Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1408: Going to War (Part 2) (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

Zhuang Damei had actually seen the once silent young man in the queue a long time ago. After entering the reconnaissance company, the more rigorous training and lurking missions made his energetic face look a little more weathered.

However, what made Zhuang Damei secretly happy was that the young man whose heart had been broken into countless pieces had gradually recovered, and his eyes were no longer full of melancholy and pain.

Even under the infiltration of fine rain, there was still light in his eyes!

The handsome young man in military uniform carrying a gun, even though his face was dark and his skin was rough, was heroic. When several young nurses who had just joined the army whispered and commented, the name of Lieutenant Cao appeared several times.

However, what did he mean by suddenly asking Guaiguai to bring him a bunch of wild chrysanthemums? Somehow, Zhuang Damei's heart, which she felt had been trained to be like King Kong, began to beat violently uncontrollably.

Today, Head Nurse Zhuang is no longer the desperate crying girl in the village. She has seen the most brutal injuries on the battlefield. For example, a soldier was cut off from the buttocks by shrapnel. The wound exposed to the air was so large that even the most experienced doctors were extremely desperate. However, she still calmly used medical gauze to stop the bleeding and immediately called the young people of the stretcher team to donate blood according to the soldier's blood type. In the end, she pulled the soldier who had been declared dead by the military doctor back from the line of death. Therefore, she also got a nickname, "Bold Head Nurse".

But no one expected that the tragic injuries could not scare the Bold Head Nurse, but a bunch of wild chrysanthemums made her heart beat faster.

Seeing that the bright eyes of the eldest sister Zhuang were looking at her steadily, but in her hands were the wild chrysanthemums that she had picked in a hurry to let go of her mouth, Cao Yingchong couldn't help but feel hot in his chest.

Men are like this. When their chests are hot, it almost means that their brains are hot. Whether it is the surge of hormones or adrenaline, the brain of the second lieutenant of the army suddenly became hot.

Suddenly, he shouted loudly to the head nurse Zhuang who was thirty meters away: "Big sister, I like you. I have liked you since the day you slapped me in the face and said I was not a man."

Everyone couldn't help but crack their mouths. Calling him a man and slapping him in the face made people imagine a lot!

Tang Tuanzuo, who was walking towards this side, twitched his mouth fiercely. Good guy, such a straightforward declaration of love! And he found a flower in the field hospital. Do you believe it or not, let alone Sergeant Zhuang who wants to slap you in the face, there are tens of thousands of soldiers who want to slap you in the face.

Big sister Zhuang is from northern Jiangsu. Her appearance is not that delicate, but her eyes are like two crescent moons when she smiles. She is very friendly. In the words of many wounded soldiers treated by her: seeing the eyes of head nurse Zhuang, the wound feels less painful!

Originally, Zhuang Damei was already the captain of the nurse team of the special forces battalion medical brigade, but the newly established hospital leadership forced her to stay. Considering that the field hospital would become the largest medical base for the rescue of more than 100,000 troops, the main force of the Four-Line Regiment had left, but there were still more than 10,000 people who would live and fight here, so the special forces battalion commander Yang Xiaoshan chose to let her go.

There were a lot of people who admired head nurse Zhuang, but Zhuang Damei devoted herself to her work and never talked about personal feelings. Those who confessed their love basically failed, and no one talked about it over time. Who would have thought that Cao Yingchong would shout out in front of the army and the farewell crowd today.

The soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment, who did not stop marching, tried to stay calm and walked past the somewhat crazy person.

As the person involved, the female army sergeant with a face that suddenly burned like fire almost pulled out the big black star inserted in the thigh holster to shoot this talkative guy.

Even if you have a short circuit in your brain and want to say this, can't you say it in private?

What do you mean by slapping you in the face and saying you are not a man? Isn't it because you are silent every day, even refusing to eat and refusing treatment that I want to wake you up? You yelled like that, and people still think that there is something wrong between us?

"Men are just children who never grow up! From time to time, they will make you laugh and cry!" Sister Zhuang remembered the definition of men as a creature by Captain Tan Tai when they were chatting.

At this moment, I really agree with it.

The murderous aura bursting out of the bold head nurse's beautiful eyes attacked Cao Yingchong through the space of 30 meters, but Cao Yingchong was completely hot-headed at this moment, and continued to shout at the top of his voice: "Sister, if I don't die in this battle, you wait for me to come back and marry you. I promise that I will only like you in this life, and I will never be like other men who eat from the bowl and look at the pot."

A certain man

I always feel that he has been insinuated by this guy!

Sister Zhuang's face was already flushed at this time. Even if the female soldier with a heart as hard as stone, she had never been shown love in front of tens of thousands of people like this.

This bastard, where does he get so bold?

But the bold head nurse is not an ordinary person. Thinking of the day when Cao Yingchong finally broke through his defenses and ate with big mouthfuls, big tears fell into the rice bowl, but she didn't laugh, but cried with him, her eyes flashed with tenderness.

He took off his sachet pouch and hung it on the big ears of Guaiguai, who was squatting on the side humming and waiting for his favorite woman to give him delicious food. Then he took out two candies and threw them into Guaiguai's big mouth, and pointed at the army captain who was shouting in the distance.

Guaiguai ran towards Cao Yingchong with the fiery red sachet.

He would do things if he was given food. Guaiguai was so persistent in his principles. What kind of emotions between men and women are purely the self-intoxication of two-legged beasts. Didn't you see that as long as they are in good health, there will be a pile of sows waiting for me?

Guaiguai's mind is so simple and passionate!

Cao Yingchong didn't just sit back and wait for death. He grabbed the sachet that was on the head of the obedient boy and stuffed it into his arms. He jumped up the hillside with a few strides and ran away from the crowd behind him. When he was done, he didn't forget to shout: " Sister, it’s settled, when I come back to marry you, I will have a bunch of babies with you.”

Everyone was astonished, and then they figured out, maybe this second lieutenant Shen Laoliu, who was afraid of being taken advantage of by Guaguai, had escaped without noticing that he had already taken the opportunity to run away without a trace?

There was a burst of laughter.

But, when I laugh, there are still some tears.

Will this young man and woman have the chance to keep this promise?

This damn war makes young and beautiful love wait.

In Sister Zhuang's eyes, which were wet by the drizzle, the young man who had returned to his queue had already left without looking back.

The abandoned Guaguai groaned angrily, rolled on the ground twice to show his dissatisfaction, and wanted to chase him out, but was stopped by an angry bark from Hammer, who was quietly squatting on the hillside not far away and watching all this.

Looking eagerly at the young man who had just promised to marry her and never look back, Sister Zhuang came over, patted its big head, and whispered comfort.

With Sister Zhuang's company, Guaiguai, who was covered in mud and water, was no longer as anxious as before.

However, the figure of the big wild boar squatting on the roadside watching the groups leave was a bit lonely.

In addition to confusion, there was more melancholy in the very smart little eyes. Groups of familiar figures walked past it and walked into the distance without hesitation.

The natural sensitivity of animals makes it a little frightened. I am afraid that those figures will never be seen again.

Its human friends may leave it forever just as they left it without any regret today.

Tang Dao held a child over two years old in his arms.

The children who had just learned to call "Daddy" screamed and broke away from their mother's arms, rushed into the queue and hugged their father's legs.

His father, who has now been promoted to deputy platoon leader of the 2nd platoon of the 1st company of the 3rd battalion and squad leader of the 4th squad, had tears streaming down his face. The tearful wife saluted her with a military salute and then resolutely caught up with the team and left.

The child cried heartbreakingly. At such a young age, he did not understand why his father, who always loved him and treated him as a treasure, was so heartless today and did not even kiss him. The young child desperately wanted his father to use his The stubble of his beard pricked his little face as usual, and he liked the itchy feeling of being pampered by his father.

One child cried, leading several or even dozens of children to cry. Some infants were awakened by the cry, opened their confused eyes, and began to cry heartbreakingly.

The women who came to see their husbands off with their children in their arms saw their husbands leaving without looking back, and finally couldn't help but shed tears.

After this farewell, I don’t know if my husband will come back safely, or if they will be able to see what their children will look like when they grow up.

Tang Dao strode forward to pick up Boss Cao's son, and caught up with the advancing queue while holding the crying child in his arms.

It was not his father’s familiar face, but it had his father’s color and smell, as well as his familiar beard stubble. The child’s cries gradually subsided.

"Deputy Platoon Commander Cao of the 3rd Battalion, come out." Tang Dao quickly caught up with the headquarters of the 3rd Battalion and ordered loudly.

Boss Cao, dressed in military uniform, stepped out of the queue.

Tang Dao continued to speak loudly: "My order is for everyone in the army, who has their parents, wives and children to see them off, to come out and say goodbye to their relatives for three minutes. The queue will not stop, the leader of the reconnaissance company will recite the national anthem with loyalty, start."

"Looking north from the mountains and rivers as the wolf smoke rises"

The dragon rises, the horse neighs, the sword is like frost

My heart is like the vast water of the Yellow River

Who can resist in twenty years?

Hateful and mad, the sword is directed towards

How many loyal brothers and sisters are buried in another country?

Why would you die to serve your family and country?

I can't bear to sigh and feel speechless, but my eyes are filled with blood and tears.

The horse's hoof goes south and people look north

People look north, the grass is green and yellow dust is flying

I am willing to defend the land and restore the borders

Dignified China wants to make the Quartet

Come to congratulate

. . . . . . . . . .

The song of loyal service to the country resounded throughout the towering mountains of the Taihang Mountains.

During the singing, from time to time officers and soldiers who saw their parents, wives and children walked out of the queue to say goodbye to their families in accordance with military orders, and then resolutely turned back to catch up with their own troops and merge into the dark blue.

Not only were parents stuffing their children’s arms with food they had brought in cloth bags, but the people on one side were holding hard-boiled eggs, baked flatbreads, and dried fruits to the marching soldiers. With tears in their eyes, the soldiers carefully picked up the pieces one by one and put them into their arms, while singing loudly and continuing to move forward.

The army marching out in force did not stop at all without the orders of the regimental commander.

Boss Cao held his youngest son, who was smiling again, and kissed his little face again and again. Even though his eyeball was shattered by shrapnel, the tough man who tore the flesh and blood out of the eye socket with one hand to avoid trouble was now in tears, especially at the moment when the 2 and a half year old son tried to help his father wipe away the tears with his soft little hands. , the tough guy in the army burst into tears, and the tears rolled down his cheeks and fell on the child's delicate face. They were kissed away by his father's kiss, leaving only a few traces of tears on the father and son.

"Take good care of the children and parents, I will definitely come back." After hugging his wife and leaving a heavy kiss on the foreheads of his wife and son, Boss Cao resolutely turned around and chased his team again.

No longer paying attention to the cry of the son who started crying again: "Dad"

"A ruthless person may not be a true hero, but how can a loving son not be a man!" This sentence is very well said, but at this moment, he can only choose to be ruthless. Not to be a hero, but he has no other choice.

After several years in the army, Boss Cao is no longer the middle-aged man who just wants to earn some military pay to support his family.

He knows that now North China has fallen, Central China has fallen, South China is in danger, and China's richest regions have fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Chinese soldiers have been defeated again and again, and there is little news of victory. But what if they lose, at least the entire Chinese sea sister admits defeat. If they don't admit defeat, there is still hope. His parents, wife and children still have simple houses in these mountains to shelter from the wind and rain.

If one day even the soldiers admit defeat, that would be a real disaster. His sons and even grandsons will become slaves of a conquered country, just like the Qing Dynasty in the past. That kneeling lasted for hundreds of years, and it really means that generations will not be able to turn over.

Moreover, the massacres committed by the Japanese army in Jinling and all over the country have shown that they don't even need slaves. They just want land and resources. If they are not careful, they can't survive even if they kneel down.

The commander of the regiment said it well: If our generation can't win, then we will use two or three generations to fight. As long as we are willing to fight, there will always be a chance.

Boss Cao doesn't want his children to be torn into pieces by the war, so he can only become that piece.

Maybe he will break the promise he made to his wife and children, but it doesn't matter. He put a bullet with his name engraved on it at home. If he died, his soul would return to his hometown and his children to watch them grow up slowly.

Although he died, he had no regrets!

The expeditionary army of the Four-Line Regiment, accompanied by the quiet figures of the comrades who stayed behind and the eager farewell eyes of the elders and villagers of Dakouzidong Town, marched westward along the mountain road!

Although the various units of the Four-Line Regiment were closely connected when they set out from their bases, and the long queues winding through the mountains for at least 15 miles, in fact, after leaving the scope of Dakouzidong Town, the battalion-level units would divide their troops according to the marching plan formulated by the regiment, with the reconnaissance company as the vanguard and the 1st Infantry Battalion as the vanguard to open the way for the entire regiment.

The remaining battalions were about 3 kilometers apart. After entering the battle zone with the Japanese army, the entire regiment hid during the day and went out at night to cross the battle zone and enter Zhongtiao Mountain in batches.

That was naturally to reduce the target to avoid being discovered by the Japanese reconnaissance planes that occasionally flew over the sky.

Of course, Tang Dao also had orders that if the units encountered the Japanese army on the march, they would fight fiercely on the spot. In addition to the thousands of fully armed soldiers of the Four-Line Regiment, the 38th Army, which was ready to fight at any time, would be responsible for the response on the Zhongtiao Mountain defense line. If they encountered the main force of the Japanese army, more than 20,000 troops would rush out of the defense line and cooperate with the Four-Line Regiment to fight the Japanese fiercely.

The fully equipped Sihang Regiment did not want to cause any more trouble on the march, but they did not care much about fighting the Japanese again in North China to teach them a lesson.

The Sihang Regiment Headquarters, the Communications Company, the Medical Brigade and other units were escorted by the Special Service Battalion Guard Company and were located at the end of the entire queue.

Tang Dao did not move forward with the regiment headquarters. He watched the back of the last soldier disappear at the corner of the mountain from a distance, and then he solemnly said goodbye to Lei Xiong and Shangguan Yun who came to see him off.

Many farewell words have been said in the past three months. The three of them are extremely outstanding soldiers, so naturally they didn't waste time.

"Brother Lei, Brother Shangguan, goodbye!" Tang Dao jumped onto a blue horse that had been waiting impatiently and kept snorting, and said goodbye to the two.

"Sir, goodbye!" Lei Xiong and Shangguan Yun stood at attention and raised their hands to salute!

Tang Dao and the cavalry officers and soldiers waiting for him raised their hands to return the greeting, and then shouted softly: "Go!" The cavalry led by Tang Dao made thunderous hoofbeats, stirring up dust all the way.

A burst of "chuckles" of silver bells came, and a figure holding a young child appeared on the hill beside the road!

Tang Dao gently pulled the reins of the warhorse and looked up at his wife and children 30 meters away.

Originally, it was agreed last night that his wife and children would not see him off, lest little Tang Shanhe would cry, but obviously, Tan Tai Mingyue couldn't help it after all, and quietly held her son and waited on the road.

Although Tang Shanhe was only 3 months old, his eyes were very bright. He saw his father riding a horse in a military uniform from dozens of meters away. He was full of joy and waved his chubby little hands in his mother's arms and giggled.

Tang Shanhe inherited his father's strong genes and his mother's looks, but his body at the age of three months is bigger than other children of the same age. He loves to laugh, especially when he sees soldiers carrying guns and wearing military uniforms, he is even more excited than breastfeeding.

Therefore, the little Tang Shanhe loves to be held by his father. Whenever Tang Dao comes home late, Tang Shanhe, who was already drowsy, smells the faint smell of tobacco on his father, and immediately dances and laughs to ask his father to hold him. This makes Tan Tai Mingyue, who takes care of him the most, feel a little jealous, saying that her son is an ungrateful person, and that he was born and fed in vain.

In his little heart, Tang Shanhe may have been accustomed to thinking that as long as he laughs, the man who can give him extreme security will hold him, poke his little face with his beard, or lift him up high, which is the favorite game of the little baby.

Unfortunately, he is destined to be disappointed today.

Tang Dao did not dismount, but just took a deep look at his wife and children, and growled: "Go!"

The cavalry column that had just slowed down continued to move forward.

Tang Shanhe's cry, who didn't get his father's embrace, came from a distance, but it didn't make Tang Dao look back.

Even if he was as strong as Tang Dao, he didn't dare to look back, for he was afraid that his steps would slow down.

"Son, don't cry! Your father will be upset." Tan Tai Ming Yue put her face against Tang Shan He's face, who was crying loudly, and comforted him softly.

But the tears could no longer be stopped.

Since the two of them got engaged, they have never been separated so far. Even though Tang Dao had left Taihang several times, there would always be a time limit for his return.

But this time, there is no return date!

Maybe when they meet again next time, Tang Shan He will already be able to run.

And that is the best ending that Tan Tai Ming Yue can think of.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: Brothers, it's the end of the month, please give me some monthly tickets!

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