Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1407: Expedition (Part 1)

Morning of December 1, 1941!

The Four-line Regiment received an order from the Ministry of Military Affairs to fight from the Second War Zone to the Fifth War Zone 2,000 miles away. The entire regiment went from the battlefield in North China to the battlefield in Central China, and swore an oath to go to war at the station in Dakouzidong Town.

The oath-taking ceremony was held at the Four-line Regiment Martyrs Cemetery. Thousands of fully armed officers and soldiers stood quietly and solemnly, facing more than 4,000 tombstones like a jungle on the three hillsides.

A bright red military flag of the Four-line Regiment and a flag with the word "death" that was treasured by Tang Tuanzuo were both planted in front of the numerous tombstones, gradually becoming wet in the continuous winter rain, just like their eyes gradually wetted by tears when they looked at their brothers lying quietly in the graves.

Those lying there were all their comrades-in-arms who were as close as brothers. They had agreed that those who survived would take time to come over and pour them a glass of wine and light a cigarette.

But now, they have to go to the distant Central China, 2,000 miles away, and I'm sorry that I can't fulfill this promise.

The silky drizzle sprinkled on their faces, their eyes, and the bodies of the three highest officers of the Four-Line Regiment who stood on a temporary platform built with logs.

Tang Dao stood in the middle, with Lei Xiong and Ye Chenghuan standing on both sides, and all the other officers stood at the front of their troops. Whether they were going to the expedition or staying behind, they all stood there.

Even Guaiguai and Hammer were squatting in the queue of the Taihang First Hospital Guard Company.

Tang Dao attached great importance to the safety of Taihang Hospital. In order to prevent the Japanese army from using a small group of elite troops to sneak into the mountains for a surprise attack, not only did the entire guard company have more troops than a regular infantry battalion, but also 20 military dogs with Hammer bloodline were added.

And guys like Hammer and Guaiguai, who have super high discrimination ability against Japanese and like to wander in the wild mountains and forests, were asked by Erya to strengthen the guard company.

Hammer was very smart. He had discovered something was wrong a long time ago. He was unwilling to stay in the hospital guard company that had been established for more than two months. He spent more time in the reconnaissance company that was in training. However, at such a moment, no matter how reluctant he was, he could only stay in his own team.

It was a dog, but also a soldier. A soldier had to obey orders, even if it was the only dog ​​in the Four-Line Regiment with the rank of Army Sergeant.

Surrounding it was a crowd of people.

After nearly three years of purges, Dakouzidong Town was basically built like an iron tunnel. There might be people from the Intelligence Investigation Bureau lurking, but those who colluded with the Japanese were basically turned into corpses.

In this regard, Tang Tuanzuo was more ruthless than most people. You had a reason to be forced to become a traitor in the enemy-occupied area for your family and to survive, but in Dakouzidong Town, you had fields to plant and work, but you had to sell out your country and nation for money. That was simply unforgivable.

Once the slightest clue is revealed and reported and verified, there is no need for trial at all, and they will be dealt with directly according to wartime military law, and their families will also be implicated and driven out of Dakouzidong Town.

The spies sent by the Japanese are even more doomed. To this day, there are mummies of Japanese spies hanging on trees on the mountain road leading to Dakouzidong Town.

Aerial reconnaissance is even more nonsense. Under the air defense system carefully constructed by the Four-line Regiment, fighter planes dare not enter the medium and low altitude of 2,500 meters. The photos taken at an altitude of 2,500 meters are not clear enough. In addition, the protection of the mountains and forests and a large amount of artificial camouflage, the Japanese are blinded and can't see what secrets are in the mountains.

In the words of the Japanese intelligence agency: Dakouzidong Town is the desert of imperial intelligence. They have no way of knowing what the Four-line Regiment is doing in that mountain.

Therefore, Tang Dao gave the officers and soldiers who lived in Dakouzidong Town a holiday three days before the expedition, allowing them to go home to visit their families and allow them to tell their families that they are about to go to that battlefield.

Military confidentiality is very important, but Tang Dao believes that, in contrast, parents should know where their sons, whom they have worked so hard to raise, will go. Even after the death notice is sent, parents can know the direction of their sons' death in battle.

Although the national hatred and family hatred are great, we must also consider the love of the small family!

There are at least 20,000 people living in Dakouzidong Town, as well as military dependents and villagers who come spontaneously and workers from various factories scattered in the surrounding dozens of miles.

For the people in this area of ​​100 miles, the Four Lines Group not only guarantees the peace of this land, but more importantly, the Four Lines Group has been here for more than two years and has recruited thousands of soldiers.

Almost every household has a son who joins the army, and the Four Lines Group is their sons and daughters.

Those officers and soldiers who stand in a row with backpacks, guns, leggings and helmets, and those tombstones standing quietly, I don’t know how many of them are their relatives.

Such sons and daughters have to go on a expedition of thousands of miles, and they don’t know when they will return, and they don’t know how many people can return. How can they not come to see them off?

There were white-haired old men, women in green, children with confused eyes holding their mothers' clothes, and even babies crying for food and not knowing the world.

Because there stood the soldiers who were about to go on a long journey, their sons, their husbands, and their fathers.

This farewell was the first time, or perhaps the last time.

Their eyes were almost greedily wandering on the faces of their relatives, over and over again.

The scene with more than 20,000 people was actually a little scary in its silence.

His eyes wandered on the faces of the officers and soldiers standing solemnly in the audience, took a deep breath, and the metallic voice of the Tang sword resounded throughout the audience.

"Today, our four-line regiment has set out for 2,000 miles. The soldiers of our regiment are about to embark on a new journey. Here, I don't want to talk about any big principles. I just want to give you a list of names." Tang Dao didn't use the microphone either. He stepped to the edge of the wooden stage and scanned the whole place.

"This is the list of generals who have died in our army since the beginning of the war: General Tong Linge and Lieutenant General Zhao Dengyu were killed in Nanyuan, Beiping; General Hao Mengling was killed in the Battle of Xinkou at the Nanhuaihua position; General Feng Anbang was killed in the battle. The Battle of Dabie Mountain; General Chen Anbao died in the battle at Poyang Lake; General Zheng Zuomin died in the battle in southern Guangxi. Since the beginning of the war in southern Guangxi, our Chinese army has lost more than a million officers and soldiers, and more than a hundred generals!

Although I, Tang Dao, am not a general, I will not let the generals focus on their beauty, and I will be ready to sacrifice my life to become a benevolent person. I will live up to the expectations of my hometown Sichuan Province, my second hometown North China, and the expectations of all the elders in North China. My parents’ instructions. "

Tang Dao's categorical oath made the entire audience fall into silence, and they even forgot to applaud. Especially when Tang Dao's parents' instructions were mentioned, all the officers and soldiers in the audience were silent.

Although they have the ambition to protect their home and country, their parents, wife and children are also the softest corners of their hearts. It is difficult not to feel sad when thinking about them.

"A few months ago, I went home on official business, and my father had a long talk with me the night before I returned to the army. I still remember what my father said. He said: When you first joined the army in Sichuan, my mother and I both No objection, because I miss you, I can do what I want to do, or be promoted to fame, wealth and glory, or carry a gun and ride a horse to enjoy life.

The Songhu War began, and you fought bloody battles on the front line. Your mother and I couldn't sleep at night. Even though your military achievements were becoming more and more successful, your mother and I were suffering for several years.

Because what I fear most is that my only son will be killed by bullets before he can enjoy life!

But my father also understands that when the country is broken, the family will be destroyed. When the mountains and rivers are broken, who can survive alone? How can we enjoy life? Now that you are gone, my father does not expect you to rise to prominence. I only hope that you can take care of yourself. I do not ask you to be able to live happily, but I hope that you will be useful and wipe out the Japanese invaders to fulfill your wishes! "

After Tang Dao finished speaking about his father's instructions to him before leaving, the officers, soldiers and people in the audience became even more silent.

This is an old father's request for his son who is about to embark on a more dangerous battlefield again. Even whether his son can survive is a luxury. He only hopes that his son will work hard to live longer on the battlefield because of his own life choices.

The regiment leader is already a very high official, but on the battlefield, he still has to live and die!

This is war!

Many women covered their mouths in an effort to prevent themselves from crying out loud, while the men also had watery eyes, trying hard to hold back their tears.

That parent doesn't love his children? But when the country was ruined and the family was in ruins, they endured the pain in their hearts and sent their children to the battlefield. In fact, many parents refused to come because they were afraid that tears would damage the morale and the fate of the army, and even looked at their sons for the last time. Can not look.

Facing the soldiers and civilians who were in tears, their eyes were slightly moist. The sonorous and powerful voice of Tang Dao did not stop. He gently held the death flag in front of him with his hand: "My father and my mother fully understand my choice, and I send it to you with tears in my eyes." I went on an expedition, and this flag with the word "death" written by the old man of the Wang family that our regiment has always treasured as a gift to his son is also a representative of my Chinese parents.

If we don’t defend such parents, who will? If we don’t protect such a home, who will? Here are the 5,000 heroes of our Si Xing Regiment who have sacrificed their lives for the country over the years. There are more than 10,000 people from our Taihang Regiment. The 5,600 officers and soldiers of our Regiment, led by Tang Dao, are about to go on an expedition. We hereby swear an oath that the Japanese pirates will never be destroyed and that we will never return home! "

"I will never return to my hometown until the Japanese pirates are exterminated."

"I will never return to my hometown until the Japanese pirates are exterminated."

. . . . . . . .

Not only the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment and the Guard Brigade who came to see him off were raising their arms and shouting, but the surrounding people were also affected by the passionate officers and soldiers at the scene. Most of them burst into tears, waved their arms and shouted slogans.

The sound of the mountain roaring and the tsunami aroused waves of rumbling echoes in the mountains. Even if Tang Dao pressed down to indicate that it could stop, the rumbling echoes still rippled in the mountains.

It seems that the majestic Taihang Mountains are also sending out a cry from the mountains for this army that is taking the oath of loyalty.

As Tang Dao shouted, "Let's go!".

The fully armed officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment turned around collectively, and with people's attention and military salutes from their comrades left behind, they suddenly stepped out for the expedition.

Most of the troops of the Jinan Guard Brigade have rushed to the front line of Jinan. Less than a thousand people are still at the garrison, but they are all lined up on one side of the road at this moment. With Lei Xiong's loud roar of "Salute", all the soldiers carried their guns on their backs. Behind him, he raised his right hand to salute his comrades who were about to go on a long journey.

This is the only way for them to express their surging hearts.

"Salute!" The officers and soldiers of the San County Security Battalion a little further away raised their right hands in response to a low roar from their battalion commander Wei Donglai.

"Salute!" The officers and soldiers of the hospital guard company also raised their right hands at the order of Lieutenant Tu Yunsheng, who had only one leg but did not use a cane. They stubbornly stood on one leg for nearly half an hour.

The first to set off was the reconnaissance company directly under the regiment. Not only were they to be the vanguard and vanguard of the entire regiment, but also because in the past few years of combat, the reconnaissance company had made great achievements and was worthy of its reputation as the most elite of the Four Lines Regiment. They have the honor of being the vanguard of the entire regiment.

Guaiguai, who had always been obedient, suddenly started to hum as he watched the two or three hundred people from the reconnaissance company leave.

Guaiguai and Hammer are different. Hammer is not happy, but he has the consciousness of being a military dog. He just watches the officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance company with whom he interacts the most leave with a dull look. However, Guaiguai doesn't care about so many things. He has the most contact with him on weekdays. The officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance company wanted to leave but didn't take it with them. It was because of the boss's reluctance.

While humming, he rushed out of the farewell queue, opened his long pig's mouth, and grabbed Shen Laoliu's big backpack.

Guaiguai is an extremely smart wild boar. Although Shen Laoliu is cold-blooded and ruthless on the battlefield, one man killed dozens of Japanese soldiers with one shot in the battle of Shaiyue Valley. He is also a bit aloof on weekdays, but he has a very good heart. Shan is always very good to Guaiguai, a foodie, and often makes delicious food for him.

Although Shen Laoliu wanted to touch this silent comrade who did not make a living by being cute but was now acting cute, but the commander of the regiment had issued a military order, so he dared to stop? I had to work hard to break away from Guaiguai's entanglement so that I could move on.

However, Guaguai is no longer the half-big pig boy he once was, but an adult wild boar weighing more than 300 kilograms. With his large body and two sharp tusks that are over 15 centimeters, in terms of hand-to-hand combat alone, he can withstand four elements. The group that can defeat it alone is only a few people.

Especially with the wild boar's bite force of over 300 kilograms, it can bite a large bone stick into two pieces in minutes, let alone a canvas rucksack without spilling its teeth.

Shen Laoliu's strength was in marksmanship, but in terms of strength, he was far behind.

Moreover, Guaguai also used his own weight, holding the backpack tightly in his mouth, while other parts of his body were lying on the ground, and he was still shouting "humming" anxiously, like a man who was abandoned and about to travel far. Father's child.

How to describe this scene? It's like a big man with a beard, dragging his father who is about to go on a long journey, and shouting, "Daddy is bad, he doesn't want me anymore!"

The comical scenes with great contrast amused the people who were seeing off the army with tears in their eyes.

The constant laughter invisibly eliminated the previous tragic feeling.

Yes, this is a good time. The army had just taken a few steps when they were stopped by the foodie Guaguai.

Faced with such a predicament, Shen Laoliu, who usually had many tricks, was at a loss.

If it were someone else, who would dare to stop the marching army? Now the whole army is armed with live ammunition according to wartime standards. Anyone who blocks the way can be punished with military law. No one dares to touch the military law of Tang Tuanzuo, who is usually good-tempered in wartime. After all, he is a ruthless person who can even punish himself. A ruthless character with a whip.

But who is Guaiguai? It is not only the mascot of the Four Lines Regiment, but also a real comrade-in-arms. In the past two years, it has often served as a scout on the periphery of the regiment's position and has discovered many Japanese soldiers who have touched the position.

It was also shot because of this, and there are still three hairless areas on the pig's butt, which are permanent marks left by the 5mm Arisaka bullet.

The leader, Captain Lu Sanjiang, was also a bit paralyzed. He could only smile bitterly and wave his hand to order the troops to keep moving forward. He also ordered Second Lieutenant Cao Yingchong, who was transferred to the reconnaissance company from Zishan after the war, to assist Shen Laoliu, who had stepped aside, to kill this cute guy first. The big wild boar is taken care of first and then catches up with the team.

Cao Yingchong, who had received the military order, felt extremely painful and took out the good beef jerky that he was reluctant to eat on weekdays. He grabbed several pieces and put them to Guaiguai's mouth, which was already bright-eyed.

If it was normal, Guaiguai would have happily slipped away to eat snacks, but at this moment, Guaiguai was so greedy that his saliva was dripping, and he still refused to let go.

That means, I really want to eat, but I want to go with you even more.

The laughter of the people on the side became even louder, and even the soldiers with solemn faces raised the corners of their mouths and smiled knowingly.

Damn it! Especially when they saw the regimental commander striding over there, Cao Yingchong and Shen Laoliu, two army second lieutenants who fought with the Japanese without even frowning, were really overwhelmed at that moment.

Then, Cao Yingchong saw Sister Zhuang, who was already the head nurse of the gunshot wound department at Taihang Hospital, looking over with a smile.

Cao Yingchong lowered his head and exchanged a few words with Shen Laoliu, then rushed up the hillside and picked a bunch of wild chrysanthemums. They are flowers that can be seen everywhere in the Taihang Mountains. They bloom from September to December. They are not brilliant but are a good medicine.

Many people have dried wild chrysanthemums soaked in their kettles.

The soldiers slowly passing by him and the melon-eating spectators who were laughing at the side were all as confused as Guaguai. Although wild boars are omnivores, there are meat and rice in the four-element group. Guaguai has long given up eating these things. OK?

But obviously, Guaiguai is a principled pig. He never eats for free and does things when he is given food.

Then, Cao Yingchong took out a few more beef jerky sticks and gestured towards Sister Zhuang in the distance with wild chrysanthemums.

Guaiguai, who was still cheating, had clear eyes, threw away Shen Laoliu's backpack, picked up a bouquet of wild chrysanthemums, and ran towards Sister Zhuang, who had been promoted to sergeant.

Sister Zhuang picked up the chrysanthemums tens of meters away sent by a wild boar, and looked at Cao Ying with a pair of crystal eyes on her pretty face.

After Cao Yingchong was snatched out by Long Yan that day, he was sent to the medical team in charge of Zhuang Damei for rescue. As the saying goes, physical injuries are easy to heal, but heart injuries are difficult to heal. Cao Yingchong's injury was not serious, but his heart was too painful, and he was not treated by the medical team for a full week. Anyone say a word.

Zhuang Sister knew what happened to Cao Yingchong, and felt pity for him. From time to time, she came to gently enlighten him, and even told him what happened in Xiaozhuang Village that day. It was under Zhuang Sister's careful care that Cao Yingchong recovered from the shadow of all his comrades dying in the battle. come over.

But the two sides were not in the same combat unit, and there would be no holidays during the combat period. Even though the two were stationed not far from each other, they had not seen each other for more than three months.

Zhuang Damei knew that Cao Yingchong was going to the war, so she came to see him off today. Perhaps only the few nurses standing beside her knew about it. While waiting, Head Nurse Zhuang brushed the hair that fell from her temples several times.

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