Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1244: Life needs some spice

Tang Dao, who was standing opposite the Japanese Army Major General, seemed to be the number one in the brothel, and he could see that this 'uncle' was moved.

The voice has an irresistible temptation: "Your Majesty General, please believe that I am just a businessman. As long as I make money, I don't care who my transaction partner is.

If you agree to trade with me, I can get what I want from the commander's department opposite.

And you can not only reduce the casualties of your subordinates, but also give them a more prosperous future. When you retire and return to your hometown, you will be greeted by flowers all over the city, and their mothers will love you to death.

The war will end sooner or later, and living a peaceful and prosperous life is the future we ordinary people should have. "

Please be kind to your grandma's legs. Big Bear Konosuke wanted to use a Chinese sentence to reply to this shameless person who had never appeared in his life.

Now it is a national war between the two countries. China and Japan have invested millions of troops. The battlefield is full of blood and flesh. The total casualties on both sides have exceeded 2 million, which is very rare even in human history.

Treating war as a shopping mall to make a fortune, even for a person like him who is not particularly keen on war and just wants to become a business tycoon, just thinking about it feels like he has exceeded the moral bottom line, but in the end, it seems to be a matter of course when he comes here.

But what to say? Being harmonious, getting rich and enjoying life is really his dream life!

But how should he explain to the division commander, how to explain to his subordinates who had died in the battle.

Seeing that Da Xiong Yunosuke was still hesitating, Tang Dao smiled lightly and took a strong medicine: "Perhaps the general is still weighing military exploits and wealth, then I can reveal a small military secret to you, general. Sizhou Mountain opposite you The enemy is not an infantry brigade, but an entire infantry division. Not only do they possess more than 80 heavy machine guns and 40 82 mortars, they even have a large-caliber mortar. The shells alone weigh 50 kilograms. Although the range is relatively short, it is still possible to shoot three to five hundred meters.”

"What? Mortar?" A familiar iron knot flashed in Daxiong Yunsuke's mind.

It was a useless thing that the imperial military industry had invented more than ten years ago. It was a Type 98 320mm mortar with a caliber of 320mm. The whole gun weighed 2 tons and the projectile weighed up to 300 kilograms.

It sounds bluffing, right? But the range is only 1100 meters, and the accuracy is because it can only be fired at a 45-degree angle. It basically just shoots out. As for where to shoot, that is not determined by this gun.

The main function of this type of artillery is to smash open the opponent's solidly defended fortress. Range, accuracy, and maneuverability are not within the scope of its consideration. It only requires one ability--powerful enough. To put it bluntly, it is a dedicated building demolisher. Artifact.

Are there any solid fortresses on the Chinese battlefield where this useless artillery can show off its skills? The infantry divisions deployed on the battlefield are even less willing to equip such heavy and single-function artillery, so this thing has basically not appeared on the Chinese battlefield since the war began. Pass.

It doesn't matter if you don't have it yourself, but if the enemy has it, then

Especially when he thought of the 50-kilogram missile, Major General Okuma Konosuke already had a scene in his mind of a shell falling, and the officers and soldiers of his 4th Division flying around like flying trapeze artists.

He shuddered involuntarily, but there was a look of disbelief on his face: "This is impossible. With China's industrial strength, how can it be possible to build such a heavy artillery?"

"Your Majesty General, China's current industry is not as good as Japan's, but don't forget that the forging technology of the command sword you are holding was learned from China's Tang Dynasty more than a thousand years ago.

The people of this land where you and I stand have created the pinnacle civilization on this planet in the course of time! "Tang Dao's mouth curved with a hint of disdain.

"I don't know if you believe it, General, but even without steel, we can throw a cannonball 300 meters away with wood and stones!"

"Okay! Mr. Shen, you are a very good businessman. I feel like you are about to convince me." Daxiong Yunsuke stood blankly for a while, with a trace of bitterness finally showing on his face.

He has lost this game between businessmen.

Because his bottom line has been seen through by the other party.

Yes, although the Chinese businessman did not make it clear, he actually told him clearly that he knew he no longer wanted to fight.

Because the defeat on the battlefield the day before yesterday had already hurt him very much. He was so hurt that he did not think about going to the Chinese people who beat him to settle the score. Instead, he thought about how to deal with the military order from his superiors.

And now, when Chinese youths come up with military secrets such as large-caliber mortars, it is the straw that breaks the camel's back.

His soldiers must not be slaughtered by the Chinese like pigs and sheep. In this case, accepting the deal from the Chinese youth is the best policy.

Without enough money, how can we get the division commander to stand firmly in front of him and shield him from the torrent of criticism after the war? Is it just based on the friendship between fellow villagers?

As a businessman, the Japanese Army Major General knows all too well that everything has a price, including the decision he made today.

The Chinese young man in front of him is undoubtedly a very scary person. The high explosives he carries with him are enough to prove that he is not afraid of death. A person who is not even afraid of death has a pair of eyes that can see people's hearts clearly. This kind of person no matter in a shopping mall or The battlefield is the most terrifying enemy.

If you don't want to encounter such an enemy, it's best to become friends with him.

At the moment when Okuma Konosuke had this thought, he was actually a little relieved that this Chinese was not a Chinese soldier.

If the Japanese Army Major General knew that the young man in front of him who made him deeply afraid was the leader of the Four Lines Group, which was famous in North China, he would not know whether he would make a new choice.

"Haha, General, you are wrong. It's not that you are convinced by me, but that you and I both need this deal.

Or, this is an inevitable choice of history! If you still think I am exaggerating now, you will not regret it when you look back in a few years." Seeing that the transaction was about to succeed, Tang Dao was not too complacent, but said it very seriously and sincerely.

After all, even if the man in front of him loved money, he was wearing a military uniform, and he couldn't let go of his loyalty to his emperor.

In the next period of time, Tang Dao had to use the naked value of money to tell him that in front of money, what was the middle-aged man sitting in a high position who was obviously a little kidney deficient?

From late at night to dawn and then to the early morning, the two talked in the headquarters for an unknown period of time. During this period, Major General Okuma Konosuke, who had been completely passive, burst into several angry roars, almost making the guards outside think that their detachment commander was raped by the Chinese young man.

In fact, in addition to shock and anger, the roar of the detachment commander was even filled with a bit of pain.

It must be painful! The Chinese youth was too cruel, and his asking price made Major General Okuma Konosuke want to chop the shameless guy with a knife several times.

But the final result was that his bottom line was lowered little by little, and finally, there was no bottom line.

There was no way, the conditions offered by the Chinese were too generous, so generous that he could hardly refuse.

Traitors are nothing, I have become the top Japanese traitor! Although I didn't want to admit it, when the Japanese Army Major General chose to accept the attack team sent by the opposite side to blow up 12 75 mountain guns of his mountain artillery battalion, Okuma Konosuke knew that he didn't even have the pants to cover his shame.

The final result of the negotiation between the two was unknown to the other confidants of Okuma Yukisuke who knew about it. It was not until the day when the Chinese medicine was used that the fever of several wounded soldiers subsided quickly, and the infected wounds did not deteriorate and showed signs of improvement. The Chinese man left quietly at night.

Okuma Yukisuke did not send Tang Dao, and the major general who was dragged by Tang Tuanzuo to show off his tea art for most of the day really wanted to chop him.

If he went to see him off again and heard him say something like "Trouble the general to send me off, Shen is very grateful", the major general said that he would probably not be able to help but draw his sword again, although he was sure that he would never be willing to chop the boy who sent money.

Yes, in order to protect the rights and interests of both parties, neither party would sign a paper contract, but the 200 bottles of penicillin as a deposit were found at the place designated by Shen Laoliu in the early morning, which laid the foundation for mutual trust between the two parties.

In return, and also to deal with the tireless urging of the old-fashioned old man Masao Nakamura, at noon, a Chinese force of about 200 people who went around to the rear actually attacked an artillery squadron.

Coincidentally, the infantry squadron responsible for guarding the artillery squadron was transferred away at this time because of the rotation of defense. The Chinese came to kill in less than 10 minutes of the rotation gap.

Fortunately, all the people in the artillery squadron were eating lunch in a small forest on the side. When they saw the Chinese rushing over with murderous intent, the captain of the artillery squadron gave an order and all the members evacuated.

So in the end, only 4 mountain guns were blown up by the Chinese with grenades, but there were no casualties.

The mountain guns were all in a repairable state, and the loss was not great, but the defensive weaknesses exposed in the rear made the 4th Division's Western Assault Detachment Major General Okuma Yukinosuke furious, and he directly stopped the front-line attack and reorganized the rear defense of his position.

Because the infantry regiment commander and the infantry battalion commander were attacked during the change of defense, they were summoned to the brigade headquarters and reprimanded by Okuma Konosuke.

This kind of "deposit" made both parties satisfied, and Mr. Okuma Konosuke finally got the promise of Tang Dao.

One month later, at a certain business house in Pingbei City where Okuma Konosuke provided the address, Major General Okuma Konosuke will receive the first batch of 1,000 bottles of "penicillin". By April, the supply of "penicillin" can reach 3,500 bottles.

If the cooperation between the two parties is still pleasant, by August, the fixed supply can be 2,000 bottles per month.

However, this requires Major General Okuma Konosuke to "occasionally" provide the strategic direction and tactical concept of the Fifth Division. In addition, if there are any prohibited goods to help transport, Okuma Konosuke needs to help.

Yes, it seems that there is some grudge with the Fifth Division, and the Chinese youth only need information about the Fifth Division.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with the interests of the 4th Division. Besides, Okuma Konosuke doesn't like Itagaki Shiro. He came to the North China battlefield a year earlier and had some military achievements, but he really thinks he is a big shot. Not only does he put pressure on the commander of a small corps and the commander of the front army, but he also plays the trick of "appointing the virtuous without avoiding relatives".

If the new major general Nakamura Masao didn't have the support of Itagaki Shiro, how could he become the highest commander here?

Bah! Okuma Konosuke can't stand this kind of bastard who does dirty things seriously. Selling some information about them is absolutely no psychological burden, not to mention that there is a huge amount of money to be made?

As for using military vehicles to transport weapons, ammunition, medicines, and food, that is even a trivial matter. No one can check it. Even if someone dares to check it, what can't his 4th Division transport supplies to the front line? Why, those things clearly say "This is Chinese"?

Without any capital, a little effort, you can receive new drugs worth thousands of gold. Is there any more cost-effective business than this?

As long as this batch of "penicillin" can be transported back to the country, the speed of making money will be much faster than robbing poor Chinese people.

Even Okuma Konosuke has already thought about it. He will not take this wealth alone. He also believes that when the division commander receives the monthly "subsidy" of 200,000 yen, he will help him open up a transportation line to transport the "local specialties" collected from China back to the mainland safely.

The higher the official position, the more places you need money, and you will never complain about having too much money.

Okuma Konosuke was not even afraid of being exposed. Anyone who had received money from him would become a grasshopper on the same rope with him. These people would try every means to help him cover up the truth, even if that truth was extremely ugly in the eyes of many people in the empire.

But the so-called ugliness, compared to the dirty things done by those dignitaries at the top of the empire, is probably clearer than the gurgling stream in the mountain stream!

Major General Okuma Konosuke was already over 40 years old. He was no longer the young man who shouted the slogan of "The Empire's Military Fortune Prosperous" and rushed to the battlefield to kill the enemy with his blood.

Not only did the hot-blooded die quickly, but they were also poor! Major Shiba Momotaro was a living example.

As for Tang Dao, who finally left the Japanese position and joined Mingxin and others who had waited for him in the mountains for a day, he was also very satisfied watching the Japanese army digging trenches and desperately reinforcing fortifications in the distance.

At least, the threat of nearly 10,000 people in the 4th Division was lifted.

Otherwise, if this old-brand A-type division really exerts its strength, he can't stop it with more than 4,000 new soldiers and more than a thousand baggage soldiers.

The large-caliber mortar Tang Dao did not completely fool Okuma Yukinosuke. It was the inspiration found by Xiao He's military research team from the 'Flying Thunder Cannon'.

The 'Flying Thunder Cannon' uses gasoline barrels. Because the iron sheet is too thin, it has to be abandoned after two or three shots, otherwise it is easy to explode.

If a substitute is found that can be used for a long time and is not as bulky as the traditional large-caliber mortars in Japan and the West, it will be a good defensive and offensive weapon.

Thanks to the steelmaking furnace that was transported back, although the gun steel that can be used for the barrel of a 100mm caliber artillery has not yet been produced, it is still no problem to produce steel with the strength of the barrel like a mortar.

So, a rough mortar that can be fired from a 'shell-shaped explosive pack' wrapped in iron sheet weighing nearly 35 kilograms was born.

The accuracy error is about 50 meters, the range is 400 meters, the gun weighs 280 kilograms, can be disassembled into 4 parts, and can be carried by 4 pack horses.

An artillery squad consisting of 30 pack horses, five artillery carts, and 20 people can operate a mortar and have a firepower output of 30 shells.

Due to the range, such a mortar squad was not deployed to the artillery battalion, but was deployed to the infantry battalion for experimental interest. Each battalion was temporarily equipped with two guns and directly under the battalion headquarters.

Before leaving, Zhuang Shisan, who had a fear of insufficient firepower, brought two mortar squads with him, which came in handy at this time.

If Okuma Konosuke really didn't know what was good for him, the two mortars that were specially used to throw large shells would definitely let the 4th Division experience the cruelty of the North China battlefield, which would not be much happier than Nomonhan.

As for giving the Japanese the urine-added, oh, it should be the "penicillin" that was added with materials, Tang Tuanzuo had no psychological burden.

That was when Tang Tuanzuo had proposed his idea of ​​building a resident pig farm, saying that as long as the pigs were fed with a certain biological hormone, they could grow from piglets to big fat pigs within 90 days, and the fat was thick.

Tang Tuanzuo had no choice. With the increasing population in the mountains, meat was essential for adequate nutrition. They couldn't all go hunting in the mountains, so it was imperative to build a pig farm.

In the future, the Chinese people who had a happy life would eat this kind of artificially fattened farmed pigs every day, not to mention that this kind of health would never rank in the top three during the war.

When the proud sons of heaven who "developed" "penicillin" heard that there was actually this, they worked day and night to study and came up with a failed product.

It is said that not only can it not make pigs fat, but it also greatly improves the lean meat rate of pigs.

However, subsequent studies have shown that while the synthetic substance can treat the human body, it also obviously damages the human body. The most terrifying thing is that animal experiments have shown that the toxicity of the compound is concentrated in the liver and lungs of animals, in other words, the damage to the human body will be the same.

Tang Tuanzuo could only be described as dumbfounded at the time.

This made it difficult for him not to think of a chronic poison that the residents of the past time and space hated - Clenbuterol, a chemical and drug that can increase the lean meat rate but has great harm to the human liver!

Damn, this world is too crazy.

Poison can only harm people.

So, how could Tang Tuanzuo, who always likes to cheat people, give up this poison? He always prepares it and thinks about how to give it to the Japanese.

So, opportunities always favor those who are prepared. It is not a spiritual chicken soup, but a real existence.

Even if the Japanese find out later, they can just push it to the side effects of the drug.

Besides, it is easy to choose between immediate death and future death. The Japanese will continue to swallow poison even if they hold their noses.

Tang Tuanzuo is confident that in the next few years, all the rich Japanese will be reduced to lean meat, but they are definitely not hurt by spending too much money!

Tang Tuanzuo, who reunited with his subordinates, was not only happy about this. The telegram sent by Leng Feng in the evening, which Xia Dayu handed over, also made him grin.

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