacuate the field hospital and wounded soldiers at four o'clock. Isn't this to make us scapegoats?"

"Then, shall we?" The pointed-faced monkey-cheeked man swallowed hard.

"Your mother! What? The Japanese paid you half a year's lieutenant colonel salary, and you really treat them as your father!" The man looked at the fool under his command with a face full of anger.

"How can it be! Brigade commander, you mean we should run too!" The pointed-faced monkey-cheeked man immediately reacted and said hurriedly.

"Run your sister! You'd better think about it before you speak!"

The military rank of the security army was copied directly from Manchuria. Lieutenant colonel was already a very high rank in an infantry brigade. As a result, with this brain, Liu Zhuangfei, a bandit leader who was born a butcher and later joined the Japanese with 500 brothers, wanted to take out a gun to kill this guy.

I don't know why I fell in love with this idiot and made him my personal adjutant.

"We can't fight and can't run, what should we do!" The man with the pointed face and monkey cheeks began to circle his eyes, looking like he was about to be played by his brigade commander.

"You bastard, if the other side attacks, do you think this territory will become theirs? It's not that we just rob and leave, this territory will belong to the Japanese sooner or later.

If the Japanese knew that we deserted, they would kill our whole family! Your little wife hiding in the alley of Pingbei City will also be taken advantage of by others." Liu Zhuangfei saw that his adjutant was a little confused, so he could only patiently explain.

"But if we stay here, we will only die! Brigade commander, you know, it's okay for the guys on the other side to catch the Japanese, and they even exchanged prisoners last time, but if they catch us, we are basically dead!" The man with the pointed face and monkey cheeks obviously didn't have much feelings for his family, but he still valued himself.

In the past six months since the fall of North China, it is not all the Japanese and the security forces that have dominated the country. There are countless anti-Japanese forces active in the countryside and the countryside.

Not to mention that the Japanese infantry cannot be left alone outside the city, even in the city, there are assassinations from time to time.

And the most dangerous ones are not the Japanese, but those who surrendered to the Japanese and were called second devils. Those who appeared under the name of "anti-traitor team" will stare at them at the cost of time and life. If it doesn't work once, they will come twice, three times or even more. Liu Zhuangfei, a major general brigadier, was assassinated twice in a restaurant and a theater even though he had no less than 15 security personnel around him!

It is so dangerous in the heavily guarded territory of the Japanese, let alone falling into the hands of Chinese soldiers. Maybe there is no need to say any judgment, and they will collapse when they raise their hands.

The higher the official, the faster he will die! If the photos are not well taken, they can still be on the news, but they are just photos after death!

"Feiteliang, do you need to tell me? I don't know! If I'm caught by the enemy, I don't know if I'll be burned to death, but your kid will definitely be beheaded." Liu Zhuangfei, who was born as a bandit leader, also had fear in his eyes.

The pointed-faced man couldn't help but squeeze his legs together, otherwise, he was afraid that he would be scared to death.

"Go and call the commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Regiment to me. He usually has some contact with the people over there. Ask him if he has any ideas!" Liu Zhuangfei is a man who has seen the world. After a while, he finally calmed down.

Husband and wife are birds of the same forest, but they fly away when disaster strikes! Not to mention that the security army and the Japanese are not, even if they are, they are the kind of people who have different dreams and different beds!

At this time, being alive is more important than anything else.

Five o'clock in the afternoon! The shadow of the Shimen city wall has appeared in Tang Dao's telescope.

The headquarters of the Four-Line Regiment had arrived at an area less than 1,500 meters away from the east gate of Shimen as early as four o'clock in the afternoon!

Seventy percent of the two infantry battalions and the main force of the artillery battalion of the Sihang Regiment, plus the other seven infantry regiments, have arrived at the designated battlefield. Tang Dao, who is the deputy director of the Jindong front-line staff, only needs to suggest to the commander Zhao, who is the commander-in-chief of the Shimen front, that he can officially launch an attack on Shimen!

The nearly 40,000 infantrymen who are at the gate of the city did not dig trenches, but repaired on the spot, waiting for an order to start the full-scale assault.

The general situation of the garrison troops in Shimen was reported by the intelligence personnel in the city two days ago.

More than 20,000 people, not to mention charging with guns under the cover of artillery fire, even if they spit one by one, they can drown the less than 3,000 Japanese defenders.

Shimen has been surrounded on three sides, leaving only one side for sheep attack!

Besiege three and kill one, a classic way to attack a city!

Even if the opponent knows the danger, he will flee to this side driven by the mentality of luck.

No one can overcome human nature!

But Tang Dao was uncharacteristically decisive, not decisive to cut the Gordian knot, but signaled to wait.

He was waiting for the intelligence officer in the city to send out the information about the Japanese army's mobilization in the city. He wanted to know whether the Japanese army was in chaos and the situation of the Chinese residential area in Shimen.

Nearly 30,000 troops marched in broad daylight under the noses of Japanese reconnaissance planes. Do you think this is just to run fast?

This is equivalent to sending a signal to the flock of sheep, I am the tiger, you either run or wait to be eaten!

In this battle of eastern Shanxi, the Chinese army has suffered heavy losses, and Tang Dao does not want to increase the losses again because of this city.

What the elders above want is just a symbol of regaining lost territory!

What Tang Dao wants is just the massive supplies in the city!


Before the war starts, I will scare you to death!

As Ye Chenghuan ran over and whispered in his ear, a smile appeared on Tang Dao's face!

Look, someone must have been scared!

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