Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 1422: On the importance of pattern!

Chapter 1422: On the importance of pattern!

Major Tominaga has worked extremely hard, not only accurately predicting that the Chinese will no longer be satisfied with a successful ambush in the passage, but will keep the entire 232nd Infantry Regiment in this mountain.

 Furthermore, during this half hour, Major Tominaga ordered his soldiers to dig fortifications frantically, striving to give the 600 infantrymen he could gather the greatest protection before the Chinese arrived.

This move was indeed beyond Gu Xishui's expectation. In fact, in his mind, the best option for the Japanese army was to withdraw immediately, so that he could maximize the advantages of the mountain infantry company.

First, the sniper team continuously attacked and dragged it into the mountains, and then assembled 60mm small artillery and 150mm heavy guns to cover the Japanese camp that was forced to spend the night in the mountains with artillery fire. With a walkie-talkie, he, as the commander, You can clearly know the weak points of its march, and constantly adjust its firepower and troops to make it continue to bleed on the retreating mountain road, and finally drag the Japanese army, which still has more than half of the infantry brigade, to death.

On the contrary, people like Tominaga who did not leave but dug fortifications on the spot and used the few hilltops they occupied to defend themselves were the last thing Gu Xishui wanted to see.

It would be fine if there were only this Japanese army in this direction, but obviously not. There is also an infantry regiment in Changyang, and it only takes 24 hours for the Japanese army to arrive.

 In other words, the time left for Gu Xishui was only 20 hours at most.

And if he wanted to kill the 600 Japanese troops who were defending the mountains in 20 hours just by relying on his 230 people, it would be extremely difficult not to mention daydreaming.

 After all, the only thing he has on hand now that can scare the Japanese army into nightmares is four 150-meter mortars.

But just relying on 4 artillery pieces is enough to flatten a mountain position with 600 troops in less than a day and night. The future battle of the ice field is a living example.

The two opponents at that time had completely asymmetrical firepower. The American cowboys often used more than a dozen cannons and dozens of bombers to drop bombs. They used entire battalions and entire companies to charge on the ground. There was no example of killing an entire battalion of Chinese soldiers in one day and night. .

In addition to the Japanese ground reinforcements, what troubled Gu Xishui the most was the Japanese air threat. Without sufficient air defense weapons, the Japanese army could easily turn the mountainous areas outside the Japanese positions into a sea of ​​fire.

His mountain infantry company may pay a heavy price for this, and become unable to defeat the tiger, but instead be eaten by the tiger.

From this perspective, Gu Xishui's choice to use 230 troops to encircle Fu Yongyi's 600 remaining soldiers was a failure.

 Looks brilliant, but actually very stupid!

 Having taken advantage of enough, but also want to take advantage of them all, there is no such thing as a good thing in this world.

 Obviously, Tominaga thought so too.

"The Chinese will pay the price for their arrogance, and your Excellency the captain and the imperial officers and soldiers will not die in vain!" Tominaga, who received the message from the peripheral scouts and spotted the Chinese marching movement 500 meters away, flashed in his eyes. Brutal luster.

Tominaga and his 3rd Infantry Battalion were harassed enough by the Chinese fire team yesterday. He knew very well that once he escaped into the mountains and forests, he was likely to encounter the scene yesterday again. Under such circumstances as artillery fire, the Chinese can give him a headache, not to mention that now he only has 2 infantry cannons, only 10 grenade launchers, and 4 heavy machine guns. These firepower are simply not enough to defeat him. 600 imperial officers and soldiers successfully escaped from the mountain.

 If you can't escape, you can only defend and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Even, he can take advantage of the Chinese ambition to wipe out the entire regiment and win back a victory for the entire regiment!

 The empire has enough fighter planes, but the Chinese do not. This is Major Tominaga's biggest reliance.

It can only be said that Tominaga is an extremely difficult player to deal with. His thoughts are even more meticulous than that of the Japanese Army Colonel who died in the passage. At such a difficult moment, he is still thinking about how to counterattack the player who has already gained the upper hand. opponent.

In order to realize his tactical plan, Major Tominaga did not even plan to rescue any wounded in the passage. He allowed the faint screams in the passage to gradually become silent. He desperately urged more than 600 infantrymen to build positions desperately, but failed to wait. The Chinese infantry's attack was met with the roar of aircraft engines in the air.

The Japanese infantrymen on the position burst into cheers. This was not only the most powerful support for them, but also represented a signal that the division had not abandoned them.

Only Major Tominaga, the current top commander of the 232nd Infantry Regiment, looked in disbelief. If his memory is correct, the telegram he reported to the division was only one hour and twenty minutes later. When did the empire become so efficient? ?

 In other words, when did the navy and the mainland love the army so much, as if they were waiting for the army's request for help and took off as soon as they received it.

 Otherwise, it is completely unexplainable that the fleet could reach this area across nearly 600 kilometers in less than an hour and a half.

The dozen or so small black dots appearing on the horizon have proved that this fleet is definitely not small.

While Major Tominaga was still thinking about it, a sharp roar came from the air. It was a Chinese large-caliber mortar.

The Japanese Army Major's face suddenly turned pale!

 He understands! He's enlightened!

 That's not the empire's fleet, it's the Chinese's.

Because the Japanese Army Major, who had been thinking about how to deliver a blast to the fierce and arrogant opponent, did not know that it was not Gu Xishui, the commander of the Mountain Infantry Company of the Fourth Line Regiment, who made this decision.

 But Tang Dao, who is 15 kilometers away!

Others may not know the name of the 232nd Infantry Regiment, but Tang Dao has always remembered it.

That was one of the culprits that caused the martyrdom of General Zhang in the Battle of Zaoyi. Publicly or privately, Tang Dao would not let go of anyone in this infantry regiment.

Of course, Tang Dao would not be blinded by hatred. Even after receiving the news that Gu Xishui had wiped out all the enemies who entered the channel, and analyzing that there were less than a thousand remaining enemies outside the channel, Tang Dao did not think about it. This means that the two main infantry companies of the 4th Infantry Battalion will be sent out to join forces with the mountain infantry to kill this remnant enemy.

 Because, he also has a more concise and almost brutal way.

After receiving Gu Xishui's report that the remaining enemies outside the passage did not retreat in a hurry and built fortifications on the spot, Tang Dao was overjoyed.

If it is on a local battlefield, this move of Major Tominaga is a brilliant one. The opposite tactic is like a flat-headed brother, eat him! There isn’t much meat and it’s still tough, so don’t eat it! He also bared his teeth at you menacingly.

 A very typical tactic that makes you feel sick even if you eat it or not!

 It’s a pity that Major Tominaga’s situation is still a bit small after all.

This battlefield, which will be named the "Shipai Blockade Battle" in the future, is only a small part of the Shipai Defense War. Even if nearly an infantry regiment of Japanese troops were wiped out here, it will only be mentioned in the textbooks of future military academies. Mentioned in less than a hundred words.

“The Fourth Army Regiment took advantage of the favorable terrain to successfully ambush the Japanese 232nd Infantry Regiment in the card slot, annihilating more than 2,100 Japanese invaders!” The introduction to the stunning canyon passage ambush was completed in just one sentence.

Even though the core battlefield of the Shipai defense battle was only 30 kilometers in radius, it attracted the attention of many big figures including the Yamashiro Military and Administrative Department, the Japanese China Expeditionary Forces Headquarters, and the Japanese base camp.

Once the stone tablet is lost, the east gate of the mountain city will be gone. China's current economic, political, and cultural center is in danger, and it is very likely to change the course of the entire Chinese battlefield.

Both China and Japan are determined to win this mountainous area where the Yangtze River makes a 180-degree bend!

 China even wants to bet everything!

Hence, Major Tominaga confidently believed that only Japan had air support, which was a big mistake.

Shancheng Military and Administrative Department and Air Force Command have committed to the 18th Army from the beginning, but if necessary, the Chinese Air Force will provide full support.

 To this end, the Chinese Air Force has prepared 6 squadrons of Wildcat fighters and 3 squadrons of bombers, and is almost trying its best to defend the stone.

"The main force of the 232nd Infantry Regiment has been annihilated. Our department has applied for aerial bombardment to completely wipe the remnants of the 232nd Infantry Regiment from the face of the earth! For confidentiality reasons, our department's number should not appear. This achievement should be temporarily recorded under the 18th Army. "Tang Dao sent the following message to Mr. Hu.

  In exchange for the annihilation of the 232nd Infantry Regiment in exchange for military exploits, in Tang Tuanzuo's view, this deal was not a loss at all.

For the officers and soldiers of the Fourth Line Regiment, the Baoding Medal and the Loyal Bravery Medal were obtained softly on the battlefield in North China, but in the end it was just a face-saving project. It was like the first, second and third class military merit awarded by the Four Lines Regiment, except that the medals were gold and silver. system, additional bonuses and military rank promotions will be provided.

 The officers and soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment valued the military merits of the team and did not pay attention to those of the Military and Political Department at all.

The teacher surnamed Hu was overjoyed. The Four Elements Group was just as he thought. It gave him a big surprise as soon as it arrived. Moreover, Tang Dao was right. It is still a military secret until the Four Elements Group arrived in Shipai. It was a big surprise to the Japanese during the decisive battle, and it would be okay to leave this meritorious service to the 18th Army for the time being.

Tang Dao returned to the mountain city in the middle of the year. It was no secret that he was furious because of General Zhang's martyrdom. Of course, he also knew about Tang Dao's personal grudges with the 39th Division. The annihilation of the 232nd Infantry Regiment would make the military achievements more perfect, and it would also give Tang Dao A favour, the best of both worlds, why wouldn't he?

Don't worry, Xishui reported the information at all levels, but because of the magic weapon of walkie-talkies, the coordinates of the remaining units of the 232nd Infantry Regiment in the mountains were sent to the Chinese Air Force Headquarters in less than an hour, and both parties also agreed , before the aircraft fleet arrives, the Chinese soldiers on the front line must use artillery fire to mark the aircraft fleet as bombing.

Major Tominaga has to pay an extremely heavy price for his own situation!

 One hour after Major Tominaga made his decision, a bomber formation escorted by 6 bombers and 12 Wildcat fighters set off from Jiulongpo Airport. The 12 Zero fighter jets and 8 bombers that the Japanese Navy also assembled with anger set off nearly 30 minutes later than the Chinese.

Furthermore, the Japanese military aircraft fleet is located at Jiangxia Airport, which is 560 kilometers away, while the Chinese Jiulongpo Airport is only 380 kilometers away, which is a full 180 kilometers shorter!

That almost means one sentence: Japanese naval aviation will inevitably be late!

 Using a Chinese proverb: Even eating **** can’t keep up with the heat!

Just before his own fleet was about to arrive, standing on the top of a peak almost a thousand meters away from the remaining Japanese positions, Gu Xishui coldly ordered: "Heavy force platoon, change to incendiary bombs, mark the Japanese positions for the air force!"

Incendiary bombs are a special type of ammunition that due to extremely high transportation requirements, each heavy force platoon does not carry much, and will basically only be used at the most critical moments.

At this time, it is most appropriate to use red flames to mark high-altitude bombers.

 Gu Xishui was ruthless enough. Three minutes before the aircraft fleet was about to arrive, he ordered the four 150-meter heavy assault rifles of the heavy assault platoon to empty out the 40 rounds of artillery shells they carried.

 The Japanese army's position area is basically exposed to rain and dew!

On the Japanese army's position of more than 20,000 square meters, more than 20 bushes were ignited by incendiary bombs. Not only the flames shot into the sky, but also thick black smoke rose.

Looking at the approaching and descending aircraft fleet, Major Tominaga closed his eyes in pain and wailed: "Baga!"

  Chinese, there is no way for them to survive at all 232 Infantry Regiment!

The field positions that the Japanese infantrymen spent more than an hour constructing after being exhausted to death might be able to block the bombardment of Chinese small-caliber artillery. They can even guarantee that as long as the number of large-caliber mortars does not exceed 20, they will not be able to use all of them. Was killed.

 However, the heavy bombs dropped by planes are really unstoppable!

 That’s right, in order to satisfy the appetite of the division commander named Hu and encourage the 18th Army to stick to Shipai, the Chinese Air Force also spent its wealth this time.

Each of the eight bombers carried two 500-pound aerial bombs, which was only nearly one-tenth of the 200 heavy-weight aerial bombs currently stored by the Chinese Air Force.

 12 Wildcat fighter jets used for escort, each carrying more than 500 pounds of various bombs!

In other words, this wave of bombs dropped on the heads of the remaining 232 Infantry Regiment was close to 13 tons!

Let me ask, the Japanese can only dig 1.3-meter-deep field trenches now, can they withstand such a violent bombardment?

"The army brothers have given us the bombing area identification number. Each group will start dropping bombs according to the previous attack plan!" Lin Heng, who was sitting in one of the Wildcat fighters and had already hung the rank of Air Force lieutenant, ordered calmly.

The first wave of attacks was by six Wildcat fighter jets. They dived to an altitude of 700 meters and started dropping bombs. After dropping the bombs, they quickly pulled up, turned around 3,000 meters ahead, and stayed in the airspace of 2,000 meters to hover in the airspace for the entire formation.

 Then 6 Wildcat fighter jets dive-bombed, and finally a group of bombers entered the battlefield in waves of 4 to drop bombs!

Since there was no firepower from the air or the ground, the Chinese Air Force fleet almost always dropped more than 80 aerial bombs of various types into the Japanese positions marked by incendiary bombs at an altitude of 700 to 800 meters.

  It can be called unscrupulous!

The loud "boom" sound echoed continuously in the mountains. The huge explosion energy made the entire earth tremble, and the Japanese army's positions were all shrouded in black smoke.

However, no one among the officers and soldiers of the mountain infantry company could appreciate this rare and spectacular sight.

Because the officers and soldiers of the mountain infantry company staying more than 1,000 meters away were covering their ears and huddled up in the temporary bunker.

Not only do you have to avoid falling gravel from the mountain, but you also have to prevent the Chinese Air Force from slipping. As long as one bomb deviates, it may cause the group to be wiped out!

Looking at a complete victory, if unnecessary attrition was caused by such a mistake, the company commander Gu Xishui would be kicked to death by Tang Tuanzuo.

Platoon Leader Long, who is still in the cave on the cliff of the card slot, is the most anxious. The battle belonging to his third platoon has ended, but he is now in a state of being unable to move up and down. Without external assistance, even if he has great abilities, he can only Able to do things in caves.

“Platoon commander, company commander, didn’t you say that before? After we deal with this wave of Japs, someone will come to get us up.” The soldier comforted Long Yan, who was in a hurry.

“You know a hammer, are you worried that we won’t be able to get up there?” Long Yan glared. "I ask you, if I ask you to dig for supplies among the dead people below, will your son go?"

"This" the Army Corporal glanced at the passage and couldn't help but retched.

Although many Japanese soldiers below were killed by bullets and their bodies were still relatively intact, nearly half of them were killed by the explosion of explosive packs and grenades, which was a **** mess.

When the smoke cleared, a long green-yellow object several meters long was hanging on the cliff less than 20 meters away from the three of them. The Army Corporal took a closer look and saw that it turned out to be a large intestine.

As for who the large intestine belongs to, there is no need to say!

The large intestine in the abdominal cavity can fly upward for thirty meters, and the arms, legs and all kinds of weird severed bodies must not be scattered everywhere.

 Just tell me, what does it feel like to go to a place like this that is mixed with all kinds of weird smells and lumps of meat? Moreover, the word "planing" spoken by the platoon leader Long Da is really very picturesque.

You can't dig through the pile of flesh and blood bit by bit!

Even after two or three years of blood and fire battlefield tests, if you can avoid going to such a nightmare place, it’s better not to go.

"Isn't this it? After the company commander and the other three platoons have dealt with the remaining Japanese soldiers outside the passage, we are the type to recharge our batteries. Who else will we be given if we don't go into the passage to clean the battlefield and do statistics?" Long Yan He glanced resentfully at the smelly passage below and said helplessly.

 Platoon Leader Long always looks at things from a weird angle, but I have to say that it still makes some sense.

But what's helpless is that Long Yan has foreseen the outcome but can't change it. Gu Xishui really can't care about them now and just waits for the remnants of the Japanese army to be blown to pieces.

After the bombing, 12 Wildcat fighter jets descended to an altitude of 500 meters and plowed back and forth three times with their airborne machine guns on the Japanese positions that were still filled with gunpowder smoke. Just like the Japanese planes did to the Chinese army, they killed at least dozens of remaining Japanese troops. After killing him in the trench, he jumped into the sky and left with satisfaction.

However, Gu Xishui, who had been observing the Japanese position with a telescope, had no intention of surrounding the entire army immediately. He only sent three combat teams to observe the battlefield.

 Because, he is also guarding against the Japanese aircraft fleet!

His caution prevented the mountain infantry company from suffering losses. About 50 minutes later, the roar of aircraft engines sounded in the sky again.

The entire mountain infantry company went into hiding in the dense forests of the mountains!

The Japanese reconnaissance plane descended to 1,000 meters. From the port window, it saw that the position was in a mess with "shit yellow" lying everywhere.

The unbelievable Japanese reconnaissance plane even lowered its altitude to 800 meters and circled the position three times before finally confirming that the army idiots it wanted to support were finished.

How can this be fixed?

The Japanese pilots in the air were confused!

What does it mean to come in with excitement but leave in frustration? At this time, I am afraid that this is the most true inner portrayal of the Japanese naval aviation personnel!

Even though the wings of the plane are full of bombs, the Chinese are nowhere to be found. How about blowing them up to vent their anger? This is impossible.

 But leaving in such a state of anger is obviously not the temperament of the Japanese naval aviation!


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