Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1388 The Poison of the Chinese!

I saw the Chinese Army Colonel shrinking down his whole body as if he was predicting the future, just in time to avoid Lieutenant Scott's uppercut.

Lieutenant Scott could even feel his gloves brushing against the hair on the head of the Chinese Army Colonel.

It was a hair’s breadth, a mere few centimeters, but Lieutenant Scott knew that his trump card had failed.

What's more fatal than this will be the counterattack of the Chinese Army colonel who escaped his attack. Lieutenant Scott, whose face changed slightly, quickly collected the coupons to protect his sides, and continuously moved backwards to get away from his opponent's attack. attack range.

Obviously, he thought too much!

The Chinese Army colonel, who had ducked to avoid his attack, actually stood still, watching him busy at work, and even had enough energy to give a thumbs up.

Lieutenant Scott, who was relatively calm at first, suddenly raised his head, and his fair face and neck showed a light pink color, which was due to the accelerated accumulation of blood.

In his boxing career, no matter how tough his opponent was, he had never behaved like this. I am afraid that only the coach in the boxing gym when he was young had behaved like this during training.

"Shit! Knock him down!"

"Scott, beat him up!"

Several other American pilots also started making noises.

"Come on, sir!" A group of Chinese pilots headed by Shen Chonghai also shouted hard.

I'm afraid only the poor air force major was sweating profusely. Deep down in his heart, this man still resented Tang Tuanzuo.

After all, this pilot from Miguo still knows a little bit about propriety, and he has to get soft gloves to put on when he punches, but Tang Tuanzuo is deliberately looking for trouble, and he can just avoid it, but he still has to Arrogant and provocative.

It’s okay now! You made someone really angry, let’s see how it ends now?

The characteristics of future Chinese soldiers: Either they don’t fight, or if they want to fight, they must completely defeat them.

This is how it was done in the Icefield War, this is how it was done on the Tibetan Plateau, and this is how it was done in the jungles of the southwest. The little butterfly from the future naturally inherited this fine tradition.

Looking at the superior American air force lieutenant, he rushed forward and punched him like an angry lion. Tang Dao did not dodge or even block this time.

Instead, he hit him with a straight punch!

There is no need for any skills, the main focus is a physical fight. This is not because Tang Tuanzuo has a masochistic tendency, but because he understands Americans too well.

They highly advocate individual heroism, especially tough guys. If they use skills to win, they will still be unconvinced, always feeling that it is not MAN enough!

Then defeat them in a way they recognize, although this seems a bit awkward to Tang Dao.

It is true that Tang Dao is a master, but he has never practiced Tietou Kung Fu. Although Lieutenant Scott's movements are far less agile than him, he is definitely a master of martial arts. In addition, white people have thick muscle fibers, so the explosive The strength must exceed that of the yellow race.

When a fist with a force of more than 200 kilograms fell on his face, Tang Tuanzuo's head was buzzing.

But that's all. In the battle between Zheng Cheng and Fujiwara Senio, Tang Danzao played a head-to-head move, and his power was far more than that.

The punch that Tang Tuanzuo fired did not hit the opponent's head, because Lieutenant Scott faced that fierce punch and felt a chill in his heart for no reason. The moment before the fist was about to hit him, his body He shifted slightly and blocked the inevitable punch with his strong forearm.

His caution prevented him from being KO'd on the spot.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Tang Dao, who had been punched in the face, still stood there, but the American Air Force lieutenant who blocked Tang Dao's punch with his elbow took three steps back.

The face that was originally pink due to the top of the head suddenly regained its original color, and the brown pupils that looked at Tang Dao were filled with horror.

The pilots from both China and the United States have stopped making noises, and no one knows what the situation is now.

Logically speaking, the Chinese Army colonel who was hit in the head must be at a disadvantage, but the American Air Force lieutenant who blocked the opponent's punch seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He not only retreated, but also failed to take advantage of the victory.

I'm afraid only the person who blocked the punch knew what he had just experienced.

The severe pain in his arm reminded the experienced American Air Force lieutenant that the force of that punch was at least over 300 kilograms. It was the heaviest straight punch he had ever encountered in his life.

If it weren't for the human instinct for life that made him desperately protect himself and let the punch hit his face, I'm afraid his fainting time would never have been less than half a day.

Damn it, how could this be the power that the legendary 'Sick Man of Asia' had? Lieutenant Scott was reluctant to admit it, but the severe pain in his arm reminded him that this punch had probably caused a fracture in the arm bone. .

"Lieutenant Scott, your fists are very powerful!" Tang Dao shook his neck, revealing his white teeth. “However, we Chinese have an old saying: It’s not polite to call someone but not to call someone back!”

Tang Dao suddenly understood Fujiwara Senzuo at this moment. It turns out that it is so good to pretend to be cool when meeting someone who is not convinced!

But now Tang Dao has no intention of attacking his opponent's heartless nature, nor is he looking for a lover. He just wants to vent his anger, and the big sandbag in front of him is the best target to vent his anger on.

Before Lieutenant Scott could say anything, Tang Dao hit him with two kicks, rushed forward with a few lunges, and punched out.

The unlucky Lieutenant Scott could only rely on his instinct to protect his head and ribs with his gloves and arms, and received another hard punch.

Don’t tell me, the US Air Force lieutenant who tried his best to save his face was strong and experienced, and he actually protected himself very well, and did not let Tang Dao’s punch open the door and let him do whatever he wanted.

“I’ll fight!” Tang Dao suddenly thought of the scene of fighting with Western boxers in Bruce Lee’s movie, and he used practical actions to pay tribute to the classics.

So, a scene that shocked everyone present appeared.

Tang Dao’s fists were faster than one punch, and they kept hitting the pair of boxing gloves that Lieutenant Scott, who was only defending, was protecting his face.

No matter Lieutenant Scott desperately swung his body left and right or retreated to avoid it, the continuous punches fell accurately on the boxing gloves.

It was as if the two pairs of boxing gloves were attracted to each other by magnetism.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!” The muffled sound of the collision between the boxing gloves was like a storm hitting the awning, and it didn’t stop for 20 seconds.

Poor Lieutenant Scott was almost not swinging his body to avoid it by himself, but was hit by the huge punch.

At this point, even a fool knows that the two are not on the same level. If the Chinese Army colonel wants, he can attack other parts of his upper body at any time to knock him down.

"Stop! Stop!" Finally, Lieutenant Scott, who was completely stunned, yelled repeatedly.

Tang Dao retracted his fist and exhaled slowly.

"Cool!" Tang Dao finally let out a small part of the anger that had been pent up in his heart.

"Lieutenant Scott, if you feel dissatisfied, we can come again after a few minutes of rest. Your boxing skills are very good, enough for a professional match." Tang Dao said lightly to the US Air Force lieutenant who was full of horror.

"NO! NO! NO!" Lieutenant Scott shook his head repeatedly.

He is arrogant, not stupid!

Tang Dao was right. He was strong enough to play in the professional arena, but the man in front of him was a champion. Although he was fierce in the previous round of punches, he could feel that he was holding back. Otherwise, with the strength of the first punch, he could break his defense with only three punches and beat him up.

"Colonel, you are very strong. I am far from your opponent. I take back what I said before and apologize." Lieutenant Scott admitted defeat calmly, but his eyes were full of curiosity.

"I would like to ask, is the weapon you just used to beat me a kind of Chinese Kung Fu?"

"On behalf of my motherland and people, I accept your apology." Tang Dao nodded. "As for whether this is Chinese Kung Fu, I can tell you the truth, Lieutenant Scott. If you can use your legs, the flaw in your straight punch just now is enough for me to kick you in the balls."

"Oh! God! My wife is still waiting for me to go home, and my baby Caitlin wants to have a brother or sister! Colonel, from now on, you are my best friend." Lieutenant Scott looked at his crotch and wailed with a pale face.

"Haha!" Zhang Dafei almost laughed to death.

This is the more lovely side of Americans. Although they are arrogant to those they look down on as if they are the masters of the world, once they are recognized by him, they are frank like a child.

"But I'm sorry, Colonel, regarding the delivery of the fighter jets, we still have to follow our previous agreement. You and your pilots must fly the Wildcat fighter jets into the sky within half an hour." Lieutenant Scott said apologetically. "But if you, Colonel, agree to teach me Chinese Kung Fu, I will also be happy to be the instructor of your pilots."

Fuck! This works too? The sweat on the head of the major liaison officer had stopped long ago. After hearing what the lieutenant of the US Air Force said, his mind was full of ten thousand grass mud horses trampling through.

It turned out that this foreigner was really like what Tang Tuanzuo said, if he didn't obey, he would just beat him up.

But if the major liaison officer was in a good mood at this time, then the next moment he deeply felt what it meant to be in heaven and hell in one second.

"It's no problem to teach you Chinese Kung Fu. There will be plenty of time for this in the future." Tang Dao looked at Lieutenant Scott meaningfully. "But you don't need to be an instructor. I can fly this outdated propeller fighter into the sky by myself."

"Mr. Colonel! This fighter was put into service in February this year. It's not outdated." Scott wanted to refute Tang Dao seriously, but suddenly reacted the next moment. "Wait, Colonel, you just said yourself, this is not okay, this is absolutely not okay, you seem to be in the army sequence."

Tang Dao's military uniform is completely different from the uniforms of the six Chinese Air Force pilots. In addition, according to the extremely superficial understanding of China by American pilots, the more senior the officers are, the worse their practical skills are. They still think that pilots trained in the United States will crash, let alone Tang Dao, who is close to the general level!

"Haha! Who says the army can't fly a plane? Lieutenant Scott, this is not the United States, it is the mysterious East. Believe it or not, there is a magical power here." Tang Dao smiled slightly and strode towards the plane.

Major Liaison Officer: Can you take me with you? Anyway, my heart has been tossed so bad by you. It's more comfortable to die than this!

"Sir, why don't I do it! I have been trained in the United States, and I can basically understand the buttons on it." Zhang Dafei, who also reacted, looked worried.

"Hehe! Since we want to shock these foreigners, we have to shock them thoroughly, so that they won't give us a cold shoulder in the future. Sending out your elite pilots is not a skill. I, a man with a rifle, will treat them like treasures and fly them into the sky to blind their eyes. Don't worry, I know what to do." Tang Dao smiled and patted Zhang Dafei on the shoulder.

Under the stunned gaze of Chinese and foreign pilots, Tang Dao walked to a Wildcat fighter, put his hand on the wing, jumped up, used the wing as a ladder, and sat in the cockpit of the aircraft.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, a pair of black footprints were left on the extremely clean aluminum alloy wing panel.

Seeing this, the corners of the eyes of the 12 Chinese and foreign pilots collectively twitched.

This is an advanced fighter worth tens of thousands of US dollars! How come in the eyes of this army colonel, it is really the same as the rubbish he said.

They naturally didn't know that the little butterfly from the future had learned to fly seriously, from propellers to jets to fixed-rotor aircraft, all of which were trained in professional flight academies.

Tang Dao was a man who had personally experienced the highest speed of Mach 5. Looking at this propeller plane with a maximum speed of only 550 kilometers per hour, he couldn't help but regard it as an old-fashioned rag!

"Oh my God! Scott, if you don't stop him, a terrible crash will happen today, and that's an army colonel. Are you sure those old guys won't hold us responsible afterwards?" A lieutenant of the US Air Force looked at Tang Dao, who had already sat in the cockpit and was starting to press various buttons, and his face turned pale.

They could stop the Chinese from receiving fighter planes, and their superiors would at most criticize them, but if a crash occurred and a senior Chinese officer died, the matter would be much more serious.

Although the Chinese were weak, they heard that they were big customers and had recently ordered a large amount of arms from the Federation. In order to appease them, the old bastards above might use them as a gang of troublemakers to appease the Chinese.

"Lawrence, why don't you stop him? I don't want him to kick my balls!" Lieutenant Scott smiled bitterly and spread his hands, indicating that he was powerless.

What is called shooting oneself in the foot? The six American pilots felt this way now.

As Tang Dao in the cockpit gave a thumbs up to the stunned mechanic, a group of pilots hurriedly moved away from the plane.

Shen Chonghai and Zhang Dafei almost hugged the major liaison officer who was about to cry and left.

If they didn't move away, the wind rolled up by the huge propeller on the nose would not be a good thing.

The roar of the engine sounded, the propeller gradually rotated, and the plane slowly straightened its nose and drove towards the door of the hangar.

More than a dozen people could only chase the plane and watch this latest wildcat fighter drive onto the runway under the control of Tang Dao.

The officer on the tower side received an extremely pure Chinese request from the radio: "Tower! Tower! The fighter is ready, request a test flight, over!"

What's going on? The tower looked at a wildcat fighter on the runway in the distance, but heard the voice of the Chinese pilot. He was really confused.

Did the US side agree to deliver the fighter?

"Will it fly?" The second lieutenant officer on the tower stuttered to his superior.

"Fly! We can't let the foreigners regret it. As long as we fly, these 6 planes must be handed over to us." The Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Commander who had just received the call still had a certain sense of responsibility and made a decision with his back teeth.

He also knew that his fate was tied to this fighter that was already on standby on the runway. If it flew, he would have the capital for promotion in the future. If the plane fell, his future would be ruined.

But he finally decided to take a gamble, because he knew that even the person above was paying attention to these 6 wildcat fighters, and they would take on that extremely special mission.

However, if he knew that it was Commander Tang who was sitting in the plane, I don't know if he would still make this decision.

Ninety-nine percent of them would not agree. After learning the truth, the fear on his face was the same as seeing the Japanese enter the mountain city.

After receiving the take-off order from the tower, Tang Dao pushed the throttle lever with his left hand, and the 1,200-horsepower Pratt \u0026 Whitney air-cooled engine of the Wildcat fighter burst into a huge roar, and the aircraft entered the acceleration stage.

"Push the throttle, accelerate" Lieutenant Scott looked at the fighter running wildly on the runway, muttering to himself, more nervous than his first takeoff on an aircraft carrier.

"Oh! God! He is such a lunatic! But he is such a genius lunatic." Seeing that the fighter completed the acceleration in less than 200 meters, the body began to take off and flew into the blue sky at a great angle of elevation, Lieutenant Scott held his head in disbelief.

Tang Dao drove the fighter plane onto the runway skillfully before, which showed that he was not a flying rookie who liked to get high, but this way of taking off, which was only used on an aircraft carrier, was still beyond the expectations of Chinese and foreign pilots.

Once the speed was not reached, there might not even be the possibility of taking off again.

Fortunately, Commander Tang succeeded, even though he was sweating in the cockpit. This thing is totally different from the J-7 he used to fly!

If you show off too much, you will be struck by lightning! Commander Tang is a smart man. He knows that the show-off he showed off before was enough to shock the Americans.

Besides, the aviation fuel for the plane comes from the Americans, and China has to pay for it. Now it is difficult to even get food on the front line, so we should save as much as possible.

Of course, Tang Dao was still a little unfamiliar with this kind of propeller fighter with a slightly slower speed. He didn't play any fancy tricks in the air. He honestly flew around the airport twice, and then kept an altitude of about 400 meters. After passing over the airport at a low altitude and high speed, he requested to land.

"Colonel, you are the most powerful Chinese soldier I have ever seen. I am very happy to have a friend like you, but please agree to one request of mine." Lieutenant Scott waited for Tang Dao to jump off the plane and came forward to hug him.

"As long as it is within my ability." Tang Dao smiled.

"It's better for you to command operations on land in the future. Watching you fly a plane, my heart really can't stand it, especially with your current technology, and still using that take-off technology." Lieutenant Scott said seriously.

After all, he is experienced, and later he also saw that in addition to flying skills, this colonel is more courageous, and dares to hold a bomb against a tank.

"Ahem!" Tang Dao was rarely embarrassed. He was indeed too arrogant just now, and he must not pretend to be cool in the future.

"But if you really want to be an excellent pilot, I am happy to be your instructor." Scott said with a smile.

"No need to teach me, today, Lieutenant, you have 6 students. I need your help and your comrades to teach them to be familiar with these fighters. Tomorrow, they will drive these new fighters to the battlefield. I will pay you, how about 100 US dollars an hour?"

"NO!NO! We are friends. How can friendship between friends be measured by money?" Lieutenant Scott shook his finger. "How about dear Colonel, please treat us to your hometown dishes here? I heard that there is a dish with fire in the pot that is very famous here."

"Okay! I believe that Lieutenant and your comrades will be deeply impressed by my hometown because of this dish." Tang Dao agreed meaningfully.

Do foreigners like to abuse themselves so much? It means that being abused once is not enough! The Chinese personnel on the side were all happy.

The Chinese are so enthusiastic! The American pilots have a good impression of the Chinese.

Perhaps, after tasting the Shancheng hotpot, they will change their view.

The Chinese poisoned the food, but the strange toxin that made them feel both pain and pleasure was hard to resist.

Just like Colonel Tang who beat them in various ways during the day, he had a strange charm.


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