Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1245: Run away at the beginning!

Just as Tang Dao and ‘Majin Buu’ were bargaining with their own ulterior motives, the battle of Shunwangping had already begun at 8 o’clock in the morning.

Not only did he fail to catch the rabbits in the traps he had dug after two days of freezing, but he was also kicked hard by the rabbits at night. One can imagine how frustrated Kunisaki, the old eagle, felt.

So, before 6 o’clock, the Japanese army started to cook, so that the infantrymen had at least the first hot meal in the past two days. Then at 7 o’clock, they used two infantry battalions as the vanguard and marched aggressively towards the village with a population of more than 400 people at the foot of Shunwangping Mountain.

Because of this river valley, Hexi Village has hundreds of acres of land. In order to prevent bandits, the village also built a village wall and a watchtower. There are more than a hundred young and strong people in the village. It is the largest gathering place for mountain people near Shunwangping.

Yesterday afternoon, when they heard that the Japanese were coming, the young and strong people in Hexi Village were not afraid. They actually carried swords, guns and more than a dozen bird guns and planned to defend their homes.

It was Li Jiujin who persuaded them earnestly. The Japanese army on the other side was as high as 10,000 people. If only a few hundred people stayed in the village, it would be like a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

In addition to a few young people who volunteered to stay and serve as guides for the Four-Line Regiment, the rest of the people in Hexi Village, with the elderly, weak women and children, withdrew from Heilongtan to the depths of Wangwu Mountain. In order to prevent them from encountering sporadic Japanese scouts without resistance, Li Jiujin also gave them four Mauser pistols for self-defense.

Now Hexi Village is empty!

As expected, after the two Japanese infantry battalions arrived at the river bank that was tens of meters wide in front of Hexi Village, they did not rush to attack the 7th Company position, which was only 30 meters away from the bank, but used mountain artillery to bomb the village first.

The types of ammunition were grenades and incendiary bombs. Even though the primary school had just finished last night, because the incendiary bombs contained flammable chemicals, it didn't take long for a village with nearly 100 houses to burn into a sea of ​​fire.

Li Jiujin knew that the Japanese army was going to cut off the retreat of the defenders on the river bank first, so as to prevent the defenders from retreating to the village to fight street battles with them when they saw that they were defeated.

This was also a kind of psychological pressure, letting the defenders see that they could not stop them from advancing with this simple trench dug overnight.

Kuniaki didn't want to waste too much time in front of this stream. The sooner they approached Heilongtan, the less time the main force of the Four-Line Regiment would have to build civil engineering works.

In the past year, Kuniaki, who had suffered a great loss from the Four-Line Regiment, had studied the battle examples of the Four-Line Regiment countless times. He knew what kind of temperament the Chinese army he was facing had.

The Four-Line Regiment was extremely tenacious and tough when facing the enemy. Several times, their opponents had broken through their defenses, but the few remaining soldiers in the trenches still did not retreat. Either all of them died in battle, or they persisted until reinforcements arrived;

In addition, the most painful thing about the Four-Line Regiment was that while they had sufficient firepower, they also had excellent civil engineering construction capabilities.

Just like when the 108th Division attacked its base in the hinterland of Taihang Mountain in September, the last few defenders actually built a complete civil engineering works on the main road in less than 2 days, which led to the 108th Division not only returning without success, but also losing a large number of artillery and commanders due to the enemy's sneak attack.

With such a precedent, how could Kunisaki not learn a lesson? In this battle, he would use his superiority in manpower and firepower to press forward, fight quickly and decisively, and never give the Four-Line Regiment a chance to breathe.

Kunisaki didn't care about the three or four hundred people deployed by the river. What he wanted was to defeat the main force of the Four-Line Regiment.

Therefore, before the infantrymen started to attack, Kunisaki showed part of his trump card.

More than an artillery battalion of 12 mountain artillery concentrated their firepower and bombarded a large village into a sea of ​​fire in less than 20 minutes.

"Damn Japanese! I'll fight you to the death." A young man from Hexi Village hiding in a trench watched his home burn into a sea of ​​fire, and cursed with tears in his eyes and gnashing teeth.

Although there is no one in the village now, even the elderly have been carried into the mountains, but the family property accumulated by the people of Hexi Village for generations is gone.

The home is gone, especially in such a cold winter, the elderly and children can hardly wait until the arrival of spring.

"Brother, don't worry, wait until we drive away the devils and rebuild our home." Tu Yunsheng, who was also curled up in the trench, could only comfort him in this way.

In the battle of Jindong, Tu Yunsheng, who was already a sergeant in the army, had his calf blown off in the artillery attack. The military doctor used a full 6 bottles of penicillin to help him survive the terrible infection and finally save his life.

Losing a leg, he basically lost his combat ability. It stands to reason that he should retire. With the current factory scale of the Dakouzidong garrison, let alone letting him work with those disabled soldiers, it would not be a big problem to keep him for nothing.

However, Tu Yunsheng, who won the "Special Merit" and was promoted to Army Sergeant after the war, refused to do it and even wanted to exchange his hard-earned pure gold medal for a chance to stay in the army.

Company Commander Li Jiujin had no choice but to personally take Tu Yunsheng and the equally determined Blind Cao to find Leng Feng and ask them to keep the two as cooks in his company.

Li Jiujin took a roundabout way to save the country. As long as he could stay as a cook, whether he could go to the battlefield was up to him as the company commander.

Leng Feng was also in a dilemma. The two friends, "Tian Can Di Que", were very brave in the battle of Eastern Shanxi, but after all, they were disabled. The Four-Line Regiment could not weaken its combat effectiveness because of this. Moreover, once this was opened, it was unknown how many disabled veterans with arms and legs would return to the army.

Leng Feng had to go to the director of the Political Department, Ye Chenghuan, who also felt it was difficult, so he had to contact Tang Dao, who was still far away. The two severely disabled veterans wanted to stay in the army. It seemed that the matter was not big, but it involved a lot of things. Only Tang Dao, the chief officer, could make the final decision.

Tang Dao quickly gave a reply, agreeing that they would stay. The special medal of merit would not be taken back, but the reward would be cancelled, and the rewards of the three-level officers of the battalion, company, and platoon were also cancelled as an exceptional punishment.

But the two would not be cooks, and would continue to serve as squad leaders and deputy squad leaders of the infantry squad. The establishment of their infantry squad was also 4 more than the other infantry squads, which was used to assist the two during the forced march.

After that bloody battle, there were only two disabled people left in Tu Yunsheng's infantry squad, and all the others died in the battle. After receiving the military order from Tang Dao, Leng Feng and Li Jiujin immediately set about rebuilding the infantry squad.

From the entire infantry battalion, two veterans with two years of military service, three veterans with one year of service, four half-year veterans, five new recruits who had participated in at least one battle, and four new recruits were selected. There were seven sergeants alone, almost one-third of the infantry squad.

In order to commend this infantry squad, Li Jiujin spared no expense. He allocated them five semi-automatic rifles, four submachine guns, six bolt-action rifles, four pistols, one rifle grenade, and one light machine gun. Their strength was no weaker than that of a Japanese infantry squad.

Not to mention the 3rd Battalion, even the entire 4th Regiment was worthy of the title of the first infantry squad.

The young man glanced at the infantry squad leader who had lost half a leg, and the tears in his eye sockets could not stop flowing.

Even people without legs were to be pulled to the front line? By the way, there was a one-eyed dragon with an eye patch in the trench where he was. It was said that the other good eye could hardly see anything, and he was directly blind.

It can be seen how much the army in front of them lacks soldiers. If they expect them to defeat the Japanese army, they might as well go to sleep and dream more.

Maybe this young man from the mountain village is already very pessimistic, but the next moment, something happened that made him feel even more sad.

"Retreat?" Tu Yunsheng, who had just comforted his fellow villagers, received the military order from the platoon signalman who ran over and conveyed it quickly, and almost jumped up.

How is this possible? Their two infantry companies worked hard all night and finally dug two trenches. They retreated without firing a shot?

"Tu, this is the company commander's order. Hurry up. The first and second rows over there have already executed the order. Only our third row is missing." The young signalman also had helplessness on his face.

"Brothers, retreat!" Tu Yunsheng gritted his teeth, holding his gun and helping a soldier stand up with difficulty.

Run away without firing a shot? The young man from the mountain village looked at the soldiers in the trenches carrying guns and carrying bullet boxes and quickly retreating along the communication trench, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Boy, just go if I tell you to. You can't fight here, but you can fight the Japanese anywhere in the mountains. Hurry up and hold my hand and run fast, or the Japanese shells will fly over and you won't be able to run." Boss Cao, who was passing by, held the wrist of the young man in the mountain village with one hand, like an iron clamp.

Boss Cao, who had experienced several wars and basically lost his eyes, is no longer the rookie who made steamed buns and soup in the past. Although his eyes have almost lost all vision, his calmness makes the two old soldiers in the infantry squad admire him.

In their words: If I couldn't see both eyes, I would have wanted to die long ago. How could I be like Lao Cao, who could calmly practice command bombing every day!

The so-called command bombing means that there is a special soldier staying beside him, with the coordinates agreed by the two people, and one person shouts, and Boss Cao is responsible for throwing.

I don't know if it's because when the eyes lose their function, people's other senses will become more developed. In less than a month, Boss Cao, who used to rely on his eyes to throw bombs far and accurately, and was called a human cannon, has mastered a unique skill that makes everyone dumbfounded. He can hit wherever the soldiers say.

With him as the center of the circle, within a radius of 60 meters, he can almost cover all blind spots!

The most amazing thing is that Boss Cao can even estimate the burning speed of the grenade fuse and the flight speed of the grenade, and decide whether to throw the grenade to the target location or in the air directly above the target.

For example, if the soldier who cooperates with him says there is a trench or a bunker, then Boss Cao can make his own estimation and let the grenade explode in the air to form an air-burst bomb to kill the target.

In the words of Li Jiujin: This may be the most amazing blind bomb thrower in the Four-Line Regiment, no, in the entire Chinese army!

With this skill, Deputy Squad Leader Cao, who was promoted to Corporal of the Army, has become one of the backbones of the First Infantry Squad of the Four-Line Regiment.

Anyone who has been to the battlefield knows how important a grenadier who can hit whatever he points to is to an infantry squad.

Boss Cao, who seemed to have opened his mind, pulled the guide who was as disappointed as death and evacuated quickly along the communication trench.

The communication trench was the last retreat for the two infantry companies. In order to ensure that the 400 people would not be exposed in the wilderness during the evacuation, the two infantry companies spent a lot of effort to dig three communication trenches over 400 meters long.

Li Jiujin's order was issued very timely. Within five minutes, the Japanese infantry was ready, and the Japanese artillery began to turn the muzzle and aimed at the trench position on the river bank to start the bombardment mode.

"The Chinese ran away?" A Japanese major saw the figure of a Chinese soldier entering the forest hundreds of meters away through the smoke.

A trace of doubt flashed across his face, but he ordered firmly: "Notify the rear to stop the shelling, the first, second and third squadrons to cross the river, and the heavy machine gun squadron to provide fire cover!

But be careful. The Chinese must be deceitful if they give up so easily. They can only send a small number of people into their positions! "

Although the water in the creek is cold, it cannot stop the Japanese army from advancing. In order not to get their military trousers wet, many Japanese soldiers simply took off their military trousers and jumped into the cold river with their bare legs. It was already empty. A one-man position attacks.

However, after crossing the river, there was no rush to enter the position. Nearly a thousand Japanese troops were crouched on the cold river bank. Only an infantry squad of less than a dozen soldiers carefully approached the trench.

Sure enough, their caution worked, and several Japanese soldiers squatted down howling in pain.

That was a trick Tang Dao learned from the 28th Division. He ordered the military factory to use scraps to make iron caltrops. As long as there was steel, this thing was not technically difficult. With the current material reserves and various materials of the Sixings Regiment Military Factory, You can have as many machine tools as you want, as long as each infantry company wants them.

Li Jijin ordered each infantry squad to carry 200. Calculus weighed 2 taels each, which was roughly 40 kilograms. On average, each person carried a bag of about 15. Although it was impossible to complete the task of the 28th Division in one step, at least there were The density of one is high, but as long as you walk too much, you will definitely get hit.

Seeing the soles of his colleagues' feet pierced by sharp triangular nails, the Japanese infantry lying on the river bank couldn't help but feel chills in their balls. The Chinese are really too insidious and vicious.

It's okay to be hit in the sole of the foot, and you don't even have to participate in the subsequent battle because of it. Maybe a bad thing turns into a good thing, but if you unfortunately get shot and fall to the ground, and your face or crotch is pierced by this thing, what kind of thing will it be? Experience?

Just thinking about it doesn’t feel very wonderful.

But the Japanese infantrymen were obviously too superficial. They underestimated the "viciousness" of Teacher Xiao He, who had been influenced by Tang Tuanzuo for a long time.

All Tribulus terrestris has been heavily contaminated after leaving the factory, with chemicals and artificial domestic waste. In short, wherever it is dirty, these triangular nails are placed wherever they are, and there are countless bacteria on them.

Now it looks like it's just a hole in the sole of the foot. It won't take too long. The chance of wound infection of the injured Japanese soldier is as high as 100%. Septicemia combined with bacterial infection will cause the wounded soldier to die after consuming an unknown amount of medicine.

This is also true. The four Japanese soldiers who had their soles pierced on the positions of the 7th and 8th companies were eventually listed on the death list of the Kunisaki detachment.

"Baga! Order the personnel who go to survey to be careful. The Chinese may even have explosives buried in it." ordered the Japanese Army Major who approached the river.

"The Japanese are really smart!" Li Jijin, who had already hid in the mountains, looked through the telescope and saw that only a small number of Japanese troops entered the front-line trenches, and felt a little regretful.

"Tell them not to wait any longer, detonate the explosives and retreat quickly!"

With several loud bangs, several clouds of gunpowder smoke rose from the trenches that the two infantry companies had worked so hard to dig but gave up before firing a shot.

Those were three 50-kilogram explosive points buried last night. In order to prevent them from being detonated by Japanese artillery shells, they were basically buried 5 meters deep underground. They would be detonated through detonators and wires. They were originally used when the trench was about to be breached. A strategy of perish together.

If we retreat now, won't everything be left to the Japanese?

But the Japanese are also smart. The main force stays outside and only sends a small group of personnel into the trenches. The soldiers hidden in the traffic trenches are less than 100 meters away from the Japanese army. They still want to wait for the Japanese to take the bait, and they may even be injured. inside.

A total of 150 kilograms of explosives destroyed the trench by dozens of meters, but the number of Japanese soldiers killed and injured was only in single digits, so the work was basically in vain.

If we count losses and results, the 3rd Battalion lost manpower, more than 100 kilograms of explosives, and hundreds of caltrops overnight. The result was less than 10 Japanese soldiers killed.

The Kunisaki detachment consumed more than 200 rounds of artillery shells and suffered 9 casualties in the battle. In addition, thousands of No. 1 soldiers were exposed to the cold wind with their bare buttocks for more than 20 minutes, but they captured the bridgehead position.

For the Japanese army, this was a victory. The engineers could build a simple pontoon bridge without any scruples. Thousands of infantrymen did not have to get soaked in the cold weather and could direct their troops towards the Black Dragon Pond with all their strength.

In terms of losses and results, this 'blocking battle' seemed to be a draw between the two sides, but strategically speaking, the Four Lines Regiment was completely defeated!

Because, they could have used this river that was not fast but wide enough to make the Japanese army shed all their blood here, but they gave up easily.

Even young people from mountain villages who knew nothing about military affairs felt that the Chinese army they followed had no future.

If he hadn't thought that these people had given some weapons and food to the villagers, and were at least considered good people, he would have run as far as he wanted.

But what this simple mountain village youth did not expect was that this Chinese army had no bottom line than he imagined!

Escape, they're professionals!


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