Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1421: Devour!

 Chapter 1421 Devour!

 The total length of the passage is more than 2,000 meters. Because they were afraid of being attacked by the Chinese, the Japanese army adopted a rapid passage strategy.

According to the march plan personally drawn up by the infantry battalion captain, the 1st Infantry Battalion was at the beginning, followed by auxiliary units such as baggage troops and engineers in the middle. At the rear was the 2nd Infantry Battalion protecting the wing headquarters, and the remnants of the 3rd Infantry Battalion. The defeated generals stayed outside the passage to prevent surprise attacks by the Chinese.

Strictly speaking, the Japanese major took all imaginable dangers into consideration. There were enough troops to defend above the passage, in front and behind. The distance of more than 2,000 meters was not enough for an elite infantryman trotting forward. , it only takes about 15 minutes.

 But the problem lies inside the passage, in the natural holes in the straight cliff walls.

In fact, the Japanese are not blind. Of course, they saw these caves on the cliff through visual inspection and telescopes, but many clearly visible coffins dispelled their doubts. Such hanging coffins are not uncommon in Changyang County. Said, and it is difficult for anyone to reach such a place with corpses by rappelling hundreds of meters.

This position particularly corresponds to the sentence "There is no way to heaven and no door to earth". Without external assistance, whoever goes to this kind of cave has only one result - death.

Therefore, the Japanese officer who led the reconnaissance team did not pay much attention to the hanging coffin cave, and even forgot about it when reporting to the superiors.

Therefore, when the leading troops of the Japanese army entering the passage arrived at the entrance less than 200 meters away from the entrance, the Japanese Army captain who personally led the team had already seen the little hand of his second lieutenant not far away waving, and he just relaxed One breath.

 An object fell from the sky and fell into the queue, hitting a Japanese infantryman who had no time to dodge and threw him to the ground without saying a word.

The Japanese army captain who suddenly turned around looked at this object, and instantly felt like he was dead!

It was a toy, and it was a smoking thing. It was quite big and weighed at least ten kilograms.

With this weight, not to mention that the Japanese infantry only wore steel helmets and a large iron pot on their heads. If they fell from a height of nearly 60 meters, the huge potential energy could break bones and muscles, and the Japanese soldiers who were hit might become vegetative. More than five percent is sex, and the other ninety-five percent is naturally immediate burping.

 But this result is actually good news for the seriously injured Japanese soldier. At least he does not have to experience huge fear.

But on the battlefield, it is definitely not a good thing if smoking objects are suddenly thrown at your feet.

 That’s right, that’s a four-row regiment standard line cyclone explosive pack, each weighing five kilograms.

There is one in every cave on the cliff. The cave where Longyan was thrown down first was not only an attack on the Japanese army, but also a signal, which meant that the attack had officially begun.

Because the fuse is long, the dropped explosive package has not exploded yet, and the fuse is still burning.

 But that was obviously not to leave any way for the Japanese infantry to survive, because the fuse would burn out in only two seconds at most.

Even the bravest soldiers can only remain stunned in the face of such deep despair.

The sound of burning fuses in the suddenly quiet passage rang loudly in the ears of dozens of Japanese soldiers, and their inner collapse was beyond words.

 “Baga!” The Japanese army captain only had time to roar with a distorted face.

 “Boom!” The explosive pack exploded.

The terrifying air wave blew up more than thirty Japanese soldiers like leaves, throwing them away at will. Some of them hit the ancient mountain wall hard, splashing blood and flesh, and some even looked like cannons shooting into the sky. , completely ignoring gravity, flying up to a height of 15 meters, and then fell hard and turned into a puddle of meat.

However, at least they will not feel pain. The moment the air wave hits their bodies, they are actually dead.

The terrifying air wave even attacked more than just the Japanese infantry within an area of ​​50 meters, and even caused the Japanese troops 100 meters away to wail.

The Japanese army second lieutenant who was standing 200 meters away at Taniguchi and was trying his best to welcome his immediate superior was knocked to the ground by the sudden huge explosion. Until a 90-type steel helmet fell from the sky and landed in front of him, spinning. , the second lieutenant of the Japanese Army, whose face was covered with dust, finally came to his senses, and ran towards the rear frantically. The warning of 'enemy attack' with all his strength would normally have echoed in the valley, but at this moment, But it was easily drowned out by the continuous explosions.

After receiving the attack signal from Longyan using explosive packets, the officers and soldiers in the cave on the mountain wall either lit the explosive packets and threw them down, or picked up the cluster grenades that had been prepared and pulled the fuse and threw them down.

The semi-enclosed space like the passage is simply a blessing for weapons inside explosives. The air waves caused by the explosion have few directions in which to release energy, and there are only three directions: front, back and top.

 In addition to the space above, there are Japanese troops in both directions.

 The energy stimulated by the explosion is still the same, but the destructive power is 1.5 times that on the plain!

"This means that I am very skilled, but if it were you, I would be dead or crippled!" Long Yan in the cave originally wanted to poke his head in to admire his achievements, but was knocked over by the air wave rising from the sky, and he followed the trend. Somersaulting, he could only say this to his two soldiers.

 The two soldiers looked at the shrunken platoon leader and could only hold back their laughter.

In the first wave of attacks, each fire team of the 3rd platoon dropped 52 explosive packets and 130 grenades. The nearly 2,500-meter passage was filled with smoke and dust, not to mention that the Chinese officers and soldiers above could not see clearly. , the visibility is less than 20 meters.

The so-called wailing wilderness is fully reflected here.

After the huge explosion that could be heard 10 miles away, the wailing sound that echoed through the mountains and fields came from the passage, making the Japanese soldiers outside the passage terrified.

“No action is allowed without my order!” Major Tominaga, who was in a temporary field trench less than 200 meters away from the passage, gave the order with a livid face.

 What he was most worried about finally happened.

The narrow passage with thick gunpowder smoke constantly rising up was like a giant beast that had opened its mouth and was devouring the lives of the more than 2,000 imperial officers and soldiers who had entered it.

Although he didn't know how the Chinese came out and launched such a terrible attack on the main force of the alliance, he knew very well that the 400 people under him were the last hope of the alliance. Without understanding the Chinese Before the attack method, he must not use his last strength to sink again.

Tominaga was very wise. His decision allowed the 232nd Infantry Regiment to exist in this world for one more day without canceling the formation of the regiment this early morning.

Because no one can leave this semi-sealed passage alive, which is blocked by fire points composed of semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns every twenty or thirty meters.

 There is no need for precise aiming. The officers and soldiers of Longyan's 3rd platoon are well versed in the method of "taking advantage of someone's illness to kill someone." The submachine gunners hold their submachine guns, lie down on the platform, and shoot at the base below.

 It’s almost the same as getting lucky!

The Japanese, who have already been **** to death by all kinds of explosions, are **** like this again, which is simply a sad thing to open the door to the sad guy - the sad thing is home.

No one can count how many Japanese soldiers were killed by the Chinese at any cost during the explosion or within five minutes after the explosion. The only thing that can be known is that the elite-educated Colonel Naokage of the 232nd Infantry Regiment The regimental commander was injured in the first round of explosions and died in the second wave of gunfire.

That was the news brought back to Major Tominaga by Saji Naoe's personal guard. Tominaga recorded it and sent it back to the 39th Division Headquarters.

That was also one of the 26 lucky ones out of the 2,100 Japanese soldiers who entered the passage and were able to escape that hell.

Colonel Naokage Saji's life was already very hard. After the first explosion came, the guards around him quickly pushed him behind a rock in the passage. Although an explosive package dropped from above was ten It exploded a few meters away, but due to the obstruction of the rocks, the air wave did not hurt him.

However, more than 20 meters behind, a cluster grenade consisting of six grenades bundled together exploded and sent shrapnel flying everywhere. Even the five loyal guards could not completely block it.

 A piece of fragment passed through the gap in the human body and hit Colonel Naokage's face without any bias, causing blood to flow profusely in an instant.

When the explosion was over, the few guards who were still alive carried the injured Japanese Army Colonel and ran back. Unfortunately, the Chinese on the mountain wall had no intention of leaving any chance to the Japanese soldiers who were still alive. They were like exploding beans. Gunfire rang out.

Before they ran twenty meters, all four guards were hit by bullets and incapacitated. The personal guard tried his best to drag Saji Naokage, who was hit by another bullet, to a blind corner, and then desperately called for medical help. The soldiers came to bandage the commander of the regiment.

The Japanese Army Colonel, whose face was completely stained with blood, managed to glance at the area where he was shot. He shook his head and refused the hemostatic pack torn open by the medical soldier crawling over. He weakly left the following words: "No need, this is The entire responsibility for the defeat of the second regiment lies with me. I hope that I, the 26th person who died in China, can use my life to apologize to His Majesty the Emperor!"

As he said this, the two Japanese soldiers who were still trying desperately to save their regiment leader had no choice but to stop the rescue operation and watched helplessly as the Japanese Army Colonel took his last breath amidst the gunshots of the Chinese that were still ringing through the passage.

No matter how many people in the 232nd Infantry Regiment can escape after this ambush, anyone who is not a fool knows that this battle is already lost. Because of the extremely special terrain of the passage, the Chinese were on the mountain wall. Even if there were brave men in the Japanese army below who raised their guns and fired, the vertical mountain wall had no shooting range at all, so this kind of counterattack was completely ineffective.

The Japanese infantry at the top of the mountain were even more anxious. They looked down and saw that they couldn't even see the caves, let alone the Chinese, and their rifles and grenades were completely ineffective.

The cost of being passively beaten was that the Chinese caused hundreds or even thousands of casualties to the regiment without spending a single soldier. Someone had to take the blame.

And this pot is so big that no one can carry it except Saji Naoe, the army commander. He is actually happier dead than alive.

As for the 26th member of the Saji family mentioned by Saji Naoe before his death, it was really not the old devil trying to put money on his face. Since the late Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates have been invading China's coastal defense. The George family was the most stubborn group among the Japanese pirates. They had long sent their elite children to participate in plunder. During the history of more than 300 years, a total of 26 members of the George family participated in the war of aggression against China, and their hands were stained with the honor of the Chinese nation. blood.

However, evil is rewarded, and the George family seems to be cursed. Anyone who sets foot on the land of China will eventually die.

Saji Naoe did not escape this fate. He originally served as the research director at the local army's mecha maintenance school. However, in order to be promoted to army major general, his family spent a lot of money to let him go to the Kwantung Army to serve as the captain of the colonel. He did not work for two years because of 39 The division was formed and transferred to the Central China battlefield.

 Then, we landed in the beautiful Wushan Mountains in China.

I have to say that his life was good, and the Chinese soldiers were quite good at finding a place to bury his body. For a person who wants to retire, he will not get tired of the scenery here for decades.

Maybe Saji Naokage wouldn't think so, but he could only die here, when hundreds of Japanese infantrymen were so suffocated that they were picked up by the blast waves and then thrown on the mountain wall like dolls. back.

The Japanese were actually not as strong as they thought. After a brief upward firing had no expected effect, the Japanese infantry who were still alive in the passage began to make final efforts to survive.

There is only one tactical action, run!

  Stepping up their short legs and running as fast as they can, as long as they run fast enough and are lucky enough, they may still survive.

 “Seiyu-kun, save me! I want to go home!”

 “Please, help me! I have 100 yen here, I’ll give it all to you!”

 The injured Japanese soldiers in the passage looked at their colleagues who could still walk, and they all made heart-rending cries for help.

 However, faced with the urgent plea of ​​their colleagues who could live and die together on the battlefield, most of the Japanese infantry chose to turn a blind eye with a stone heart and left without looking back.

Those who are soft-hearted and try to support their colleagues will end up being hivered by bullets fired from above.

It’s just that how could a guy with eight hundred savvy like Long Yan not guess the reaction of the Japanese infantry after being attacked!

After staying in the passage of the bidding slot for almost a week, he had already observed everything here. When the Japanese infantrymen began to run wildly under the hail of bullets, he saw that a few fish that had slipped through the net had crossed the last line. When the explosive pack exploded in the area and there were still 200 meters to escape, Long Yan sneered: "Detonate it for me!"

 A loud noise of "Boom!"

The sound was so loud that even the two soldiers in the cave who had already prepared to put on earplugs and cover their ears with their hands were shocked and dizzy.

That was the detonation of ten 5-kilogram explosive packets!

 Located more than 50 meters to the right side of the cave, there is a rock weighing dozens of tons on the mountain wall!

Long Yan has already calculated that if all the Japanese can be bombed or beaten to death, he can save 10 explosive packets and his position will not be at any risk.

But if the Japanese are so lucky and still want to escape desperately, then he can only use the last resort, use explosives to blow up the rock and smash it down, completely blocking the passage.

Not only did the terrible explosion blow up the entire rock, but the entire mountain seemed to be shaking. I am afraid that only Long Yan, the bold guy, remained calm.

But according to Long Yan, when he was drinking with his brother-in-law Shen Laoliu, Cao Yingchong and others after the war, he uttered the truth after drinking. He said that the moment he felt the cave shaking, he felt the urge to urinate urgently, for fear that he would get drunk. If you kill the Japanese, you will also have to kill yourself.

 His little nephew was already able to speak when he set out. He put his arms around his neck and begged him: "Uncle, don't leave, don't leave!" He couldn't let his nephew lose his uncle.

"Mom, that's my son. When Mao saw me putting on my military uniform and carrying my gun, he was so happy that he clapped his little hands. He was afraid that I wouldn't go to the war!" Shen Laoliu couldn't help feeling depressed when he heard what his brother-in-law said.

“Haha! Maybe our surname is Long and your surname is Shen!” Long Yan laughed loudly.

There is a rule in Yeyue Village that women cannot marry outsiders. Long Ying is the leader. Although he broke this rule, in order to silence the tribesmen, he still chose to name his first child Long. This was the surname of the two before they got married. It’s settled.

Long Yan was laughing happily at this moment, but he was still a little scared. The power of the cyclone explosives still exceeded his imagination. After the post-war survey, it was found that the mountain was cracked open by the thirty kilograms of high explosives buried in the rock formations.

Nearly a hundred tons of rocks smashed into the passage, not only smashing the human bodies, living and dead, in the passage more than 60 meters long into meat paste, but also forming a stone wall nearly seven or eight meters high.

I thought that based on the pretty good physique and technical and tactical abilities of the Japanese infantry, they could still get over it with a personal ladder or something.

 But that was during training, not war time!

 Because during the war, they had to face strings of bullets fired from dozens of meters above the ground. Whoever hit the human body in front of Long Yan, this "machine gun war god" carrying an MG42 machine gun would not be too happy.

 The battle in the entire passage actually lasted not long, only half an hour, but this half hour was like a year for the three groups of Japanese troops outside the passage.

While shivering, they hid in the simple trenches and guarded their positions, while looking eagerly at the passage, hoping to escape from where more imperial colleagues could return.

 But apparently, they were disappointed.

The number of Japanese infantrymen who were able to escape from the rear of the passage was almost single digits. The 232nd Infantry Regiment, from the captain of the colonel to the two major captains to the squadron commander and squadron leader, no one could be seen.

 They were all swallowed up by the terrifying passage that was only 2,500 meters long.

Major Tominaga's heart felt as if he had been soaked in coptis water for three years and was extremely bitter.

 Because he knew that with the main force of the regiment finished, it would be up to the lucky ones who were no longer an infantry group to make a living for themselves.

 Yes, it is not revenge or defeat, but fighting for the five or six hundred people in the regiment who are still alive.

Judging from the ruthlessness shown by the Chinese before, they will never allow their remnants of troops to be defeated and retreat easily.

As early as 15 minutes ago, he had ordered the infantry squadron on the mountain to immediately withdraw to his position to avoid being defeated one by one by the Chinese.

As for the three infantry teams 2.5 kilometers away, Major Tominaga rationally chose to give up.

As long as the Chinese are not stupid, they will eat them clean with their skin and bones. The simple 80 cm deep field trenches they dug in a short period of time can block the large-caliber mortars of the Chinese. It is called Amaterasu. Appeared.

 Judging from the current battle situation, Amaterasu is obviously not capable enough and cannot take care of him.

The Japanese Army Major’s guess was perfect again!

 Three infantry platoons of the mountain infantry company actually left their original positions and surrounded the 600 Japanese troops.

Using 230 troops to surround 600 people and attempt to annihilate them all, this is the first case in the Central China Theater that has been fiercely fought for more than two years!

 (End of this chapter)

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