Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 677 Potential Stimulation

Pang Dahai and the artillery company are definitely the only ones in the independent battalion!

Not to mention that half of the packhorses in the baggage company are used to transport artillery shells for the artillery company, the food for the officers and soldiers of the artillery company is better than that of the infantry. Even when distributing potatoes, each artilleryman has one more potato than the infantryman.

This kind of "unfair" treatment has not been complained by anyone, for example, a two-faced person like Li Jiujin likes to complain in front of Tang Dao.

Tang Dao just said: "Then, let your second company move the artillery guns and artillery shells, and I will give you two more potatoes for each person in the second company!"

Li Jiujin shut up quickly.

Artillery is not only a technical branch of the army, but also a physical job. If there is not enough strength to carry the artillery shells, who will guarantee the artillery support of the infantry? This truth is actually understood by everyone in the independent battalion. It is normal to have better food treatment.

Moreover, the infantrymen knew the importance of the artillery company's artillery to them. If they encountered a difficult road during the march, they would not hesitate to help the artillerymen carry the heavy guns and shells.

But such a company that was treated well by the whole battalion was scolded by the battalion commander Tang one day, and it was the kind of ruthless scolding.

Even Pang Dahai felt wronged. The whole company had just returned to the mortar position from the position of the "unscrupulous artillery", and the observers of each artillery squad were still desperately calculating the coordinates of the positions hastily set up by the Japanese army, so that there was a gap in the artillery fire, allowing the Japanese grenade throwers scattered in the valley to frequently launch counterattacks...

"Listen to me, platoon leaders and squad leaders of each artillery platoon and artillery squad. The commander said that if my artillery company doesn't show the devil's grenade throwers some color, I, Pang Dahai, will go to the kitchen squad. There is only one squad leader in the kitchen squad, so you guys will go to the kitchen squad to help me. Those who should steam buns should steam buns, and those who should take the blame should take the blame! Damn it, don't even think about giving me a good life." The fat on Pang Dahai's face trembled, and he stared with big eyes and gave orders to his platoon leaders.

A group of second lieutenants and sergeants scattered, shouting at their soldiers to speed up the artillery preparation.

"Damn it, hurry up, if I'm punished to be a cook, you bastards will definitely eat vegetables without salt and eat with your teeth!"

"Damn, shame on us, the people of our artillery company, you have lost all my face."

"Do you see my face? This is not red from the company commander, but red from the arse. No matter how good you are, if you don't take down the Japanese grenade launcher, I will take you with rifles to beat them up."

The roars of officers and sergeants rose and fell on the battlefield!

It's a small matter not to be an official, but this face cannot be lost. If they carry the big iron pot on their backs, they may never get rid of the name of "pot-carrying soldiers" in their lives.

Of course, this does not mean to laugh at the cooks. After all, if they want to have a hot meal on the battlefield, they have to rely on the efforts of the cooks. But as a combat branch, they can't get over the hurdle of being a cook, which is mainly composed of young and strong men from Songjiang who joined the army temporarily, right?

This is the legendary sense of honor of soldiers.

Although the independent battalion was established not long ago, its grassroots officers and backbones are all elites from the 88th Division, 67th Army, and 43rd Army. After nearly half a month of integration between the old and the new, the soldiers have gradually forgotten their original identities and regard their respective companies as their homes.

Being scolded by their platoon leaders and squad leaders, and even being told that eating vegetables without salt would make your teeth ache, who among the artillerymen is not holding back a lot of energy?

The artillery preparation that originally required ten minutes was shortened by two minutes.

As the small red flag waved, ten mortars lined up in a row on the open space behind the ridge opened fire one after another.

Yes, the current independent battalion artillery company is not only equipped with the previous standard 6 mortars, but as many as 14. Those are all the mortars of the 145th Division of the Sichuan Army, which were borrowed by Tang Dao from Division Commander Rao in person.

Four mortars were ordered to be transferred to Leng Feng's company to strengthen their defense, and the remaining 10 were controlled by Pang Dahai's artillery company.

If the most frightening weapon at the Japanese infantry squadron level is the grenade launcher with a range of up to 500 meters, then the weapon that makes the Japanese cry the most at the Chinese infantry regiment level is the mortar.

The 81mm caliber is much larger than the 50mm caliber of the Japanese grenade launcher, and the power of the 4-kilogram shell is naturally far greater. What's more terrifying is that its range is up to 2,500 meters. On a battlefield with a radius of 2.5 kilometers, it can almost hit without dead ends.

In addition to being useless against armor and permanent targets, this thing is a nightmare for pure infantry.

However, Pang Dahai did not completely suppress the Japanese grenade launcher soldiers according to Tang Dao's orders. Those guys are all veterans. The positions they chose are hidden and scattered, and they are very slippery. Once they find that a shell has fallen around them, they will move immediately.

There is no telephone or radio communication between the artillery observers and the artillery, so there must be a time delay. It is absolutely not worth the loss to fight like this.

Therefore, Pang Dahai ordered all mortars to be fired at the Japanese infantry.

Because the Japanese began to build fortifications to resist, the target was clear to the artillery observers.

What was even more terrible for the Japanese infantry in the valley was that the temporary field positions they had built with great effort could only defend against bullets, and had no resistance to the mortars that fell from the sky.

So, in the next ten minutes, an extremely strange situation appeared on the battlefield.

The Japanese grenade launchers kept blowing up clouds of gunpowder in the mountains and forests, and loud noises kept ringing in the valley.

The grenade launcher could not hit the mortars behind the ridge, and the mortars ignored them and just caught the Japanese infantry who were still trying to establish positions.

This time, it was not like the "heartless cannon" that just fired randomly, throwing wherever it hit. The mortar was a precise artillery fire. If one shot missed, the second, third, and fourth shots would follow.

The shallow trenches and stones could stop the bullets, but they could not stop the shells that fell from the sky.

The stones on the river beach once again became accomplices of the mortars. Countless pieces of rubble were scattered everywhere, blowing the Japanese infantry into a bloody face.

For a while, the screams on the river beach even exceeded the rumbling of the artillery.

In fact, there were more wounded than dead.

Some were hit by the flying shrapnel, and some were injured by the rubble like the Pegasus Meteor Fist. In comparison, the Japanese infantry who were directly thrown away by the air wave and basically dead when they fell were more comfortable.

At least, they don't have to suffer the pain that hurts to the bone marrow.

Just imagine, what does it feel like to have a stone as big as an egg embedded in your flesh? The intense pain that makes people twitch is secondary. The large amount of bacteria carried on the stone is far more terrible than the copper bullet. If the wounded soldiers with such injuries do not have antibiotics such as penicillin, 90% of them will die from bacterial infection.

Of course, the Japanese army can't think so much at this moment. If they don't work harder, let alone survive tomorrow, it will be difficult to survive this afternoon.

The Japanese army, who were beaten and screaming by the mortars, finally made a desperate move. The heavy machine guns and infantry guns finally risked their guns and guns to try to cover the infantry's attack on the mountain again.

"Okay, Pang Dahai did a good job. Tell Pang Dahai to kill all the Japanese heavy machine guns for me. I will give him a first-class merit for his artillery company!" Tang Dao's eyes lit up.

Compared with those infantry guns that could only fire blindly at the mountains, the 20 or so heavy machine guns equipped by the Japanese army were the biggest concern for him to quickly resolve the battle. As long as they were killed, the Japanese army could not stop the charge of the independent battalion officers and soldiers equipped with dozens of submachine guns and nearly a hundred Mauser pistols with rifles alone.

Yes, once the scouts on the other side of Qinglongling Village found that the main force of the Japanese army was moving towards this side, Tang Dao could only use the last trick to resolve the enemy in the valley no matter how much he didn't want to.

Otherwise, when the remnants here joined forces with the main force of the Japanese army, the hundreds of officers and soldiers in Qinglongling Village would be completely abandoned, and no one would survive.

But the Japanese army was also very smart. Before the heavy machine gun position was completed, they did not dare to take it out at all. They mainly used light machine guns and more flexible grenade launchers to cover the infantry attack.

But now, seeing that the infantry was constantly being ravaged by the opponent's artillery, if they continued to play like this, they would sooner or later be dead, so they had to take the risk of using their most valuable weapons.

All of this was the work of the artillery company. The precise bombardment of more than ten minutes had done enough damage to the Japanese infantry, although the Chinese infantry on both sides also suffered dozens of casualties due to the crazy counterattack of the Japanese grenade launchers.

Tang Dao was almost scolded like a dog, how could the artillery company not burst out all its potential?

Even the artillery company commander Pang Dahai was now personally acting as a gunner of a mortar, using his two fat palms to quickly adjust the parameters of the artillery according to the coordinates sent by the artillery observer.

In the middle of winter, with bare chests, he was still sweating like rain!

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