Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1269 The troops are heading straight!

Except for Lieutenant Sora Fukai who died on the spot, only two of the four arrogant low-altitude Japanese planes were able to return to an altitude of 1,500 meters intact.

A Japanese plane with white smoke fled to the distance after struggling to fly to an altitude of 800 meters.

The white smoke trailing the tail of the plane was nearly a mile long, like a flag dragged behind the defeated army. Even the soldiers of the Fifth Division who were still on the front line of Zhongtiao Mountain 15 kilometers away from Ruicheng seemed to have seen it.

This should also be the first battle loss of the Japanese North China Army Aviation Corps in the half month since the Japanese launched the "New Year's Day Offensive" to the 14th.

Although the two Japanese planes responsible for high-altitude alert were frightened, they also responded, speeding and shaking their wings in the sky and dropping a total of 6 bombs.

Unfortunately, due to the high altitude, none of the 6 bombs hit the target, and the closest one was 200 meters away from the machine gun fire group hidden in the woods.

This desperate ground-to-air ambush ended perfectly with the 46th Independent Brigade shooting down one and damaging another.

In fact, the Japanese plane that fled in panic did not struggle for too long, and it eventually crashed in the suburbs about 20 miles away from YC City.

The pilot chose to parachute before the plane crashed. If the timeline is pushed forward for half a day, even if the Japanese pilot fell half to death, there is a 90% chance that he will be found and rescued by the Japanese infantry.

But the tragedy is that the Western Assault Detachment of the 4th Division is now facing a powerful enemy and is fully defending the logistics base of nearly 200,000 troops. It has no time to care about the life and death of this unfortunate child.

What's more terrible is that the Japanese pilot who broke a leg also took out the small pistol he carried with him to threaten the villagers who came to watch the excitement, and asked these Chinese villagers who he looked down on from the bottom of his heart to carry him to YC City.

The village had been looted by the passing Japanese army and several people were killed. Now seeing a lone Japanese who was still so arrogant, wouldn't it be a bold move?

Two villagers approached the self-satisfied Japanese pilot in a humble manner and found an opportunity to hold him down. A bunch of people rushed up and smashed him with hoes and carrying poles, smashing him into a shapeless state.

Everyone knew what kind of nature the Japanese devils were. If the Japanese knew about this, no matter if you fought or not, no matter if you wanted to resist or kneel down to beg for life, you would all die.

This was equivalent to the whole village being tied to a boat. Whether it was the landlord or the bully, everyone had to work together at this moment.

The tragic Japanese pilot was stripped naked, all his clothes and parachute were burned to ashes, and the Type 14 Nambu pistol he carried was buried in the mountains at a depth of three or four meters. Not to mention military dogs, they couldn't find it even if they dug three feet into the ground.

However, the body was chopped into more than a dozen pieces and thrown into a pigsty at a landlord's house. The four skinny pigs that had been reserved by the Japanese military supply troops in Yuncheng miraculously began to grow fat before the Lunar New Year. All the Japanese officers who had eaten the pork said it was good.

When the Zhongtiaoshan Campaign ended, the Japanese army used nearly a thousand people and more than a dozen military dogs to search for dozens of miles, but did not find even a thread belonging to him. The Japanese pilot disappeared without a trace like foam in the sea.

It's not that the Japanese army did not suspect the local people, but anyone who knew the inside story knew that if they told the truth, everyone would die together. No matter how severely the Japanese army tortured, no one confessed. In the end, the Japanese pilot could only be treated as missing.

It was not until decades later that the son of the Japanese pilot, who was already in his 70s, came to the place where he disappeared and spent a lot of money to find out the whereabouts of his father. A hunchbacked 80-year-old Chinese man took the group of Japanese to a septic tank in the village that had not been used for more than 30 years and salvaged several human bones.

After DNA testing, a Japanese old man who was also over 80 years old knelt down beside the septic tank and cried bitterly.

The Chinese old man who did not receive a penny of the so-called bonus smiled particularly brightly. He had waited for this day for 80 years.

The Japanese old man of the same age as him was sad that his father had been in the manure for decades. Did he know the pain in the heart of a Chinese child who lost his parents at the age of seven and was forced to make a living with a baby sister in the war era?

When he was an adult, when he divided the landlord's house, he only asked for the firewood room and pigsty, and transformed a corner of the pigsty into a septic tank. In his lifetime, he would use these to suppress the dirty souls of the devils, and hoped that in his lifetime, he could show all this to the descendants of the devils.

His wish came true. The old man who had been miserable and lonely all his life died a month later, but his cold mouth was smiling.

The Chinese are generous to their friends, but also stingy to their enemies!

Decades of surging time, no, even hundreds of years of time, are not enough to erase that traumatic memory.

"Old Wang, well done!" Brigade Commander Kong looked up at the departing Japanese fighter plane and praised his childhood friend.

But what excited him more than the results of ground-to-air combat was the battlefield on the ground.

Perhaps it was the outcome of the Four-Line Regiment's victory over the Japanese reinforcements ten miles away, or perhaps the Japanese aircraft group that fled in panic was the last straw that broke the camel's back, and the Japanese troops in Ruicheng ran away.

The remaining hundreds of Japanese troops abandoned the city and fled before the 46th Independent Brigade resumed the ground offensive.

The 46th Independent Brigade captured Ruicheng, an extremely important supply base for the hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops on the Zhongtiao Mountain front, with less than 300 casualties.

Because of the haste of the Japanese retreat, they did not even bother to destroy the supplies in the city. More than 500,000 kilograms of various types of food were piled in the open air, and bullets, artillery shells and other ammunition were piled up in mountains.

After entering the city, the Independent 46th Brigade failed to take care of these exciting captures. Their mission of breaking out of the encirclement this time was not only to defeat the Japanese advance base.

Distribute food and some guns and ammunition to the people who were still in Ruicheng City, allowing them to go to the countryside to join their relatives. At the same time, they also accepted the surrender of about two to three hundred young people, and ordered each person to bring 3 kilograms of rice and 3 kilograms of white flour, and then use The seized gasoline was used as fuel to burn the food and ammunition depots of the Japanese army that could not be taken away.

An hour later, the 46th Independent Brigade set off toward Yuncheng, dozens of kilometers away.

And all this, the hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops on the front line of Zhongtiao Mountain could only watch helplessly, but they could do nothing.

Because, just this morning, the hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops guarding the defense line were ready to move, especially the Chinese Fourth Army, which was closest to Ruicheng. They even bombarded the Japanese field positions with artillery fire, saying that if you dare to leave, I will Neither Nakamura Masao nor Itagaki Shiro dared to take the situation of counterattack across the board lightly, let alone the troops in the central theater of Nakajoyama who were already stretched thin.

Therefore, during the day on the 14th, the entire Zhongtiao Mountain War Zone presented an extremely strange battle situation: the front lines of both sides with 60,000 to 70,000 soldiers were stationary, but the Ruicheng and Yuncheng communication lines located behind the Japanese army were fighting in full swing.

The 4th Division suffered its biggest loss since entering China. Two infantry brigades were ambushed by the Four Lines Regiment on their way to rescue Ruicheng. Although there was no specific number of casualties, Major General Daxiong Yunsuke, who had received the farewell message from his subordinate Yusui, knew that , my two infantry brigades are finished.

Although the infantry brigade stationed in Ruicheng took advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's entanglement with the Army Air Force fleet to escape smoothly, they did not dare to return to Yuncheng along the main road after losing a lot of heavy weapons. Instead, they chose to move closer to Nakamura Masao's department.

This choice is correct. If those few hundred people still dare to run towards Yuncheng, no matter if they encounter the 46th Independent Brigade or the First Division of the Fourth Army Regiment, their lives will be doomed.

That also means that the West Tuo Detachment, which originally had nearly 10,000 troops, only has three infantry brigades that can still be used for combat at this time.

After Shiro Itagaki learned that thousands of Chinese people who had conquered Ruicheng were moving along the road towards Yuncheng, he immediately issued a military order to Okuma Konosuke: "Yuncheng is our most important supply base, and it is related to the outcome of this battle. The key must not be lost. We at the Zhongtiao Mountain Theater Frontline Command have ordered you to use any means to intercept the enemy."

The general idea is that Daxiong Konosuke must defend Yuncheng and gives him the highest authority. Not only can he command all the Japanese troops in Yuncheng, but he can also use any shady means when necessary, such as using poison gas and using Chinese civilians as human shields.

Although I didn't say it that clearly, that's what I meant.

"Itagaki Shiro is extremely despicable! Extremely shameless!" Konosuke Ohma fiercely threw the message sent by Itagaki Shiro into a ball on the ground and cursed.

According to Itagaki Shiro, if the troops are insufficient, he, the current supreme commander of Yuncheng, can organize all the baggage teams of the master regiments staying in Yuncheng, and basically can gather 2,000 people. If he is more crazy, he can organize those field battles The doctors and nurses in the hospital are all armed, and there are more than 1,500 of them. The number of troops available for front-line combat in Yuncheng can also reach the size of an infantry brigade.

Anyway, for Yuncheng now, what is lacking is not guns and ammunition, but people!

But Okuma Konosuke is a smart man. No matter whether it is the baggage train or the field hospital, there are many nobles who come to gild. If he pushes these people to the front line and kills them, he will probably offend all the divisions. Deep down to the core, there are countless families in the country who hate him and the 4th Division.

You know, Itagaki Shiro's name for generating electricity was not him as the commander, but the frontline headquarters.

Fortunately, Okuma Konosuke was also someone behind. An hour after he quietly sent a message asking for guidance to his division commander, he received a message from the North China Front Army Headquarters, ordering him to hold on to Yuncheng and immediately Organize field hospital medical care and evacuation of wounded soldiers in each division.

Although the same order was given to hold on to Yuncheng, the order to organize the evacuation of medical and wounded soldiers was completely different from Itagaki Shiro's order that no one should be evacuated to avoid destabilizing the morale of the army.

One is the supreme commander of the frontline headquarters, and the other is the supreme commander sitting in the rear. Who do you listen to? This was not difficult for Major General Okuma Konosuke, so he chose the latter without hesitation.

The two trains carrying military supplies bound for Yuncheng became the last life-saving straw for the Japanese troops in Yuncheng.

On the afternoon of the 14th, the originally precious food, ammunition and other materials were discarded along the railway line like grass by the Japanese army. Wounded soldiers and medical staff crowded the carriages, and even the carriages were full of people.

A Japanese army aviation lieutenant who flew over the sky and witnessed it all was described in his diary: The train was crowded with evacuees, and the front of the train, which was spewing thick black smoke, was like an exhausted train. Old cow, pulling the heavy car body forward slowly!

The imperial eagle flew over their heads, but this time, their deafening cheers and proud arms raised could no longer be heard, but only fear and numbness!

This should be the most sad scene for the Japanese army since the Japanese North China Front entered North China to fight, regardless of winning or losing.

They were still in an advantageous position, but were forced to retreat.

According to the records in the battle report of the 4th Division, two trains transported more than 6,800 people who needed to be evacuated.

But according to the data reported by each division, the medical staff and seriously injured soldiers in Yuncheng added up to less than 5,000 people. What happened to the extra 2,000 people?

They were all soldiers of the Western Turkic Detachment. After the military order to evacuate the wounded was issued, many wounded soldiers wrapped in bandages emerged from various units of the Western Turkic Detachment. Even if two colonels were in charge of the train station, the wounded still emerged in an endless stream.

The torn bandages were all bloody and horrible. There were gunshot wounds and fractures. Even the colonel commander with fierce eyes could not clearly define whether it was a new wound or an old wound. In fact, even if he knew, such wounded soldiers were rarely found on the spot.

With the war imminent, commanders like them will not stay in the rear all the time. Once they are on the front line, their lives will not only be in the hands of the Chinese, but also have to be guarded against the guns of their own people.

In the end, half an hour before the two Chinese troops arrived in Yuncheng, the Japanese army successfully evacuated all non-combat personnel.

But the soldiers that Okuma Yukinosuke could use only gathered 4 infantry battalions. When the Japanese major general climbed up the city wall and picked up the telescope to look at the Chinese army busy building field trenches 800 meters away, he couldn't help but take a breath.

In just one direction, the number of Chinese troops is more than 2,000. If the artillery and other troops hidden farther away are counted, the number of troops attacking Yuncheng this time is at least more than 10,000. There are only a few thousand people there, as reported by Itagaki Shiro in the intelligence.

"Baga! Shameless!" Okuma Yukinosuke looked ugly as if he had eaten a few pieces of hot stuff, and kept cursing.

Of course, he knew that it might be okay to rely on the thousands of men under his command to stop the Chinese attack, but how many of them would survive until after the war?

More than 3,000 young men in Osaka could not return home, and after this battle, the number might increase by 2,000 or even 3,000. This was the main reason why he turned a blind eye to the surge in the number of wounded soldiers in the detachment.

However, to the surprise of Okuma Konosuke, the Chinese army, which was busy building field trenches outside the city, did not take advantage of the victory to attack the city, but kept digging. The incessant digging sound continued until late at night, making the Japanese infantry on the city wall irritable.

‘What exactly do the Chinese want to do? ’ Okuma Konosuke, who was sitting in the command center, was also very distressed. He really couldn’t figure it out.

Don’t think that the Chinese are powerful now. They captured Ruicheng in one fell swoop during the day, burned many supplies of the empire, and ambushed the imperial army to achieve extremely impressive results. But this is actually just superficial glory. For the imperial army with nearly 200,000 soldiers stationed in Zhongtiao Mountain, it is not even a scratch.

The main force of the imperial army, which is dozens of miles away, may turn around at any time and swallow it up effortlessly.

The most important thing for this Chinese army far away from the main force is to attack quickly, relying on the time period when the main force of the imperial army has no time to take care of other things, and continuously attack all valuable tactical targets, and then flee far away, just like the cavalry in ancient warfare, maintaining mobility and sufficient attack power.

And planning to stop and attack like now, so that the main force of the imperial army clearly knows their goals, is simply a way to death.

Okuma Yukinosuke believed that with Itagaki Shiro's ability, he had secretly deployed troops at this moment. In less than two days, a brigade-level force would arrive near Yuncheng and attack the Yuncheng defenders from the front and back. Not to mention that the Chinese were an infantry division, even if it was an infantry army, it would probably be annihilated.

But the Japanese Army Major General never underestimated his opponents, especially a commander who dared to break through the defense line and march deep into the enemy's territory alone under such circumstances. What he could think of, the other party must have thought of, but the other party still did it, which made him puzzled.

Then, the Japanese Army Major General, who was so distressed that he couldn't sleep, didn't expect the answer, but waited for an unexpected guest.

A Chinese!

A tall and elegant Chinese!

. . . . . . . . .

PS: Fengyue was busy all day yesterday and really didn't have time to write. I asked for leave in the group. I couldn't open a single chapter to explain it. I would like to explain it here. ()

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