Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1404: Divide the troops (Part 2)

Chapter 1404: Division of Troops (Part 2)

 In addition to the six infantry battalions, the garrison brigade headquarters also has its own directly affiliated troops!

The former security battalion leader Hei led the 1st company of the security battalion to be transferred to the garrison brigade to establish a guard battalion, and his military rank was promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Mo Songzi, commander of the 1st company of the air defense battalion, was promoted to major, and led the original artillery battalion and part of the air defense battalion to be transferred to the garrison brigade to establish an artillery battalion, with two companies, a heavy artillery company and an air defense company.

 The heavy artillery company and the air defense company are both large in size, with nearly 500 soldiers each.

The heavy artillery company is equipped with 8 150-meter howitzers, and 6 150-meter howitzers will be brought back to Dakouzidong Town to become an important weapon for defending the garrison.

The other 14 150-mm howitzers are part of the exchange and will be received by the theater and used to form a heavy artillery regiment. The stingy old man also promised that these 14 heavy artillery pieces will not be placed elsewhere, but must be placed on the front line of Zhongtiao Mountain.

The air defense company is equipped with Sulotong 20mm twin-mounted machine guns, quadruple-mounted 12.7mm heavy machine guns and Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns, taking into account high, medium and low-altitude defense.

Originally, in order to strengthen the mobility of the garrison brigade artillery battalion, Tang Dao planned to divide the 5 jeeps he brought back this time to the garrison brigade. However, this suggestion was firmly rejected by Lei Xiong and Shangguan Yun.

They know that the garrison brigade is fighting in a familiar place, but the main force of the Fourth Army Regiment has to march more than 2,000 miles. One more vehicle that can tow the 40mm Bofors anti-aircraft gun will provide additional air defense support for the main force. Maybe there will be a chance to see many brothers again.

The 75mm mountain artillery and the 150mm heavy artillery were assigned to two garrison regiments, and each of the two regiments established an artillery battalion directly under the regiment headquarters.

The tactics of mountain artillery were actually weakened in several defensive battles in southern Hebei. However, with the tactical changes of Okamura Koji, the garrison brigade will not only passively defend, but also carry out attacks on the Japanese army's future bunker and deep trench warfare. The tactical role of mountain artillery, which is not heavy but powerful, is destined to increase.

 So, each regiment's mountain artillery company will have 8 Type 41 mountain guns and 4 Bofors mountain guns. The two regiments can reach a total of 24 mountain guns, which is enough to compete with most of the Japanese artillery regiment.

The 150mm heavy artillery has become another important part of the regiment's artillery. Although the range is not far, it is powerful enough. It is especially important for defensive warfare. A heavy artillery company will have 12 150mm heavy artillery, and a salvo fire This will allow the Japanese army to experience what landslides mean.

At the infantry battalion level, since the three 8mm howitzers originally equipped by the four infantry battalions were all taken away by the main force of the Fourth Row Regiment, the battalion-level artillery support firepower mainly consisted of the captured 70mm infantry guns and 82-mm howitzers. In this way, the infantry battalion-level fire support company will have 4 70mm infantry guns and 8 82mm guns.

In this way, the garrison brigade constitutes four levels of heavy fire support: brigade, regiment, battalion and squad platoon. In terms of heavy fire support alone, a 600-person infantry battalion is far stronger than a Japanese infantry brigade and a standard regiment of 2,500 people. , can defeat a Japanese infantry regiment, and the heavy firepower possessed by the entire garrison brigade can compete with even a Class A division such as the 1st Division, which is reinforced with 105 howitzers and 150 howitzers.

To put it bluntly, Tang Tuanzuo, who came from the future and was also infected with the phobia of firepower, still built a garrison brigade with heavy firepower as the core.

Coupled with the cavalry battalion, baggage battalion, engineer battalion and other ancillary troops, the strength of the garrison brigade can reach 7,500, which is almost the strength of a 10,000-level B division. Relying on the various fortifications built in southern Hebei after more than a year of hard work With the gathered popular support, the garrison brigade can at least resist the attack of a Class A division.

If we cooperate with the 40,080 Group Army and the booming militia forces in southern Hebei, unless Okamura Koji has enough courage to mobilize more than 4 divisions to carry out large-scale mopping up, there will be no worries in southern Hebei.

 A garrison brigade has solved the problem of promotion of most of the veterans with military exploits in the original Si Xing Regiment, which can be regarded as an unexpected blessing after receiving the transfer order this time.

As for the original residence of the Fourth Army Regiment in Dakouzidong Town, since the Fourth Army Regiment has been transferred, it can no longer be called the residence of the Fourth Army Regiment. Instead, it was changed to the Security Camp Garrison of the Three Counties in Southeast Shanxi.

The largest field hospital in North China, which is still under construction, has been retained. The field hospital, which can handle more than 4,000 lightly and seriously injured people, will become the most reliable guarantee for Chinese officers and soldiers on the battlefields in southeastern Shanxi and even Hebei Province.

For this reason, the stingy old man also specially approved the formal establishment of this large field hospital. The hospital level is deputy regiment level and is managed by the headquarters of the 80th Group Army stationed in southeastern Shanxi.

The Eightyth Army responded by telephoning and said that except for sending an officer at the deputy regimental commander level to the field hospital to serve as the director of the political section, the rest of the personnel arrangements were decided by the Fourth Army Regiment.

According to the minutes of the military meeting of the Fourth Army Regiment, Major Tantai Mingyue will be appointed as the director of the Taihang First Military Hospital. Lieutenant Erya will serve as the assistant to the director and deputy commander of the hospital's guard company. The company commander will be Lieutenant Tu Yunsheng who was transferred from the 7th Company. Serve.

 With Tu Yunsheng's military exploits, he could have served as the platoon leader of the main platoon long ago, but he has been unwilling to leave his 4th squad, so no suitable position was arranged for him.

Taking this opportunity this time, Tang Dao rejected Leng Feng's proposal to promote Tu Yunsheng to the 3rd platoon leader in the 7th company and directly promoted him to the lieutenant company commander.

The newly established hospital has a large number of personnel, and the **** company has a heavy responsibility. There is no one who is brave, intelligent and has enough battlefield experience to serve as the company commander, and Tang Dao is not at ease.

No matter how reluctant Li Jijin, the commander of the 7th company, was to part with his beloved general, for the sake of the regimental commander and Tantai Mingyue, he could only let him go with a grin on his face.

  With 200 disabled veterans and 800 new recruits, the hospital **** company may become the largest company-level unit since the establishment of the Fourth Line Regiment.

However, even though the guard company is far overstaffed, it does not violate the regulations, because most of the guard company personnel are not included in the formal personnel of the hospital. Except for a few company and platoon-level officers, 90% The personnel are divided into three county security battalions, and military pay is also issued by the overseas company that donated funds to build the hospital.

This can also be regarded as Tang Dao exploring a new sequence of combatants against Japan, mercenary combat.

 At the same time, at Ye Chenghuan's suggestion, the hospital also opened up a new function, setting up a military medical school within the hospital to train doctors and nurses needed for the war.

 The white doctor supported by the International Red Cross served as the dean of the military medical training school and formulated a training curriculum for students. The doctor's schooling lasted two years and the nurse's schooling lasted eight months.

But Ye Chenghuan may not know that it was his suggestion that made this military medical school established inside the field hospital develop into the largest military medical school in North China after several years, and will become the largest military medical school in China in the future. University.

Thousands of military doctors and nurses came out from here and went to various battlefields in North China and even throughout China. Many of them even walked into the ice field.

 Although it will move to metropolitan areas in the future to meet the needs of development, the old campus, located deep in the Taihang Mountains with an area of ​​less than 10 acres, has been preserved.

The stone wall standing in front of the wooden school gate is engraved with the words and signatures left by every graduate when they left their alma mater during the war. Many of their names are The school has drawn boxes.

 Densely packed boxes can give trypophobia patients a feeling called trembling, but in fact, it is an impulse that arises spontaneously in all people.

During the war, the school trained more than 3,300 doctors and nurses, and more than one-third of them died!

This huge rock that fell here in ancient times has become the holy place of the military medical university. When every graduate leaves his alma mater to report to the army, he will come here, learn from the example of his ancestors, and carve a sentence here, And solemnly signed his name.

 The spiritual inheritance of Chinese soldiers will never be cut off!

  . . . . . . . . . . . .

The arsenal formerly under the Ordnance Department of the Fourth Army Regiment was also renamed Taihang Arsenal and handed over to the Eightyth Army. Lieutenant Colonel Tantai Yunshu, the former director of the Ordnance Department of the Fourth Army Regiment, will become the first director of the Taihang Arsenal. Xiao He The teacher is the deputy director and chief engineer. The 80th Group Army is responsible for protecting the military factories.

It is said that the deputy commander-in-chief of the Eightyth Army was stunned for a long time before he smiled after receiving the message from the Si Xing Regiment.

Tang Tuanzuo is really good at grafting new ideas on top of each other. No one can refuse such a medium-sized arsenal that can produce thousands of various firearms and 250,000 rounds of ammunition every month, and even has sufficient research and development capabilities. The 80th Army lacks these. Even more impossible to refuse.

 For this precious arsenal, it is worth sending out a regiment, let alone a battalion.

That's exactly what Tang Tuanzuo wanted. Tang Tuanzuo ensured the safety of the arsenal without a single shot. In the past, the 80th Army used to pry on the railway tracks to seize some Japanese military supplies and give them to the Fourth Army Group, and then they could exchange for ordnance. Now it's better. Now that they are their own fathers, they have to rely on themselves to provide all kinds of raw materials for manufacturing.

Moreover, despite all their efforts, if the members of the Sixth Regiment still remaining in southeastern Shanxi and southern Hebei need ammunition and ordnance, can the arsenal provide it?

Not to mention that the scientific research, technology, production, and management personnel of the arsenal were all old comrades of the Fourth Army Group. Even the Eightyth Army Group itself could not refuse!

To put it bluntly, Si Xing Tuan succeeded in peeling off a "burden" through the transfer order, but what was supposed to be obtained from it was not a lot. You can say that Tang Tuan Zuo played this skill very well.

Of course, Tang Tuanzuo did not say that he would just let go of the arsenal. The arsenal was assigned to the 80th Army Group, but the military pay was still distributed according to the previously established standards, and was also borne by the overseas Chinese company.

It’s not that the 80th Army cannot afford military pay, it’s that they really have no money. Even the division commander only has five French coins a month. Brigadier Cheng Da, a dignified major general, has to search and save two months of silver if he wants to invite a guest. , asking them to bear the military salary, Tang Dao was worried that the workers who were used to high wages in the arsenal would 'revolt'.

This has nothing to do with morality, but with real human nature. No matter how noble the reason is, or how big the boss is, the monthly salary has dropped from 10,000 to 500, you see there are still people working!

 The last one is the Sanxian Security Battalion, which is also the unit with the largest number of personnel left in the southeastern part of Shanxi Province by the Si Xing Regiment.

 In the past, the security battalion was simply responsible for the security of the station. Now it is also responsible for combating the Japanese army in southeastern Shanxi. The number of personnel has also expanded from the previous 3,000 to 4,000.

However, Battalion Commander Lao Hei took away 800 elites, so the security battalion will select 1,000 recruits from the recruits trained in the past six months, and select another 800 from the relatively large militia system in southern Hebei.

 Many people are speculating on who the chief officer of the security camp is. After all, he is a military chief commanding 4,000 people. His ability and prestige, including the trust of Tang Tuanzuo, are indispensable.

The two rising stars Gu Xishui and Lu Sanjiang have the highest voices. One is the commander of the mountain infantry company, and the other is the commander of the reconnaissance company. Both of them are trusted by Tang Dao, and they are also tenacious and brave. They are the most outstanding young officers of the Four Lines Regiment.

 Finally, the candidate was Wei Donglai, the former commander of the 2nd Company of the 1st Battalion, to take up this position!

Once the candidates were selected, no one was gossiping. Wei Donglai was a major in the army, and he was very capable. His 2nd company was the main company of the 1st battalion, and he had made many military exploits.

It is said to be a security battalion, but in fact it is no different from the organization of an infantry regiment. Except for the fact that it has fewer veterans and its combat effectiveness is not as good as the main force of the regiment, it has the same amount of firepower. After a period of training, I believe that the combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the main force of the regiment. How much worse than two garrison regiments.

If you add in the six 150-meter heavy artillery that will be transferred to Dakouzidong Town, if you rely on defense alone, you will never be defeated against a brigade.

This is just the strength of a single defense battalion. If we add the field hospital security company and a reinforced battalion stationed by the Eightyth Army to the military factory, the 108th Division stationed in Licheng, Changzhi and other places will have to use all its troops. Even if you commit a crime, you may not be able to get anything good.

The personnel arrangements and establishment remaining on the battlefield in North China are roughly the same, and the main force of the Si Xing Regiment, which is about to go thousands of miles away, can be said to be all elite.

The number of chief officers of the regiment headquarters has not been reduced, but the personnel have changed slightly. The regiment commander Tang Dao, the deputy regiment commander Ye Chenghuan and the director of the political department have basically clarified the position of the second military chief officer. The chief of staff is served by Lieutenant Colonel Leng Feng, and the military supplies department is The commander is still Lieutenant Colonel Zhuang Shisan.

There have been slight changes in the directly affiliated units. Pang Panghai is the commander of the artillery battalion, Cheng Tieshou is the commander of the air defense battalion, and Yang Xiaoshan, the former deputy battalion commander of the security battalion, is renamed the commander of the special agent battalion, which has jurisdiction over the communications company, medical brigade, and tank company. , guard company, etc.; Bai Sheng's direct engineering company was changed to an engineering battalion, and the staffing was expanded from the previous more than 300 people to 500 people.

  Leaving aside the original organization, the new chariot company under the special agent battalion can be regarded as the more powerful unit of the Four Lines Regiment at present.

The 40 TKS modified tanks imported by the Fourth Army through Krupp were used in the Battle of Zishan because they were defensive battles and most of the battlefields were steep mountains. In fact, they were mainly responsible for towing artillery and did not Used for battlefield assault.

 It can be considered that this secret weapon was not exposed to the Japanese army.

According to Lei Xiong's wishes, none of the 40 small tanks with 20mm machine guns and 12.7mm heavy machine guns were left behind, and they were all taken away by the main force of the regiment. However, Tang Dao still considered the possible large-scale outbreak in the North China battlefield. During the fierce battle, 12 vehicles were left for the garrison brigade. Even if they were not used to attack fortresses, they could be used to tow large vehicles such as 40mm anti-aircraft guns and 150-meter heavy guns.

28 TKS small tanks modified with 20mm machine guns and 12.7mm heavy machine guns formed the first large-scale tank company of the Fourth Army Regiment. Deng Guihai, who had been a tank instructor for two years and trained 150 tank soldiers, served as the tank company. The first company commander.

During the battle in Jindong, the Tang regiment leader's promise to him to become a tank platoon leader was finally fulfilled two years later.

The 11 armed assault jeeps are assigned to the guard company, becoming the most mobile unit among the units directly under the regiment headquarters. They can carry an elite infantry platoon to distant battlefields at any time.

It can be said that today's special agent battalion has the combat effectiveness of any main infantry battalion, and Yang Xiaoshan, who has been constantly training in various positions during the three-year battle, finally arrived at the moment before the Four Lines Regiment rushed to another important battlefield. He held this important position and became one of the outstanding young officers.

The regiment headquarters still has 4 infantry battalions under its jurisdiction. Chief of Staff Leng Feng also serves as the commander of the 1st Battalion, which has 3 infantry companies and artillery companies. The 1st Battalion is mainly composed of the original 1st Battalion and 2nd Company, the 2nd Battalion and 4th Company, and the original battalion subordinates. artillery company and redeployed some new recruits.

Zhao Daqiang serves as the commander of the 2nd Battalion. The organization is the same as that of the 1st Battalion. The personnel are mainly the original 1st Battalion, 1st Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th Company and the artillery company, and some recruits are transferred.

Li Jijin serves as the commander of the 3rd Battalion. The establishment is the same as that of the 1st Battalion. The personnel are mainly composed of personnel who have not been transferred from the original 3rd Battalion.

 Cai Dadao serves as the commander of the 4th Battalion. The organization is the same as that of the 1st Battalion. The personnel are composed of the original 2nd Battalion and 5th Company, the original arsenal security company, and the original 4th Battalion Artillery Company.

Although Major Qian Dazhu did not become the commander of the 1st Battalion this time, everyone knows his status in Tang Dao's heart. He served as the deputy battalion commander of the 1st Battalion and concurrently served as the commander of the 1st Company, becoming the number one sharp knife in the regiment.

At this point, all of Tang Dao’s confidants have basically entered the core layer of the Four Elements Group. Most of them are similar in age to Tang Dao, younger and more energetic.

 The establishment of each company has been compressed. The total strength of each of the four infantry battalions is less than 900 people, which is similar to the strength of an infantry brigade of the Japanese army.

The total strength of the regiment is about 5,600 people. A few hundred more people is nothing. After all, in this era of battlefields, that infantry regiment or division does not have civilians and young men to help transport the baggage?

 At this point, the general framework of the personnel establishment of the Si Xing Regiment after the division of troops has been settled.

 In the next week, various ministries began to gather personnel and carry out more detailed implementation work such as staffing and weapons and equipment.

 One evening after the 7th, representatives from the 80th Group Army to receive the arsenal arrived at the Sixing Regiment’s station in Dakouzidong Town.

 That is Brigadier Cheng Da, an old friend of the Si Xing Group.

But his mission when he came to the Fourth Army Regiment this time was more than that. He was entrusted by the heads of the headquarters to develop a party member who was extremely important to both the 80th Army and the Fourth Army.

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