Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1260 The killing spree!

Major Akita Masao didn't know that being scared away was not a big deal, but it destroyed the battle plan that Major General Masao Nakamura had been planning for a long time.

Masao Nakamura was an outlier among the Japanese generals. Unlike most Japanese generals who advocated conquering the Chinese nation by killing, he believed that soldiers should do what soldiers do, so in his troops, there were very few cases of looting and killing Chinese villages. This was actually not well received by senior Japanese army generals, including his boss Itagaki Shiro.

But Itagaki Shiro, who didn't like Masao Nakamura, used him very much, because Masao Nakamura's combat tactics were flexible and changeable.

The Battle of Hara Castle used the tactics of Major General Masao Nakamura's "surround three and leave one" to make the Chinese defenders in the city worried about gains and losses. The escape of one unit eventually caused a chain reaction and a complete collapse, so that many equipment of the stingy old man's arsenal had not been moved away in time, and the important city of Shanxi Province was lost.

As a result, the Fifth Division conquered northern and western Shanxi with great momentum. Only the Taihang Mountain area in southeastern Shanxi and Zhongtiao Mountain in southern Shanxi were still in the hands of the Chinese in this important area of ​​northern China.

Masao Nakamura had long judged that Sizhou Mountain was the weakest area in the entire Zhongtiao Mountain Central Defense Zone, and he would naturally launch an attack at all costs.

Replacing the 4th Division's Western Assault Detachment with the 105th Division, a fresh force, was only the first step for Masao Nakamura. The second step was to send an infantry regiment from the 3rd Division to increase the total force of the attack line to 20,000. However, the real killer was the two elite infantry battalions of the 10th Division.

As long as they could successfully reach the battlefield, even if they did not have to devote all their strength to the attack like the 105th Division on the front, they only needed to contain part of the Chinese forces on the defense line. Masao Nakamura did not believe that the Chinese could still hold on.

In fact, this is true. Not to mention the 5,000 new soldiers and baggage soldiers currently led by Tang Tuanzuo, even the most elite 17th or 12th divisions of China on the entire defense line would probably be at a loss in the face of this situation.

But Masao Nakamura never expected that a magical second lieutenant would appear, defeat an infantry battalion and scare away another infantry battalion.

His trump card was stillborn before it was even pulled out.

But this only relieved the fatal crisis of the Sizhoushan defense zone, but it does not mean that Sizhoushan is easy.

You see, even a tough Tang Tuanzuo couldn't stand it, and sent a telegram for help to the white-haired general who had just escaped from the gates of hell.

But it can't be blamed on Tang Tuanzuo for not being strong enough, it's really the devil who is crazy.

After yesterday's bloody battle, the Japanese offensive has increased instead of decreasing.

Another infantry regiment was transferred to the front line of Sizhou Mountain to cooperate with the 105th Division in the attack, which almost meant that the Japanese side had deployed 3 infantry regiments, and the number of infantry used for front-line combat alone was as high as 20,000, which was twice that of the Tang Dao Division.

After receiving the victory telegram from General Baifa, Tang Dao had no time to be happy. After discovering that the Japanese army had actually used infantry regiments to attack the defense line, he immediately and wisely asked General Baifa for help.

If the infantry cannot provide support, then use heavy firepower!

The Japanese army used 105 howitzers, 75 mountain guns and aerial bombardment to blow up the entire 9 high grounds of Sizhou Mountain into a sea of ​​fire. The stones on the top of the mountain were blown to pieces, and the dust could cover the feet of people walking on it. However, the most fierce counterattack of the Tang Dao Division was only to use mortars to bombard the Japanese heavy machine gun positions and the advancing Japanese artillery.

Although there were some casualties, most of the Japanese troops still died under the covering fire of various light and heavy machine guns.

Tang Dao knew that if there was not enough heavy firepower to cover the hillside, the Japanese army, which had received reinforcements, would attack the defense line more fiercely. Those new recruits and baggage soldiers could withstand one or two waves, but they would definitely not be able to hold out until dark.

It was necessary to give the devil a hard blow, which would not only hit the Japanese army but also restore the confidence of the new recruits.

"Order the artillery battalion directly under the army, the artillery battalion of the 17th Division, to provide full artillery support to Sizhou Mountain!" General Baifa ordered without hesitation.

Based on his understanding of Tang Dao, Tang Dao would never ask him if it was not a last resort.

General Baifa did not need to explain in detail to his subordinates the principle of "the lips are cold and the teeth are dead". After 10 minutes, all the artillery forces of the 38th Army turned to Sizhou Mountain.

The 6 150-mm heavy mortars previously donated by the Four-line Regiment also moved closer to Sizhou Mountain in the mountains and forests, stopped 2,500 meters away from the Sizhou Mountain defense zone, and fired more than 240 shells at the hillside in one breath.

Even two anti-aircraft artillery squads of the 17th Division's artillery battalion, led by its deputy battalion commander, came to Sizhou Mountain.

This was the greatest support that the 38th Army could provide to Sizhou Mountain!

You know, when the Japanese army still had an infantry battalion inside the defense zone, the artillery company with 6 150 heavy machine guns approached Sizhou Mountain without any infantry. Once it was encountered by the Japanese infantry battalion, it would definitely die more ugly than a pig.

Fortunately, Akita Yayun ran faster than a rabbit and missed this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

This was also the reward that Tang Tuanzuo had obtained after he had spared no effort to help the 17th Division. The 17th Division did not protect itself in the most difficult stage and drew out almost all of its heavy firepower.

This led to the Japanese attack wave in the next wave. Because of the lack of heavy firepower to threaten the Japanese infantry artillery and heavy machine guns, the Japanese army even broke through two high grounds of the 17th Division. The 17th Division headquarters used its last reserve to counterattack again and reoccupied the high ground.

The number of officers and soldiers sacrificed alone reached 400.

Commander Tang must understand this!

After the war, the Fourth Line Regiment gave the 17th Division 12 150mm heavy-duty guns, 30 60mm heavy-duty guns, 12 7mm heavy machine guns, and even 8 MG42 machine guns that Dr. Grunov had just developed and finalized.

The arms that Tang Dao entrusted the little foreign girl Laura to purchase finally arrived in Jincheng before the New Year of 1939. Gong Shaoxun, the chief of staff of the Fourth Army Regiment stationed in Laboratory No. 1, met with Rostav on behalf of Tang Dao.

The angry blue eyes almost went crazy with anger.

What made him angry was not that he was regarded as the captain of the transportation brigade by a certain dear Colonel Tang. What made him angry was that Tang Dao did not invest all the money in Krupp Company, but there were other channels.

It's like a woman thinking that she is everything to a certain man, but as a result, the scumbag has already been secretly communicating with others, and finally confessed to herself: "The child has been born, please help raise it!"

'Eggs are never put in one basket' is Tang Dao's philosophy. It's not that he doesn't trust blue-eyed men, but that personal friendship has always been fragile in the face of national interests, especially when the crazy mustache is destined to lead the entire German The empire has declared war on most of the world, and Tang Dao cannot do the same.

The interests of the country and the nation are above all else. Let alone Rostav, even the little foreign girl who has a secret affection for him, Tang Dao has never said that he will not set up a line of defense.

There are only a few people in this world who can let Tang Dao put down all his guard, including Tantai Mingyue and his parents.

Those are all things in the future, but the current battle situation is that Tang Dao must overcome this difficulty.

Before the artillery support of the 38th Army, the Japanese army had launched two waves of large-scale attacks. Two of the nine highlands located on the Sizhou Mountain position had been captured by the Japanese army.

Most of the two infantry companies located on the two highlands were killed in the battle, and less than 30 people survived.

"Sir, we can't hold on! We really can't hold on anymore! The company commander is gone, and the brothers are almost dead. If I don't take them away, they will all die somewhere." retreated with the remaining soldiers. A veteran platoon leader who had his arms hanging and was not awarded a military rank, his face full of tears, knelt down in front of Tang Dao who came to supervise the battle.

Tang Dao, who was holding a rifle, did not choose to execute him on the spot. Instead, he grabbed him and pointed him toward the high ground more than 200 meters away: "You should kneel, but you shouldn't kneel on me! You can't hold on." , I don’t blame you, but if you look back, all your brothers, except you cowards, are still on the battlefield.

The Japanese will use bayonets to leave bloody holes in the bodies of those brothers who have not completely died, and will use their heads as their trophies. What would you think if those people were replaced by yourselves? "

More than 20 soldiers looked towards the high ground in disbelief and saw the Japanese troops who had already captured the high ground celebrating their victory.

A seriously wounded soldier who was too late to evacuate was stabbed with four or five bayonets and then raised high by the Japanese army. The wounded soldier who had lost the ability to move did not even have the strength to curse loudly. His weak hands were hanging down, like a broken man. string puppet

No one could clearly see his facial expression at this moment, but the soldiers who retreated from the highlands seemed to be able to see the despair and sadness in the eyes of the "trophies" held up by the Japanese soldiers as a show off.

The despair of losing the battle, the sadness of being abandoned by his comrades!

"Woo! Brother, we are sorry for you." The veteran knelt down with a plop, buried his head in the cold soil, and cried loudly.

"What's the use of crying? It's my Tang Dao principle. Whoever kills my brother, I will retaliate tenfold and a hundredfold!" Tang Dao kicked the kneeling veteran platoon leader over with a cold kick.

"I don't care whether you are a veteran or a new soldier or a Sichuan native. Then show off some of the bloody courage of Brother Pao. You will follow me later to snatch back the high ground and the corpses of our brothers."

Turning to look at Xia Dayu: "Send power to the 38th Army Headquarters. If no artillery fire covers the coordinates of the artillery fire I sent in 5 minutes, then wait for me to collect the corpses of Tang Dao, and give me the Sichuan Army's new corps and the Four Elements 5,000 people were sent to collect the corpses!"

Tang Dao rarely exposed his extreme emotions. The angrier he became, the calmer he became. But at this moment, even I shouted out. It was obviously furious, extremely angry!

Among them were disappointment with his incompetent subordinates, resentment at the Japanese for catching him and chasing him, and dissatisfaction with his misjudgment. All kinds of complex emotions accumulated together, and Tang Tuanzuo finally exploded.

In this battle, Tang Dao personally led a 50-man death squad, and Mingxin led two platoons of 100 people to launch a counterattack from the ridges of two highlands on two highlands that had just been occupied by the Japanese army.

Of course, before that, the artillery fire supported by the 38th Army finally arrived as scheduled!

The muzzles of the 12 75mm mountain guns were raised high, and at a rate of 10 rounds per minute, they covered the two temporarily lost highland coordinates sent by Tang Dao.

The Japanese artillery fire can flatten the top of the Chinese soldiers' mountains by several centimeters, and the fierce flames are soaring into the sky, but this does not mean that when the Chinese soldiers' artillery fire comes, they can protect their bodies and be invulnerable to all poisons.

Under the crazy artillery fire, the Japanese troops occupying the high ground also wailed in the artillery fire and were torn into pieces by the artillery fire.

On the two small highlands, all the trenches had collapsed after being devastated by artillery fire. The few artillery-proof holes had long since become places where the bodies of dead Chinese officers and soldiers were placed. The Chinese officers and soldiers basically They were all fighting in shell craters.

At this moment, an average of more than 200 artillery shells were dropped on each high ground. Basically, the beating was in vain. How about the more than 100 Japanese infantrymen who attacked the high ground and were beaten to tears?

In less than five minutes, more than half of the hundreds of Japanese soldiers were injured in the artillery fire, which also caused them to not see that a fearless Chinese army was approaching at high speed in the jungle on the ridge.

All the soldiers who retreated were incorporated into the death squad led by Tang Dao himself!

The shame caused by oneself can only be washed away with one's own blood! These Sichuan Army recruits did not disappoint Tang Dao's expectations after all. Under Tang Dao's personal leadership, they regained their courage.

The three soldiers who survived this battle were promoted to the first rank, from privates to privates.

There was no higher rank, because, except for them, all the recruits in that recruit company died in battle!

The three soldiers were incorporated into the regular infantry battalion of the Four Lines Regiment, but the organization of the Tiedan Recruit Company was retained, becoming one of the few company-level sequences with titles in the Four Lines Regiment. Many recruits were proud to be trained in this recruit company.

Amid the raging artillery fire, the death squad led by Tang Dao approached the high ground to within 60 meters, which was far below the 100-meter safe distance recognized by the world's military for the highest-end infantry and artillery coordination.

At least 15 of the 50 death squad members died in their own artillery fire without even having the chance to fire a single shot at the Japanese.

However, the 60-meter distance, which was almost fatal to the defenders, made the Japanese soldiers on the position completely stunned before they had time to react. More than 30 Chinese officers and soldiers, whose eyes were red from the blood and fire, rushed to a position less than 20 meters away from the position.

After throwing a grenade, Tang Tuanzuo was already the first to charge into the battlefield, holding a Black Star pistol in one hand and a Type 38 rifle picked up from the battlefield in the other.

The fierce hand-to-hand combat was initiated by Tang Tuanzuo and ended by him.

The death squad members, who were almost all equipped with submachine guns, were not stupid. The Japanese had rifles, and they had submachine guns. Wouldn't it be a sure death to fight with Japanese infantry with these things?

More than half of the 60 Japanese soldiers left on the battlefield did not get the chance to fight with the Chinese death squad, and were killed by more than 30 submachine guns firing alternately.

The few who had the opportunity to show their bravery encountered an extremely angry killing god!

In the face of absolute power, the so-called Asia's No. 1 stabbing technique of the Japanese army was nothing but a child's play.

The Black Star pistol fired seven shots in a row, killing four of the most fierce Japanese soldiers who rushed to the front. The Black Star pistol, which was precious anywhere, was then thrown out fiercely by the Tang sword as a hidden weapon. The two or three-pound iron lump directly smashed the nose bridge of a Japanese soldier into his skull.

The Japanese soldier with his hands covering his face rolled in pain in the trench for a short time. The Tang Tuanzuo, who strode forward, stomped hard on his neck, and a clear and audible click sound resounded throughout the venue.

Compared with this, the wind in northern China seems to have become warmer!

Tang Dao, which had not killed people for a long time, slightly turned his body to avoid the forward stab of a long spear. His arm suddenly clamped the still hot barrel. The Japanese tried desperately to pull out their guns, but the guns seemed to be welded under Tang Dao's arms and did not move at all.

Then, Tang Tuanzuo, who was holding the gun with one hand, moved. With a fierce swing of his right hand, the hard jujube wood butt of the Type 38 rifle was like a sledgehammer, hitting the face of the Japanese who were still holding the gun.

"Bang!" A muffled sound.

The Japanese are famous for their thick skin. The hard jujube wood butt even cracked.

But the thick skin alone is not enough for defense. The fragile neck cannot support such a huge force. The heads of the Japanese infantrymen drooped to their shoulders at a very weird angle, as if they were tired. If they could not borrow other people's shoulders, they would lean on their own!

A pungent stench gushed out!

That should be the result of the brain nerves no longer being able to restrain the sphincter through the spine!

The extremely cruel scene made the two Japanese infantrymen who followed couldn't help but pause. Such a ruthless person was beyond their cognition.

But Tang Dao, who had already killed them, would not let them go. He loosened the gun in one hand, and kicked the butt of the gun before the long gun was about to fall to the ground. The long gun hit the two frightened Japanese soldiers fiercely.

The two Japanese soldiers instinctively raised their guns to block in front of themselves. The huge force of the long gun that hit them made the two Japanese soldiers' hands numb.

Before they had time to be glad that they blocked this elusive shot, the pupils of the Japanese infantry shrank fiercely.

They forgot that their colleague's gun was still under the armpit of the Chinese.

Then Tang Dao raised the gun and pulled the trigger at one of the Japanese soldiers!

At such a distance, wouldn't it be easier to use bullets? Tang Tuanzuo will always use the simplest and quickest way to deal with the enemy. The process is not important.

At a distance of only a few meters, even if Xiao Shitou was holding a gun, he could easily kill the confused Japanese.

A shot hit the Japanese soldier's forehead and completely sent him to hell, where the devil should be.

"Baga! You!" The Japanese soldier who was lucky enough not to be selected as a shooting target quickly raised his gun.

If this fool didn't roar this sentence to express his depressed mood, he might be able to pull the trigger 5 seconds faster.

Regardless of whether he could hit or not, at least Tang Tuanzuo had to hide, no one could load in front of a gun with bullets.

Unfortunately, after a burst of random gunfire, there were several blood holes on the sturdy body of the Japanese infantry.

The armless old soldier who had been following Tang Tuanzuo held the submachine gun that Tang Dao threw to him before the battle with one arm, and the muzzle was smoking.

Tang Dao smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

That was the greatest honor the old soldier had won on this battlefield.

The right way to wash away the shame is to use the blood of the enemy! ()

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