Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1270 We don’t want a single grain of rice!

"I am Mr. Shen's friend and the current battalion commander of the 4th Battalion of the Sixings Regiment, Shangguan Yun!"

The visitor was surprisingly candid, revealing his identity without waiting for the big bear to ask.

Even though Daxiong Yunosuke had roughly guessed the identity of the visitor, otherwise there would be no secret code for contacting him, he was still startled when he heard the other party's military title, and anger filled his eyes.

During the day, weren't the more than 2,600 men under his command ambushed and dispersed by these guys from the Four Elements Regiment? And this murderer actually dared to stand in front of him openly. Not to mention that he was Shen Laoliu's friend, even if Shen Laoliu himself was here, he would definitely die.

"Yo Xi! Mr. Shangguan Yun, I admire your bravery, but unfortunately, the lives of more than 2,600 young men under my command cannot be lost in vain. Someone needs to bury them with them. As the battalion commander, you can be regarded as the interest paid in advance. ." Daxiong Yunzosuke, who had been stunned for several seconds, smiled instead of angry, and gave a thumbs up to Shangguan Yun, who was standing in front of him calmly.

But this smile is full of murderous intent!

"Your Excellency Daxiong, I think you may have made a mistake in saying a number." Shangguan Yun seemed not to see the murderous intention of the Japanese Army Major General. Instead, he seriously corrected the other party's mistake.

"In the ambush of our regiment at noon on the 14th, a total of 1,934 people of your army were killed, and 1,148 guns of various types and 9 artillery pieces were seized."

This was a number calculated after careful counting two hours after the ambush battle. As the second commander of the Si Xing Regiment, Shangguan Yun naturally knew all the treasures.

"Baga! You're dead, you're dead!" Daxiong Xingzhi's eyes turned black, and he suddenly pulled out his command knife and pointed it at Shangguan Yun, who was standing in front of him and talking.

The two Japanese officers who were following Shangguan Yun also aimed their Southern Type 14 pistols at the extremely courageous Chinese soldier.

The Japanese admire warriors, but the enemy's bravery is their poison, especially when they are showing off with the lives of their own colleagues, which even a fool cannot tolerate.

"Your Excellency Daxiong, don't you want to think about the reason why there is such a difference in numbers between you and me? Our regimental commander knows that Your Excellency Daxiong is a man who loves soldiers as much as his son, and will never lose his mind before knowing the answer." Shangguan Yun smiled slightly when facing the sword and gun.

"Also to be honest, please don't be too angry, Mr. Daxiong. The swords and guns of the 36th Infantry Regiment of the 9th Division that I saw with my own eyes on the bank of the Suzhou River back then were much brighter than this knife of yours."

"You" Daxiong Konosuke's eyes kept flashing fiercely, but after a few suffocating seconds, he inserted the knife into the scabbard at his waist and waved his hand to signal his two henchmen to put away their guns and go out.

He pointed to the chair next to him: "Mr. Shangguan, no, it should be Major Shangguan. Please take a seat. Even if your and our armies are fighting, our empire does not have the habit of killing envoys. But daybreak is approaching. I hope you and I can speak openly and honestly." Talk."

"Okay! The first thing I was ordered to do here is to tell you that because of Mr. Shen's suggestion, our department has not killed all members of the 4th Division. However, anyone who throws away their weapons and gives up resistance will be punished in accordance with international law. Its official prisoner of war treatment included 623 wounded and non-wounded people.”

"Oh?" Da Xiong Yunosuke narrowed his eyes slightly.

Perhaps he had guessed some clues from Shangguan Yun's previous words, so he didn't seem too surprised.

In the understanding of the Japanese Army Major General, this should also be the reason why the Chinese Major Battalion Commander dared to come alone.

He was sure that as long as he dared to attack the Chinese major, tomorrow morning, at least half, no, maybe all of the more than 600 prisoners of war of the 4th Division would be hung in front of the Yuncheng city wall defense line.

The 4th Division had just entered North China and had no previous experience of fighting with the Si Xing Regiment, but this did not prevent him from knowing a little about the style of the colonel commander who was called the "devil" by the troops on the North China Front.

Under the colonel commander, unless it was a function, there would be no Imperial officers and soldiers alive at all.

Use 600 to exchange for one. Don't make it too easy.

"Then I have to ask Major Shangguan Yun to take good care of the officers and soldiers of our division. If your regiment still exists after this battle, I will definitely try my best to pay you a price that is satisfactory to you." Da Xiong Yunsuke said calmly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Daxiong. The regimental commander asked us that even if our army has no food, we will ensure that each person in the 4th Division has 1 or 2 meters per day. There will never be an incident of starvation due to food shortage." Shangguan Yun But he smiled slightly.

"Soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Empire will never be blackmailed for this." Big Bear Konosuke's face suddenly darkened, his eyes once again gleamed fiercely, and he stared at Shangguan Yun fiercely.

Shangguan Yun was calm and composed.

Before coming, Tang Tuanzuo specially sent a long message to inform him one by one about the personality characteristics of this Japanese Army Major General who usually likes to be fierce and voluptuous.

This man would definitely be a successful businessman in the business world, but as a military officer, he lacked a very important quality.

Soldiers will not compromise with their opponents for anything. In the interests of the country and the nation, anyone can be sacrificed, including themselves.

But businessmen will not overturn the negotiation table easily unless they have to.

Shangguan Yun knew from the first moment he saw Daxiong Konosuke that the Japanese Army Major General didn't kill him immediately that Tang Dao was determined to kill him, and he could achieve almost 90% of his goal here. .

"This is the first thing. If you have anything else, Major Shangguan Yun, you may as well finish it. Then you can go. I hope we will have a chance to see each other again after the war." Seeing that his opponent was not afraid at all, Okuma Yukinosuke's eyes flashed with helplessness. He tried his best to remain calm and said coldly.

The Japanese Army Major General knew that the Chinese would definitely not come to him with good intentions and specifically say "We have more than 600 prisoners of yours here". Even if there was that Shen Laoliu in the middle, they would not send such a high-level officer.

When he thought of the smiling Shen Laoliu, the Japanese Army Major General couldn't help but have a headache. The cunning Chinese seemed to understand his mind and could use language to break through his defenses little by little, and finally forced him to compromise.

The Chinese Army Major in front of him gave him the feeling that he also had such characteristics, but now Yuncheng must not be lost, and he didn't want to accept any temptation from the devil at all.

"The second thing is, originally I wanted to let Sir Daxiong appreciate the firepower of our artillery group, but my regimental commander said that Sir Daxiong is a veteran who has served in the army for many years, so we should not use our heavy firepower to show off. It is better to ask Sir Daxiong to appreciate the large fireworks set off by our army tonight to add some fun to this winter night."

"What do you mean?" Yukinosuke Okuma's face tightened.

His subconscious told him that the Chinese were going to make trouble again, and it was a big thing.

"Sir Daxiong can order your officers and soldiers in the area about 300 meters from the northwest wall to find shelter first to avoid accidental injuries from fireworks." Shangguan Yun said while looking at the old-fashioned clock in this command center. "In about fifteen minutes, we should be able to light the fuse of the fireworks. Why don't you come with me to appreciate it?"

Ten minutes later, the two stood on the third floor platform of a long-vacant restaurant about 200 meters away from the northwest corner of Yuncheng City Wall.

From here, the fairly thick city wall of Yuncheng is in full view, but nothing can be seen in the dark wilderness outside the city wall.

A Japanese Army Major General and a Chinese Army Lieutenant Colonel stood side by side in the darkness. Under the restaurant and in the room, there was at least one fully armed Japanese infantry squadron.

"Are you planning to dig tunnels and blast the city wall fortifications?" Okuma Konosuke looked at the dark wilderness with an iron face.

"Sir Okuma is indeed one of the most famous generals in the Japanese Army. My regiment commander has long said that as long as you listen to my proposal, you will definitely guess our intention." Shangguan Yun smiled slightly.

"However, my regiment commander wants to ask Sir Okuma to show you, not the way we set off fireworks, but the quality of our fireworks. I think Sir Okuma will definitely be interested in the excellent craftsmanship of our fireworks."

Okuma Konosuke stopped talking, and his eyes passed over the nearly 5-meter-high city wall and cast into the darkness outside the wall.

The tactics of the Four-line Regiment, which relied on civil engineering to dig and place explosives for blasting, were not unfamiliar and indeed useful. However, it was too much to think that relying on such tactics alone would scare a major general in the army who commanded thousands of people.

But the Chinese's confidence made him feel guilty for some reason, just like Shen Laoliu a few days ago.

"It will start soon!" Shangguan Yun took out his pocket watch and took a look, then took out two balls of cotton and stuffed them into his ears, and handed the cotton to the Japanese major general beside him.

Okuma Konosuke rejected the good intentions of the Chinese devil with great resistance, and even picked up a telescope.

He wanted to see how much shock the Chinese'fireworks could bring him, given the Chinese's technological level that made it difficult for them to even make matches?

A ball of light exploded about 200 meters away from the city wall. The light was so bright that Okuma Konosuke, who was staring at the dark area, couldn't help but close his eyes.

Then, a loud bang of "boom" was heard by Okuma Konosuke, who was more than 500 meters away from the explosion site.

Except for this loud bang, the whole world seemed to cease to exist at that moment.

Major General Okuma Konosuke was not stupid at this moment, but stunned.

He was stunned by this loud bang.

The confused Japanese Army Major General's mind was blank for at least ten seconds.

Only after more than ten seconds, he stared blankly at the big fireball rising into the sky and instinctively asked: "How many kilograms of explosives did you use?"

He clearly saw the Chinese Army Major opening his mouth to speak, but he could not hear anything except a roar in his ears.

The huge explosion made the Japanese Army Major General temporarily deaf.

There is a Chinese saying: Listen to others' advice and eat a full meal! The consequence of stubbornly maintaining the demeanor of a major general at this time is that he almost became deaf.

That was because there was still some distance. At least 300 soldiers of the 4th Division who were only 200 meters away from the explosion site and had no chance to be warned became completely deaf. The fragile eardrum will be difficult to repair in the future, let alone at this time.

In fact, not to mention the Japanese who were not well prepared, even the commander of the 46th Brigade, Kong Da, who was hiding in a trench only 400 meters away from the explosion site, opened his mouth and ate a mouthful of dust.

The suffocating feeling of the air wave sweeping everything in the face was something that even the major general brigadier who had been in the army for 20 years had never experienced personally.

However, opening his mouth and eating dust did not scare the major general brigadier, but he was afraid that his heart would be squeezed and exploded by the pressure brought by such a big explosion if he did not open his mouth to relieve the pressure in his chest.

In the trenches located 400 meters away from the explosion point, the Chinese personnel were full of dust, and the trenches in some places were even collapsed by the earthquake. Fortunately, there were people nearby, and even if someone was buried by the collapsed earth wall, they were quickly dug out.

In fact, although they knew how powerful the 'Cyclone Explosive' was, the Chinese still underestimated the power of this new type of explosive, resulting in 8 injuries on the Chinese side. Moreover, even Brigadier Kong and Leng Feng of the 46th Independent Brigade were close to the explosion point. area.

After the war, Leng Feng, who had won first-class military merit, reviewed this at the regimental summary meeting.

The dissipation of explosive energy decreases geometrically as the distance increases. At a distance of more than 400 meters, the explosive power is still so huge, let alone the city wall area only 200 meters away from the explosion point.

The city wall was shattered by nearly ten meters, leaving a large gap. If Major General Konosuke Okuma, who "would rather believe something exists than something that doesn't exist", had not wisely ordered all the Japanese infantry in the area to evacuate, the casualties would not have been only the 30 or so. It's so simple for people to be injured by 'thrown objects from high altitude'.

That was the effect that a full 200 kilograms of cyclone explosives could produce. In the morning, the Japanese infantry outside the city looked at the deep pit about six to seven meters deep and about the size of a small pond, and all of them felt their scalps numb.

With such powerful explosives, the Chinese did not need to dig under the city wall. Even from a distance of more than ten meters, they could blow dozens of meters of city wall into the sky.

"Ten tunnels. After the engineers of our Fourth Army Regiment arrived in the afternoon, they quickly started digging from more than 400 meters away. If your army uses the city wall as a fortification to defend the city, by tomorrow afternoon, there will be ten such tunnels, reaching a distance of 400 meters from the Yuncheng city wall. About ten meters away." In the light of the sky, Shangguan Yun used two fingers to make a sign of "ten" that everyone in the world could understand with a smile.

Although he still couldn't hear clearly what Shangguan Yun said, Daxiong Yunsuke could understand what that number represented, and his face turned pale instantly.

If so many explosives could be placed in ten tunnels, it would be enough to blow away hundreds of meters of city walls. Not only would the carefully laid out defenses suffer heavy damage, but what was even more terrifying was what would happen to the defenders on and behind the city walls?

The violent air waves were mixed with tons of earth and bricks falling down, and not many people could escape the disaster, even if they were made of steel and iron.

The Japanese Army Major General wanted to open his mouth to refute. Such a violent explosion would require at least 800 kilograms of explosives. If there were ten tunnels, that would be 8,000 kilograms. He did not believe that the Chinese could carry so many explosives during the march. This was almost impossible. of.

But when the words came to his lips, Big Bear Konosuke swallowed them alive. The Chinese could use 800 kilograms or more of explosives to set off large fireworks for him, which meant that they had more explosives as a basis.

And looking at the past performance of the Four Elements Group, his opponents didn't think they would defeat them that time, but didn't the Four Elements Group have the last laugh that time? That is definitely the most amazing army in the North China Theater and the most feared by the entire North China Front.

After a long silence, until the roaring in his ears gradually subsided, Daxiong Yunzosuke waved his hand to ask the several guards behind him to step back, and said with an ugly face: "Major Shangguan Yun is here just to demonstrate for me. ? Now your goal has been achieved, but my Imperial Warriors of the 4th Division will never back down because of this."

"Mr. Shen asked me to tell Mr. Daxiong something. There is an old saying in China: If you keep the green hills, you will not have to worry about having no firewood! If you lose your life, you will lose everything. Of course, even if Mr. Daxiong is restricted by military orders, you must persevere to the end. , The promise he made to you before is still valid, but I don’t know if there will be anyone who will accept it." Shangguan Yun looked into the distance and whispered in a voice that only Daxiong Yunsuke could hear.

"Our army is here not to fight to the death with the 4th Division, nor are we asking for Yuncheng. What we want is just the little food and ammunition in Yuncheng. As you know, Mr. Daxiong, our supplies are very difficult. "

"There are more than one million kilograms of grain in Yuncheng, and you just want to take it away with just a few people? If you have five trains, I can give it to you with both hands." Daxiong Yunzosuke's face was full of disdain.

Like Mr. Shen, this is another example of a lion opening its mouth.

"Since Mr. Daxiong said so, let's change the method. We can not take away a grain of rice, but the noble army in Zhongtiao Mountain cannot take away a grain of rice from here. What do you think?" Shangguan Yun said very Said sincerely.

Baga, here and there are different words, but the essence is the same! Daxiong Yunsuke wanted to draw his sword.

This shameless behavior is really very familiar!

"This is Mr. Shen's idea again!"

"No wonder Mr. Shen said that although I have only known you, Mr. Daxiong, for half a day, we felt like old friends at first sight, because Mr. Daxiong, you are a rare smart person in the Japanese army." Shangguan Yun smiled after hearing this. "You guessed it."

"Damn it, I knew it must be him, this disgustingly cunning Chinese!" Big Bear Konosuke's face was full of resentment.

"Mr. Shen said that he will have a drink with Mr. Daxiong one day!"

"I'm sorry, I have no such idea at all. Please tell him for me that I don't want to see him again in this life." Daxiong Yunzhi turned around angrily.

"In half an hour, Major Shangguan Yun, please leave our 4th Division position. We have not seen each other today."

In the darkness, Shangguan Yun smiled brightly.

Tang Tuanzuo is simply amazing. He has almost calculated all the reactions of this Japanese Army Major General, including the arrogant acceptance at the end.

. . . . . . . . . . .

PS: I had a social event tonight and came back late. I updated the last thousand words before I finished writing. Sorry for the late update!

In addition, I recommend my old friend Changfeng’s new book "Spy Shadow Reverse War". Changfeng is a veteran spy war author and has written several spy war masterpieces. Book friends who like spy wars, go and support my old friend’s new book. Thank you!

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