Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1261 I am numb!

Compared to Tang Tuanzuo leading dozens of death squads to recover the high ground in one fell swoop, Mingxin's side was a little more difficult.

First, the Japanese army on that hilltop was very cautious and did not hold any useless celebrations on the battlefield, which also laid the foundation for the Japanese army to survive the artillery fire;

Second, Mingxin was not Tang Dao after all, and he could not lead 100 death squads to sneak into the artillery coverage area like Tang Dao. After the artillery fire stopped for a while, the two infantry platoons started to attack from 110 meters away, and when they were 40 meters close to the position, they were discovered by the Japanese army on the position.

The two sides immediately fell into a fierce battle. The huge geographical advantage and individual soldier quality advantage made the Japanese army, which was no more than 60 on the position, completely victorious.

At least more than 50 death squad officers and soldiers fell in front of the Japanese position. Even if the remaining 40 people entered the position, it was very likely that they would fall into the tiger's mouth due to insufficient manpower.

At this time, the artillery of both sides had ceased, but the commanders of both sides did not watch their officers and soldiers fighting bloody on this small high ground.

In the absence of Tang Tuanzuo, Zhuang Shisan was the supreme commander. Although he had been doing logistics support for a long time, he had experienced countless tests of blood and fire as the former battalion commander of the security battalion and had long become a qualified battalion commander.

Zhuang Shisan immediately ordered two infantry platoons to reinforce Mingxin, and gathered 16 mortars to bombard the hillside facing the Japanese army, with the intention of using artillery fire to block the Japanese reinforcements.

Little did they know that the Japanese thought so too!

The ridge leading to the high ground was blown into a sea of ​​fire by the Japanese mountain artillery and infantry artillery. The two infantry platoons that were advancing quickly could not go any further, and could only anxiously watch the roar of killing on the high ground 200 meters away.

Similarly, the two infantry squads reinforced by the Japanese army could only lie on the hillside and stare blankly. Any brave man who attempted to rush into the barrage would become a victim of the Chinese shells fired at all costs.

"Damn devils!" Zhuang Shisan clenched his fists, cursed the Japanese army, and looked at the mountaintop that was not very clear because of the thick smoke with great concern.

In the diffuse smoke, dark blue figures fell from time to time

"Baga! Damn Chinese!" A Japanese major officer more than 400 meters away from the high ground also chopped off the small tree in front of him with a knife to express his anger.

At least at this moment, the commanders of China and Japan were unprecedentedly in the same mood. If they couldn't solve the problem with bullets, they would use saliva.

In a short period of time, neither side could send in reinforcements, and they could only watch the tragic fight on this small high ground where the Chinese and Japanese sides, with a total of only a hundred people, fought.

The Japanese were unwilling to lose the high ground that they had spent more than 200 lives to capture, and the Chinese would never give up their positions that were also covered with the blood of an entire infantry company.

More importantly, both sides wanted to survive.

The outcome of losing the high ground was very clear to the soldiers at the bottom of both sides. There was only one way to die.

The murderous eyes of their respective commanders clearly sent out signals that the opponent must be killed in this battle.

This is not to prove who is the most fearless army on the planet, but the soldiers on both sides want to survive.

The Chinese soldiers cannot retreat. Behind them is the Yellow River. Without the Zhongtiao Mountain barrier, they can only jump into the Yellow River to retreat. Not to mention this season, even in midsummer, how many people can swim across the surging river?

The Japanese cannot retreat either. Hundreds of years of strict and harsh hierarchy have made these soldiers at the bottom of the society humble in their bones.

Therefore, facing the charge of the crazy Chinese death squad who did not hesitate to use their bodies as human shields to cover their companions, the Japanese army in a defensive state had no choice but to fight to the death!

After less than 5 minutes of fighting, about 60 people fell on the Chinese side, and 20 of the more than 60 Japanese soldiers remaining on the position fell, leaving about 40 people on each side, with roughly the same strength.

If things continue like this, the death squad led by Mingxin will most likely suffer heavy casualties but still be in vain.

And with the arrival of the Japanese reinforcements, this high ground above the defense line will become a breakthrough point for the Japanese to break through the entire defense line.

Not only can the infantry attack the hills on the left and right sides through the ridge, but the heavy machine guns and infantry artillery mounted on the high ground will also pose a greater threat to the defensive positions on the hills.

Fortunately, there is Mingxin in this death squad whose military strength is only inferior to Tang Dao!

Mingxin may not be an outstanding commander, but his individual military strength is the most shining existence on the entire battlefield except for Tang Tuanzuo.

Especially when he swung the armor-piercing heavy sword behind him, perhaps even Tang Tuanzuo had to temporarily avoid it!

Seeing that the death squad he led was already at the end of its strength in terms of momentum and attack power, Mingxin, with red eyes, made a jaw-dropping move.

He directly picked up a Japanese corpse that was blown out of the position by the artillery fire with one hand, and used the corpse as a shield to block in front of him, and ran wildly from the area 20 meters outside the position.

"Baga! Shoot him to death, shoot him to death!" A second lieutenant platoon leader on the Japanese position screamed in fear.

Although the Chinese was still more than 10 meters away from the position, the soldier's intuition told the Japanese Army second lieutenant that if this Chinese who could move forward at high speed with a meat shield of more than 100 kilograms broke into the position, it would be a bloody storm.

In fact, there was no need for the Japanese Army second lieutenant to remind him, at least ten Japanese infantrymen pointed their guns at Mingxin who had started the crazy charge mode.

The Japanese army's shooting skills are superb. Even though Mingxin's speed is extremely fast, at this distance, blood flowers bloom on the "shield" in Mingxin's hand. In less than 2 seconds, at least six bullets hit successfully.

The Japanese Army lieutenant's heart was immediately relieved. The 5mm Yusaka bullet of the Type 38 rifle has strong penetration. It can penetrate a person and cause damage to another person at a distance of 200 meters, not to mention this distance.

Although the Chinese are strong, this behavior is also seeking death.

But the next moment, the Japanese Army lieutenant's eyes suddenly widened.

An even more incredible scene appeared. The "shield" weighing hundreds of kilograms suddenly flew out and smashed hard at the Japanese soldiers on the position from five or six meters away. The Chinese who was supposed to be shot into a string of candied haws lowered his body, like a frightened four-legged snake, and successfully avoided a string of bullets fired by a Type 96 machine gun that had just passed the muzzle.

Before he could be terrified as to why the Chinese man was shot but still had exaggerated strength, he saw the Chinese man crawling on the ground like a crocodile that found its prey. He used his hands and feet to cross a distance of five or six meters in just one second and turned over to enter the trench. His speed was even faster than when he charged with a "shield" before.

Soon, the Japanese Army lieutenant knew why he described him as a crocodile in his heart.

Because he was too fierce.

The first unlucky ones were the three Japanese infantrymen who were in a 3-meter diameter crater formed by a 105 howitzer.

They were first hit by the shield that fell from the sky and were in a panic, but fortunately they reacted quickly and avoided the tragedy of being hit by a hundred-pound human body.

But no one thought that being hit and fainting might be the best result!

How brutal a Chinese man who turned over and entered the crater wielding a heavy sword could be, perhaps only the three Japanese soldiers in the crater knew.

They had reacted very quickly and swung the muzzle to try to shoot and kill them, but the narrow space and the previous evasion slowed them down by a second. This short second was destined to send them to hell.

The big sword swung out and hit the three rifles!

Yes, it was not a cut or a stab, but a smash.

The huge force made one of the Japanese soldiers who held the rifle tightly with both hands loosen his hand, causing the rifle with the barrel bent to fly out of the crater. The other two Japanese soldiers who were still holding the guns were not much better. The muzzles were raised high, and the bullets fired by instinctively pulling the trigger flew to nowhere.

Then, they lost the opportunity to pull the bolt again.

The big sword that smashed the three rifles was backhanded and slashed diagonally. The sword edge, which was not sharp, passed through the ribs of the two Japanese soldiers who were still holding the guns like a hot knife through butter under the blessing of huge power.

Time seemed to stop!

The two Japanese soldiers looked at their waists and abdomens in disbelief.

Blood suddenly appeared!

Two huge wounds that could fit a pig's head suddenly appeared in front of the Japanese infantry.

A pile of coiled intestines and other unknown internal organs rushed out like a 100-meter race, and then fell on the feet of the Japanese infantry.

The two Japanese soldiers screamed in a way that shocked the Japanese soldiers next to them, dropped their guns and tried to bend down to pick up the many parts that once belonged to them.

Although the two sides only met for the first time, the parts that were still steaming and bleeding told their bodies with severe pain that it belonged to him.

But the severe pain and blood loss that followed made the two bent Japanese infantry destined to never be able to stuff so many hot and smelly things back into the abdominal cavity.

However, at the moment of falling, their hands were still firmly holding the blue-white intestines mixed with blood.

As if that was their lifeblood.

Yes, their brains made a very correct judgment at the last moment of their lives, which was very logical.

That scene, no matter how tough a person is, he is destined to be numbed and unable to bear to watch it again.

The Japanese infantry, who no longer had guns in their hands, were also stunned by such a tragic scene, like a soulless sculpture staring at the initiator of all this.

There was a pleading look in his eyes.

Perhaps, he didn't want to become like his companions.

But the giant sword was lifted up, and the sharp blade passed through the fragile neck of the Japanese infantry who had no dodging or defense.

A head still wearing a steel helmet soared into the sky under the power of the sword and the blood pressure in the body, flying a full five or six meters away.

A column of blood even soared at least two meters into the air, like a rose suddenly blooming on the battlefield.

The heart of the Japanese Army Second Lieutenant fell into an ice cellar!

"Blow him up!" The Japanese Army Second Lieutenant, who couldn't help trembling all over, took off a melon grenade on his chest and hit it hard against the steel helmet, and then threw it into the crater more than ten meters away.

The previous screams and this flying head have proved that all his subordinates have been killed.

Even if they are not all dead, it is worth it if they can drag this terrible enemy to die together.

The Japanese lieutenant's reaction was fast enough, but still not as fast as the 'crocodile' that had already opened its bloody mouth.

The dark blue figure had already turned over and left the crater while the grenade was still in the air, and ducked and jumped to avoid the Japanese rifle fire.

On the high ground, the Japanese soldiers howled miserably.

All the Japanese soldiers who were approached by this ferocious 'crocodile' could not resist a single move, and all died on contact, without even a chance to delay it for 2 seconds.

Whether it was shooting or the stabbing technique that the Japanese army was most proud of, in front of Mingxin who was moving wildly and swinging his big sword to output, it was like a fragile skin with low health facing Demacia who had opened a big move.

What's more terrible is that the Chinese are not just Mingxin. After losing enough firepower to suppress them, the 40 death squad members who were suppressed in the bushes on one side of the highland were finally able to rush forward.

After less than 10 casualties, 32 people rushed into the highland.

The sound of submachine guns and Mauser pistols completely suppressed the Japanese Type 38 rifles!

When the forces of both sides are almost equal, the Japanese army has an advantage in hand-to-hand combat, but if it is a single-shot rifle against a submachine gun, it will be beaten.

The death squad is equipped with 30 submachine guns and 30 Mauser pistols, just waiting for the moment to rush into the position.

The Japanese troops on the position resisted for no more than 2 minutes. As the last few Japanese soldiers rolled and crawled down the highland and ran madly towards their own positions, this tragic highland counterattack ended.

In this battle, Mingxin won the victory of this counterattack with 48 deaths and 36 injuries, with a casualty rate of up to 84%.

None of the 110 Japanese soldiers who attacked the high ground survived.

The few Japanese infantrymen who managed to escape from the high ground had no chance to return to their positions. They were not killed by the Chinese officers and soldiers who reoccupied the high ground with accurate shooting.

Instead, the Japanese Army Major, who woodenly put down his telescope, gritted his teeth and ordered: "Cover the enemy positions with artillery fire and kill them!"

Three minutes later, the shells fired by 6 75 mountain guns covered the high ground that had just changed hands again.

The few Japanese soldiers who managed to escape did not run too far because they had to avoid the pursuit of bullets from the high ground. However, the distance of 50 meters was really difficult for them to escape their own artillery fire.

At this point, the two high grounds were returned and the battlefield returned to the past.

But obviously, this was not the end.

The Japanese retaliatory artillery fire exploded again on the high grounds of Sizhou Mountain.

In an instant, smoke rose everywhere.

But this was a rare rest time for the Chinese soldiers who retreated from the high ground to the back of the mountain and whose faces were already covered with smoke and dust.

Eating dry steamed buns and drinking two sips of ice-cold water are the greatest enjoyment for the recruits who are almost numb both mentally and physically.

Even if the dust from the explosion of the shells is sprinkled on the steamed buns, and the so-called clean water has long been covered with a layer of floating soil, no one cares. At most, they will spit it out fiercely after eating a mouthful of dust.

The huge roar of the shells and the soldiers sitting silently in the trenches are in sharp contrast.

Under the thick shadow of death, morale is extremely low, even if they have just counterattacked and recaptured the two lost high ground.

No one knows how long the Japanese artillery bombardment will last, and no one knows that at that moment they will lose the ability to leave the position.

Numbness is the most vivid portrayal of the Chinese position at this moment.

But who can blame them?

A few months ago, they were just farmers carrying hoes in the fields, and they didn’t know how to use rifles.

But now, they have come to such a cruel battlefield.

An infantry platoon of more than 50 people may be reduced to an infantry squad after only one round of attack.

Those people not only lived together in the army for several months, but also grew up together naked, and even many were cousins. However, even if they were close, the surviving soldiers were powerless and could only watch those who were only relatives and friends become cold corpses in front of them.

Have they cried? From yesterday to today, their tears have long been dry.

At this moment, they can't even feel sad, because their brains are completely numb.

Many people even mechanically listened to orders, went to the position, fired, and shot at all the visible figures below until they died or survived the next round.

The Japanese army, which was repeatedly frustrated in the attack, was obviously not much better.

This may be the hardest bone the 105th Division has encountered since entering China. The six infantry battalions of the entire brigade took turns to attack for two days, but they gained nothing except nearly 2,000 casualties.

Hiding in the trenches and staring blankly at the hilltop covered by fire and smoke, the Japanese infantrymen were mostly confused.

They didn't know how long the opponent in front of them could hold out, but it was obvious that the longer they held out, the higher the probability of their casualties would be.

There were even many Japanese soldiers who quietly had an expectation, expecting their commander to order a halt to the attack!

But is that possible?

Especially for the "Steel Army" that had been advancing like a bamboo shoot since entering North China, although their 105th Division was the reserve of the "Steel Army", it was not steel, but iron!

They wanted to admit defeat, but that didn't mean that those senior officials who only held binoculars and command knives and occasionally shouted a few words would admit it.

Soldiers, in their eyes, are always just a string of numbers!

No matter how much the numbers are consumed, it is not worth mentioning in front of medals and military exploits! ()

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