Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1387: Madness versus Pride

It turned out that six naval pilots from the 138th Aviation Squadron of the US Navy refused to deliver their planes.

The reason is that it is impossible for Chinese pilots to fly the latest federal fighter aircraft. As soldiers, they cannot allow federal weapons to be damaged. As citizens, they cannot watch taxpayers' money being wasted.

Of course, this was just what they said to Major Soros, the top military commander who flew to China. As for the liaison officers sent by China, the arrogant American pilots were completely useless.

Now, they formed a defense line in the hangar with the self-defense pistols they wore, and refused to allow any Chinese personnel to approach.

"Let's go! Come with me! I want to see how awesome the defense lines of these Americans are. As long as there is no defense line that cannot be broken on land, especially the foreign devils." Tang Dao frowned and thought for a while, then He waved to the six pilots and motioned for them to follow.

Pang Zilong, who was not far away from Tang Dao, had a fighting spirit in his eyes and took off the rifle hanging on his shoulder and held it in his hand.

If you don't accept it, just do it. This has always been the tradition of the Four Elements Group. As long as the regimental commander has spoken, it doesn't matter what Japanese, American, or Japanese guy he is, that's it.

"Commander Tang, please don't be impulsive. Shangfeng said that we would rather not have these 6 planes than we can offend these Americans. The superiors are still counting on the Americans to give us military assistance." The man sent by the Air Force Command The major liaison officer was almost frightened by Tang Dao's move.

Tang Tuanzuo's decisiveness in killing is not an exaggeration. The photo of him killing several Japanese soldiers with a rifle in front of the Sihang Warehouse is still on the desk of this air force major. This time, he is also serving as the air force liaison officer. The Air Force major applied voluntarily because he wanted to see his idol.

Little did we know that idols are still the same idols. If they are dissatisfied, they will do it, and good guys, their guns will be drawn out.

But, this American really can’t do it! Before leaving, the commander of the Air Force gave numerous instructions that everything should be based on the will of the Americans. They would rather not have these 6 fighters than offend the Americans. The headquarters even approved a special fund of 1,000 US dollars for this purpose, and Major Soros accepted it, so he never thought of causing trouble with a group of pilots.

"Don't worry, I just want to talk to them about American democracy and our Eastern humanities. It's not scary to have ideological conflicts. We Easterners have always achieved a balance acceptable to both parties through negotiation and compromise when it comes to different opinions." Tang Dao replied calmly.

"What I personally hate the most is using force to solve all problems. That is really reckless behavior."

"Commander Tang is right! Let's talk carefully and they will give in." The air force major nodded quickly.

Shen Chonghai: Mr. Tang is slightly different from two years ago. Is this the legendary maturity?

Zhang Dafei: He is indeed a heroic leader. His ability to handle crises is top-notch, especially his general demeanor, which is really heartwarming!

Others: I can only go and take a look first, but the Americans are so arrogant, I guess it’s difficult!

Ming Xin, Pang Zilong: How can the regimental commander describe his fists in such a fresh and refined manner? I can guarantee that the commander who is in a bad mood and angry will definitely beat the disobedient foreign devils to the ground.

. . . . . . . .

The group headed straight to the heavily guarded hangar!

Six American pilots, wearing pilot uniforms, stood upright in front of the hangar, coldly watching Tang Dao and his group approach.

"Tell them that their previous reasons are not valid. First of all, we have purchased these 6 Wildcat fighter jets at several times higher than the market price. How to use them is our country's business. In addition, they are now wearing military uniforms, they are soldiers, and soldiers should be responsible for their duties. It is your duty to obey orders.

I am Colonel Tang Dao, who is responsible for receiving fighter jets from China. If you have any questions, you can talk to me directly. "Tang Dao said to the interpreter accompanying the team.

After listening to the translator's narration, a burly air force lieutenant with brown hair and deep eyebrows walked out of the queue and stood two meters away from Tang Dao. He spoke in English with a disdainful look on his face.

"Commander Tang, this lieutenant named Robert Scott asked me to tell you, does China have no air force? It actually sent an army colonel to receive the fighter planes. Of course, they can accept the military order from their superiors to deliver the fighter planes, but the prerequisite It is the Chinese who have the ability to fly fighter planes into the blue sky. Otherwise, they have the right to refuse to hand over the crystallization of human science and technology to a group of weak translators. When the last word is spoken, there will be sweat on the forehead, as long as they are not stupid people. , you know that is definitely not a good word.

"Haha! Isn't it just the word idiot! It's not that difficult to say." Tang Dao smiled slightly.

Turning to look at the American Air Force lieutenant who was several centimeters taller than him, Tang Dao no longer needed a translator and said in proficient English: "There is a general in Europe who is just an average person, but he has a saying. I have always believed that, he said: Fools love to talk about wisdom, hypocrites love to talk about virtue! Lieutenant Scott, if your mind is not full of muscles, I don’t want to hear similar words again. I'm afraid I might accidentally put your head in the toilet."

A group of American pilots stared at this extremely powerful Chinese Army colonel with their mouths open.

It wasn't that the Army Colonel spoke fluent English, but that the Army Colonel, who was as tall as them, was really too strong, and he looked like he was going to fight when he came up.

These American pilots didn't know that this was Lieutenant Robert Scott, who had participated in the Flying Tigers and became an ace pilot over Burma. If it were someone else, I'm afraid his head would have been stuffed into the toilet now, not just a verbal warning.

The so-called strong colonel in their eyes was extremely restrained when he was in an extremely bad mood.

"I protest, you Chinese, is this how you treat your friends who come to help you?" Lieutenant Scott was stunned for a few seconds, and then he reacted and yelled at the Chinese major liaison officer with a red face.

It's a pity that he spoke in English, and the Chinese Air Force Major didn't know what he was saying at all, nor did he know what Tang Tuanzuo had just said.

But he also knew from the somewhat excited expression of the US Air Force lieutenant that what Tang Tuanzuo had just said was probably not a good thing. He just wanted to persuade Tang Dao not to forget his original intention. Didn't we agree to negotiate and compromise!

But Tang Dao waved his hand slightly, and a pressure blocked all the words he had not yet spoken.

"What? I just gave you a little warning, but Lieutenant Scott couldn't stand it. Then why didn't you consider other people's feelings when you called him an idiot just now? We Chinese have an old saying: Those who insult others will always be insulted! Perhaps, I can help you make up for the lesson you didn't learn at West Point!" Tang Dao looked at the US Air Force Lieutenant with a mocking expression.

"I can apologize for what I just said, but I'm sorry, my instructor told me that weak people don't have this qualification." Lieutenant Scott, who was blocked by Tang Dao for a long time and couldn't speak, snorted coldly.

"The so-called strength and weakness are not spoken with the mouth, but by this!" Tang Dao stretched out his fist. "Many Japanese have said this to me, but now they have all gone to see their Amaterasu, and I sent them away."

"Oh! God! Before I came to China, they all said how mysterious this ancient oriental country was, but I haven't discovered the mystery yet, but I have discovered a secret." Lieutenant Scott was amused by Tang Dao's extreme arrogance and shrugged at Tang Dao. "So, you Chinese grew up bragging."

Several American pilots burst into laughter!

"Haha! Whether it's bragging or not, you'll know after trying." Tang Dao also laughed, and then his voice turned cold.

"I'm the Army, you're the Air Force, I won't bully you, on the ground, I'm 1, you 6 come together, if you feel it's not enough, call all the members of your air force, I'll wait for you here, let you see what Chinese Kung Fu is.

If you don't dare, all get out of here, we paid your military for these 6 Wildcat fighters, guarding other people's property in other people's homes, what is this called, this is called robbery! Considering that you came from afar, I will only give you this one chance."

Chinese pilots like Zhang Dafei, who had been trained in the United States for more than a year and knew some English, were completely stunned when they saw Tang Dao's domineering challenge and scolding several arrogant American pilots like a grandson.

Not only did Tang Dao's current behavior have nothing to do with what he said before about negotiation, compromise and finding a balance, but it was also because of Tang Dao's current spirit. He knew the pride engraved in the bones of American pilots. Life and dignity were the two most important things to them. Tang Dao had completely stepped on one of the bottom lines.

"Damn it! We just don't want the precious technology to be abandoned in a foreign country by those shameless senior executives, so we want to set up an assessment, but since you said so, I will satisfy your wish first." The US Air Force lieutenant was angered by Tang Dao, who was even more arrogant than him.

"I don't need the help of my friends, I am enough. But I still want to declare that even if you beat me, I will not give way. Unless someone can fly a Wildcat carrier-based aircraft into the sky within half an hour, but sorry, we will not provide a flight manual!"

"Okay! I promise you, if we can't even fly a fighter plane into the sky, what's the use of our fighter planes? Where can we put them?" Tang Dao nodded.

Seeing Tang Dao agreed, the American pilots led by Lieutenant Scott changed from a horizontal formation to a vertical formation and left the hangar door, leading Tang Dao and his party to the hangar.

"Sir, the Americans are all tall and strong, and they especially like boxing. The rules of that thing are complicated. I learned it in the United States. How about I try it?" Zhang Dafei approached Tang Dao and whispered worriedly.

"Yes! Dafei can do it. Although he is not tall, his steps are very flexible, and all kinds of training are top-notch in the flight squadron." An air force captain who is about the same age as Tang Dao also whispered.

The air force liaison officer on the side looked even more bitter. For him, if Tang Dao was beaten by the Americans, he would definitely not get any good results, and it would be embarrassing for the Chinese soldiers if it was spread out, but if the Americans were beaten, he would be in big trouble.

If I had known that this job was so difficult, I would not have come even if I had given him money!

"It's no use being tall and strong, what's the use of boxing? The commander can kill him in one punch and two kicks." Pang Zilong twisted his mouth.

Well, it's okay that Tang is confident and domineering, but his subordinates are even more awesome.

"Don't worry, I know my limits!" Tang Dao didn't explain much and strode into the spacious hangar.

The hangars are built inside the mountain, and the size is at least equivalent to two basketball courts. There are about 3 Wildcats parked inside, and there is still a lot of space.

"Colonel, since you can speak English, this should be familiar to you!" Lieutenant Scott took out a boxing glove from his backpack and shook it at Tang Dao.

"It's up to you, I can do whatever you want, but don't protest if you get beaten and cry." Tang Dao smiled faintly.

"This is a private contest. If I win, Colonel, please take back what you said before. If I lose, I apologize for what I said before. But I have to remind you that I am the champion of the Pacific First Fleet Boxing Tournament." Scott's tone was much more polite than before, and the frankness and seriousness of a Westerner were also revealed.

Although Tang Dao's strength has not been recognized yet, the temperament he showed has quietly changed the perception of these arrogant American pilots towards him.

In the cognition of Westerners, people with smiling faces may not be weak, but they will definitely not be strong enough!

"Okay!" Tang Dao nodded.

Taking the gloves thrown by the Air Force Lieutenant, Tang Dao took off his upper body uniform, put on only a white shirt and gloves, and then did a few quick sliding tests.

Tang Dao had practiced boxing before. He wanted to get familiar with it, so that he wouldn't accidentally kick the future Flying Tigers ace pilot. That would be really bad.

Several American pilots were stunned.

Just from Tang Dao's fast sliding steps, they knew that the Chinese colonel in front of them was definitely a boxing expert.

Perhaps only Lieutenant Scott, who took off his pilot suit, showing his strong muscles and a thick chest hair, was not afraid.

What's the use of being fast? Before becoming a pilot, he was a professional boxer. His punch could reach 300 kilograms, and even a bull could be knocked out.

"I didn't expect that the colonel was so proficient in boxing. Then I will defeat you. But I have to remind you that this is not a boxing ring. There is no timeout. If you don't have enough physical strength, you can admit defeat to avoid being hit by my hook. It will be very painful. Maybe you can't save your teeth!" Lieutenant Scott walked in front of Tang Dao and said seriously.

"Since you are so honest, I can also tell you that my fists are faster than my feet!" Tang Dao smiled and raised his fist to Lieutenant Scott.

The two men's fists touched each other lightly, and then each took a few steps back.

Lieutenant Scott protected his face with his fists, bent slightly to protect his ribs with his elbows, and slowly approached Tang Dao.

Tang Dao was different. He let his arms hang naturally and swung gently with his feet sliding back and forth. His posture was much more relaxed than his opponent.

But even the Air Force Major who didn't know how to fight knew that without using his legs, the US Air Force Lieutenant's punching speed was definitely much faster than Tang Dao.

Sure enough, Lieutenant Scott punched first.

Westerners have longer arm spans than Orientals. Lieutenant Scott was originally a few centimeters taller than Tang Dao, so the length of his arms was naturally much longer than Tang Dao.

As the saying goes, an inch longer is an inch stronger. Lieutenant Scott wanted to use the length of his arms to test first with a jab.

Once he has tested Tang Dao's moving speed and the upper arm strength transmitted from the gloves, he can formulate a new tactic, whether it is a war of attrition or a frenzy of attack to directly KO the opponent.

This is definitely a tactic that only mature boxers will adopt, not amateur players who only rely on physical fitness.

And don't look at it as a direct jab, its punching force also reaches more than 100 kilograms, and ordinary people will basically be dizzy and almost lie on the ground after being hit.

Five consecutive punches were all avoided by Tang Dao, and the whole person retreated nearly three meters. Seeing that the distance to the wall was only one or two meters, it was a case of retreating and hitting the wall.

The hearts of several Chinese pilots were in their throats.

Lieutenant Scott obviously saw this situation, and took two consecutive steps forward, still a straight punch, and he was waiting for Tang Dao to block this punch.

Because, if he didn't block it, he would have to retreat, and if he retreated again, he would lose all space and could only passively take the beating.

Sure enough, Tang Dao raised his right hand and slapped it, blocking the right straight punch.

It was over, and Lieutenant Scott's mouth slightly curved.

Apart from his opponent, few people knew that he was actually left-handed, and his left-hand punch was 20% stronger than his right-hand punch.

A side hook went straight to the unprotected jaw of the Tang Dao.

If nothing unexpected happened, this Chinese Army colonel, who was already an expert in sliding steps, would lose at least six teeth and faint for at least 2 hours!

This was the answer calculated in Lieutenant Scott's mind in a flash before he could use his full strength.

But something unexpected happened.

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