Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1405: true hero

Chapter 1405 The real hero

 That evening, Brigadier Cheng personally presided over the ceremony. Tang Dao and Ye Chenghuan served as witnesses. Lei Xiong raised his right hand under the red flag and solemnly swore an oath.

 Brigadier Cheng looked at Tang Dao, his eyes filled with joy.

At this point, the top three commanders of the Four Lines Regiment are all under the command of the Eighty Group Army. Under their influence, the Four Lines Regiment, which has tens of thousands of elites and huge resources, will become a force that the Eighty Group can rely on. .

Even many years later, when Brigadier Cheng talked about this night, he still thought it was a memorable night in his military career. Even though he personally commanded hundreds of thousands of troops to beat up American cowboys on the ice sheet, It’s nowhere near as great as this night’s harvest.

 For Lei Xiong, who solemnly swore under the red flag, making this decision was extremely difficult. Before this, he had not joined any political party.

"My ideal is very simple. I want to earn some money to support my family and do my best to give my wife and children a better life. If the Anti-Japanese War is won one day, my biggest wish is to be disarmed and return home to be with my wife and children." This was a few days ago. , Lei Xiong and Tang Dao were sitting in Tang Dao's small courtyard, facing Tang Dao's straight-to-the-point answer.

After more than three years of fighting side by side, the two trusted and relied on each other. They were not brothers more than brothers. Lei Xiong was not surprised at all even if Tang Dao told him personally that he had joined the 80th Army more than a year ago.

 However, even with Tang Dao's persuasion, Lei Xiong still had reservations about the Eightyth Army and maintained his own views.

This is what Tang Dao admires most about Lei Xiong. Although Tang Dao has become so influential in the Four Elements Group that no one can match it. Even Ye Chenghuan, who is both civil and military, can only obey orders when he comes to the group, Lei Xiong still maintains He expresses his personal opinions and often makes suggestions on the deployment of Tang Dao and improves it.

He is almost unique in the Si Xing Regiment for his ability to obey orders without following them blindly. Tang Dao made him the supreme commander of the garrison brigade, not only because of his trust, but also because of his recognition of his abilities.

 Otherwise, Tang Dao would never trust 7,000 lives at his hands.

"Brother Lei, if you want to spend time with your wife and children after the war, it's fine. I actually think so too, but have you ever thought about one question: If the Japanese run away, will the war end?" Tang Dao smiled. said.

 “This” Lei Xiong’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Having been in the 88th Division for several years, he certainly knew his attitude towards the 80th Group Army. "To secure the outside world, we must first attack the inside." But that person who set the national policy after the September 18th Incident would tolerate the Eighth Army if the Anti-Japanese War was victorious. The existence of the Tenth Army?

How could anyone else sit there and wait for death, let alone the Eighty Group Army with hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers?

"The Eighty Group Army only has more than 100,000 troops. Even if Anxian's troops are included, it only has 200,000 troops. How can it be his opponent?" After thinking for a long time, Lei Xiong gave a pertinent opinion.

"Whether the war is won or not depends not only on the strength of the troops, but on the will of the people. If the two sides are at war, there is an essential difference in the Patriotic War. Both sides are Chinese, and 9% of the soldiers who make up the army Ten comes from the bottom like you and me.

"Tang Dao cast his gaze into the distance.

"Perhaps, Brother Lei, you will say that history has proven that after anyone seizes power, there will be internal power struggles and subsequent corruption, but that also requires a process, and it is better than a person who is now completely rotten and will only lie in front of the people. A regime whose blood-sucking body represents the interests of the landlords and comprador classes would be much better!

Just like in human life, everyone will make mistakes in the course of life. We must learn to accept mistakes and just correct them.

Li Shimin, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, once said: Water can carry a boat but it can also capsize it! Whoever has the hearts of the people can dominate the world.

 Why was the powerful Meng Yuan destroyed? Why was the powerful Ming Empire that overthrew them and established a group of peasants broke into Kyoto, and the noble emperor could only hang from a tree?

 The long river of history will make the most correct choice. "

Lei Xiong’s eyes were deep and he was deep in thought, but Tang Dao did not bother him and refilled his cup with hot tea.

Seeing that Brother Lei was already struggling, Tang Dao added another fire.

“Brother Lei, let me ask you, if the Japanese leave and those Westerners want to maintain their former interests and continue to maintain concessions in China and occupy ports and mines, will you be willing?”

"Of course it won't work. If we can beat away the Japanese devils, we can beat those foreigners. If they dare to come, they must first ask me and my brothers whether we agree with the guns in our hands." Lei Xiong answered without hesitation. .

“Then do you think that person will be what you think?” Tang Dao smiled.

"That man, I already knew from the battle at Sihang Warehouse that he doesn't have the ability and courage!" Lei Xiong shook his head and gave his own definition.

 “But the Eighty Army Group will meet!” Tang Dao replied firmly.

"The reason why I chose to join them is very simple, just because one of their generals said something at a military meeting: You and I are born in this era, sacrifice is the price we must pay. If you don't pay, your son will pay, and your grandson will pay. "We, our generation, are covered in blood and have mud on our feet, so we should pay."

 Brother Lei was shocked.

What Tang Dao said was like a bullet, hitting his heart hard.

He has been in the army for nearly ten years, and he has never been afraid of the enemy's heavy artillery and the influx of infantry. Even in the desperate situation like that at Sihang Warehouse, where he was trapped alone, with no way out, and he didn't even raise an eyebrow. Wrinkle.

But when I dreamed about it at midnight, I thought about my wife and young son in my hometown, and thought about the Japanese soldiers with bayonets breaking through the defense line and rushing into my hometown, with the **** bayonets pointed at them. Lei Xiong woke up from his dreams countless times. That was really the most important thing in his heart. Things to fear.

 So, he fought tooth and nail on the front line just for the peace of his loved ones in his hometown.

 In their generation, if they don’t sacrifice, they will have to let their sons sacrifice themselves when they grow up. The words of the 80th Army general that Tang Dao relayed truly hit the softest corner of his heart.

 “What a man!” Lei Xiong praised loudly.

Tang Shanhe's cry came from inside the house.

“Since you two are so strong, come and put Shanhe to sleep.” Tantai Mingyue went out holding Tang Shanhe, who was frightened to tears by Lei Xiong, and looked at the two rough men with angry expressions on their faces.

 “Ouch! I’m sorry, brother and sister, let’s just leave right now!” Lei Xiong awkwardly grabbed Tang Dao and fled the small courtyard.

“Hey, Tuan Zuo, don’t look at what you just talked about for a long time, but do you know the real reason why I am willing to join the 80th Army?” Lei Xiong, who had already made the decision, asked Tang Dao with a relaxed look on his face.

"What is it? It can't be because you scared your nephew to tears just now and you were afraid that Mingyue would scold you so you reluctantly agreed! Then I have made a deal with you. If you don't have the ideal to make decisions for the people, you can still observe a few more I’ll make a decision next year,” Tang Dao replied sternly.

"You and I are both from the village. Who doesn't know how miserable the people are? The ideal of the Eightyth Army is in line with my heart, and I am willing to follow them." Lei Xiong said. "However, more than this, I am more afraid that our brothers will become rivals in the future!"

 “The main reason is that I can’t beat him!” Lei Xiong then added.

Looking at the man with a bright smile in front of him, Tang Dao said nothing more.

Tang Dao understands Lei Xiong so well. With Lei Xiong’s personality, can’t he still lose if he can’t defeat him? It won't cost more than one life. What he's afraid of is probably not that he can't defeat him, but that his brothers are fighting against each other!

I'm afraid no one knows that a certain army colonel who made one of the most important decisions in his life was sitting on a grass field, and Tang Tuanzuo was also sitting on the grass with him. Investigating the reason, it was not because he was afraid of finding a secluded place, but because a little baby named Tang Shanhe woke up from a fright.

Tang Shanhe didn't know that because of his feat, his father thought that he had a weak personality, so he was given to Master Mingxin to start Chinese martial arts training when he was five years old.

At a young age, when Tang Shanhe was exhausted from training, he would always cry and ask Aunt Erya, who wiped his wounds, if that was his biological father? Otherwise, why would Mao find him a devilish master? When he becomes powerful in the future, he must make his master and stepfather look good.

Looking at the child who looked more and more like a certain boy, Erya had no choice but to tell him that he was his father and could not be beaten, but the master could, but only if he could beat him.

 The clear mind that is not too far away.

At that time, Mingxin had already mastered martial arts. Even Tang Dao said he was no match for him. Even the headquarters of the 80th Group Army asked him to be the chief fighting instructor of the special forces of the field army. However, Mingxin resigned from the military and took Tangshan to the army. He brought him to the Taoist temple and taught his first disciple carefully.

Unexpectedly, the little guy hasn't learned much yet, so he wants to beat the master after he finishes.

 That's it, and he asked if he was his biological father. With such rebellious spirit, he was already very ridiculous!

A strict master gives birth to a master, and it can be regarded as the second time that Tang Shanhe has made trouble from his mouth. He has received more rigorous training, which also laid the foundation for the future Second Lieutenant Tang Shanhe, who was only 22 years old in the battle on the plateau, to shine. .

His military exploits on that day were not inferior to his father's military exploits in the Sihang Warehouse when he was the same age!

It is a coincidence, perhaps also a fateful necessity.

  . . . . . . . . . . .

 That night, the four people who had become comrades sat around a table and talked heartily about North China and the war situation in China.

Brigadier Cheng has great confidence in the North China battlefield, but is quite anxious about the national war situation. From his point of view, the current Japanese China Expeditionary Force Headquarters is still focusing on Central and South China, hoping to fully occupy the three most important areas in China. After the Great Plains, they fully occupied South China, and then marched into the southwest and northwest.

With the North China Sea defense line completely lost, China’s only channel for obtaining supplies from abroad is South China. If this area is lost again, China will have no choice but to fight alone.

After losing the important grain-producing areas and population of the three major plains, China, which is left with only the southwest and northwest, will have less war potential than before. Although it has high mountains and the Gobi Desert as defense lines, the population and materials are scarce. Full of disadvantages. Therefore, Central China can be lost, but South China must not be lost.

"When you go to central China, sooner or later due to changes in the war situation, you will be transferred to the southern battlefield. There are high mountains and dense forests, and the terrain is dangerous. You must be careful!" Brigadier Cheng said in one sentence.

As expected, he was worthy of being one of the Three Heroes of Huangpu. Even though he was located in a corner of the north, he was still well aware of the battlefields across the country, and even predicted that the Four Troops would go to the south to fight.

If he hadn't been sure that this was the real Brigadier Cheng, Tang Dao would have almost thought that he was also a time traveler. This senior's strategic vision was really awesome.

As a little butterfly from the future, Tang Dao certainly knew that in order to open up the Yunnan-Burma Highway and ensure this precious transportation route, China organized two expeditionary forces to fight in Myanmar, which resulted in huge casualties.

The casualties were huge, but it was worth it. It not only opened up the international transportation line in southwest China, drove the Japanese army out of the southwestern gate of China, supported the domestic frontal battlefield operations, inspired the people across the country to resist the war, and dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese army invading Burma. , and was “the first large-scale operation to assist an allied country to fight in a foreign country and win victory since the Sino-Japanese War of 1884-1894.”

 Being qualified to sit on the position of the victorious nation and share in the fruits of victory in the war are all gained through sacrifice.

"I know the dangers of the South China battlefield, but as the Japanese's appetite grows, China alone can no longer satisfy them, and will definitely attack Southeast Asia. At that time, the United States, the sun never sets and other established Western countries will inevitably turn against them and turn their backs. And by supporting our country, South China will receive Western aid, and the Japanese will also suffer.

 However, because the battlefield in North China is too far away, we have to fight alone. The danger level is by no means less than that in South China! "Tang Dao also has his own understanding.

“You must not underestimate the insidious guy Okamura Koji. The more silent he is, the more he is holding back his ultimate move. You must deal with it carefully.

 In addition, cooperation with friendly forces may not be as smooth as before, so you must be mentally prepared for this. "

In Tang Dao's memory, Okamura Koji, who took office, not only adopted the "iron wall encirclement" and the cruel Sanguang policy. In order to capture Shaanxi Province and encircle Sichuan Province, he seconded soldiers from Japan and the Kwantung Army. Many elite divisions went to North China. Before the launch of the Pacific War, Japan's North China Front did not count the hundreds of thousands of puppet troops it had cultivated. The number of master regiments, independent brigades, and garrison troops alone totaled more than 300,000.

Even after the outbreak of the Pacific War, Japan continued to deploy its elite troops to the Pacific islands in order to resist the American attack. Japan's North China Front Army also had nearly 220,000 troops and more than one million puppet troops.

  In May 1941, it was under the command of Okamura Koji that the Nakajo Mountain battle was humiliatingly defeated. Six generals were killed and more than 40,000 officers and soldiers died.

The main reason was, on the one hand, the insidiousness and cunning of Okamura Koji, and on the other hand, it was the inevitable outcome of the Yamashiro man who was so afraid of the Eightyth Army that he carried out a material blockade.

Fortresses are all breached from the inside. This sentence is most appropriate for the North China battlefield at that time. If the two armies still cooperated as seamlessly as they did in the early days of the war, even if Okamura Koji had great abilities, he would not be able to make a comeback.

 And this is what Tang Dao wants to remind him most.

"I know this. Since the Battle of Zishan, that person has become more and more wary of the development of our Eightyth Army and has stopped the funding of our Army for half a year." Brigadier Cheng nodded solemnly.

"But it doesn't matter. Even if Butcher Zhang dies, we won't eat pigs with hair on them. Our army now has a mass base in various base areas in North China. It's just that life is a little harder. No matter how hard it is, it can still be worse than when our army climbed the snow-capped mountains and crossed the grassland. ?

 No matter what those people think, our army will fight to the end and defend China to the end! " Brigadier Cheng's eyes were firm.

Looking at the angry Brigadier Cheng, Lei Xiong breathed a sigh of relief and expressed his attitude in one sentence: "At any time, the Jinan Garrison Brigade will advance and retreat with friendly forces!"

Then he turned his attention to Tang Dao and Ye Chenghuan: "I will wait in North China for the victorious return of the group leader, Director Ye, and my brothers from the Four Lines Group. I believe that you will be able to return to Taihang!"

"Haha, I love hearing what Brother Lei said!" Tang Dao laughed, stretched out his hand in the middle of the four people, and said loudly: "Defend our country, even if you die, you will have no regrets!"

"The war in the north is unknown, so this head must be hung at the gate of the country!" Brigadier Cheng smiled slightly and put his hand on Tang Dao's hand.

“Generals die in a hundred battles, and strong men return in ten years!” Ye Chenghuan also attached his hand to it.

"The country has been destroyed like this, why should I regret it." Lei Xiong thought for a while, choked out a poem, and put his hand on it.

 The four best soldiers in China currently hold hands together with determination in this dark night.

The real hero knows that the arrival of dawn will be long, but he still rushes into the night resolutely!

Just like they were in the past, in the long darkness with no chance of victory, they still moved forward impassionedly towards the hail of bullets from the Japanese invaders.

It is with such comrades in arms that Tang Dao, who looks into the dark night, knows that these people who are still moving forward in the dark night will eventually create their own dawn for future generations!

 And not just because he knows!

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