Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1409 There are still some brave ones!

The preparations made by the Four-line Regiment and the Second War Zone before leaving were not in vain. The reconnaissance company of the Four-line Regiment, as the vanguard of the entire regiment, arrived at the battle zone first after a four-day rapid march in the mountains.

Through reconnaissance, the Japanese division that had been stationed in this area had evacuated to the newly built defense line 15 kilometers away, but there were still small groups of Japanese troops active in this area.

Of course, this was obviously not a deployment made for the Four-line Regiment that wanted to pass through here, otherwise, there would be at least a division of Japanese troops or even more.

Given the nature of the Japanese army, they would not tolerate a confidant who had "poisoned" them for many years in North China just leaving like this.

A platoon of the reconnaissance company, that is, the 3rd platoon with Shen Laoliu as the platoon leader and Cao Yingchong as the deputy platoon leader, was forced to fight with a Japanese infantry squadron they encountered in this area.

Originally, according to the military order of the regiment, the secret passage of the entire regiment through the battle zone was the top priority, and not fighting with the Japanese army unless it was absolutely necessary would arouse the vigilance of the main force of the Japanese army.

But after the 3rd platoon heard the gunshots and rushed over to observe, Shen Laoliu issued a combat order without hesitation.

The reason was that their comrades were attacked by a team of Japanese soldiers. How could they bear it? Not to mention a Japanese infantry squadron, even an infantry battalion, this battle had to be fought.

There were only two soldiers of the 4th Regiment surrounded by a team of Japanese soldiers on a small hill, and they didn't have guns. They were really awesome and didn't look like humans.

But it was true that these two guys were not human.

That was Hammer and Guaiguai!

"Fuck, who can tell me how the two of them appeared here?" Shen Laoliu cursed when he saw Hammer running wildly in the grove and dodging bullets through the telescope.

The attention of more than a dozen Japanese infantrymen was obviously attracted by this big dog that ran very fast and could tactically dodge bullets.

They didn't see a pig hiding in the bushes, a wild boar!

Then Shen Laoliu and other officers and soldiers of the 3rd platoon who were cursing saw a scene that made them dumbfounded.

The Japanese soldiers who were shooting with rifles and moving up the hill in an attempt to reduce the range of the strangely dressed Chinese dog were attacked.

A big wild boar, also wearing a camouflage vest, which had been hiding quietly in the bushes, suddenly rushed out.

With just one "savage collision", the huge pig head suddenly raised up, and the closest Japanese soldier who had not reacted at all was thrown five or six meters away.

Not to mention that Guaiguai's two 15-centimeter fangs were still hanging with strips of bloody intestines, just that one collision was at least five or six hundred kilograms of force. With the small body of the Japanese, at least seventeen or eighteen bones must have been broken.

The Japanese soldiers who were frightened by the sudden attack of the wild boar aimed their guns at this ferocious and huge creature.

Logically speaking, with the Japanese army's marksmanship, it would be no problem to shoot a two-meter-long wild boar at such a close distance.

But Guaiguai's IQ is definitely the ceiling in the wild boar world. Not only did he choose the perfect time to sneak attack, but his position was even more amazing, right near two Japanese infantrymen.

No matter how accurate the Japanese are at shooting, they can't just shoot at their own people without caring!

How to avoid their own people and shoot at the wild boar that is absolutely invincible, at least it made the Japanese infantrymen pause for more than two seconds.

Guaiguai is a soldier who has been on the battlefield for two years, and has been on missions with the reconnaissance company for a long time. He is no longer the guy who only relies on brute force to kill his opponents.

He knows the power of the long stick held by the bipedal beast, and his thick pig skin can't stop the small things sprayed out of it. After killing one Japanese soldier, he ran to another Japanese soldier by inertia.

The Japanese infantry was also fierce enough. Seeing the wild boar weighing several hundred kilograms rushing towards him, he pulled the trigger and fired a shot but missed. He did not flee in panic, but held a long gun, squatted slightly with his legs, leaned forward, and made an attack posture of stabbing forward.

From this performance alone, this Japanese army can be called elite!

However, he was facing the same veterans who had been baptized by blood and fire.

Facing the high-speed bayonet, Guaiguai miraculously made a very small change of direction during the high-speed charge. The blade of the bayonet passed Guaiguai's shoulder blade, leaving a bloody wound, but Guaiguai's huge pig head hit the belly of the fierce Japanese soldier.

Needless to say, the ending was that the Japanese infantry was knocked out six or seven meters and fell into the bushes. As the angry Japanese gunshots rang out, Guaiguai did not stop and jumped into the bushes through the position blocked by the Japanese infantry.

The first round of shooting by the Japanese army either hit the hard rocks or shook the branches of the bushes. Judging from the speed of Guaiguai moving through the bushes, it was obvious that he was not injured.

At this time, the Japanese army may have come to their senses. The dog and the pig they surrounded actually used tactics against them.

The big dog with golden fur attracted their attention in the open, while the big wild boar actually lurked in the dark with the help of the deep bushes to attack them.

Look, a fully armed infantry squad was killed by two without being careful. Even if they slaughtered the dog and the pig and even roasted them for food later, it would be a 1:1 casualty ratio at most.

The surging humiliation in the hearts of the Japanese infantry who figured out this section can be imagined.

But perhaps the Japanese infantry, who were ashamed and angry, forgot a detail. The wild boar that won by brute force was more cunning than they imagined.

A Japanese soldier who ran over from more than 10 meters away only took a look at his silent colleague in the bushes, and knew that his colleague, whose stomach was cut by the fangs for more than ten centimeters, was hopeless.

Not only were his internal organs exposed, but they were also covered with dust and dead branches and leaves. Perhaps the severe pain could kill him, not to mention the terrible infection of the wound.

The angry Japanese infantry fired at the bushes where the wild boar had entered.

But he did not notice that he was too close to the bushes that were more than one meter deep.

The bushes surged like waves, and a huge black shadow jumped out of the bushes, biting hard at the root of his thigh, and dragged him desperately into the bushes.

Guaiguai did not flee for his life after being hit as the Japanese infantry imagined. It actually escaped for a distance and then returned quietly, playing a trick of hiding under the lamp.

Then, when the Japanese infantry lost their vigilance due to anger, they attacked again.

The bite force of an ordinary adult wild boar is about 300 kilograms, which is inferior to that of tigers and bears, but that is an ordinary wild boar, not Guaiguai.

The reconnaissance company once tested Guaiguai. A wooden stick as thick as an adult's arm could be bitten into two pieces by this guy with a snap, which is no weaker than an evolved hammer.

The long pig mouth and full of sharp teeth are another important weapon of Guaiguai. Coupled with the exaggerated bite force, even the fragile thigh bone of a human can be bitten off with one bite without full force.

The Japanese soldiers who were dragged into the depths of the bushes howled miserably. When other Japanese soldiers rushed over and found him in the bushes, the Japanese infantry had basically no strength to howl miserably.

His sons and grandsons were bitten off, along with half a pound of meat on his thighs. The yellow-white arteries were exposed outside the body, and the gushing blood covered the branches and leaves of the bushes.

Not to mention the shocking sight of the Japanese infantry, even the officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance company who were cleaning up the battlefield after the war shrank when they saw the pale corpse of the Japanese soldier who had lost two-thirds of his blood.

Really, even the eunuchs in ancient China did not lose their balls so completely!

Perhaps as males, they have an obsession with the organs such as balls that cannot be lost.

The battle between a pig and a dog basically ended here.

Shen Laoliu and his 3rd platoon, who had already deployed combat preparations, opened fire.

Seven or eight Japanese infantrymen fell down in succession, and only three people were left crawling in the mountains and forests, hiding behind bunkers and fighting hard.

But this was obviously useless. How could the officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance company, who had already entered combat status, tolerate them alive?

Rocks can block bullets, but how can they block the direct-fire rifle grenades equipped by the reconnaissance company!

Three consecutive rifle grenades were fired, and the debris from the rock explosion alone could make people into sieves.

Even though the Japanese infantry hid in an excellent position and avoided these fatal injuries, they were hit by the fierce firepower and dared not show their heads. They could only let more than 20 Chinese soldiers rush into the hill to seize the best position, and then be killed by the grenade thrown accurately from more than 30 meters away.

In less than 3 minutes, Shen Laoliu led his men to kill all the Japanese soldiers in this area.

The reason why 30 soldiers had to occupy the commanding heights of the hill while killing this team of Japanese soldiers was that Shen Laoliu judged that there was definitely more than just this small team of Japanese soldiers in this area.

His prediction was correct.

The gunshots not only attracted his 3rd platoon, but also a Japanese infantry squadron 800 meters away was moving here.

After three years of fighting, the Japanese army in North China also summed up an experience that the Chinese fought guerrilla warfare with them in the occupied areas, basically with small-scale troops, dozens or hundreds of people. If they could win, they would fight, and if they couldn’t win, they would go into the mountains. Few battalion-level troops or above would be used to fight them to the death.

Especially in the plains, the main force will not fight a decisive battle with the empire.

Therefore, in areas closer to the main force, marching in small teams can ensure safety, and in areas farther away, an infantry squadron is enough, at least until the main force arrives.

Of course, the Four-Line Regiment is an exception, so in the area where the Four-Line Regiment is active, the Japanese army either does not leave the position, or at least sends out three or two infantry squadrons with hundreds of people.

Obviously, the Japanese army on the front line of Zhongtiao Mountain did not encounter the concerns of the Four-Line Regiment. An infantry squadron is already the largest scale for reconnaissance on the periphery of the battlefield.

As for Shen Laoliu's 3rd platoon, although the well-equipped 60 officers and soldiers will not be afraid of this Japanese infantry squadron with at least 180 people, it is difficult to ensure the secrecy of the whole regiment's march.

Seeing hundreds of khaki moving quickly towards this side in the telescope, Shen Laoliu's face became very solemn.

Over there, Cao Yingchong glared at the embarrassed Hammer and Guaiguai who had just come over.

However, he did not have the heart to scold the two comrades who left the base without permission to track the main force of the regiment.

There were actually several children hiding in the grass on the hill.

Through the simple description of a child who was almost ten years old and was so scared that his face turned pale, the cause of this unexpected battle was already very clear.

It should be that the Japanese army searching this area found several Chinese children fishing in the mountain stream, and naturally wanted to catch them to lead the way or do something. The children naturally ran desperately based on their familiarity with the terrain, and then they were met by Hammer and Guaiguai who tracked here by smelling the scent of Shen Laoliu and others.

This dog and pig hated the Japanese wearing khaki military uniforms the most, so they could not tolerate it, so they naturally took the initiative to stand up and act as the protector of several children and confronted the Japanese.

When the Japanese saw that the dog was still wearing a vest, they thought it might be a Chinese military dog, so they would not give up their target, so they just started fighting!

At this time, even if they wanted to leave, it was too late. If they did not want to alert the main force of the Japanese army, the only way was to kill this group of Japanese soldiers and make them disappear from this world completely, without a single one left.

Shen Laoliu made a decision in just a few seconds: "Yingchong, you take two squads to ambush at the No. 2 commanding height two miles away!"

"Okay!" Cao Yingchong reached out and picked up a child, and took two squads and a pig and a dog away from the small hill.

The Japanese infantry squadron leader who came over saw the corpses of his own officers and soldiers lying in the mountains through a telescope, and immediately angrily invested two full infantry squads to attack the hill.

The two reconnaissance squads deployed on the hill launched a counterattack under the leadership of Shen Laoliu.

Although the number of people was far less than that of the Japanese army, the firepower of the semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns equipped by the reconnaissance squad was far stronger than that of the Japanese army, especially its large number of accurate shooters.

In less than 20 minutes of fighting, more than half of the four grenade launchers and six light machine guns deployed by the infantry squadron were shot dead by the precision shooters. More than 60 of the hundreds of Japanese soldiers fell, and the survivors were suppressed in the area 100 meters in front of the skirmish line.

The Japanese captain commander had discovered through 20 minutes of battlefield observation that the Chinese soldiers fighting on the hill would never exceed 30 people, and they did not have any heavy weapons.

But the sophisticated individual weapons exposed that they were definitely the elite of the Chinese. In less than half an hour of fighting, his infantry squadron suffered nearly one-third of casualties.

The captain commander of the army belonging to the 35th Division was not surprised but happy at that moment. As long as a few people from this elite Chinese small force were captured alive, they would definitely be able to obtain intelligence on the large-scale movement of the Chinese side.

From the front army headquarters to the Zhongtiaoshan First Army headquarters to the division headquarters, they were all very concerned about the Chinese movement that lasted for more than a month.

Commander General Okamura Koji even judged that the Chinese side must have a purpose and was not fighting just for the sake of fighting.

Compared with the important intelligence, the loss of dozens of casualties is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, under the temptation of military exploits, the Japanese Army Captain had an inappropriate greed.

If he admitted that he had encountered a tough opponent and turned around and left, perhaps his superiors would give him more praise after the war.

If the Fifth Division, 40 kilometers away from this area, encountered so many semi-automatic rifle attacks, it would definitely think of the old rival, the Four-Line Regiment. Apart from them, which other Chinese troops would be equipped with so many semi-automatic rifles?

Unfortunately, the 35th Division was deployed to the Zhongtiao Mountain front less than a year after it was transferred to North China. The opponents it faced were mainly the Fourth and Fifth Armies. Who would have thought that it would encounter the Four-Line Regiment, which was feared by many permanent divisions, here?

So, 25 minutes later, when the two reconnaissance squads of the 3rd platoon, led by Shen Laoliu, were covering the retreat alternately, the Japanese army captain ordered: "The Chinese are running out of ammunition, chase them!"

The more than 100 Japanese soldiers who still had enough combat power stuck to the two reconnaissance squads like sticky candy, chasing and fleeing one mile away.

There was an open area there, with only a hill that was no more than 20 meters high, which was also the highest position in that area.

The Japanese army, which had already divided an infantry squad to occupy this high ground and flank dozens of fleeing Chinese soldiers, was hit head-on.

The two MG42 machine guns from high above roared and swept the Japanese soldiers in the open area to the ground with flaming whips.

Faced with this terrible continuous firepower, the two Type 96 light machine guns owned by the Japanese army had no power to fight back.

Until this time, the stunned Japanese army captain had not reacted to his opponent's plan, and was still screaming desperately for his subordinates to fight back on the spot.

Then, the Chinese soldiers who were originally retreating came from both wings, and two more terrible MG42 machine guns were put into battle.

In addition to machine guns, there were also rifle grenades and 60 mortars!

When the last two light machine guns and grenade launchers of the Japanese army were blown to pieces along with the shooters, the Japanese Army Captain realized that the Chinese were going to encircle and annihilate him.

But it was too late to run at this time.

In such an open environment, the reconnaissance company's shooters had a range of up to 300 to 400 meters, which was enough to shoot any prey that dared to show its body.

The Japanese infantry was tenacious enough. Even though the firepower was weaker than the opponent and the terrain was extremely unfavorable, they still resisted for a full hour before the battlefield was completely silent.

A total of 186 Japanese soldiers, including the Japanese Army Captain, were all killed.

The backward communication means of the Japanese army were clearly revealed at this moment. It was not until two days later that the 35th Division Headquarters discovered that an infantry squadron had lost contact.

But no matter how they searched in this hilly area with a radius of more than 20 kilometers near the mountains, even with the use of military dogs, they could not find anything about this infantry squadron.

As the saying goes, 'It is easy to kill but difficult to hide the body! ', but the officers and soldiers of the reconnaissance company who had been influenced by the cruel battlefield were veterans.

Not only did they dig a 10-meter-deep pit with the help of the engineer battalion that arrived to bury the bodies of the Japanese soldiers, they even buried the blood-stained soil and bushes, and even picked up the shells.

A heavy rain on the second day washed away all traces of the battle, and the 186 Japanese "scouts" disappeared on the battlefield. It was not until many years later that the Japanese learned where the missing 186 people went.

In this way, the main force of the Four-Line Regiment, which arrived that night and marched through the area overnight, was not exposed.

As for the bold two-guy group that ran away from the garrison in defiance of military orders and caught up with the reconnaissance company in one breath, because these two often wandered around the mountains and forests around the garrison together, it was common for them not to come back for a week. The garrison didn't take it too seriously until the regiment issued an order and knew that these two had run away.

If someone else disobeyed the military order, they would have been whipped at least thirty times. It was Shen Laoliu who looked at the skin and flesh cut by the bayonet and bandaged, and imitated the hammer with a pig mouth and sticking out his tongue to act cute, and pleaded with Tang Dao for him. Tang Dao then ordered that the whip could be exempted, but the punishment could not be exempted.

The two were punished by not being allowed to eat meat for a week. Rice porridge and steamed buns were their staple food! Moreover, the officers and soldiers in the 3rd platoon who were responsible for taking care of them had to eat meat in front of them.

My goodness, the poor Guaiguai shed the most this week, not tears, but saliva!

If there was a choice, I'm afraid Guaiguai would choose to be whipped without hesitation rather than not having meat.

It's said that wild boars are omnivorous animals, but there's nothing to eat. Who would eat tree bark and grass roots when there's meat to eat! Pigs are fat, not stupid!

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