Rise From Eight Hundred

Chapter 678 Last Hope (asking for monthly votes at the beginning of the month!)

Rise from Eight Hundred, Chapter 678, The Last Hope. Takeuchi Yunshan's little face was actually pale when the mortars began to hit his own infantry in the valley.

The pale face, coupled with the black left by the smoke on his face, was like a clown on the stage, a little funny, but not funny.

Because the Japanese officers who were trying to occupy the back of the valley understood that without external aid, they would never be able to break out of this death valley by relying on their colleagues in the valley.

But the field radio station of the regiment headquarters had been declared dead, and it was unknown when the external aid would arrive. Compared with this, it would be better to pray that the Chinese did not have so many shells.

Unfortunately, as the Japanese heavy machine guns began to fire one after another, the whistling of shells that cut through the sky buried the last hope of the Japanese officers.

That was the unique sound of the Type 41 mountain artillery shells running in the air.

Two 75-caliber mountain artillery, the last trump card of the independent battalion finally appeared on the stage.

Even though Pang Dahai was scolded by Tang Dao, he was reluctant to use these two powerful weapons. The shells of the two mountain cannons were too few compared to the mortar shells...

There were only 60 shells in total, and one less shell was fired.

Good steel should be used on the blade. Finally, when the Japanese heavy machine guns showed up, the two mountain cannons placed on the ridge 800 meters away from the river valley could speak.

In order to report the mountain artillery shelling area as quickly as possible, several artillery observers even took risks and stood on the unobstructed mountain ridge to report to the distance with flags.

As a result, three artillery observers were injured by grenade fragments from the grenade launcher, but fortunately none of them were fatal.

However, their bravery allowed the mountain artillery squad in the distance to obtain the shelling coordinates in the shortest time and launched an attack.

The 75mm caliber small howitzer can only be a small cannon on a large battlefield, but here, it is definitely the largest caliber artillery, and because of the geographical location, they don’t have to worry about the Japanese army in the river valley using artillery to suppress it.

First, the Japanese army must have artillery observers who can see their artillery positions; second, the Japanese artillery must dare to fire on this battlefield that is completely within the range of Chinese soldiers.

Not to mention the noise of a mountain artillery weighing 700 to 800 kilograms, even if there are more than a dozen people gathered around a mountain artillery, it is clearly pointing out the target to the Chinese.

Except for the more flexible and convenient infantry artillery, the Japanese mountain artillery basically did not show its head.

Groups of artillery fire exploded in the river valley, and the simple temporary fortifications could not provide any protection at all. Whether it was a heavy machine gun or a human body, as long as it was hit by a round of artillery fire, it would basically become a pile of parts.

The battle situation in the river valley, with the independent battalion artillery company firing at full power, the balance of victory has gradually tilted towards China.

The consumption is very large, almost bankrupt, but in Tang Dao's view, as long as enough Japanese infantry can be killed, everything is worth it.

Because Tang Dao knew best that after this battle, the independent battalion might not have the opportunity to fight a battle of this scale with the Japanese army for a long time in the future.

With the fall of Jinling, he will lead his troops to the big mountain in the north, where the independent battalion will completely become a mountain field force.

Takeuchi Yunshan, with a pale face, was in pain, but still not desperate, because he made a wise choice to divide his two infantry battalions into three parts, one vanguard infantry squadron leading the main force by one kilometer, one part for the main force of the whole army in the middle, and one infantry squadron carrying more than a dozen carriages of baggage as one part, which can not only protect the supplies, but also cover the rear of the whole army.

In other words, although the main force of nearly 2,000 infantrymen was besieged in the valley, the Japanese army still had two infantry squadrons at the beginning and end and a baggage team left outside the valley.

Takeuchi Yunshan's last hope lies in these two infantry squadrons, but he did not even pin his hopes on the vanguard infantry squadron in front of the whole army.

Although the Sharp Infantry Squadron was the elite of his elite, they were facing a Chinese infantry battalion with hundreds of soldiers. Takeuchi Yunshan knew that they were in a difficult situation. Returning to attack the ridges on both sides of the river valley was what they should do most.

The Japanese Army Colonel hoped that the infantry squadron and baggage train, which were at the end of the army and not trapped in the siege, would not need them to attack the Chinese. As long as they ran away and ran out of this mountainous area to send an alarm to the main force of the detachment, they would have a chance to break through the siege.

However, Gu Xishui's special operations team followed the Japanese army in the mountains and forests for more than two hours, and naturally they had already informed Tang Dao of the Japanese army's deployment.

Tang Dao had also made corresponding tactical adjustments based on the Japanese army's formation. The fourth company of Zhao Daqiang was responsible for blocking the Japanese army's rear team. Gu Xi

Their combat mission was to annihilate this enemy in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. If possible, it would be best to seize some supplies.

There may not be much equipment, but there is a lot of food, which is what the independent battalion needs most now.

So, as soon as the battle in the river valley ahead started, Zhao Daqiang issued an attack order with red eyes.

Zhao Daqiang's anger did not come from the Japanese army that reacted quickly in front of him, but his fourth company was originally scheduled to take on the task of luring the enemy, but before dawn, it became Leng Feng's first company.

Yes, he admitted that compared with combat effectiveness, Leng Feng's first company was the best in the battalion, but the first company just snatched the combat mission that originally belonged to him and the fourth company, and after all, he still had a kind of evil fire that was inferior to others.

This can't be blamed on Tang Dao, who was in charge of the overall situation, nor on Leng Feng. Naturally, this anger can only be vented on the Japanese army in front of them.

The battlefield faced by the Fourth Company was still 700 to 800 meters away from the river valley, and it was a mountain road.

On one side was a deep ditch, on the other side was a high mountain, and the mountain road was narrow. It was a good place to hit a club, but for an infantry company's ambush position, it was a bit difficult.

Because the Japanese army's formation was too long, if the Japanese army took a chance to counterattack up the mountain, the casualties would increase greatly. Or escape into the mountains to sound the alarm for the main force of the Japanese army several kilometers away, which would be extremely dangerous for the entire army.

More than 200 Japanese infantrymen escorted nearly 100 Japanese baggage soldiers and more than a dozen fully loaded carriages. The entire queue was nearly 800 meters long.

So Zhao Daqiang spread his three infantry platoons and a fire support platoon at various attack points up to 1,000 meters long.

There were 10 infantry squads, each of which was responsible for a battle line of nearly 100 meters. The two heavy machine guns of the fire support platoon of the 4th Company were specially strengthened to guard the front and rear ends of the battle line, and the two mortars were located behind the ridge. Zhao Daqiang personally commanded the attack on the stubborn Japanese firepower points.

After the attack order was issued, bullets rained down on the Japanese army column 30 to 40 meters away, and there were also grenades.

However, in order to prevent the carriage from being blown up, the grenades were generally not aimed at the Japanese baggage train.

But the other Japanese troops were unlucky.

Especially the two leading infantry squads, 60% of the attacks of the 4th Company were aimed at them.

Submachine guns, Mauser pistols, light machine guns, rifles, all firearms that could shoot, plus dozens of grenades, were fired at the Japanese infantry who quickly responded tactically.

To use a modern phrase, the 4th Company of the Independent Battalion, which was feeling frustrated, used the "turtle punch" at this moment, aiming at the opponent, and smashing it with all their strength.

Sudden encounter with such a blow, no matter how sensitive the Japanese army's reaction was, it would not work.

To avoid these, in addition to climbing up the mountain, another option is to jump into a deep ditch. Jumping down a ditch of more than ten or twenty meters, it is estimated that nothing good will come out of it.

However, there are quite a few Japanese soldiers who choose to jump into the deep ditch, although many Japanese soldiers do not want to jump down by themselves, they are squeezed down by their panicked companions.

Those who do not have the courage to jump down can only climb up the mountain frantically, even if the bullets shot down from the mountain are so dense that it makes people's scalps numb.

The Japanese soldiers who were climbing up the mountain with their bodies bent and guns in hand were mowed down by the submachine guns and Mauser pistols equipped to each class like cutting rice, but the Japanese soldiers continued to charge forward, howling and humping, crouching and holding guns to charge up the mountain without stopping, as if they did not know what the fear of death was.

It was not that the Japanese soldiers were so brave that they did not even know what death was, but the reality in front of them told them that if they stayed on the narrow mountain road, no matter if they hid under the rocks or could avoid the Chinese grenades and bullets, the final outcome would definitely be to be killed on the mountain road.

Rushing up the mountain, forcing the Chinese to leave the ridge or shooting at each other to share the pressure on the mountain road was their only way to survive.

Because, in addition to conventional bullets and grenades, the Chinese actually used horrifying incendiary bombs, although they were thrown manually...

PS: I had six classes today and was exhausted. I can only write one chapter today. Sorry! Also, I recommend the new book "Gu Jue is not the last human king" by the author of the same group. I heard that he drove very well and wrote well.

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