Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1386 Air Force Elite (ask for monthly votes at the beginning of the month!)

The reason why Tang Dao made this seemingly unreasonable request is that the US military that has arrived at the Jiulongpo Airport in the mountain city has the strength to do so.

Americans are arrogant, but not stupid!

After the three large transport planes arrived in Malaysia, there were six wildcat fighters that had just been put into service and had not yet fully formed combat effectiveness to accompany and escort them. The wildcat fighters carrying two auxiliary fuel tanks increased their range by nearly 1,000 kilometers on the basis of the original 1,300-kilometer range, which was enough to support them to reach the mountain city across the long journey.

As she promised, Laura gave Tang Dao the support she could. It is unknown how much she spent to convince Stilwell and the ambassador to China. After a full day of negotiations, the US military finally agreed to hand over 6 wildcat fighters to Chinese pilots.

It was not until many years later that Tang Dao learned from General Stilwell that Laura not only mobilized the two most supportive elders in the family to contact the top leaders of the US military, but also used the private fund of 2 million US dollars left to her by her grandfather, which was enough to equip the US Navy with 5 squadrons of wildcat fighters.

But Tang Dao knew that this favor was not just about money. Laura also told the family elders for the first time that she admired Tang Dao, an army colonel from a weak country in the war.

Such an unusual choice might affect the elders who originally supported her to reposition themselves.

Those elders might respect the opinion of the founder of Rockefeller, but they would never want a huge financial empire with billions of US dollars to have such a helmsman who was influenced by personal emotions.

Because of Laura's choice, she might never be able to fulfill her grandfather's last wish, but Laura still did it without hesitation!

The reason why Tang Dao used these 6 wildcat fighters was that he knew that when the remains of his eldest brother arrived in Yiling, tens of thousands of people would see him off along the street, and the Japanese army who was trying to seize Yiling would never miss this opportunity.

Many unofficial histories have recorded that when General Zhang's hearse passed through the urban area of ​​Yiling, more than 100,000 people knelt down along the street to see him off. Japanese planes flew over the long farewell team for several kilometers but did not drop bombs. That was because the Japanese invaders were also moved by General Zhang's bravery. Tang Dao could not verify this detail.

Moreover, there have been many subtle changes in this era, and Tang Dao is even less likely to pin it on the so-called respect of the Japanese for the general.

The eldest brother died in the pincer attack of the Japanese navy and army. The eldest brother's heroic spirit is not far away. If the Japanese navy's fighter planes dare to come, he must present the most suitable sacrifice to the eldest brother in front of 100,000 people!

When Tang Dao arrived at Shancheng, the streets and alleys of Shancheng were already full of white flowers. The government ordered that General Zhang be promoted to the second-level army general. The coffin will be sent from Yiling to Shancheng for a state funeral, and that person will be the main sacrifice!

Tang Dao did not return to the hotel, but went straight to the Ministry of Military Affairs.

He wanted to personally carry the coffin for his elder brother, even if the price was that the Four-Line Regiment left the battlefield in North China. He believed that those who were deliberately trying to transfer him away could not refuse this condition.

Of course, Tang Dao was not impulsive on this issue. He knew a year ago that with the increasing influence of the Four-Line Regiment in the battlefield in North China, the time for the Four-Line Regiment to be transferred from the Second War Zone was getting closer and closer, including this visit to Shancheng to report on his work. Even if the Rockefeller family endorsed him and overseas Chinese companies generously donated nearly 10 million US dollars in arms, those bigwigs who felt that they could not control him would transfer him away from the north as soon as possible.

Transfer, it is only a matter of time, especially after the 80th Army’s battle in Zishan.

Those people felt like a thorn in their backs.

Sure enough, when they learned that the Americans actually agreed to send a C-47 as a special plane to transport the coffin, and that they could deliver 6 of the latest fighters to the Chinese Air Force for escort, even the bigwig of the Ministry of Military Affairs was shocked.

"If my wish is fulfilled, Tang Dao and the soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment will be grateful to the commander, fight bravely and sacrifice their lives!" Tang Dao's statement made Minister He's hand holding the pen pause.

"Your military rank is too low, and it is not suitable for you to be a funeral officer, but I can apply for you. It depends on the attitude of the commander." Minister He did not reply to Tang Dao immediately.

Both parties tacitly did not mention the transfer of the Four-Line Regiment, but both sides understood each other's meaning.

Sure enough, an hour later, the order came.

Tang Dao was the funeral adjutant for Shancheng to welcome the spirit of the Army General back to the capital. The first funeral officer was Minister Chen, the deputy minister of the Propaganda Department. Many people may say that a deputy ministerial level is not enough to show the importance of the commander, but if you know that this person also holds the position of the director of the second department of the attendant's room, you will know the meaning of this.

The person who served as the first funeral officer is one of the two think tanks of the think tank. It can almost be regarded as the person who went there in person. This standard is already very high.

The other several pallbearers were not unknown people either. There were celebrities in the cultural and art circles, big names in the education circle, leaders in the business community, and ministerial-level officials in the administrative department. That meant that people from all walks of life in the country shared the same grief. In addition to those who went from Shancheng, there were also two commanders of the main divisions under the 33rd Army.

After all, perhaps only Colonel Tang Dao had the lowest official rank.

But who dares to look down on Tang Tuanzuo? In terms of friendship, he and General Zhang met on the battlefield, and their friendship was unmatched; in terms of military exploits, Tang Tuanzuo had even more outstanding military exploits;

In addition to carrying the pallbearer, Tang Tuanzuo was also responsible for all the safety of the pallbearer team when he went to Yiling, including the command of the special plane and 6 Wildcat fighters.

Of course, this is mainly due to the request of the Mi side. Although except for the pilots of the special plane who are American pilots, all the pilots of the Wildcat carrier-based aircraft will be replaced by Chinese pilots, but the Mi side also explained that the C-47 is for lease. The Wildcat fighter jets are only temporarily loaned and must be returned unconditionally after use. They require that the commander be Colonel Tang, and the American pilots on the special plane will only obey the orders of Colonel Tang.

In other words, the lives of all the big guys are in the hands of Colonel Tang. If he doesn't give the right command, everyone will be in trouble.

At 9 o'clock in the morning the next day, the big guys who were sent to perform special tasks gathered in the conference hall of the Military and Political Department. Everyone, including Director Chen, treated Tang Dao, a young colonel, with great courtesy, but no one dared Somewhat arrogant.

However, Tang Dao just met everyone and left the venue.

Tang Dao has more important things to do.

Six pilots carefully selected from the three flying groups have all arrived at Jiulongpo Airport. He is going to meet them and take them to receive the Wildcat fighter jets.

. . . . . . . . . .

"Shen Chonghai of the 21st Squadron of the 4th Flying Group reports to the commander!

He Juemin of the 28th Squadron of the 3rd Flying Group reported to the commander!

Zhang Dafei of the 25th Squadron of the 3rd Flying Group reported to the commander!


As soon as Tang Dao entered the exclusive pilot lounge at Jiulongpo Airport, the six pilots sitting on the chairs wearing pilot uniforms quickly stood up and reported their names and numbers one by one.

Needless to say, Shen Chonghai, the two are old friends. They had not seen each other for almost two years since they parted ways in Wuhan that day. When we met again, there was a scar of five to six centimeters on the right cheek of the handsome young man in the past. He was no longer handsome, but he was A little more tough.

However, Tang Dao's gaze paused for a moment, but it stayed on the air force second lieutenant Zhang Dafei for one second longer.

If he remembered correctly, he had read stories about this air force second lieutenant in the future.

But obviously, judging from the military ranks alone, the two flying brigades are all elite this time, and there are two squadron commanders.

"On behalf of General Zhang's widow, I would like to thank the air force brothers for their support, and on behalf of the army, I would like to pay tribute to the air force!" Tang Dao stood at attention and gave the six pilots a standard military salute.

"Sir, your words are true. It is our honor to escort General Zhang!" The six pilots quickly stood at attention and returned the salute.

After the ceremony, Tang Dao briefly introduced the escort arrangements. Six Wildcat fighter jets will be fully loaded with bombs and accompany the special plane. After arriving at Yiling Airport, they will be ready to attack at any time. If a Japanese plane enters the sky above Yiling, they will take off resolutely. To fight against it, we must not cause casualties to the civilians and disturb the spirit of General Zhang due to the bombs dropped by Japanese planes.

Today, the general's coffin is being sent from Jingmen to Yiling, and will not arrive at Yiling until early tomorrow morning, so today we try to receive the Wildcat fighters as early as possible and conduct adaptive training.

"Brother Tang, I'm really happy to see you again." While Shen Chonghai was waiting for news from Mi Fang, he could finally chat with Tang Dao about his current situation.

"Okay! I haven't seen you for two years. Now you are a captain. I heard that you are also a captain. I think it won't be long before the captain's rank can be changed. However, how did you get this scar on your face? Be careful in the future. Don't get a wife," Tang Dao said with a smile.

"Hehe, whether this military rank can be changed depends on whether the little devils cooperate or not. If they obediently point their butts at me and let me fight a few more times, then it will be stable." Shen Chonghai chuckled confidently and touched He touched the scar on his face and said nonchalantly.

"This is a souvenir left by a kid I beat. Like Brother Chen Ping, I fought with the kid in the air with bayonets. But I was lucky. The kid's machine gun bullet didn't hit me, but I The bullet exploded the little devil’s fuel tank 200 meters away! This scar was only left by the debris of the Japanese plane’s explosion that shattered my cockpit glass.”

The flight speed of the aircraft is as high as nearly 100 meters per second, and the distance of 200 meters is almost instantaneous. The airspace covered by the explosion of the aircraft is as high as hundreds of meters. It can be imagined how thrilling it is to pass through the center of such an explosion, but in Shen Chonghai said it in such an understatement.

It can be seen that at that time, he was already determined to sacrifice like the young pilot who had died in Lan Tian.

When it comes to Chen Ping, Tang Dao is slightly silent. He has only seen photos of that heroic young man, but his courage in hand-to-hand combat in the air is a heroism that he will never forget in his life.

The other five pilots also had solemn faces. Apparently they had all heard of the young pilot's deeds.

"Brother Tang, how are you doing with the Chen family's little sister and sister-in-law?" Shen Chonghai saw Tang Dao's serious expression and knew that he was already in a gloomy mood, so he quickly changed the topic.

"Both of them are very good. One is a sergeant clerk in our Jinan Administrative Office, and the other is a sergeant propaganda officer in the field hospital. When they met me, they often asked me how you, Chen Ping's brothers, were doing. " Tang Dao replied.

"My brothers" Shen Chonghai had a lump in his throat, but it was difficult to continue speaking.

Their aviation team has participated in more than fifteen air battles in two years. From the 60 fighters that initially entered the Jindong battlefield, there were only less than 10 fighters left. Even his instructor was injured in an air battle half a year ago. , is still recovering in the hospital. Eventually, their aviation group was downsized into a squadron and incorporated into the 4th Aviation Group.

"Generals die in a hundred battles, and heroes return in ten years! This is the fate of us as soldiers. Those of us who are still alive must fight with their wishes until the day we see them or until victory comes." Tang Dao patted Shen Chonghai on the shoulder and said.

"Mr. Tang, can you sign your name for me? I have a sister who admires you very much. I think this book with your blessings must be the best birthday gift." The young man over there named Zhang Dafei The second lieutenant came over and asked shyly.

"What's so difficult about this!" Tang Dao took the Republic of China edition of Border Town, opened the title page, took out a pen from his pocket, glanced at the air force ensign, and confirmed again. "Zhang Dafei, from Yingkou, Liaoning?"

"Yes!" Zhang Dafei was slightly startled, obviously surprised that Tang Dao knew his place of origin.

"May each of us have a peaceful and beautiful border town! May you be happy throughout your life! Tang Dao is dedicated to Ms. Qi Bangyuan!" Tang Dao wrote such a sentence on the title page without thinking.

Zhang Dafei looked dull.

It's not because Tang Tuanzuo's cursive writing is really sloppy, nor is it because Tang Tuanzuo, who is famous for his toughness, actually has a romantic gown in his blessing.

But, he hadn't even said his sister's name yet, so how did Tang Tuanzuo know it? Even if the information about these pilots would be given to Tang Tuanzuo, it would not be necessary to include the relationship between his best friend's biological sister!

"Second Lieutenant Zhang, don't worry, your little girl Bang Yuan will live a long life, I said so." Tang Dao looked at the air force second lieutenant's doubtful eyes and told him firmly.

Tang Dao had never met the lady named Qi Bangyuan, but before he came to this time and space, he knew that Ms. Qi Bangyuan, who had never left the mountain city in her life, was separated from the 27-year-old Zhang Dafei for nearly 80 years when she was 100 years old. , finally reunited.

However, the place of reunion is in heaven.

The 22-year-old second lieutenant of the Air Force died in battle on the eve of victory!

"On August 15th, Japan unconditionally surrendered. The carnival night in the mountain city was the only one I had seen in my long life. The sorrowful land was filled with joy. People hugged each other on the streets, danced and laughed, and sang at the top of their lungs: "The mountains and rivers are magnificent. , the national flag is flying." I followed my brother and ran to Shapingba Street with a torch, and walked to the gate of Nankai Middle School. I thought of Zhang Dafei walking towards me from the playground.

At that moment, I suddenly felt that everything was silenced and I could no longer endure the crowds. I walked through the campus alone, walked on the deserted path, and cried loudly.

At the Aviation Martyrs Cemetery in Zijin Mountain, I saw rows of black marble tablets, engraved with the names of more than 3,000 Chinese Air Force martyrs. I searched quietly by myself, and finally saw these two simple lines:

Captain Zhang Dafei is from Yingkou, Liaoning Province

Born in 1918 Died in the line of duty in 1945

On this day in 1999, the sunshine in May shone on me, who was seventy-five years old, and it was infinitely warm! "

This is a diary that Tang Dao's squad leader once read to Tang Dao, who had just joined the army. It was written by his aunt who never married. It was the first time that young Tang Dao knew that the love he loved was separated by yin and yang, and there was no boat. Crossing, but someone is guarding it alone!

"There is a sister who has written you dozens of letters in the past two years. This is no secret. You can't live up to this happiness. With the Wildcat fighter jets this time, do you have the confidence to shoot down a Japanese fighter jet as a gift to you? A birthday gift for my sister, I believe she will be happier than receiving my autograph." Tang Dao encouraged the still confused air force second lieutenant by patting him on the shoulder.

"Promise to complete the mission! But let me make it clear that she is really my sister. I treat her as my own sister." Although the air force second lieutenant felt shy about his little secret being exposed by his superiors, he still straightened his chest and answered loudly. Do your best to explain.

There was good-natured laughter in the lounge.

Young people do not yearn for beautiful love, but these young airmen know very well that their probability of dying in battle is as high as 90%. It is not that they are unwilling, but that they dare not!

Dare not let it down!

Before and after my life, I only hope that she will be happy throughout her life! After Zhang Dafei died in battle, his mechanic sent back more than a hundred letters that Qi Bangyuan had written to him in seven years, and left Zhang Dafei's last words.

This is a tragic and poignant love story, but Tang Dao does not want it to happen. The Chinese Air Force has acquired Wildcat fighter jets in advance, which may change this ending.

An Air Force major walked into the lounge quickly, his face a little ugly. After hearing what the liaison officer from the Air Force Command said, Tang Dao's eyes narrowed slightly. ()

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