Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1177: Full of fighting spirit!

In the early stages of the Shandong War, the Japanese army had already imposed a curfew on the entire Shimen. Strict control was implemented at the four city gates, and all residents entering and exiting the city gates were strictly inspected.

It's just that this is the territory of the Chinese after all. Even if the Japanese guard it tightly, it is inevitable that the secret will be lost. The Chinese still have their own channels to leave the city.

But it was sneaky after all. It had never been like this afternoon. The Japanese, who had closed the city gates and entered the defensive positions with all their troops, never imagined that someone would openly enter the Chinese positions from the east of the city.

"What does your brigade commander need?" Tang Dao looked at the 75-meter-tall northern man in front of him and said straight to the point.

"Alive! And you need to take at least one regiment of people away!" The big man made the condition without changing his expression.

"Your brigade commander has a big appetite. Not only do you want to survive, but you also want to escape with so many Japanese soldiers. Do you think it's possible?" Lei Xiong on the side couldn't help but sneered.

"The conditions are not high, but I want to know what you can do for us!" Tang Dao waved his hand and said without being angry at all.

"This" the big man was slightly startled.

The Chinese have always been very particular about paying a high price and paying the price on the spot. He just said casually that he would lead a regiment away. In fact, the bottom line given to him by his major general brigade commander was one battalion, which was the infantry battalion he led.

Although five or six hundred people in a battalion are not many, they are the foundation for him to settle down in the North China Security Army. If even these few people are gone, even if he returns to Pingbeicheng, who can kill a worthless dog? Take it seriously?

But to this person's surprise, the famous but young Tang Tuanzuo in front of him didn't seem to have any intention of pulling on this.

The big man knows that this shows that what the 2nd Brigade of the Public Security Army can do for this Chinese army is what people are most concerned about. If this is not satisfactory, I am afraid they will not be as easy to deal with now.

"Our brigade commander said that as long as we are not allowed to fire on the Japanese, everything else can be discussed!" The big man considered it carefully and answered cautiously.

"Okay! This is a list of requirements I just drafted. If you think it's OK, take it back to your brigade commander to see. If it's OK, just sign it and stamp it with your fingerprint. My orderlies will supervise on site. Your conditions, I agree to them all.

By the way, let me tell you Brigadier Liu, I will give him one hour to think about it. After one hour, our four-line regiment will join two friendly infantry regiments to attack the west gate with all their strength! "Tang Dao stretched out his hand, took out a piece of paper from Xia Dayu and handed it over.

The big man didn't even read the content on the paper, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Let's not talk about what Tang Dao asked the Second Brigade of the Security Army to do. Just signing and pressing fingerprints was very sinister. This was simply to hold the brigade commander's handle in his hands. Even if he escaped from the disaster today, he would not be able to do anything. It is no longer possible to escape from the palm of Tang Dao.

When did Tang Dao become dissatisfied? As long as he signed this signature, the Japanese would chop up the brigade commander who was a bandit leader without any need for the "anti-corruption team"?

Tang Dao didn't give the sweaty big man time to speak, and directly waved to see the guest off.

"Hey, Commander Liu, let's go!" The little bald man, who had put on a yellow military uniform of the puppet army, smiled and persuaded the big man who was full of worries and almost bumped into a tree while walking. "Whether you accept it or not is your brigade commander's business. Why are you worrying so much here?"

"Aren't you a little guy worried that our brigade commander will kill you if you don't accept the conditions?" The big man, who was comforted by the little bald head, was a little dumbfounded and deliberately made a serious face to scare the young orderly.

"I'm afraid your brigade commander knows very well who our regimental commander is. Killing me? He might have dared to do so if the Japanese troops were pressing down on the border, but now that we are heavily surrounded by our army, I wouldn't dare to lend him ten more courage. ." The little bald man replied with a bright smile.

"Besides! Our team leader said that if it were someone else, he wouldn't send anyone there at all, but you, Battalion Commander Liu! You are good enough for this."

"Why is this?" The big man's face was blank, but his heart felt warm.

He didn't expect that the young army colonel who had always been polite to him would think so highly of him just because of the little things he did in his daily life.

Liu Fengchi was considered an outlier among the security forces. He secretly gave some care to the families of the anti-Japanese elements imprisoned in the cells, but that was actually just a superficial phenomenon.

And even if his brigade commander had heard about it, he pretended not to know. The two of them had a tacit understanding, and Quan was supposed to be a way out for him. Hasn't it come in handy today?

If Liu Fengchi hadn't contacted the underground members of the anti-Japanese organization in the city, it would have been impossible to directly approach Si Xing Tuan and Tang Dao.

But no one knew that Liu Fengchi's involvement with the anti-Japanese underground organizations was actually much deeper than it appeared. Many medicines, grains, and ammunition were transported from the garrisoned city of Baoding to the anti-Japanese base areas through his channels.

Even many secret anti-Japanese meetings in Baoding City were held in the trading firm he ran.

Except for Liu Fengchi, very few people knew about this, but Tang Dao knew it.

Because even Liu Fengchi himself didn’t know that in the future, he would not only be a small battalion commander, but even the commander of the First Group Army of the Imperial Association Army, and the acting police chief of the Internal Affairs Department of Wang Puppet’s North China Political Affairs Commission, and later even Pingbeicheng They all made certain contributions to peaceful liberation.

Until their defeat, the Japanese did not know how many firearms and bullets the general they had trained under their command had sent to Tuba over the past few years.

Regardless of whether he is lurking or leaving a way out for himself, at least he has not forgotten that he is Chinese. Tang Dao believes that he will make the right decision.

Of course, Tang Dao believes that a guy who wants to live will not actively seek death!

It seemed to Liu Fengchi that it was difficult to catch him, but Tang Dao understood human nature very well. The puppet soldiers were Japanese soldiers, but they were also human beings. They worked under the hands of the Japanese, weren't they controlled by the Japanese?

Now, there is just one more person. One louse bites, and two louse bites. Won’t you get used to it over time?

Sure enough, when he received the list handed over by his subordinates, Liu Zhuangfei became furious and roared, "It's too much to bully others. I would rather fight to the death!" ’, he directly pulled out his pistol and pointed it at Xia Dayu, who looked calm, and even turned on the safety, looking like I was not a fool.

Liu Fengchi and the lieutenant colonel's adjutant were so frightened that they almost fought the brigade commander away. The brigade commander didn't want to be cut into pieces during the meeting, but they didn't want to.

Tang Dao has never been merciless in killing Japanese. The Japanese who died under his hands in the past year can be piled up into a small mountain. I heard that a "Jingguan" was built somewhere. It's hard to kill these Japanese devils. Just like playing.

"Brigadier, take a break from Thunder's Wrath. We have nothing to discuss. It's not worthwhile for you to take out your anger on a low-ranking soldier!" Looking at the black hole of the gun pointed at the soldier, the lieutenant colonel's adjutant's little face looked pale. The gun was pointed at himself.

"Brigadier Liu, the commander of our regiment said that in one hour, our regiment will attack the west gate with all its strength! Now, 30 minutes have passed. If the time required for my return is deducted, it is actually only 5 minutes!" The young man calmly pointed to the old-fashioned clock on the table.

"I'm not bluffing." Liu Zhuangfei stiffened slightly and growled with a fierce expression.

Of course he knew that killing a young soldier who was no more than a teenager would not even be able to injure a single hair on the Four Lines Regiment. Instead, it would bring about a fatal disaster for himself. Moreover, with the murderous nature of the army colonel who killed Japanese people like hemp, Maybe everyone in the family, young and old, will be retaliated against.

But the key is that he doesn't want to be a puppet who is always on tenterhooks! He knew very well that once he signed this, from now on, as long as Tang Daodan wanted something, he would have to accept it honestly, otherwise the whole family would have no chance of survival.

He knew only too well the ferocity of the Japanese.

"Our group asked me to tell Brigadier Liu something. They say that dying early and dying late are both deaths. But people are facing death from the moment they are born. So why does no one choose to die immediately? There is still a difference between dying early and dying late. There is a big difference, even if it is one day or one month?

As long as Brigadier Liu does not do anything harmful to nature, the regimental commander guarantees that you will live well. Besides, Brigadier Liu, you know very well that you, the North China Security Army, are not of the same mind as the Japanese. One more for you! "Xia Dayu imitated the tone of his regimental commander and relayed what Tang Dao said before leaving.

"Yes! Brigadier, we have to wait until we escape this catastrophe, and Commander Tang has allowed us to leave with a group of people. You still have the strength to make a comeback, don't you?" Liu Fengchi also hurriedly advised.

Like the straw that broke the camel's back, Liu Zhuangfei slowly sat down on the chair, carefully picked up the list and looked at it. Two minutes later, in front of Xia Dayu, he signed his name and pressed his fingerprints!

Then, after watching Liu Fengchi personally escort Xia Dayu away, he looked at the defensive position beside the city wall with a fierce light in his eyes.

"Order the first and second battalions of the second regiment to assemble!"

Now that you have decided to do it, there is no need to worry anymore!

The Japanese didn't believe him. At this moment of severe shortage of troops, they still only allowed one infantry brigade to defend one city wall, and even had two infantry squads to supervise the formation. So don't blame him for being ruthless. Let these two infantry squads go first. Fa opened his mouth to speak.

As for the other Japanese troops, Tang Dao had promised him that he would never let a single Japanese soldier leave the city alive. Even if a few slipped through the net occasionally, there was no way to know what happened at his west gate.

Because, the list clearly states that the focus of this attack is on the east gate, which is the Japanese garrison area.

All he had to do was bring a small group of Chinese people into the city.

As for what they were going to do, that was not what he wanted to know. Anyway, it was definitely not a good thing for the Japanese.

From four o'clock in the afternoon to eight o'clock in the evening, until night fell, the main Chinese forces in front of Shimen City had all arrived!

The Japanese army at the top of the city had no way of knowing how many Chinese people were coming, but the Chinese themselves knew that seven infantry regiments dispatched by four infantry divisions and their artillery and heavy equipment had all arrived in the previously designated combat area.

With the addition of the main force of the Four Elements Regiment, the city of Shimen has been tightly surrounded by nearly 30,000 troops.

There are only more than 2,000 Japanese troops and a puppet infantry brigade remaining in the city, with a total strength of only more than 6,000. More importantly, the Japanese troops defending the city have no mountain artillery and howitzers, only a few infantry cannons. If they attack with all their strength, it will not take two days at all.

Logically speaking, soldiers must be quick. Now that the main force has been assembled, they should attack the city overnight without giving the Japanese army any chance to breathe. If the Japanese North China Front is allowed to slow down and call in reinforcements, this big piece of fat will be in the mouth. The meat flew away, and the Chinese soldiers who spent a day and night marching more than a hundred miles simply could not forgive themselves.

Moreover, the most common reason for the heads of various regiments to motivate their soldiers to march urgently is: there is a mountain of baggage in Shimen City, we can take as much as we can, 80% goes to the regiment, and 20% goes to ourselves.

This generous reward mechanism can make a group of big-headed soldiers who are used to poverty and hardship scream excitedly. Even if they carry two guns and run away, one gun is worth 50 yuan and two guns are worth 100 yuan. The regiment headquarters takes the majority of the profit. 80, you still have 20 left, don’t you?

What if you carry five guns?

The big-headed soldiers who were marching on the mountain road were filled with the smell of 'money' at that time. Thousands of Japanese and Japanese soldiers, after they had fought against tens of thousands of Japanese troops and successfully blocked them, they even turned against them. After killing 20,000 people, they are just chickens and dogs.

Despite the day and night of hard work, after the news came that the Si Xing Regiment and the 17th Division had completely wiped out the 39th Infantry Brigade, the morale of the four Chinese infantry regiments that came from further away was even higher than that of the Si Xing Regiment and the 17th Infantry Division. The teacher will be a little higher.

The desire to fight can be imagined to be strong!

Especially Comrade Wang Xiaoqiang, since arriving on the battlefield, he sent six war invitation telegrams to Commander Zhao within three hours, averaging one telegram every half an hour, and sent three telegrams to Deputy Director Tang in the middle.

I'm afraid this person, apart from observing the battlefield, will stay in front of the field radio station.

Even Commander Zhao at the South Gate couldn't resist the fierce desire of the leaders of each regiment to fight, and sent a telegram to Tang Dao, saying that morale was so high and the fighter planes were mature enough to start attacking the city.

However, Deputy Director Tang, who was the deputy director of the Jindong frontline staff and was designated by Commander Liu as the executor of the staff's combat plan, blocked it all.

The 30,000-strong fighting force, under the suppression of Tang Dao, actually maintained repairs in front of the city for a full 3 hours without firing a single shot!

The city, which was controlled by lights, was dark and silent, like a deserted city, even outside the city.







"My Director Tang! This fighter opportunity is fleeting! Waiting until the battle starts tomorrow during the day will waste another 10 hours. If we can't attack in two days, the little devil's reinforcements may arrive soon. Don't worry about the mutton by then. I didn't even get a bite, and I got all excited!" Wang Xiaoqiang, who rushed to the headquarters of the Sixings Group in person, didn't exchange much greetings, but he persuaded Tang Dao with sincere words.

"Okay! If you, Commander Wang, want to fight, then go ahead!" Tang Dao handed Wang Xiaoqiang, who rushed over in a hurry and tried to calmly persuade him, a cigarette and said with a smile.

"Ah?" Wang Xiaoqiang opened his mouth, completely confused.

It is too easy to persuade people, which makes people feel unfulfilled.

"What? Commander Wang Da is timid? It's easy to say. Commander Zhu of the 102nd Regiment of the 17th Division has been asking to be the main attacker for a long time. Let him be the main attacker, and you and the 772nd Regiment can provide support." Tang Dao smiled and took out the ZIPO to Dai. Wang Xiaoqiang was stunned and got angry.

This is a batch of benefits Tang Dao got from the little foreign girl Laura for his soldiers. As long as they are filled with special kerosene, they are windproof and waterproof, much better than matches.

Senior non-commissioned officers and lieutenants have one person per person. After a while, when the American cargo ship arrives, the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Line Regiment can basically have one person per person.

"Te Liang, whoever dares to compete with me, Lao Wang, for the main attack, must first weigh whether he is qualified or not. Just a few kilograms and a few taels of Zhu's belly from the 17th Division. Doesn't he have a point in mind? Fighting depends on who has a bigger belly. , can you win?" Wang Xiaoqiang jumped three feet high.

Moreover, while jumping around, I didn’t forget to take the beautifully crafted ZIPO in Tang Dao’s hand. This iron lump can actually produce fire. It’s quite interesting. I’ll lend it to my brother for study, so that our brigade’s arsenal can also Make a batch of copies for everyone to use.

Tang Dao rolled his eyes, your small workshop, how dare you call it a military factory? And since the Sixing Regiment Arsenal started producing weapons, didn’t you, Brigadier Cheng, quietly rename the arsenal as an ordnance maintenance facility?

"As long as your regiment's artillery battalion allocates half of its firepower to assist me and Lao Zhu's 102nd regiment assists, I guarantee that we will enter the city within three hours." Wang Xiaoqiang put the lighter directly into his pocket and said seriously .

"Okay, Commander Wang, I've been waiting for your words." Tang Dao's face also became solemn.

"Information now shows that the four gates of Shimen, the east, west and south gates are each defended by about 400 Japanese infantry, baggage troops and engineers. You will personally lead the 772nd Regiment as the main attack, and the 102nd Regiment will assist you in attacking the south gate.

Our artillery battalion of the Fourth Army Regiment will have four Bofors Mountain Cannons, four 150-meter mortars, six Japanese-style 92 infantry guns, and four 20mm machine gun groups to provide you with fire support!

After entering the city, you and the 102nd Regiment need to send two infantry battalions to quickly outflank the west gate to prevent the Japanese from escaping. Use the two infantry battalions to rush into the baggage warehouse area with all their strength. In addition, have the 102nd Regiment send at least one battalion to ambush in the north. Establish a blocking position five miles outside the gate city to prevent the Japanese from escaping alone.

Our regiment will attack the west gate. After the city is broken, we will attack in the direction of the Japanese military headquarters in the city. We will mainly protect residential areas to prevent the Japanese army from jumping over the wall and using civilians as shields.

When the time comes, you and I will compete to see whether your 772 regiment will capture the Japanese army's baggage warehouse first, or our four-line regiment will cut off the Japanese commander's head first.

At 8:45, the general attack begins! "

"Haha, okay, that's it, whoever loses will buy a drink." Wang Xiaoqiang laughed, turned around, mounted his horse and left.

"Captain, why are you running in such a hurry?" Wang Xiaoqiang's guard asked in a low voice.

"Nonsense, if you don't run faster, what will happen if the lighter is taken back? It's not like your child doesn't know that lighting a fire in the regimental cooking class is a big problem on rainy days!" Wang Xiaoqiang replied carelessly.

But the look in his eyes towards the dark city was full of fighting spirit.

Drinking is not important, what is important is that the 772nd Regiment must win this round! The heavy firepower lent to him by the Four-line Regiment plus the 4 mountain guns and 4 infantry guns brought by the 772nd Regiment are enough to blow up the wall that stands in front of the army.

In the past, the 683rd Brigade was the No. 1 in the Taihang Mountain War Zone. Later, when the Four-line Regiment came, it occupied this position. As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. As the main commander of the 683rd Brigade, Wang Xiaoqiang has always wanted to prove on the battlefield that the 683rd Brigade is still that strong army.

It is said that the Four-line Regiment is strong in combat power, all supported by artillery, but this time, he, Wang Xiaoqiang, has heavy firepower that the entire 80th Army has never had before, with nearly 30 large and small artillery pieces. If he can't win again, there is really nothing to say.

If Wang Xiaoqiang, who was full of fighting spirit, walked a little slower, he might know that Tang had successfully fooled him again with a lighter.

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